The Fun of Playing Go (part GO !)

(disclaimers and stuff : you should know where to see by now ^^)

They were sitting side by side in the nearly empty train. Obviously it was late and obviously they were going to be lectured by their respective mothers. Obviously they did not care at all.

"You forgot this, by the way." Akira handed Hikaru a soft drink can, the reward for his performance in their breathtaking game. "I'm afraid it's not very cold now."

"Oh thanks." Hikaru grabbed the can, opened it and savored a few gulps. "It's fine. Wanna shot ?"

A bit reluctant at first, Akira took back the can and swallowed a sip. The beverage was lukewarm but he was feeling happy nonetheless. For once, he and Hikaru were sharing something other than a goban.

"Horrible." he commented, giving back the drink.

"Never satisfied, eh ?"

"With the drink, not too much. But I appreciate it in a way. These people are really kind."

Hikaru turned his head on Akira's side.

"Even though they don't call you sensei ?"

"Like I care !"

"I'm sure you care. You even made Ochi call you like that when you were training him against me."

"Because he wouldn't listen to me otherwise, just like you. By the way, how d'you know ?"

"He he he... you'd like to know, wouldn't you ?"

"Oh, give it a rest. I guess he couldn't hold his tongue..."

"Bingo ! Not that he was especially proud to call sensei a guy just one year older than him. It didn't help him much altogether." Hikaru sniggered.

"It helped me much at the time, that's the main thing. Maybe I should try it on you..." Akira slipped with a sidelong glance at his rival.

"Hohoho, that I'd like to see !"

"Kitajima-san would be sooo pleased..."

"Sure, that's why I won't do him and you that pleasure in any case."

"How kind. I wasn't expecting less of you."

"You're welcome."

Hikaru offered the drink again to Akira as to ratify that agreement, but the boy refused politely this time, so Hikaru helped himself. A question was bugging him.

"Sincerely, you enjoyed your time there ? Don't lie to me."

"I don't. It was very pleasant. Though it would have been better if you had not run away as usual..."

Hikaru sat up straight. "I'd like to see you being nagged by everybody with questions about your private life !"

"They were just worrying for you. It was rude to leave them all like that."

"I said bye so it's ok."

"I'm sure they had lots of less private things to ask you too."

"Precisely !"

"So what was the point in going and visiting them if you didn't want to talk ?"

"Who insisted to go there in the first place ?"

"Oh, good point. I thought you had forgotten. But you agreed to come nevertheless."

"Yeah, to crush you in front of everybody !"

"Uh ? That was really your goal since the beginning ?"

"Of course, what d'you think !"

"Too bad then."

"And why didn't you lose like you were supposed to, to begin with ?"

"In your dreams !"

"Jerk !"

"Idiot !"

They both turned their heads in opposite directions as a mark of their mutual discontent - unless they needed to hide a suppressed grin from each other.

"You would go back to that salon ?" Hikaru asked after a while.

"I suppose I have no choice. Kawai-san made me promise to come back soon. To come back with you, of course."

"Oh yeah ?"

"Yes. He even gave me special license to drag you along by the front hair if necessary."


Hikaru took another openly disdainful gulp, but that was already too much for him. He quickly spat it back into the can, chuckling.

"What ?"

"I still can't believe you called Kawai-san a thief !" he giggled, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

Akira frowned.

"Well, there was no need to make an ass of me, I did the job all by myself..."

Hikaru laughed out.

"The face he made ! And yours ! Like you were gonna kill him or something !"

"... always exaggerating..." Akira grumbled.

"No, really ! You know, Touya, you sure have some faults, but I'll never say you've got nothing in your pants !"

"Shindo ! Please !" Akira shouted, turning crimson under the coarse compliment. But Hikaru went on his silly praise.

"If you ever get tired of Go, you should consider entering a gang, you'd be the boss in no time !"

"Whatever !"

"Yup yup ! If you do, you can be sure I'll join at once !"

"You, join ? What about being my rival, then ?"

"Oh right... Damn." Hikaru said, a bit disappointed.

He played absent-mindedly with the empty can, producing a regular - and irritating - noise of squeezed tinplate. His legs completely stretched, gaping at the ceiling, he was offering a sharp contrast with Akira's deportment.


"Yes ?"

"What were you all talking about after I left ?"

"You mean who we were talking about ? I let you guess the answer."

"H'mph ! I know you were talking about me. What did they tell you ?"

"Nothing too personal, don't worry."

"Like what ?" Hikaru was losing patience.

"Well, they told me their version of the first time you went to the salon with your buddies. Looks like you've not embellished yours too much, surprisingly." (Hikaru shrugged.) "They also told me how you made three ties out of four games."

Hikaru grinned widely.

"They told you about it ? Haha, I wasn't even a pro and I did it at the first try ! What d'you think of it ?"

Akira glanced heavenwards. He still wants to be praised. What a child !

"You did it on your third try, and yes, it's not bad for an insei."

Hikaru kneed him gently.

"C'mon, Touya, just say you're impressed. I bet you've never done it."

Akira's eye sparkled.

"You're right, I haven't."

"Sooo ?" Hikaru gloated, his chest stuck out.

"Actually I've made four ties out of four games."

"What ? No way !" Hikaru shouted.

"I've got witnesses." Akira replied quietly. "Four, at least."

Not that I'm too anxious to summon them...

"Damn !" Hikaru moaned, putting his hand in his pockets.

Akira kneed him back.

"Don't feel bad, I'm sure you can do the same now that you're stronger."

"Maybe. But you're still ahead..."

"Is it so big a shame ?" Akira asked ironically.

"Oh gimme a break." Now that the feud between them was buried, Hikaru didn't want to be reminded of it.
"It's not. But you'll have to wait a bit for your lesson, sorry..."

Akira did not answer at once. His hands clasped together, he was recollecting the past events.

"You taught me one today, Shindo." he said eventually.

"Uh ?" Hikaru raised his head.

"Playing you this afternoon, I've realized something I had always ignored because I thought it was not essential."

"What ?"

Akira smiled.

"Go is fun."

Hikaru blinked. Then he burst out laughing.

"What you say ! Of course it's fun, otherwise I wouldn't play ! You're funny too, Touya, you know ?"

"See ? For you it's an obvious fact. I'm sure it has to do with your quick growth in mastering the game."

"Really ? What makes you think that ?" Hikaru was serious again.

"Your friends at the salon told me how you had fun with the tie games. I guess you didn't wonder just before how difficult it was going to be, right ?" Hikaru nodded. "You just took it as a funny exercise, and you succeeded." Akira explained.

It's part of your inner strength, a precious one. It will make you surpass your master.
I should make it a part of mine too...

"I had not as much fun in making my four ties, I can tell you." he added with a wince.

"But Touya, you... you don't mean you never had any fun in your life playing Go, do you ?" Hikaru asked with sudden concern.

"No ! Of course I enjoy playing good games, but..."

"But ?"

Akira blushed. How on earth could he tell Shindo what was storming in his heart ?

"There's something else..." he muttered.

What I lack... What I need...

"I don't know how to put it but..."

I need to play you to really enjoy a game
I need to play you to find some of Sai's gems

"... the truth is..."

I need to fight you to free the child within me
I need to hear your footsteps coming after me
I need you to push me forward to the Hand of God


I need you, Shindo Hikaru, my only peer !

"You know... the game we've played... of course we've had that fight but... it's been fun all the same..."
Akira shook his head in exasperation. "I don't know what I'm saying ! Forget it."

Hikaru smiled.

"I think I understand what you mean, Touya. I've had fun this afternoon, too."

Akira looked up at him. "You have ?"

"Yup !" Hikaru agreed with conviction. "Sure you got me mad at you, but... seeing you going all out against me and catching me up... WOW !" His eyes were sparkling. "You got me mad and excited ! I wish we had that kind of game more often."

He stood up as the train was slowing down.

"I get off here... What about playing with the same handicap next time ?" he suggested innocently.

Akira squinted at him.

"I hope you don't expect me to make big mistakes every time ?" he snarled.

"Nope. It won't be necessary anyway."

The train stopped and Hikaru jumped out onto the platform. He waved at Akira who was standing at the doors, furious.

"See you, Touya !"

"You have not passed me yet !" Akira yelled.

"Next time will be the one !" Hikaru replied merrily. "By the way, you'll forgive me when I've found the Hand of God before you ?"

Akira was about to blow up, but he thought better of it.

"When that happens, make sure you play against me !" he smirked.

Hikaru gave him a thousand million yen grin.

"Yeah, my friend !"

That was the acknowledgement Akira longed for. Whatever discussion the two rivals might have in the future, the bond between them was stronger than ever.

The train doors closed on two hearts brimming with joy.

(the end)


(Sounds of fireworks outside - fits well with the ending :)

So they both had fun playing that game, and I had the most fun writing it.
Hope you had too reading the story... Judging from your kind and constructive comments, it seems so ^^

Thanks a lot for your support, especially (yes, another especially) Go-Angel : writing that my storyline has a similar feel to the original one, wow, that's a compliment ! ^___^
But thanks again to all of you now that I have more free time, I'll use it to review your stories, fair trade :)

I wouldn't have been able to write this fic without the wonderful work of TW's staff (lucky I found it before HnG licensing !). Actually, the French version of the Hikaru no Go manga is being published since last fall, but at a rate of one volume every two months, the last one is not due before 2006 ! I just couldn't wait all that time, life's too short ! (but I buy them anyway)

Thanks to JK Rowling for (involuntarily) helping with vocabulary (bilingual dictionaries are just too lame), and to Steph for her grammar tips, though I didn't dare to tell her it was for a fanfiction (what would she think of me ^^).

Last but not least, thanks to Hotta Yumi and Obata Takeshi for all those entertaining hours and the revelation of a fascinating game (go, go Igo !)
