Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Nasashi Kishimoto.

He was going to crack, he just knew it. Those expressive emerald eyes that made it almost impossible to turn away from. He was fighting a losing battle, and both of them knew it.

"Please?" She asked, so sweetly it was unlike her. She was like a devil in an angel's skin.

Sweat beaded down his temple, and his uncovered eye darted from place to place. He could feel it getting harder to swallow. Was it getting hotter in here, or was it just him?

"Uh…um." He stuttered.

"It's just a hug Kakashi-sensei!" She chirped all too merrily. Damn that girl.

Should he crumble to her plea? Or should he be the strict nonplussed teacher that he is? The questions were whirring in his mind, making everything that was once clear in his head blurry and aching. He let out a sigh, and he ran a gloved hand through his unruly silver hair. Looking down, he saw the pleading young girl with the overly expressive emerald eyes and pastel colored hair. Her small frame made her look very insignificant compared to his tall stature.

Oh what the heck… "Hm." He nodded.

A bright grin came to her lips and she opened her arms wide expectantly and his arms came around her. Tightly he hugged her, lifting her body more than a foot easily off the ground. His arms were like an iron grip around her torso, as she was smothered to his chest.

She made sure she was able to see his expression. Her eyes peeking to the side to examine his profile with excruciating detail. Soft petal pink bangs blocked some of her view, but she could not blow them away because she felt the wind being knocked out of her.

"Heehee Sakura-kun, you're so adorable!" With what would be identified as a lecherous grin, he hugged her torso tighter. The sides of his face flushing a pleasing pink. So tight his hold, that she felt her eyes almost bug out as he swung her from side to side childishly. It was as if he was having too much fun with this one request.

"Kakashi-sensei!" She gasped out, "Can't breath! Kakashi-sen..sei." The room was getting darker.

"AAAAAAAHHH Kakashi-sensei, you leave Sakura-chan alone!!!!!!" A yellow and orange blur zipped by and knocked the suffocating girl out of the man's grip. She fell to the ground comically, holding on to her sides as she wheezed in oxygen. Sakura thought she could see black spots dance around her vision as an orange blob came to hover over her.

"Well?" Naruto whispered quietly, making sure the silver-haired jounin was quite a distance away.

"He's…not" Sakura wheezed out.

"REally?!" He exclaimed, "Well that's good."

A dark haired young boy walked over, and kneeled beside Sakura, "He's not what Sakura?"

"Oi Sasuke-kun," she said almost dreamily, "Kakashi-sensei's not gay!"

