Chapter One
There hadn't been any ANMC or NMC attacks since dryfield and now she was left with the reports. Bored, bored, bored. She had to fill out her report, fill out the Bounty Point supply paper...... the list when on and on. She sighed, wishing Eve was here to keep her company. Hell, she wished that anyone would keep her company. Then, as if her wishes came true, the phone rang. Eagerly, she reached for the phone and removed the reciever.
"M.I.S.T., Agent Aya Brea speaking" She announced.
"Hey Aya, how ya doin'????" A smile creeped across her face. It was Gary Douglas. When the ANMC's took over Dryfield, he had been very helpful and it was nice to hear from him again.
"Hey Mr.Douglas. How's things in Dryfield??"
"Good, good, hey listen. I just remembered why your name sounded familiar to me."
"You called just to tell me that?"
"Thought it might be useful."
"Well, just listen. About 3 days before those freaks took over, a asian woman stopped here and rented a room for a couple of days."
"Yeah, and?" Through the phone, Aya could hear Gary sigh.
"Impatient aren't you? I'm getting to the point. Well, she left the day before those things took over, but the weird thing is, she asked for directions for the shelter, filled up her car, and left torward that direction..........what, no interuptions???" A small laugh escaped her lips.
"No, I'm listening, wait let me get paper n' paper." She reached down, opened her desk, and fetched a legal pad, then shut the drawer. "Alright," Aya insisted, "contine."
"Her name was Ada Wong..."
"Ada Wonggg........." The agent repeated as she wrote it down.
"Also, she looked maybe, roughly 4 months pregnant and had a stack of envelopes with this weird symbol on them."
"Did you get the liscence plate number???"
"Well, okay. Thanks Mr.Douglas. Don't be a stranger."
"Sure thing Aya." With a click, the phone was hung up and Aya was alone to ponder her thoughts. She'll have to check up on this 'Ada Wong'.................
"I have the information you asked for Aya." Rupert announced as he entered her office. He was a very tall man and you could sense his depression a mile away. He had lost his daughter to NMC's in New York, so it wasn't a surprise he was so cold.
"Thanks Rupert." Her fingers reached for the file in his hand and the papers it contained when Rupert spoke again.
"But don't expect this to get you very far."
"'Cuz she's dead."
With a sigh of fustration, Aya took the foulder and opened it up as her comrade left the office. She lightly skimmed through the papers till she found the death certificate. It read all the usual info, but Aya trailed down to the date of the death. It read October 1, 1998......!?!
"But how could that be? If Gary is right, he saw her in October...how could she be dead." She leefed trough more of the papers, one, a news clipping of the Raccoon City outbreak.I remember that, Aya thought, The president had to nuke the whole place, because of a disease....A virus? More reports passed her eye, one by the Umbrella Corperation and their disappointment of the destruction of one of their founding citys.My ass. You're just sad because a couple Million bucks went down the crapper. Aya smerked and turned the page. Her eyes fell apon a written statement from some rookie cop, which then rolled, but as she read it, she found out more than she barganed for. Most of it was darkened out with black markers, but she got the gist of it. It said she was shot by a worker for ******** and then fell over a rail. The rookie tried to save her, but failed. The woman fell from what the cop said was a 70 foot drop. The rest was darkened out, but key words that made it through the wood work that grabbed Aya's attention was '*-Virus, death, rotting, blood, R.P.D., S.T.A.R.S., *-virus, *-virus, virus, virus, virus.............' Aya's brow furrowed. The word 'Virus' was repeated so many times, it made her head hurt. Who wrote this?????? Her eyes went down the page and stopped at the name, with was coupled with a signature.
Leon Scott Kennedy
This was getting interesting.................................