Runnin' Through My Head
By Adam 'Sexy Boy' Laurent

A/N: My Second ever songfic. I've pretty much given up on writing a long, multichapter story for now, cuz I'm seriously blocked for plot ideas at the moment. This was a little plot bunny that wormed it's way into my head as I was trying to come up with an idea for My Big Story, as I call it at the moment. I was listening to Tatu's song: 'All The Things She Said'. Eventually, my desperation for ideas morphed into this story, which may actually become series, depending on whether or not I get review. This story is pure sap, so if you're looking for meaninful character development, and a nice plot, Don't look here. I thought that the song fit the story, but now I'm not really sure. "All The Things She Said"

He missed her terribly. It had been nine years and he still hadn't been able to keep his promise. Zaniba had tried to help him. She tried every method either of them could think of, and most of them had resulted in him almost dying. It wasn't fair! He couldn't stand the thought of her forgetting about him, thinking he'd lied to her.

There was one they hadn't tried yet. It was very dangerous, but it was the last chance. If it didn't work, he'd die. If it did work, though, he'd be with her. That's when he made the decision.

"Zaniba, get the spell ready."

"Are you sure? You understand that either way this goes, you'll probably never return, don't you."

Haku nodded his head. Nothing was going to stand in his way. "Yes, I'm ready. But..."

"What is it?"

"If I don't make it, find some way to send her a message. Tell, her...tell her I didn't forget my promise. That I died trying to keep my promise."

"Alright. I will."

"And tell Lin and Kamaji and the others if I make it through. Tell them I said goodbye."

"Very well."

Haku bowed to the old spirit, and to No Face. "Thank you for all of your help, both of you. I'll never forget it."

Zaniba smiled. "Good luck Haku."

Haku stood up, and left to take the last chance True Love had...

A/N: Well, I'm done. due to the demand in the real world over here, I'v decided to aske you, the reviewers, if this should be a series. If it is, I will alternate and tell the story from Chihiro's point of view, and then go back and forth. Also, big thanks to Jon 'I like Potatoes' Ryan, for letting me listen to his Tatu CD.