Title: Plaintive

Author: Ephemeralda

Rating: PG

Summary: Sakura was never as pretty or as popular as her sisters Meiling & Tomoyo, right? So the cute guy next door would never give her even a second glance, right?

Disclaimer: Blah-blah-blah

Chapter 1: Your average plain Jane

I looked at my sister, as she got ready for the party. For the past one hour, she had been tying to do her hair. Well, more like fiddling with it.

"Meiling," I said, "you look great, and your hair's perfect, I promise."

"No it isn't. Imagine what Riyu would say if he found my hair all messed up. Oh God! What am I going to do?"

"Come on, its not as if you're going out with him for the first time. And, besides, your hair is perfectly fine!"

I heard the sound of a car outside. Moments later the doorbell rang.

Meiling fastened her pace. "That must be Riyu. Now please Sakura, be a little helpful and open the door. Tell him I'll be out in a sec."

"Right" I said, not so very enthusiastically and went out of her room.

I opened the door to find the burly basketball player standing outside. "Hi Riyu." I said dryly. He replied with a shove and almost demanded, as if he was the ultimate authority-"Where's Meiling?" Geez, what did Meiling see in this guy?

"She's just applying some 'final touches' on herself," I answered. "Hopefully she'll be ready by morning."

He frowned, mumbling something and sat down on the sofa. Wondering how a self-respecting girl could ever date such a guy, I went back to my room. At last I could spend some time alone with myself, I thought. Tomoyo had gone to the party with Eriol, Meiling would be going soon and dad was staying overnight at work.

Which meant I could have the whole house left to myself for at least 3 hours. No Meiling going on about her boyfriends. No Tomoyo going on about how kawaii I'd look if I wore one of her self-designed revealing dresses. And no dad going on about 3000 yr old pots and pans he'd discovered in one of his archaeological expeditions.

"Sakura, I'm going." I heard Meiling's voice from the other room. "OK." I shouted back. I sighed as the door banged shut. Being alone had its minus points too- you suddenly feel miserable and alone...

I looked out through the window. As Riyu's car drove by, I could see the headlights lighting up the windows of the opposite empty house. Actually, house would be an understatement. It was more of a mansion. I remembered dad saying that the actual owners had sold it off, and we could expect new neighbours pretty soon. Well, they've got to be stinking rich if they can afford that house.

But then my thoughts switched back to the windows- they were so much like me- dark, plaintive, lonely...

I'm not the kind of girl boys go after. I'm just another plain Jane. And I really don't mind that. In fact, I prefer being single but then that was the very reason why I hadn't been invited to the party. It was for couples. Huh, like I care. Who wants to go to some silly dance party for show-offs.

But then why was I feeling so lonely? And why do I get jealous every time I see Eriol & Tomoyo holding hands, kissing- I mean, I don't like Eriol in that way. He's way too mushy-wushy for me. He sometimes even freaks me out.

I felt something soft tickling my feet. "Kero!" I cried, picking up my pet cat. "You'd never leave me alone, would you?" I giggled as it licked my face.

I put him down and sat down on my bed. Maybe I should get a love life too...