Chapter 2

Too Many Names

By: Elspeth the Minstrel

A/N:  Thank you so much for your help, TesubCalle!!!!!!! :)  Sorry about the long wait for chapter two.  Read, enjoy, and review!

            Kerry walked into her home, feeling very disappointed.  Geoff was sitting on a couch in the living room, reading.  "Did you find anything?" he called without looking up from his book.

            "No, absolutely nothing.  It was as if Suzanne never existed," Kerry replied, walking over and sitting next to her husband.  "Did Rob have fun at he sleepover?"

            "Of course she did.  I believe she is upstairs sleeping now." Geoff smiled.  "They really should call slumber parties 'stay-awake-all-nightovers'! Anyway, that's a surprise.  How could they have nothing?!"

            Kerry laughed.  "That's good.  I have no idea, Geoff.  Where do you think I should look next?"

            "Well, I think the reason it seemed like Suzanne never existed is because she didn't, really.  Her real name is Susie Stevens."

            "I know that, but she changed her name.  Shouldn't that be recorded in the court documents?"

            "…It should.  I guess you should go back and find Susie Stevens' information."

            Kerry sighed.  "I should have thought of that while I was there!" 

            She began walking over to the refrigerator to get a drink.  She stopped dead in her tracks.  "Suzanne Eleanor Smith Reardon…" she said quietly.

            "What was that, Kerry?" Geoff asked, yelling from the living room, which was attached to the kitchen.

            "Susie's surname is Stevens.  But she told Skip that her name was Suzanne Smith."

            "Maybe she used to go by her mother's maiden name, but when her father… changed her… she went by his last name.  Lots of women want to keep their own name when they get married."

            "I know, Geoff, but it can't be.  Her mother's maiden name was…  I'm not sure, but I'm positive it isn't Stevens.  She married Wayne Stevens after her divorce from Dr. Smith.  Her maiden name wouldn't be Stevens."

            "Well then she took her step-father's name, Kerry!  Isn't that obvious?!"

            "Wouldn't that be a little odd?  She was born Susie Smith,  I would suppose.  When her mother remarried, her name changed to Susie Stevens.  But when she had surgery, she changed her name back to Smith.  Does that make any sense to you?!" Kerry demanded.

            "Hm.  I don't know.  You should find out her mother's maiden name.  After that I don't know anything else to do but look for information about Susie Stevens.  Try talking to Skip for her mom's name."

            Kerry sighed.  "I talked to him just last night, you know.  I told you everything he could tell me—her full name, and the place she was born."

            "Come on, Kerry.  Skip and Suzanne were married.  He has to know more about her than that.  At the very least her mother's name!"

            "I'll see.  He was certain he couldn't tell me anything else that could help."

            Geoff laughed.  "How long have you been a lawyer and a judge?  If you really want information out of someone, you know how to pull out every last drop!"

            Kerry smiled, said, "I'll be back later," and walked to their room to make the phone call.

*          *            *

            Kerry hung up her phone, thoroughly confused.  Skip had told her Suzanne's mother's maiden name was Mason.  He did not know any name of Suzanne's but Suzaane Smith Reardon.  He had only found out about her past, of her being Susie Stevens, after her death.  Should I just accept that her name changed from Smith to Stevens to Smith?  Is it really nessecary to keep investigating this?  Kerry sighed.  I should remember the last time I had second thoughts on something like this…  Shaking her head, Kerry  walked back to her living room.

            "Her name was Mason, Geoff," she said.  "I'm positive something is wrong here.  I just don't know what!"

            "Neither do I.  The best thing to do now would be to check out Susie's records.  Maybe… Maybe even talk to Jonathan." At the look on Kerry's face, Geoff continued quickly, "Or maybe I could…"

            Kerry sighed.  "If worst comes to worst, you or I might have to.  Right now, though, I am going to enjoy the rest of my Saturday!"

            "Good plan," Geoff said happily, settling back down on the couch with his book…

            Suddenly, a shot rang through the air.  Their glass window shattered, and Kerry gasped as the bullet pierced her side.  Geoff shouted and leapt to catch her before she hit the ground.  Footsteps pounded on the stairs and Robin came in, asking what had happened.  "Call 911 now!"  Geoff shouted.          

            Robin screamed at the sight of her mother, covered in blood.  She ran to get the phone.

*          *            *

            A slim figure in a ski mask ran away from the Dorso home.  The person chuckled.  She found out too much last time.  She can't find out anymore.  That should take care of that meddling fool…

A/N: *relieved sigh* I wrote another chapter…  yay…  I'm sorry, I know it is rushed, but at least it is written.  Since school is starting soon, I'm not sure how often I will get the chance to work on this.  I will try, I promise, but I can't guarantee anything! *growls at evil people who assign homework*  Whenever it is posted, hopefully chap. 3 is a little better… Please R&R!! :)