(no title yet)

by DClick, who likes stuffed crust pizza ^_^

Author's Notes

Fwee. I'm not sure where I got this idea… but it should be kawaii. ^_^

Pretend for a moment that Riku isn't trapped in Kingdom Hearts anymore, and he and Sora somehow got back to the Destiny Islands, 'k?

Disclaimer (Riku! Can you sic some Heartless on the evil lawyers for me? Pleaaaaaaase?): I don't own Kingdom Hearts. Or Pizza Hut. Oh, and I don't own the line "love is a mystery, extra cheese or not"- that's actually from the The Sims manual. Yes, I read the manual before playing a game, is that so wrong? Besides, the manual for The Sims is kinda funny. (I mean just The Sims. They took the jokes out of the manual for Deluxe Edition ;_;)

            "Look, Sora. If you want to ask her out, then… ask her out, silly!"

            "But what if she says no?"

            "She won't!" said Selphie, exasperated. Sora had gone to the hyper girl for romantic advice- everyone did. "Trust me. I know love- and if anyone is in love with you, Kairi is."

            "Well, okay…" Sora tried to figure out why Selphie sounded vaguely disappointed. "… How do I ask her out?"

            This was Selphie's cue to anime fall.

            Meanwhile, Tidus and Wakka were spying on the two, hidden in a conveniently placed bush.

            "Ooh, Sora's gonna ask Kairi out?" said Tidus.

            "It's about time, ya? Now be quiet, they'll hear us."

            "We gotta tell Riku!"

            "No, he'll flip. You know he likes Kairi almost as much as Sora does."

            "Almost as much. He'll find out anyway, y'know."

            Sora blinked. "Hey, Selphie, do you hear something?"


            "Crap! They heard us, ya?"

            "So, what do we do?"

            "… RUN!"

            The two FFX characters ran out of their hiding place as soon as they thought Sora and Selphie weren't looking.

            "Hey, wasn't that Tidus and Wakka running out of the bushes towards the paopu island at speeds that I'm not sure are humanly possible just now?"

            "I think so."

            Meanwhile, in the Secret Place…

            Kairi was pacing back and forth across the cave. "Should I ask him on a date, or shouldn't I?"

            Now that Sora was back on the islands, Kairi was trying to figure out what to do. It was about time she admitted her feelings to him… but she couldn't just, say, drag him over to the Secret Place and tell him flat out. Nah, it had to be something special. Something romantic.

            But what?!

            And at the paopu island…

            "Riku! Riku!"

            Riku had been sitting in the tree staring out at the ocean, bored out of his mind. Now he fell off the branch in surprise.

            "What?!" He quickly got to his feet as Tidus and Wakka both attempted to climb up the ladder onto the little island at the same time.

            "OW!" Unfortunately, they just ended up pulling the rickety old ladder over on themselves.

            "Idiots…" Riku muttered.

            Unfazed, the two younger boys dashed over through the Seaside Shack and across the bridge.

            "Where's the fire?" Riku said coolly, leaning against the tree trunk and not noticing the stick that had somehow gotten stuck in his silvery hair.


            "- he was asking Selphie-"

            "- whether or not he should-"

            "- ask Kairi on a date, ya?"

            "… Care to repeat that, a little slower this time? And since when do you finish each other's sentences, anyway?"

            "Sora was asking Selphie if he should ask Kairi on a date!" Tidus said.


"Uh, should I say that again?"


"Sora's trying to decide if he should ask Kairi on a date! … ya." Wakka repeated. "… What?!"

"I told you he wouldn't take it well, Tidus…"

Sora was trying not to fall asleep as Selphie rambled on about the "rules" of dating. Nothing particularly interesting there.

"Yeah, I think I'll ask him out. But where should we go? And what should I wear?! Should I kiss him? No, no, it's our first date, that's moving too fast… This is complicated!" Kairi was becoming increasingly confused and frustrated.

Riku sat on the single branch of the paopu tree and sighed. "It had to happen sooner or later."

"Huh?" Needless to say, this wasn't the response Tidus and Wakka were expecting.

"I liked to think I had a chance with Kairi. But lately… it's just been too obvious that I'll never be more than a friend to her."

"Don't cry now," joked Tidus.

"Keep your smart-ass comments to yourself."


"Hey, I have an idea!" interrupted Wakka.

"And that would be?"

"We follow them, ya? And-"

"-and maybe we can even… interrupt them when the time is right!" said Tidus.

"Like crashing a party?" Riku grinned. "Sounds like fun."

"Then it's a plan," said Tidus.

"By the way, Riku… you have a stick in your hair, ya?"

Riku threw the stick at Wakka.


"… and that's about it," finished Selphie.

Sora, who had been snoring quietly for the last part of Selphie's lecture, jerked awake. "Huh?"

"Were you listening to me?"

"Uh, yeah! Yeah, I got every word! So, should I go ask her out now?"

"Yeah! Good luck!"

"Alright then, I'll let you know how it goes…" Sora rushed off to find Kairi, glad to get away from Selphie.

"Alright, then. We'll go out to dinner and then maybe to the cove… or maybe the pier, that's always a romantic spot. Hmm… or maybe… oh, I'd better just go ask him before I change my mind!" Kairi left the Secret Place and started down the beach, singing quietly: "When you walk away, you don't hear me say…"

Tidus, Wakka, and Riku had dressed in all black for their "secret mission" (as Tidus called it).

"I'm a ninja! HIYAH!" Tidus pretended to karate-chop Riku.

"… Stop that. You're acting like a dork."


"You guys! They're walking down the beach toward each other, ya?" Wakka pointed. Tidus and Riku whirled around to look. Sora was on his way towards the Secret Place (Kairi usually spent a lot of time there), Kairi from the Secret Place. Kairi was skipping along happily… Sora was just looking nervous and trying not to trip over his shoes.

Staring at the ground is not how one looks where they're going: Sora nearly walked right into Kairi.

"Oh! Hi!"

"Hi, Sora," said Kairi. "You look a little distracted."

"Um, yeah. Hey, I was wondering-"

"Sora, I was going to ask-"

"Do you want to go on a date?" the two asked simultaneously. Then, realizing that they'd said that simultaneously (I like that word. And "dude", and "ditz". ^_^), they burst out laughing.

"I guess that kinda tells me your answer then," Kairi said, still giggling.

"Um, yeah… yours too…"

"So, where're we going?"

Sora blushed, his face almost as red as Kairi's hair. "I was hoping you had an idea…"

"Well, I was thinking we could go out to dinner or something- I've saved some of my allowance- but where?"

"I dunno… Pizza Hut!" Sora wasn't sure where he got that idea. (Yes, there's a Pizza Hut on the Destiny Islands. Don't you question me! lol)

"Yeah, that's really… romantic." Kairi started laughing again.

"It's okay, it's okay… Sure! Meet at my house in a half hour?"

"Al- alright."

The two headed back to their homes to get ready.

"They look pretty happy- I think Kairi said yes," said Tidus.

"Good. Everyone ready?" Riku asked.

Wakka had been throwing his Blitzball at a tree, trying to knock a coconut down. "Ready when you are."

"… What are you doing, Wakka?"

"Nothin'." Wakka looked up. "Oh. None left." He threw the ball at another one of the trees- which Riku just happened to be standing under, of course. ^_^ A coconut fell out and hit Riku.

"OW! Wakka, you are SO dead."

"Gotta catch me first, ya?" Wakka ran off across the bridge.

Half an hour later…

"Oh, great, I'm out of hair gel!"

"There's a new bottle in the bathroom, honey," Sora's mother called from the living room. "You said you were running low so I bought you some more."

"Oh, okay!" Sora fixed his hair, gave his reflection in the mirror a thumbs-up, and ran downstairs.

He glanced at the clock. "Ack! I'm gonna be late!"

Sora's mother smiled. "I was late to my first date too-"

Sora ran out the door on his way to Kairi's house before his mother could launch into yet another reminisce-y tale.

(Note: For plot purposes, just pretend Kairi has an older sister. ^_^ Y'know… the game never really says much about Sora, Kairi, or Riku's families, other than Sora's mom calls him down to dinner in the scene with the storm and all. Hmm.)

"Does my hair look okay? Oh, this necklace doesn't go with my outfit at all…" Kairi took off the thlassa shell necklace and threw it aside.

"Your hair's fine," said Kairi's older sister Jenna, who was leaning against the wall. "As for the necklace, wanna borrow some of my jewelry?"

"You'd let me?"

"Sure." Jenna grinned. "It is your first date- you want to impress Sora, don'tcha?"


"OK, then. Hang on a sec." Jenna left the room. She came back a few minutes later with a necklace, a couple bracelets, and a pair of earrings.

"Oh, thank you!" Kairi put on the glittering jewelry. "Are these real diamonds?"
            "Heck no. They just look like it." Jenna winked. "Ya look great, sis. Sora's a lucky boy."

Kairi blushed. "We'd better get going…"

Jenna glanced at her watch. "Yeah, we'd better. You're going to be late."

They went outside to Jenna's car, which had been her birthday present this year- she'd just recently gotten her driver's license. She was going to drive Sora and Kairi to Pizza Hut ("Gee, that's… romantic." "That's exactly what I said!").

Sora got there just as Jenna realized she'd misplaced the car keys.

"Oh, crap. You two wait out here while I go find the keys, 'k?"

"… You look good, Kairi." Sora was blushing again (kawaii ^_^).

"Yeah, you too…"

They just stood there, not sure what else to say, until Jenna came back outside.

"Found 'em! Now let's go, lovebirds."

A/N: Well, that's chapter one. Title ideas would be very much appreciated ^_^;;