Author's notes: I rewrote chapter four, as you can see. … Well, most of it, anyway. The way I was doing this just wasn't working for me. Besides, not everyone'll have seen the movie yet, and I don't want to lose readers because I'd be spoiling it for them! ^^ I have to lose a few funny bits, but hey, now I can *finish* the story. ^_^

            "This is the longest line I've ever seen at the movies," grumbled Sora.

            "Hey, at least it gives us a chance to decide what we want to watch," Kairi pointed out.

            "If it hasn't already started by the time we get our tickets…"

            "The line's not THAT long. Hmm… Finding Nemo sounds good."

            "No way, that's a kiddy movie!" (There is something strangely ironic about Sora dissing a kiddy movie. Er, Disney movie. I swear that was a typo! I don't think Finding Nemo is kiddy, but then again, I have yet to see it :P) "I wanna see the Matrix."

            "Sora, it's R-rated."

            "Aw, darn." Sora looked over the list of movies again. "Sinbad sounds okay…"

            "Yeah, maybe."

            "Or, what about Pirates of the Caribbean? I thought that one sounded cool."

            "I dunno, the whole deal with the undead skeletons and stuff sounds creepy-"

            "It's not," interrupted Brian (he, Jenna, and their friends were shortly ahead of Sora and Kairi in line). "I've seen it- it's actually pretty good."

            "C'mon, Kairi, let's see it!" Sora said.

            "OK, I guess."

Sora and Kairi continued to wait (im)patiently to get their tickets.

            Tidus, Riku, and Wakka reached the theater to find that Sora and Kairi were still stuck in one of the longest lines they'd ever seen. (The other thing allowing the three to get there before Sora and Kairi got their tickets and everything was the fact that Jenna noticed her car was more or less out of power, so she had to stop at the "gas" station and get it recharged- Destiny Islanders were smart, they used electric cars- before they could go to the movie theater, which wasn't too far from the Pizza Hut in the first place. Blah.)

            "I wonder why everyone's going to the movies tonight?" Tidus asked.

            "I think it might have something to do with that half-price special. Or maybe The Matrix is just really, really popular."

            "Or maybe it's both, ya?" Wakka twirled a Blitzball on his finger (I can sort of do that with a basketball… but I drop the ball right away).

            "Maybe. We'd better get in line."

            "Um, why?" Tidus asked.

            "How else are we going to follow Sora and Kairi in to the movie? Duh."

            "Oh, right."

            "We don't know what movie they're watching, though," Wakka pointed out.

            "That… could be a problem."

            "Why don't we just ask?" Tidus pointed out.

            "We don't want them to know we're here, you idiot!" Riku replied.

            "I'm not an idiot…"

            Tidus, Wakka, and Riku took their place at the end of the line.

Not TOO long later…

            "Two tickets for Pirates of the Caribbean, please," Kairi said, handing the ticket person some money.

            (Of course, Riku and co. were listening.)

            Sora and Kairi got their tickets and entered the building.

            "I want popcorn and candy and-"

            "Um, Sora, unless you brought some money too I only have enough left for a bucket of popcorn and a couple sodas."

            "Oh… I guess that'll work." Insert cheesy smile here.

            Kairi giggled. (Again. :P) "Let's hurry, the movie's going to start soon."

            They bought the popcorn and sodas (orange soda for Sora, Vanilla Coke for Kairi, in case you weren't wondering… I just feel like adding lots of useless details. lol) and went to find their seats.

            "I want popcorn with extra butter, and Reese's, and a soda-"

            "I told you already, I can't afford snacks." Riku had to drag Tidus away from the snack counter as they followed Sora and Kairi into the theater.

            "I hope there's still some good seats left, ya?"

            "Wakka, if you say 'ya' one more time, I swear I will kill you."

            "That's a little harsh, ya?"

            "ARGH!" Poor Riku. Kickass bishounen he may be, but he still always ends up being the one who gets the hell annoyed out of him. … that order of words sounds dumb. ^_^;;

            Sora and Kairi walked down the aisle in the darkened room, looking for seats. They finally found a good spot- middle row, right in the middle of the row. The center of the action. ^^ As he sat down, Sora noticed that the armrests were folded up too. (The seats at the theater I saw PotC at were like that.)

            "Hey, Kairi, if we leave the armrest between our seats up we can put the popcorn between us," he pointed out.

            "Good idea."

            "Yay! I like theater seats, they're bouncy!" Tidus jumped up and down in his seat (next to the aisle, a few rows behind Sora and Kairi).

            "Shh!" Riku hissed. "They might hear you!"

            Tidus ignored him and continued playing with the seat.

            "Hey, I found some money, ya?" Wakka held up a ten-dollar bill that had gotten stuck to his shoe. (Wow. Wish I was that lucky.)

            "Cool, you can go get popcorn then," Riku said. After all, what's a movie without popcorn? "… A large bucket of popcorn, that way we can all share it, and three small sodas. Root beer for me, please."

            "Orange soda!" Tidus requested, still bouncing in his seat.

            "Ya, of course." Wakka went back out to the snack counter.

            Sora would be playing with his seat just as Tidus was under any other circumstances. However, this was a date, and he didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of Kairi. (Never mind that she'd probably have done the same, or laughed, or both. Ph33r the power of the bouncy theater seats! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! … uh, that was completely random. o.O) Instead, he leaned back and munched on popcorn as the previews started.

            "That Haley Joel Osment dude seems familiar for some reason," he remarked.


            Wakka came back with three small buckets of popcorn and a large root beer.

            "Wakka, it was the other way around."

            "Oops, sorry, ya? I thought I got something wrong- whoa!" Wakka tripped, and the popcorn and soda went flying.

            "And right when I think I finally got all the cheese out of my hair…" grumbled Riku, who was now drenched in soda.

            "The movie's starting!" cheered Tidus.

Almost two-and-a-half hours later…

"That was great!" Sora said.

"Yeah!" Kairi agreed. "And it was so sweet, at the end…"

"What, the kissing scene?"

Kairi shrugged. "Well, more what they said right before it."

"Yeah. … Where's your sister? We need our ride home."

(A/N: I don't know how long The Matrix Reloaded is, having not seen it. I'm just gonna guess here.)

They waited in the lobby for Jenna and her friends.

"That movie kicked SERIOUS ass," Riku said.

"Yeah!" Tidus and Wakka agreed.

"Good thing Tidus didn't get us kicked out, ya?"

"Shut up, Wakka," Tidus said indignantly.

"So, guess we'd better start heading back," Riku said.

"Um, where'd we leave the boat?" Tidus asked.

"On the dock nearest to Pizza Hut. Duh."

The three boys left, hoping to be back before Sora and Kairi.

"Hey, guys!" Jenna called. "Ready to go home?"

Kairi nodded.

"Whenever you are," Sora said.

"See ya tomorrow, Jen," Brian said. He gave Jenna a quick kiss, and left.

"Ja ne!" Marina added, waving to her friend as she walked out the door.

Jenna, Sora, and Kairi went out to Jenna's car, climbed in, and drove back to Kairi's house. Sora and Kairi told Jenna about the movie on the way there.

"We're not gonna get there before them," Tidus pointed out as Jenna's car rolled past on the bridge above them.

"Yeah, I kinda figured that much. Oh well," Riku said. "Not like there's anything more for us to watch."

"Well, see ya tomorrow," Sora said as he and Kairi stood at her doorstep. (Jenna was still in the car; one of her favorite songs was playing on the radio.) "I had fun tonight."

"Me too," Kairi agreed. "We'll have to go out again sometime!"

"Definitely," Sora agreed. "Bye for now!" He turned to leave.

"Wait!" Kairi said suddenly.

Sora turned around. "What?"

Kairi giggled. "How 'bout a kiss goodnight?"

Sora was happy to oblige.

Jenna watched from her car, though the song was done playing by now and she'd shut the car off, and smiled.

The End