A.N./Disclaimer- I know, I know, you know the deal. Oh, I don't own Harry

Chapter 21: New Problems

Walking down the hallway to Dumbledore's office, Hawk was deep in her thoughts. 'Why did he take off like that? What did he mean he would settle things with his father? I hope nothing happened.' She was so deep in thought; she wasn't completely watching where she was going.

"Hey, why don't you watch where you are going?!" yelled an anger student that Hawk had run into by accident. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes and was slightly taller than her. Hawk looked up to say she was sorry when she saw who it was.

"A. . . a. . .Andy??????? What. . . Where. . . . what are you doing here?" she stuttered. 'Oh no, not Andy!'

"Well, I kinda go here," Andy answered with his usual manner. 'Oh course, he hasn't changed at all.' Thought Hawk as she regained her lost composure.

"Well, yes I know that but what are you doing HERE here? I thought you were a good student. Why are you in the headmaster's hallway?"

"Well. . . .I. . . ." 'Darn, she got me. As always, I could never get anything past her.' "Well, I needed to speak to headmaster about the next Hogsmeade visit." Andy recovered.

'Nice recover Andy but I always knew when you were lying. You are just too easy to read.' "Oh okay, well, I need to go see him for a minute. I guess I will see you later," Hawk said politely and stuck out her hand for a handshake, which he eyed.

"Come on Hawk, we dated for two years, don't you think we can do more than shake hands after all that?" Andy asked. Hawk thought about that one for a moment before responding. 'Well, he IS right. We did date for two years. I guess it won't hurt, after all, we wanted to still be friends.' She nodded her head and they embraced before she headed off for her great grandfather's office with a million and one thoughts running through her head.

Draco emerged from the fireplace in Dumbledore's office with a bouquet of red and white roses. Dumbledore sat alone at his desk working on some Hogwarts business.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy. How are you?" asked Dumbledore without even looking up. Draco looked around the room trying to see if Hawk was there. She wasn't.

"Hello Professor. I'm good. I would be better if my fiancé was here," said Draco as he took a seat in front of Dumbledore.

"Yes, I heard about that. So she said yes?"

"Yes Professor. You will soon have a new member in the family. Would you happen to know where Hawk is?"

"No Mr. Malfoy. I'm afraid I haven't seen my little Hawk. I have seen only one student today before you and that was Andy Glar," answered Dumbledore.

'What would he be doing here? Wait . . . . . Glar was Hawk's boyfriend for two years. They just recently broke up. I wonder . . . .' "Professor, what was Glar doing here? As I recall he is a good student and wouldn't . . . . . shouldn't be here for disciplinary purposes."

"You are right. He was here asking, actually if he could work here next year as a teacher. I told him that if he did superb on his final exams and near perfect on the field he wants to teach, which would be Charms, then I would definitely consider letting him take Professor Fletwick's job. Why Mr. Malfoy?"

"Oh nothing Professor, just curious," lied Draco just as Hawk walked threw the door. Once she saw Draco she flew into his awaiting arms.

"Draco!!!!!!!!!! Where have you been?" screamed Hawk as she started to cry. Draco sat her down and kneeled in front of her and unknown to them, Dumbledore slipped out of the room.

"Hawk, relax. I'm sorry if I scared you but I had to take care of my father. He will no longer bother us. That Howler was way out of line. I turned him into the Dementors." Hawk gasped.

"But . . . .he is your father. How . . .?"

"Don't worry. I know what I did and I have no regrets." Draco patted Hawk on the back in reassurance. She smiled at him.

"Okay, I believe you."

"Good, now will you take these flowers," Hawk gasped at the roses, "and can we go back to our rooms? I think you have Quidditch practice, don't you?"

"Yes, I do and you can't come. We play each other in the next game and I will not go easy on you just because you are my fiancé," said Hawk as she got up and started to leave while Draco still knelt on the floor.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, dearest." Draco stood up, walked up to Hawk, placed his arm around her waist and they walked out together. Neither knew that someone who was planning against them had watched them the entire time from the Gryffindor Common Room.

A.N.- Sorry it is sooooooooo late. Hoped you liked it though.