Title: Cupid's Helpers

Chapters: (3/?)

Author: ChynaHardyzfan28

Characters: Bobby, Rogue, John (Pyro), Jubilee, Kitty (others may make an appearance)

Disclaimer: I do not own X2, or any of their characters. They belong to 20th

Century Fox, Marvel Comics and/or themselves. Please don't sue. I'm simply

someone that is a fan of the X-men and decided to write a fic about some of

their characters.

Distribution: Ask first.

Rating: PG

Spoilers: None

Summary: Bobby's got a crush on Rogue, but he's too scared to tell her. It's a good thing he's got a friends who love to help him with his love problems.....even if he doesn't know their helping.

Chapter 3

"Okay, let's get started you two..."

"Where do we begin?"

"Well, "Dear Rogue" would be a nice start, Jubilee..."

"Very funny firebug..."

John smirked at his well earned nickname from Jubes.

"I know it's funny fire cracker...."

Kitty rolled her eyes.

"If you two are done flirting, then maybe we could get started on this whole thing..."

The three conspirators had agreed to meet in Jubilee's room later that day after their Bobby and Rogue discussion. This move made the most sense seeing as how Rogue was Kitty's roommate and Bobby was Pyro's. Jubilee had a roommate as well, but she was currently out for the moment, and if Jubes knew Boom Boom as well as she thought, then the the little bomber would be gone long enough for them to start their plan.

"We are not flirting!" exclaimed Jubilee.

Jubilee, who was barefoot and wearing blue faded jeans and a red t-shirt, was sitting up against the headboard of her bed. Her left leg was stretched out while the other was pulled up towards her chest. In her hands she held a notebook and a pen.

"Oh, come on honey....you know you love me...."John said from his spot on the bed.

John was laying across the foot of Jubilee's bed, leaning up on his elbow. His brown, long-sleeved shirt was bunched up about halfway, leaving a lot of bare skin revealed between the rest of his shirt and his black jeans.

Kitty, who had opted to sit in the chair at Jubilee's desk instead of on the already crowded bed, rolled her eyes once more and folded her arms across her chest. She had a contemplative look on her face.

"What are you thinking about Kitty Cat?" asked John.

She uncrossed her arms and tugged at the bottom of her pink tank top before answering.

"I'm just trying to figure out how we can do this...." she said as she ran her hands back and forth over her blue jean covered thighs. "I mean, I know that this is going to come from us and all, but we have to make it sound like it's coming from Bobby...." she finished as she crossed her leg and shook her sandaled foot nervously.

"Relax Kitty...we'll make it work. We all know the Iceman pretty well, we can do this."

"Yeah, well let's get started before I change my mind on this..." said John.

"Did you have anything in mind?" asked Kitty.

"You and Jubes seemed to have it all planned out earlier.."

"Well, we did.....we still do..it's just that, well...it's a little hard to find the right words and to make everything sound fine..." said Kitty.

"How about---"Dear Rogue, you make me so hot. I love the way your ass looks in tight jeans---Ow--hey, cut it out---okay, okay---I was kidding---Jubes, come on-----"

Jubilee stopped hitting John with her pillow and put it behind her once again.

"Okay---Seriously....how about..'Dear Rogue, words can't describe how beautiful you are to me. Brown eyes that hold so much love and warmth and a smile that can light up a room.' "

John sat up and turned to look at his friends and was greeted with looks of astonishment.


Kitty and Jubilee shared a look.

"I can't believe those words actually came from you...." said Kitty.

"Yeah" agreed Jubilee. "I guess your not such a jerk after all."

John frowned in mock anger, but the look was soon replaced with one of mischief.

With lightning fast quickness, he grabbed Jubilee's ankle with one hand and tickled her barefoot with the other.

The Asian beauty shrieked and laughed, kicking at John and waving her notebook, frantically trying to knock him upside the head to get him to stop.

"hahaha John--no,no, please--hahaheheheeeeee"

John simply smiled and stood up, pulling Jubilee into a lying position as he continued to tickle her.

Jubilee realized that he probably wouldn't stop for a while, so she threw the notebook at him.

Of course though, with her wriggling and rolling around, her aim was way off. Kitty had inadvertantly become her target.

Now, Kitty was caught slightly off guard, but didn't panic. She simply let the notebook fly right through her. The blue-eyed cutie stood from her seat and retrieved the wayward notebook. She sighed with relief when she opened it and realized that Jubilee had managed to get John's earlier words down onto the paper.

Kitty looked up to see that Pyro was still tickling Jubes and figured that she was probably on her own when it came to writing the letter. She stared off into space when a sudden thump jolted her out of her thoughts.

She turned around in the chair to see that Jubilee had somehow stopped laughing and squirming long enough to jump up and tackle John to the floor. Now she had the upperhand and was tickling his sides.

"I've got you now Johnny..."

Now, John was the one laughing his head off. He kept trying to grab Jubilee's hands in order to stop her, but either she was too fast for him or he'd catch her, only to have her slip away and continue tickling him.

Kitty shook her head.

"I'm definitely gonna be finishing this by myself..."


After making Johnny say uncle and proclaim her as "Queen of the World" and the "Sexiest Woman Alive", Jubilee let him up and the two of them got back up on the bed, both retaking their former positions, but this time Jubilee sat with her legs tucked underneath her.

Kitty then explained to them that during their tickle session, she'd finished the letter and read it to them.

John and Jubilee listened intently as Kitty read, both piping in with things to weither add on or take away.

"Finished.....now, all we have to do is write a rough draft....." said Kitty. "Here Jubilee, get to it."

"Why me?"

"Because you have the penmanship" said John.

"But what if she figures out that it's my handwriting?"

"Well...why don't we just go downstairs and use the school computer? We can type it up, print it and be out of there in no time. We can pretend we're typing a book report or something. We won't even have to worry about anyone recognizing handwriting."

"Okay..." said Jubilee.

"That'll work..."

"Alright you guys let's go" said Kitty as she headed towards and eventually through the door with notebook in hand.

Jubilee swung her legs out from underneath her and over the side of her bed, placing her slippers onto her feet.

She stood up and walked to the door.

Jubilee opened the door and turned to find John still lounging on her bed.

"Come firebug. Get your butt in gear. We have a love life to save..." she said as she walked out.

John sighed and sat up.

"Yes, your majesty...." he muttered as he followed the girls.
