Title: Chapter Four: The True Meaning of Love

Author: Nefertili

Author's Notes: So, the last in a series of four! Your patience is worth it. I will not keep this long. Read on! The songs I used here are: Till There Was You (from the Music Man, also sang by the Beatles) and I Will Be Here (by Steven Curtis Chapman). Enjoy!


Aragorn dismounted from his stallion. It was early in the morning; the sun just rose from the horizon hardly visible through the thick mist that cloaked the mountainside. He had been traveling across the mountain for three straight days with hardly enough rest. His horse, too, was very weary and could hardly gallop. Aragorn stopped once in a while for a bite of food or a sip of water, but that is all. But his efforts were not wasted; he succeeded in crossing the Misty Mountains and before him lay a field of a swaying sea of green grass, with trees dotting the green landscape every now and then.

He then tied his horse on a tree which stood in the inside of the field let it graze on the grassland. Aragorn, meanwhile, crawled onto the field and lied down amongst the swaying greens. Lothlorien, for sure, was nearby, and a little farther was Mirkwood, the shadowy portion of the landscape quite in the left side. His destination was near, but Aragorn's eyelids were growing heavier and heavier after every passing minute. He clearly needed sleep.

But Legolas said he was bound for the Undying Lands a week since we left Rivendell, only a day is left for me to stop him, I couldn't stop…But it seemed his body refused to obey his thoughts. Finally, Aragorn gave in.

Oh well, he thought, For sure, a little slumber won't hurt or delay me.

Aragorn rolled up his cloak the color of bluish black and used it as a pillow. It was then did he realize that the weather was rather chilly, though the sun was shining in the sky, glorious and dazzling. Just before he fell into an unruffled sleep, his eye caught a blossom nodding its pale head against the wind that caused the beautiful wavelike swaying of the grass. It looked familiar…

"Niphredil," Aragorn whispered, noticing, for the first time, that the field was dotted by the sparkle of the white niphredil and the gleam of the golden elanor. "May you allow me to dream of and be with my Legolas as I lie among you." 


"Legolas, our last stay in our realm proved to be a fruitful one," Thranduil said to his son, who was about to say farewell. "I will never desire another son. You are more important to me than this realm, and my power as its King."

"I will always remember you, Father," Legolas replied solemnly. "If only I got to know you better during my younger years."

"Hush, my son. I am content by the thought of you becoming close to me even in the end, though only for a short time that seemed like a blink of an eye. Go now, Legolas. The King of Gondor is waiting for your return. Be with him loyally, do not ever part from him. Please do not depart from all that I taught you."

"I will be loyal to Aragorn, Father. I will not fail your trust."

For one last time, father and son hugged each other. When they let go, Legolas leaped on the boughs of the evergreen pines to depart from his father's kingdom. Thranduil, himself, left Mirkwood forever shortly after his own son left.

"Farewell, Father!" Legolas said as he bounced on the trees as fast as a bird in flight.

Thranduil smiled contentedly but desolately. He found it hard to let go of his only child, yet he was not a child anymore; he had grown, not only in his body, but in his mind and emotions as well. But he knew he had done his job, Legolas is strong enough to be able to stand on his own feet without his guidance. "Farewell, Legolas."

Legolas leaped on and on until he reached the borders of Mirkwood. Now he was in the lands of Lorien. From there he, he decided, he will go south in order to get to Minas Tirith, to his beloved Aragorn.

Legolas paused for a while and looked back at the tall trees of Greenwood the Great. He would really miss them once he left them. It was only in Mirkwood does one find such evergreens. "Farewell, beloved Mirkwood."

He then faced the open fields that lay beneath him. He descended from the tall cypress that he was standing upon. Legolas was filled with vigor and happiness upon seeing the lands of Lorien. He knew that that might not be a place for Elves anymore, for its Lady had probably left for the West as well. But he loved the place very much and he skipped amongst the swaying grass. At first, it was just green, swaying, rippling green, but as he walked father, flowers and some trees began to appear; yellow elanor which blended perfectly with the greenery, and the niphredil which glittered among the grass like tiny crystals.

Legolas stooped down and touched the delicate petals of a niphredil which lay beneath his feet. He remembered what he told Aragorn back in Rivendell and the song he sang.

"Bless my lover forever," Legolas whispered sadly, his voice faltering as he repeated the last line of the song. "May you bless me so I can be with my lover everlastingly."

Legolas stood up straight and tall once more. He saw something dark against the grass. As he moved closer, it proved to be a person lying down, possibly asleep. Wait a minute, there's a chestnut brown horse tethered to a tree nearby, could this Man be…

"Aragorn!" Legolas exclaimed softly, as not to wake the heir of Isildur when he saw his face. "How come he is in Lorien?" But Legolas was beyond pleased to speculate the mysterious appearance of his beloved in a place nearer than he expected. He had never seen Aragorn asleep; he looked so peaceful and innocent, on the contrary to his fierce and spirited side. Legolas gently touched Aragorn's cheek. His warmth was cooler than he thought it would be.

Legolas felt worry creep up inside him. Is he sick? But then, he felt the surroundings and the air that gently tickled his fair face. The weather was rather cold for the time of the year, and Aragorn was sleeping on his cloak; he had got nothing to warm himself up. Legolas, in that instant, removed his own robe and placed it over Aragorn.

That might offer him warmth, he thought as he sat down beside his love and tenderly stroked his dark hair. Then he gazed at Aragorn's face with soothing eyes that showed understanding and consideration towards the Man. Their love for one another had formed in them some kind of sympathy that only they could show towards each other. Legolas knew Aragorn, and he could tell his troubles and sorrows better and quicker than anyone else. My, he is tired and rather starved. I know he had been a Ranger, he had been through things like this more than once; but he needs to take care of his own body…I'd better get him something to eat, but what? Legolas looked about him. Nothing edible was near; Aragorn's horse was more fortunate, it had a whole field of grass to graze in. He caught sight of some kind of fruit-bearing tree a good distance away.

"Sleep with a peaceful mind, Aragorn," Legolas whispered in his beloved's ear. He then stood up and ran towards the tree to get some of its fruit for him.


Aragorn awoke from his sleep. He looked up at the pale blue sky which was dotted by wisps of cloud as fine as feathers.

"What!? The sun is high in the sky; yet I know I have little time left!" he removed the cloth that was covering his body and sat up. Another mantle, his very own, was rolled neatly behind him.

Two cloaks? Aragorn examined the dark green and brown, rather coarse fabric in detail. It was brocaded with very fine golden vines that it seemed it wasn't there at all. If I am not mistaken, this is a cloak of the Elves of Mirkwood. Realization dawned him at the very mention of 'Mirkwood'. Legolas! But where is he? Aragorn looked about him, but no Elf was at sight.

Legolas will return, for sure. At once, a plan was formulated in his mind. Aragorn lay down once again, careful to take the same position he took and placed Legolas' cloak over him. He closed his eyes and made his face free from any expression. He smelled a familiar scent in the robes of the Elf. The smell of the leaves of Mirkwood that Legolas carried with him wherever he went. He was really near…and he was still in Aragorn's reach.


Legolas trudged back to Aragorn with several pieces of fruit at hand. He laid them down amongst the grass to look at Aragorn in case he had awoken. But even before Legolas could react to what was happening, Aragorn sprang up and in a matter of seconds, they, Legolas in Aragorn's grapple, were rolling in the grass, laughing. 

Legolas' head felt dizziness, but as he opened his eyes, he found out he was being pushed against the grassy ground. He saw Aragorn looking back at him with jubilant eyes. Legolas felt his callused hands on his shoulder, pinning him to the ground. Amidst all that, Legolas was very blissful; he recognized him; this was indeed the old Aragorn, the Ranger he used to know and love.

"Well, this is a pleasant greeting!" Legolas said with a smile but with an even tone. "Why, the King of Gondor came back, was I suspecting that?"

"I, indeed, came back," Aragorn said, smiling as he pinioned the Elf to the ground. "I came back for you, my love, my Legolas. I am never letting you slip away from my grasp ever-''

"Then do not ever let me go away from you again!" Legolas said; flinging his arms around Aragorn's neck that his face was brought nearer to his.  "Please, do not ever let me go again!" 

"Legolas…" Aragorn's face was only a few inches from Legolas' face, so close that he was able to see his silver-blue eyes beyond their physical outer shell to their depth. He felt the Elf stoking his untidy hair. Aragorn, himself, found his very own hands gently moving some of the blond hair away from Legolas' unblemished face. He muttered, breathing the words into Legolas, "You're very beautiful, Legolas. I never came this close to you to think highly of you this near. I never saw you this close, now I see some beauty beyond my own untrained eyes."

Legolas' cheeks turned slightly to the shade of crimson. "Aragorn…I thought I would lose you. I am sorry. Forgive me for what I have done."

Aragorn ran his fingers over Legolas' left cheek, so smooth and delicate. "What do your words mean, Legolas?"

"I…I ran away from you, only to find out I couldn't have lived a full life without you."

"I have long forgiven thee, my love," Aragorn replied, affectionately touching Legolas' forehead. "I don't even consider it as a fault. I have found you; I am not letting your imperfections get in my way."

Legolas smiled harmoniously as he gently touched Aragorn's cheeks. "Oh, Aragorn…"

But his lips were closed even before he can say any more words. Aragorn's lips touched his, and Legolas felt the son of Arathorn's tongue slowly slide into his mouth, tickling every inch of his mouth. Legolas can feel his warm, comforting breath, increasing in its speed gradually after every second that passed. His hands were running all over his face and hair; their touch was rather hard and hot, almost burning his skin, but Legolas didn't pay much attention.

So this is how it feels to kiss, Legolas thought as he closed his eyes and gave back an equally sincere kiss. He felt as though his body was dissolving and melting away, becoming as light as the air about them. He, slowly but surely, got used and learned to love the feeling, as though the world about them vanished; it was only him and Aragorn. He longed that it stay with him for all time, but he gradually felt Aragorn let go of his lips, his body came back and materialized again; he felt as though he was being forced to sit up.

Legolas opened his eyes; he felt limp. A bright light was around him and Aragorn, dazzling and nearly blinding his eyes. He couldn't direct his body, and before he knew it, he slumped back to the grass. Light was everywhere, he could not see through the intense brightness…


"Legolas, are you all right?"

Legolas' eyes flew open. Where am I? He felt some rough hands, but their touch was gentle.

"Aragorn? What happened?" he asked unsteadily. His vision cleared at a snail's pace. At first, all seemed blurred, then, outlines of his surroundings appeared, color became clearer, more vivid…Legolas blinked many times. To his surprise, he was lying on Aragorn's lap; Aragorn was supporting his head in one of his arms. He tried to sit up, but he was fond of the thought of being carried by his love that he desisted.

"Legolas, it is good you are conscious again!" Aragorn said apprehensively. "I thought you were..." Legolas felt the King of Gondor's body stiffen as he felt Legolas' temples.

"I am all right, please do not worry about me," Legolas said soothingly as he gently took hold of Aragorn's hands which were trembling slightly. He felt his strength coming back to him, and he was able to sit up. The first breath he took in felt like the breath of life, refreshing and cleansing his insides.

Aragorn's face relaxed. "You went all pale and limp. Was I a-''

Legolas broke him off. He kissed him on the lips, though the kiss wasn't nearly as romantic and dreamy as the first one. Legolas rested his head in Aragorn's shoulder afterwards. "No, I liked what you did. If you only knew, I've lived for more than a thousand years yet I never experienced something like it." Aragorn then took one of his hands and squeezed it tightly, but not so tight that it hurt Legolas.

"I am gratified that it was I who gave you your first kiss," Aragorn replied, resting his head against Legolas' hair. They had a fragrant smell that was like the perfume of the rarest, most beautiful flowers of Middle Earth.

Legolas then slowly looked up at Aragorn. "I am sorry for the way I acted. I am not exactly an experienced kisser, but I wonder…do Elves experience such an enlightening feeling when they receive their first kiss? That was how I felt."

Aragorn then held his beloved's face in his hands as he said, "I felt enlightened, myself. My beloved, we are only beginning to experience how it is like to really love, be it corporal or spiritual. We may not be able to do it perfectly at first."


Legolas smiled contentedly; Aragorn's words revived him entirely. After a few silent moments, he spoke up again. "Are you hungry, Aragorn? You mustn't have eaten a full meal for days."

Aragorn was stunned. It was then did he realize that he was never so hungry. "You know me to the extent, don't you, Legolas? I was entirely focused on climbing the Misty Mountains on my stallion that all thought of eating totally left my mind."

Legolas was more than concerned. He quickly gathered up all the fruits he had picked from where he left them and gave them to Aragorn, who accepted them gratefully. He was once a Ranger, how well-accustomed he was to the wilderness, but the thought of Legolas offering him food was one thing he could not refuse.

"What is the point of you coming back for me when you are starved to death? No thanks, I had breakfast back in Mirkwood," he said when Aragorn offered him some of the peach-colored fruit somewhat resembling pears. "I have my limits as an Elf. All my love and caresses couldn't fill your stomach, and you have to take care of your body so you can take care of me."

"Thank you for all your concern, my love," Aragorn replied, biting into one fruit. From the inside, it looked like honeydew melon but is more delicious and seemed far more nourishing. In a while, his strength came back stronger than ever before. "Nothing pleases me more than to know you care for me."

Aragorn finished eating the fruit before he spoke again. "Why are you here in Lorien, Legolas? I thought you were back in Mirkwood, your father's realm."

"Mirkwood is no longer a place for Elves, my beloved," Legolas said serenely. "Father left for the Undying Lands some hours ago-'' Aragorn's heart skipped a beat. This means…''-and he let me go back to you and be on my own."

"Your father is very considerate, not only to his people, but to his very own son as well."

"And filled with wisdom. I mean…he found out it was you whom my heart was longing for!"

Aragorn was eager to find out how the retired King of Mirkwood found out the truth. "How did he know? I know from the bottom of my heart that you never told him."

"I really never did. He got it from your present." Legolas held up the dagger Aragorn, himself, gave him. "Of course, a Numenorean dagger, how could I have not known? I had some difficult time finding out the race from which this was passed down."

Aragorn nodded approvingly. "That was passed down to me from my parents, Arathorn and Gilraen." After a short hush, he held the dagger along with Legolas as he said, "Do you love me, Legolas?"

Legolas replied, with earnestness, "I do love you, with all my heart."

"Then come home with me and help me direct my people. Promise me you'll never part from me again."

Legolas then brought Aragorn's hand to his cheeks and felt their gentle warmth. "I will. To be with you forever, that I promise you."

Aragorn then stood up, pulling Legolas up with him as well. He held the Elf close and wrapped his arms around him. "Then let us go; let us not waste our time. Amin mela lle, Legolas."

Legolas looked up at him with heartfelt eyes. "Amin mela lle too, Aragorn."

Aragorn then took his hand and put a white bloom in the middle of his smooth palm. A niphredil, freshly plucked from the field of Lorien, it was.

"That is you, Legolas," Aragorn whispered in Legolas' ear. Once more, he felt the Man's breathing. "Delicate, gentle, pure and beautiful. For me, those characteristics make you perfect. Those traits made me care for you, made me love you more than any other person in Middle Earth."

Aragorn then said words so beautiful and poignant that they echoed in Legolas' ears for a long time. "My life may change a thousand times… but my love for you is unchanging…undying…everlasting."

Legolas then encircled his arms around Aragorn's neck and rested his head on his love's chest. Upon doing so, he sang a song that made his voice ring like beautiful glass bells.

There were bells on the hill,

But I never heard them ringing,

No I never heard them at all,

Till there was you.

And there was music,

And there were wonderful roses,

They tell me in sweet,

Fragrant meadows of dawn and dew.

There was love all around,

But I never heard it singing,

No, I never heard it at all,

Till there was you.

When his voice finished singing, he looked at Aragorn once more, but kept his arms around him. "I had my mind closed on the world long before you came. You changed me. I had to meet you, or else I would still remain the Elf that I was. You taught me to love, and that I can be loved."

"Legolas," Aragorn said, stroking him on the back. "You were the greatest thing that ever happened to me. It was not defeating Sauron or being King of Gondor that shook my life most, it was when I met you; only then did I discover what life really means. It is not fighting, it is not victory, it is loving you."

Legolas then bit his lip. He mattered that much to Aragorn? He was really destined to love the Man. Legolas had changed lives just as he changed his very own life as well. Aragorn wasn't only the person who led them to overpower Sauron; he was also the one who led Legolas to overwhelm the difficulties of his life. He will never again move from this path, and so will not Aragorn.

"Thank you, my love," Legolas said, pulling Aragorn closer to him. He tilted his head and slightly closed his eyes, unknown to him; Aragorn was doing the same thing. Their lips touched once more. This time, Legolas didn't experience a weakening feeling. He stayed tall and erect as he did the deed. He loved Aragorn, he will always do; the kiss was special to them in its own way. He will remain tall and erect as he continues loving Aragorn forever.

When they finally let go of their kiss, Aragorn packed all the few articles he had with him, including the Anduril and Legolas' letter. When Legolas saw it, he bowed with some kind of guilt in his eyes.

Aragorn looked at Legolas. He placed a finger underneath Legolas' chin and moved his head up gently. "Forget the past, my love, and face our new beginning. Forget all our differences. We are now free. Free to love."

Legolas held up his head with pride and dignity. This pleased Aragorn. When he was done with his packing, he untied his horse from the tree and let Legolas mount it first. When he was sure that he was comfortable, only then did he mount it just behind Legolas.

They began their journey back to Minas Tirith. They knew this would be a new beginning. Legolas knew it too. It was then did he understand that the Quest of the Ring was not only for the freedom of Middle Earth from evil, but also a Quest for their love for one another, a Quest to challenge and strengthen their bonds.     

"Legolas," Aragorn said suddenly when they stopped after nightfall. "May I ask you something?"

"What is it, Estel?" Legolas said as he helped in gathering up firewood.

Aragorn took ten whole seconds before he got the answer out of his mouth. "Do you want to make me happy?"

"Of course I do."

"Will you do a favor to me, then?"

"If you think I will be able to carry it out, I will, with all my life."

Aragorn then took Legolas' hands, and the moment he asked the breathless question, Legolas dropped all the firewood he was carrying. He threw himself at Aragorn's arms and wouldn't let go. Aragorn had asked him a question that he had been longing for him to ask. It would change their lives forever; it would bring to them the love no one else ever experienced. Aragorn had asked Legolas to marry him.

Legolas, at first didn't answer. He was pressing himself against Aragorn's body and he was breathing rapidly. Aragorn felt his beloved's heart beating fast. To ease his beloved, Aragorn now sang to him.

Tomorrow mornin' if you wake up,

And the sun does not appear,

I, I will be here.

If in the dark we lose sight of love,

Hold my hand and have no fear,

'Cause I, I will be here.

I will be here,

When you feel like being quiet.

When you need to speak your mind,

I will listen and I will be here.

When the laughter turns to cryin',

Through the winnin', losin' and tryin',

We'll be together,

'Cause I will be here.

Legolas reflected on Aragorn's words. He knew it might be impossible for a He-Elf to marry a Man, but he knew he couldn't let this pass. He knew this would shape his entire future. After a few moments' silence, Legolas raised his head and said a simple yes to Aragorn's question.

This is real love, and it is eternal. Legolas knew it, Aragorn knew it. They knew it was something to remember, to keep in their hearts forever. Legolas, himself, was now convinced that love conquers all the differences and the walls of race. As he reflected over the start and closing of the events, from him saying farewell to Aragorn in Rivendell, from his father's counsel in Mirkwood and to Aragorn's proposal, he knew he had been blessed by the niphredil, Aragorn too, for now they were together forever.



Of Aragorn

I will remember it all ceaselessly; I will never forget it all. At first, when I first saw him, I didn't understand the worth Legolas has in my life. But now I do. He is not only the archer who fought alongside with me during the War of the Ring, he is also the strength that has kept me alive, not to mention the love that touched my heart.

I found out from this experience many things. I still haven't brought them all to light, but one is that love is the most powerful force on earth. It conquers in a most extraordinary way, changes the soul in some way that our limited minds cannot understand and touches our hearts with its feelings that soothe, that heal, that bridges the gaps of differences.

Of Legolas

Now it is done, but a new life for me is emerging from the darkness. Realizations dawned me. I know that this will change my life forever, but for the good. I know that Father has left Middle Earth behind, but I am not alone. I have Aragorn.

When he asked me to marry me, at once, I looked at him from a different view. He was not the brave warrior that I encountered for the first time in the Great Council he was my love, my Aragorn, my only one. I will never abandon him. As I go through the phases of the events, I just understood several things. Some may be too difficult for me to put to words, but the most concrete one I can tell is that I had been a closed person; I closed my mind on everything I must see. Father, all those thousand years passed without me knowing him, but it is Aragorn who changed all that. He made me learn that I must have faith; that I have the right to love and be loved. I will never forget that. I realized that love is the most mysterious of all the things in this world. Something that could only be found in your heart, something that one can find in one other person, which I, in my case, found in Aragorn.


Finally, done! Thank you for reading! Hope you learned something from it and enjoyed it!