Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Power Rangers (*sob!*)

Summary: Some of the Rangers have to face one of their worst fears when tragedy strikes a former teammate.

Characters: Kimberly, Jason, Aisha, Katherine, Tommy, Rocky, Billy and Adam (there are a couple of other characters [very brief] of my own invention) - Trini, Zack, Ernie and Zordon are mentioned a couple of times too.

Just so You're Prepared: Severe angst, romance and some death


* Chapter One: Aches and Pains

** Kimberly Hart rubbed her eyes sleepily as she stumbled down the short flight of stairs in the two-floor apartment that she was currently staying in.

"Whoa. What time did you get home last night, young lady?" Aisha Campbell's voice had a distinctly maternal tone to it.

The former Pink Ranger eyed the first of the roommates through hazy vision. "Not late." She mumbled.

Katherine Hillard, her gaze lifting from the pancakes she was trying not to burn, snorted disbelievingly. "Yeah, right. Hangover, Kim?"

The fact remained that both Aisha and Kat had grown extremely fond of the slightly younger former Ranger, and it had made them protective of her, treating her like the lovable little sister.

"I had less than half a drink," Kim defended herself, trying to get her vision to clear. She blinked sharply, and winced at the protesting ache in her body as she sank into one of the chairs at the dining table. "But I must have danced for over four hours straight."

"I don't doubt that." Kat muttered. "I'll have a couple of pancakes ready in a second. And don't even bother," she added as Kim opened her mouth to protest. "I know your microscopic eating habits well, and I won't allow it while you're staying under my roof."

Aisha began to laugh at Kim's horrified expression. The young, beautiful gymnast had just returned from training for the Pan Globals, having decided that pursuing her childhood ambition didn't make up for homesickness and loneliness.

Now, back in Angel Grove and working part-time as a gymnastics coach, Kim was happier than she ever had been. She had resolved her friendship with her ex-boyfriend Tommy, and he and Kat made a great couple, and all the former Rangers had been thrilled to see her again. Although she hadn't seen Trini or Zack in a while since they had left for the Peace Conference, they called her and emailed regularly, and even Billy had told them his plans of returning from Aquitar.

One person was missing, and no amount of phone calls or emails could fill up the gaping black void inside Kim every time she thought about her oldest and best friend. He was inexplicably a part of her life, her protector and even her surrogate brother sometimes, and she missed him insanely.

"Where the hell are you anyway?" she murmured softly now, as she thought about it.

"What was that?" Aisha's eyebrows furrowed in concern as she saw the sadness shadow her friend's eyes. "Kim?"

Kim shook her head. "It's nothing. Thanks, Kat," she smiled at the Australian blond as she placed a plate of pancakes in front of her and then dropped into the chair opposite Aisha. "'Sha, do you have any painkillers?"

"It can't be that bad!" Kat frowned suddenly. "Kim, maybe you should get checked out by Zordon if the ache is that strong."

"Yeah, right, and he'll get all fatherly on me."

It was common knowledge that Zordon treated every one of his Rangers as children, but he always carried a special place in his heart for the original five, Kimberly in particular.

"I don't think I have anything." Aisha responded. "Maybe you should get some more sleep today."

Kat and Kim both laughed, because it was already nearly noon. "Maybe I will," Kim agreed. "But I first need to make a drive over to the Youth Centre and give Ernie a video I've been promising to let him borrow for the past month."

Aisha and Kat burst into laughter at the thought of old lovable Ernie demanding one of Kim's gymnastics or Disney videos. Kat stood up. "Well, I gotta go get dressed." She informed them, her eyes dancing. "Tommy and I have a date for lunch."

"Oh la la!" Kim hooted, smiling. She was happy for them, and only loved Tommy now like a friend. "And where is our fearless Red Zeo taking you?"

"That, Kimmie, is a secret that remains between Tommy and me." Kat teased, gently mussing up Kimberly's gorgeous brown hair. "I'll see you guys later, all right? Enjoy the pancakes."

She disappeared into her room, and Kim and Aisha settled down to finishing their rather late breakfasts. It was when they were almost done that Kim, her eyes sparkling delightedly, asked: "So, 'Sha, how are things with Rocky?"

Aisha's face turned a deep red. "I didn't know you knew it was that serious." She spluttered, obviously searching for a way out of the embarrassment.

"Oh, please!" Kim laughed. "I've seen the way you two look at each other, and all Rocky does when he and I are at the Youth Centre or at the dojo is talk about you. Last week, he took my out shopping as a late birthday present, and all I heard was Aisha this, Aisha that, 'Ooh, Aisha's so beautiful', blah blah blah. No offence, 'Sha, but by the time he was done, I was heartily sick of hearing your name."

"Really?" Aisha couldn't help but laugh at Kimberly as she rolled her eyes. "Well, yeah, I guess I do really like him . . . but, Kim? Why aren't you with anyone? It must be-what? A month and a half? - since you even went out on a date."

Kim shrugged. "Well, I can't just produce a guy from anywhere. Besides, whom would you have me date? Bulk or Skull? Adam or Billy?"

"There's a thought." Aisha winked, although she didn't really think Kim would click with Adam or Billy in that way. Sure, they were the best of friends, but Adam was simply too shy for someone as perky as Kim in a girlfriend manner, and Billy was too much Kim's brother.

"I'll find someone." Kim assured her. "Don't worry. The right guy will come along."

"You won't have a problem," Aisha chuckled, standing up. "Get some rest today, okay? I have to go out; but I'll see you tonight. And drive carefully!"

"Yes, Mom!" Kim called after her.

Finishing up the last of her pancakes, Kim leaned her head against her palm as she stayed at the table. Her head was pounding; she could still practically hear the blaring rock music from the nightclub the previous night. Every muscle in her body was aching, and she received immediate pain every time she moved.

Standing up extremely slowly, she groaned. "Being a Ranger was never this painful!"


It might have been a much better idea if she had just stayed home and gone back to sleep.

Kim couldn't help but sigh for about the fiftieth time as she turned at the corner. Driving was extremely hard and painful, and she could still feel the dull exhaustion from the previous night weighing down on her eyelids.

She sped up. Maybe if she could hurry and get to the Youth Centre to drop off this video with Ernie and then head back quickly, she could spare herself a few extra minutes of aches and pains, and get into bed faster.

If only he was here . . .

Kim smiled to herself. Perhaps that wasn't a good idea. If he was here, he'd make a bigger deal of it than Kat or Aisha, and he'd probably lock her into her room, tying her to her bed with chain and spoon-feeding her gallons of chicken soup (although what good chicken soup might do for body aches was something she couldn't figure out).

But still, she missed him. There was no one quite like him. They shared a special bond that was stronger than friendship and ran thicker than blood. It couldn't be duplicated or broken, and when he wasn't there, like now, she felt almost empty.

Her big brother.

She sighed. Was that really what he was? And where was he right now? Did he ever think about her? When was the last time she'd spoken to him anyway?

God, but she missed him.

The blaring of a truck's horn jerked Kim out of her thoughts and she realized with a vague detached blur, that she was in the wrong lane. She made a slow movement to turn, but even that caused her sharp pain in her sides. Her eyes blurred over with tears or with empty exhaustion - she couldn't tell.

He wasn't going to save her this time.

And for the first time in her life, as the truck driver tried desperately to swerve away from the little red Mustang - and failed, Kimberly Ann Hart succumbed to defeat without even putting up a fight.

* ~ To Be Continued ~


A/N: Feedback for this will be much appreciated. 'Chapter Two: Rocky's Fear' will be up as soon as it's done and I know whether or not people like this storyline. Anyway, please R&R, and I'll update soon!