Blood Red Rose
She watched him intensely, only seeing him in the room of crowded people. Only having eyes for him. Watching his every move, memorizing his every feature, knowing she may very well never have him. But as the saying goes, 'If I can't have him, no one can...' and this was no exception. She intended to keep him all to herself.... She didn't like others touching her things. She often wished she was of the human kind, but lately even more so. She had fallen in love with a human; she was seemingly obsessed with watching him through her swirling vertex of magic, forever yearning to be near him.
She was a fairy, a beautiful fairy nonetheless, loved by many yet hated by so many more. She had long, dark brown hair with light brown highlights and bright green, catlike eyes. She was very fond of roses as well, always wearing a gorgeous rose medallion of a lovely fairy sitting atop a rose in full bloom. Her name was Rose; they named her because of her fascination with roses. She smiled to herself brightly, a plan hatching in her head.
Mamoru glanced around the room crowded wearily, where had Usagi gone? He had only turned his back for a few minutes to talk to some friends and now she was nowhere to be seen. Maybe it was a bad idea to bring her to this party after all, this was a college party and she was only in high school. He scanned the room for her once again, where could she be? He walked around a bit, waving to people as he went by, and stopped at the balcony. He peered outside, still no sign of her. He turned on his heels, stopping in his tracks when he saw her in a small crowd of people.
She was dancing against some boy; Hiiro was his name if he remembered correctly. She had decided to take her hair down for tonight, her blond hair shimmering in the soft light as she moved against him, grinding to the swift pace of the music. Sweat slid down her body, making her skin seem to glow. His eyes burned holes into her wondering where she learned to dance like that, why she had never danced like that with him. After what seemed like an eternity to him the song ended and she backed away from him, saying something into his ear and giving him a quick peck on the cheek, leaving a clapping and whistling crowd behind. She quickly spotted him, waving sweetly like nothing happened; he only stared at her in return.
"What's wrong, Mamoru?" She asked as she got closer. There was another thing; she called him Mamoru. She never calls him Mamoru. He could still see Hiiro staring after her, until he turned his gaze to Mamoru and glared.
"What was THAT? I never knew you could dance like that!" He turned his attention back to her, glancing at Hiiro every once in a while.
"You never asked." She stated simply, grabbing his hand and leading him to the punch table. Hiiro was already there, pouring a glass of punch that was undoubtedly for her. Mamoru glared at him as he handed her the glass and poured one for himself, smirking all the while.
"Thanks..... Hiiro this is Mamoru, Mamoru this is Hiiro." She introduced, taking a sip of her punch, which tasted strongly of Vodka.
"Hello." Mamoru managed through clenched teeth, who did this guy think he was? He turned away and poured himself a glass of punch, gingerly taking a sip. He frowned in disgust, the punch was spiked! Those two were chatting as if he weren't here and drinking as if the punch was completely normal!
"You shouldn't be drinking this Usako, you're way too young to drink and this punch is obviously spiked." He said, breaking up the conversation between the two.
"Oh, I'll be fine, Mamoru! You worry too much, besides it's not like it's gonna kill me or anything." She waved it off with a light giggle, "I'll be back in a few, I'm going to dance with Hiiro." She grabbed Hiiro's hand and led him out to the dance floor.
"Usako...." He uttered her name softly, but it was lost to the loud music. He turned away, taking a large gulp of the spiked punch, deep in thought. When had things changed so much? She used to be so attached to him and now it seemed as if she never wanted to speak to him again. He had to admit he missed her now that she wasn't there to cling to his arm and chat about nothing in particular.
She smirked, her plan was going perfectly. Now all she had to do was make an appearance. She laughed to herself, her plan was brilliant!
"You know what you're doing is wrong Rose... You should be ashamed of yourself! Breaking up that happy couple for your own selfish reasons!" A voice echoed throughout the room. Rose only rolled her bright green eyes.
"Oh, put a sock in it, Misty! You know they were never truly happy with her clinging to him all the time and all her stupidity! He needs a real woman, not a little girl." She retorted, fingering her medallion. There was one last thing she had to do before she made her appearance....
"Don't even think about it! You know this is against the rules! You'll be punished if any of this gets out!" Rose moved closer to the talking door, a cruel smile adorning her face.
"Do you like fire Misty?" She growled out. Silence greeted her as an answer, "Then I suggest you keep you big mouth SHUT." She walked over to a large shelf, grabbing two of her newest potions before flying off to party in the distance.
Mamoru stood in a corner, glancing at his watch, he felt like he was loosing her as he downed another glass of punch. He would have to wait until after the party to talk to her, he looked to the couple on the dance floor. He glanced at his watch again, it was already 12:17 and she was sill showing no signs of leaving. Suddenly a fresh glass of punch was shoved into his hands, replacing his empty one. Bright green, catlike eyes greeted him when he looked up, dark brown hair with light brown highlights framing her face.
"Thanks..." He muttered, taking a rather large gulp of the punch. She smiled brightly at him.
"No problem. My name's Rose, you?" She asked, watching his eyes glaze over for a second before returning to normal.
*~*~*~*~*~* Flashback *~*~*~*~*~*
Rose floated outside the door to the party, music blaring through the door. She flew back into the shadows, grasping both potions tightly in her hand. She set one on the floor and removed the cork that held in the blue dust, sprinkling some on herself. In less than half a second she had grown to be the average height of any human, a female that is. She smiled to herself, everything was going perfectly! Until she looked down and realized she was naked in a hallway, her tiny fairy clothes lie ripped on the floor. She sank back farther into the shadows and materialized some clothes, blushing furiously as she picked up the other potion, stuffing it into her pocket. She was now wearing a black tank top and a matching black miniskirt with black combat boots. She strutted inside, one thing and one thing only on her mind. She headed towards the punch bowl first, pouring a glass before bringing out the second potion, this one a soft pink. She poured it into the drink, swirling it around a few times to mix it in.
*~*~*~*~*~* End Flashback *~*~*~*~*~*
"I'm Mamoru; it's a pleasure to meet you Rose." Her smile brightened as he stepped closer, "Would you like to dance?"
"Of course, koibito (my love)." She replied, leading him to the dance floor where she knew she would be in Usagi's plain sight. But she paid them no mind; she was too entranced in dancing with Hiiro to notice anything else. Rose only smiled mischievously; putting that temporary love spell on her had been to fabulous idea. And if it let to more than dancing... Well that wasn't her problem. She saw the two stop dancing out of the corner of her to get another drink, she moved closer to Mamoru. Usagi's eyes looked up to see them dancing, something flashing in her eyes akin to jealousy flashed in her eyes. But it was gone as quickly as it came; she leaned over to ask the one thing Hiiro had been waiting to hear all night.
"Can we go back to your place?"
Her eyes fluttered open slowly, groaning at the warm rays of sunshine on her face which destroyed her peaceful sleep. She winced, using her hand to shield her eyes from the light. Her head was steadily pounding, blocking out any thoughts she might've had. So this was a hangover, huh? Last night was a blur, she was nauseous and she had a headache, where was the good in drinking? Wait a minute.... Where exactly WAS she? She stiffened, feeling the form beside her shift slightly pulling her closer to them, she was so deep in thought she hadn't even noticed! Two toned arm were wrapped tightly around her waist and her back was pressed against a warm, muscular chest, breath tickling her neck. How could she not have noticed this!?
It was like deja-vu as she looked around the room, a scene of passionate kissing and the shredding of clothes flashed through her mind and she blushed crimson. She wiggled helplessly in his steel grip, successfully failing at freeing herself from his tight grasp. Seeing as she would most likely be stuck her for a while, she propped up her head with her hand and pinched his arm, in hopes of waking him up.
She sighed boredly, her head still pounding as she looked around the plain and simple room until her eyes fell on a laptop on the nightstand. She rolled her eyes, it figures, there was a laptop but no phone in sight. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, the scent of cinnamon hung in the air, putting her slightly at ease. A shrill beeping noise filled the air and she sighed, annoyed. She was abruptly pulled upright, along with the form beside her, his grip never loosening.
"Oh, NOW you wake up?" She muttered sarcastically. "Would you mind telling me who the hell you are now?"
"Hn." He grunted, grabbing his laptop from the nightstand. She weaved a hand through her silky hair, irritated from his lack of response. She smirked lightly before *accidentally* pulling all the sheets to her side of the bed and off him.
"Aw.Did I do that?" She asked innocently, watching a light blush creep onto his tan cheeks as he readjusted his laptop and yanked the sheets back from her. She knew not to pull the same stunt twice and curiosity seemed to be getting the better of her as she leaned over his shoulder. Before she could get even a glimpse of the screen's contents she was met with his plain desktop with the name Hiiro Yui in the top right corner, causing her to pout in disappointment.
"Classified information." Was his only explanation before he closed the laptop lid softly. He silently wondered where to do from here, was it just a one night stand? Or was it something more that? Something worth saving? A million questions ran through his head and it seemed to take an eternity for a few minutes to pass. His train of thought was broken when he heard the shower running in his bathroom, the blonde haired bunny no where to be seen. He waited for her to return, opening his laptop once again to see the mission he'd received.
Part One: Find information on Mamoru Chiba and his girlfriend Usagi
Tsukino. Be careful not to get too close to either of them. This is
essential to the final part of this mission.
Mission Accepted or Declined?
He frowned, why did that name sound so familiar? Maybe he's met this Usagi Tsukino somewhere. His mind was clouded, his memories from the night before blurred, was it possible he met her sometime last night? He shook his head to clear his thoughts, he know he would accept the mission regardless of whether he knew then or not. He had to remain perfect, after being the perfect soldier for so long he couldn't imagine living any way else. Imperfections caused hesitation and failure, failure was not acceptable in his line of work. More often than not, failure meant death. He shook his head to clear his thoughts before typing 2 words.
Mission Accepted.
"Hiiro?" He immediately shut his laptop when he heard her voice after sending the message back to Dr. J. He glanced up and he swore his eyes widened a fraction of an inch when he looked up; she was standing in the doorway to his bathroom only wearing his deep blue towel.
"Do you have anything else I could wear?" She asked, seeming to not notice his surprise.
"Hn." Was the only thing he could manage before he averted his eyes and clicked away on his computer, his cheeks stained pink. She rolled her eyes at his response; she was guessing that this was an everyday occurrence. She noticed he was clicking away at his laptop once again and sat down next to him on the bed, leaning over to glance at the screen. She sighed in aggravation when she was greeted with his desktop again. Her eyes darted to the door when it was opened by another man with an abnormally long braid and cobalt eyes.
"Good morning Hii--" Suddenly he stopped dead in his tracks, seeming to be a human statue, his mouth agape in shock.
"What's with him?" She asked Hiiro after a minute, he was still standing in the door frozen in his tracks. "How long do you think it'll be before he blinks?" She got up to wave a hand in front of his face, before smacking him upside his head, snapping him out of his trance.
"Hiiro, bed, and babe shouldn't even be in the same sentence!!" He cried, still in shock. "So perfect soldier boy finally got a girlfriend?" He grinned. Hiiro's only response was a death glare; if looks could kill Duo would be rolling in his grave right about now. "QUATRE, TROWA, WU-MAN!!!!!! YOU GUYS GOTTA SEE THIS!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, grinning goofily.
"Omae o kuroso." Hiiro said, pulling his gun out of no where and pointing it at Duo.
She watched him intensely, only seeing him in the room of crowded people. Only having eyes for him. Watching his every move, memorizing his every feature, knowing she may very well never have him. But as the saying goes, 'If I can't have him, no one can...' and this was no exception. She intended to keep him all to herself.... She didn't like others touching her things. She often wished she was of the human kind, but lately even more so. She had fallen in love with a human; she was seemingly obsessed with watching him through her swirling vertex of magic, forever yearning to be near him.
She was a fairy, a beautiful fairy nonetheless, loved by many yet hated by so many more. She had long, dark brown hair with light brown highlights and bright green, catlike eyes. She was very fond of roses as well, always wearing a gorgeous rose medallion of a lovely fairy sitting atop a rose in full bloom. Her name was Rose; they named her because of her fascination with roses. She smiled to herself brightly, a plan hatching in her head.
Mamoru glanced around the room crowded wearily, where had Usagi gone? He had only turned his back for a few minutes to talk to some friends and now she was nowhere to be seen. Maybe it was a bad idea to bring her to this party after all, this was a college party and she was only in high school. He scanned the room for her once again, where could she be? He walked around a bit, waving to people as he went by, and stopped at the balcony. He peered outside, still no sign of her. He turned on his heels, stopping in his tracks when he saw her in a small crowd of people.
She was dancing against some boy; Hiiro was his name if he remembered correctly. She had decided to take her hair down for tonight, her blond hair shimmering in the soft light as she moved against him, grinding to the swift pace of the music. Sweat slid down her body, making her skin seem to glow. His eyes burned holes into her wondering where she learned to dance like that, why she had never danced like that with him. After what seemed like an eternity to him the song ended and she backed away from him, saying something into his ear and giving him a quick peck on the cheek, leaving a clapping and whistling crowd behind. She quickly spotted him, waving sweetly like nothing happened; he only stared at her in return.
"What's wrong, Mamoru?" She asked as she got closer. There was another thing; she called him Mamoru. She never calls him Mamoru. He could still see Hiiro staring after her, until he turned his gaze to Mamoru and glared.
"What was THAT? I never knew you could dance like that!" He turned his attention back to her, glancing at Hiiro every once in a while.
"You never asked." She stated simply, grabbing his hand and leading him to the punch table. Hiiro was already there, pouring a glass of punch that was undoubtedly for her. Mamoru glared at him as he handed her the glass and poured one for himself, smirking all the while.
"Thanks..... Hiiro this is Mamoru, Mamoru this is Hiiro." She introduced, taking a sip of her punch, which tasted strongly of Vodka.
"Hello." Mamoru managed through clenched teeth, who did this guy think he was? He turned away and poured himself a glass of punch, gingerly taking a sip. He frowned in disgust, the punch was spiked! Those two were chatting as if he weren't here and drinking as if the punch was completely normal!
"You shouldn't be drinking this Usako, you're way too young to drink and this punch is obviously spiked." He said, breaking up the conversation between the two.
"Oh, I'll be fine, Mamoru! You worry too much, besides it's not like it's gonna kill me or anything." She waved it off with a light giggle, "I'll be back in a few, I'm going to dance with Hiiro." She grabbed Hiiro's hand and led him out to the dance floor.
"Usako...." He uttered her name softly, but it was lost to the loud music. He turned away, taking a large gulp of the spiked punch, deep in thought. When had things changed so much? She used to be so attached to him and now it seemed as if she never wanted to speak to him again. He had to admit he missed her now that she wasn't there to cling to his arm and chat about nothing in particular.
She smirked, her plan was going perfectly. Now all she had to do was make an appearance. She laughed to herself, her plan was brilliant!
"You know what you're doing is wrong Rose... You should be ashamed of yourself! Breaking up that happy couple for your own selfish reasons!" A voice echoed throughout the room. Rose only rolled her bright green eyes.
"Oh, put a sock in it, Misty! You know they were never truly happy with her clinging to him all the time and all her stupidity! He needs a real woman, not a little girl." She retorted, fingering her medallion. There was one last thing she had to do before she made her appearance....
"Don't even think about it! You know this is against the rules! You'll be punished if any of this gets out!" Rose moved closer to the talking door, a cruel smile adorning her face.
"Do you like fire Misty?" She growled out. Silence greeted her as an answer, "Then I suggest you keep you big mouth SHUT." She walked over to a large shelf, grabbing two of her newest potions before flying off to party in the distance.
Mamoru stood in a corner, glancing at his watch, he felt like he was loosing her as he downed another glass of punch. He would have to wait until after the party to talk to her, he looked to the couple on the dance floor. He glanced at his watch again, it was already 12:17 and she was sill showing no signs of leaving. Suddenly a fresh glass of punch was shoved into his hands, replacing his empty one. Bright green, catlike eyes greeted him when he looked up, dark brown hair with light brown highlights framing her face.
"Thanks..." He muttered, taking a rather large gulp of the punch. She smiled brightly at him.
"No problem. My name's Rose, you?" She asked, watching his eyes glaze over for a second before returning to normal.
*~*~*~*~*~* Flashback *~*~*~*~*~*
Rose floated outside the door to the party, music blaring through the door. She flew back into the shadows, grasping both potions tightly in her hand. She set one on the floor and removed the cork that held in the blue dust, sprinkling some on herself. In less than half a second she had grown to be the average height of any human, a female that is. She smiled to herself, everything was going perfectly! Until she looked down and realized she was naked in a hallway, her tiny fairy clothes lie ripped on the floor. She sank back farther into the shadows and materialized some clothes, blushing furiously as she picked up the other potion, stuffing it into her pocket. She was now wearing a black tank top and a matching black miniskirt with black combat boots. She strutted inside, one thing and one thing only on her mind. She headed towards the punch bowl first, pouring a glass before bringing out the second potion, this one a soft pink. She poured it into the drink, swirling it around a few times to mix it in.
*~*~*~*~*~* End Flashback *~*~*~*~*~*
"I'm Mamoru; it's a pleasure to meet you Rose." Her smile brightened as he stepped closer, "Would you like to dance?"
"Of course, koibito (my love)." She replied, leading him to the dance floor where she knew she would be in Usagi's plain sight. But she paid them no mind; she was too entranced in dancing with Hiiro to notice anything else. Rose only smiled mischievously; putting that temporary love spell on her had been to fabulous idea. And if it let to more than dancing... Well that wasn't her problem. She saw the two stop dancing out of the corner of her to get another drink, she moved closer to Mamoru. Usagi's eyes looked up to see them dancing, something flashing in her eyes akin to jealousy flashed in her eyes. But it was gone as quickly as it came; she leaned over to ask the one thing Hiiro had been waiting to hear all night.
"Can we go back to your place?"
Her eyes fluttered open slowly, groaning at the warm rays of sunshine on her face which destroyed her peaceful sleep. She winced, using her hand to shield her eyes from the light. Her head was steadily pounding, blocking out any thoughts she might've had. So this was a hangover, huh? Last night was a blur, she was nauseous and she had a headache, where was the good in drinking? Wait a minute.... Where exactly WAS she? She stiffened, feeling the form beside her shift slightly pulling her closer to them, she was so deep in thought she hadn't even noticed! Two toned arm were wrapped tightly around her waist and her back was pressed against a warm, muscular chest, breath tickling her neck. How could she not have noticed this!?
It was like deja-vu as she looked around the room, a scene of passionate kissing and the shredding of clothes flashed through her mind and she blushed crimson. She wiggled helplessly in his steel grip, successfully failing at freeing herself from his tight grasp. Seeing as she would most likely be stuck her for a while, she propped up her head with her hand and pinched his arm, in hopes of waking him up.
She sighed boredly, her head still pounding as she looked around the plain and simple room until her eyes fell on a laptop on the nightstand. She rolled her eyes, it figures, there was a laptop but no phone in sight. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, the scent of cinnamon hung in the air, putting her slightly at ease. A shrill beeping noise filled the air and she sighed, annoyed. She was abruptly pulled upright, along with the form beside her, his grip never loosening.
"Oh, NOW you wake up?" She muttered sarcastically. "Would you mind telling me who the hell you are now?"
"Hn." He grunted, grabbing his laptop from the nightstand. She weaved a hand through her silky hair, irritated from his lack of response. She smirked lightly before *accidentally* pulling all the sheets to her side of the bed and off him.
"Aw.Did I do that?" She asked innocently, watching a light blush creep onto his tan cheeks as he readjusted his laptop and yanked the sheets back from her. She knew not to pull the same stunt twice and curiosity seemed to be getting the better of her as she leaned over his shoulder. Before she could get even a glimpse of the screen's contents she was met with his plain desktop with the name Hiiro Yui in the top right corner, causing her to pout in disappointment.
"Classified information." Was his only explanation before he closed the laptop lid softly. He silently wondered where to do from here, was it just a one night stand? Or was it something more that? Something worth saving? A million questions ran through his head and it seemed to take an eternity for a few minutes to pass. His train of thought was broken when he heard the shower running in his bathroom, the blonde haired bunny no where to be seen. He waited for her to return, opening his laptop once again to see the mission he'd received.
Part One: Find information on Mamoru Chiba and his girlfriend Usagi
Tsukino. Be careful not to get too close to either of them. This is
essential to the final part of this mission.
Mission Accepted or Declined?
He frowned, why did that name sound so familiar? Maybe he's met this Usagi Tsukino somewhere. His mind was clouded, his memories from the night before blurred, was it possible he met her sometime last night? He shook his head to clear his thoughts, he know he would accept the mission regardless of whether he knew then or not. He had to remain perfect, after being the perfect soldier for so long he couldn't imagine living any way else. Imperfections caused hesitation and failure, failure was not acceptable in his line of work. More often than not, failure meant death. He shook his head to clear his thoughts before typing 2 words.
Mission Accepted.
"Hiiro?" He immediately shut his laptop when he heard her voice after sending the message back to Dr. J. He glanced up and he swore his eyes widened a fraction of an inch when he looked up; she was standing in the doorway to his bathroom only wearing his deep blue towel.
"Do you have anything else I could wear?" She asked, seeming to not notice his surprise.
"Hn." Was the only thing he could manage before he averted his eyes and clicked away on his computer, his cheeks stained pink. She rolled her eyes at his response; she was guessing that this was an everyday occurrence. She noticed he was clicking away at his laptop once again and sat down next to him on the bed, leaning over to glance at the screen. She sighed in aggravation when she was greeted with his desktop again. Her eyes darted to the door when it was opened by another man with an abnormally long braid and cobalt eyes.
"Good morning Hii--" Suddenly he stopped dead in his tracks, seeming to be a human statue, his mouth agape in shock.
"What's with him?" She asked Hiiro after a minute, he was still standing in the door frozen in his tracks. "How long do you think it'll be before he blinks?" She got up to wave a hand in front of his face, before smacking him upside his head, snapping him out of his trance.
"Hiiro, bed, and babe shouldn't even be in the same sentence!!" He cried, still in shock. "So perfect soldier boy finally got a girlfriend?" He grinned. Hiiro's only response was a death glare; if looks could kill Duo would be rolling in his grave right about now. "QUATRE, TROWA, WU-MAN!!!!!! YOU GUYS GOTTA SEE THIS!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, grinning goofily.
"Omae o kuroso." Hiiro said, pulling his gun out of no where and pointing it at Duo.