DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything of Harry Potter's, e.g. Characters, Lessons etc. The mastermind is only J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 1: The bet


Harry, Hermione and Ron all took a deep breath. It had been an agrivating time at Hogwarts and they were glad to hear they could take Easter off. Ron was the first to speak once they left the train,

'So where are we going to stay?' Harry and Hermione looked at Ron as if his brain had been given up to medical science,

'You prat' Harry said, shaking his head, 'all there is ,is the Burrow. Herm's parents are away on a buisness trip and by the time the Dursleys will let ALL of us in is when hell freezes over and Dudley reduces to the width of a normal human being, all of which, impossible!' Ron and Hermione sniggered,

'Okay man you're right' Ron replied, 'Mum's expecting us anyway.' He took a small pack of powder from his pocket, took some, handed the pack to Harry and yelled from in the fireplace, 'THE BURROW!' In a roar and a flash of green fire he was gone. Hermione follwed suit and then it was Harry's turn, he sighed and quickly yelled, 'THE BURROW!'

Harry had only picked himself up from the Weasley's fireplace when he was at the recieving end of Mrs. Weasleys bone crushing hugs.

'Oh Harry dear you look starved! What have you been eating carrot sticks?'

'Erm...Mrs. Weasley?' Hermione piped in, 'Harry's gone blue.' It was true, Harry saw the beginning of his life flash before him,

'Wow.' He thought, 'my life really is shit.' At once Mrs. Weasley realeased Harry from her murderous hug and colour flushed in Harry's cheeks,

'Damn.' Harry said after a deep breath, 'I can hold my own against Voldemort but that was harsh!' Only Harry chuckled because everyone flinched,'Oh lord.' Harry said, 'It is only his friggin' name.' Complete silence entered the room until everyone was gathered around the living room. It was Harry who broke the silence,

'BANANA HAMMOCK! No wait, who's up for a bet?' Everyone stared at Harry with curious looks, 'Well we could all give up something dear to us and the losers have to publicly humiliate themselves at Hogwarts, even those who don't attend.'