This is the first time I've done an introduction explaining things for a story, but I feel that it is prudent and somewhat necessary.  The main character's name is Zoda (I apologize if someone has already come to the conclusion of having a Zoda character in their story, but mine is most likely different).  Zoda is Yoda's nephew and he's 300 years old and a bit universe weary.  Zoda is not very patient and can be quick to anger when dealing with the Jedi Council.  He's not sith, but he occasionally walks that fine line, kind of like Anakin.  He isn't on the best of terms with Yoda and Yoda disagrees with some of his actions, but tolerates him.  Like Qui-Gon, he could've been on the Jedi Council, but because of his actions and his lack of respect for most of the council's decisions, he isn't on it.  Zoda is somewhat of a lightsaber aficionado and he has several.  His technique in lightsaber battles varies and he knows all forms, but isn't extremely proficient in one of them.  His main lightsaber is known as the quantum tri-fecta lightsaber.  It looks basically like this with the = being the handle and the --- representing the blade: ---=---=--- so basically it's like a dual edged lightsaber with a lightsaber in the middle of it.  He uses it on rare occasions and generally duels with two dueling sabers and deflects lasers with a regular lightsaber.  That's about it, the only things else is that Zoda has a speech impediment causing him to speak in coherent sentences.  This is slightly comedic.

Note: Padme is Obi-Wan's age in this fic.

Star Wars: Infinities: When Movies Collide

            A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away…

Coruscant: The traffic to enter the planet was just like always: hell.  With so many ships coming and going, it was a wonder that more ships didn't collide with one another.  In his Jedi Starfighter, Zoda cursed as he barely avoiding smashing into a Bulk Freighter that wasn't in its assigned corridor of travel.  Zoda swerved back in forth in his agile fighter as he entered into Coruscant's atmosphere.  Again more vessels came out of nowhere and blazed their horns as Zoda finally settled into a corridor of traffic flying towards the Jedi Temple.

            "It's been 300 years, and still I'm running errands for the powers that be.  I swear one of these days I'm just going to quit the order," thought Zoda.  He sighed at this thought as he'd been telling himself that almost every day.  Zoda finally pulled a couple of gut wrenching turns before arriving at the temple.  He landed on the movable platform with a thud and exited his ship to the ranting of his R5 unit.

            "Whatever Depot, I've got my own problems.  Just get this thing ready to go.  After fighting off those Trandoshan's, I think this thing is on the verge of falling apart," said Zoda.  Depot gave him a raspberry and began accessing the automated repair system.  Zoda walked through the large repair bay and into the temple's hallways.  He began grumbling to himself as various Jedi passed by.  Zoda was just about to enter a turbolift when he encountered Obi-Wan Kenobi.

            "Hello Master Zoda," said Obi-Wan.  Zoda looked up at him.

"I haven't seen you in ages Obi-Wan, how long has it been?" asked Zoda entering the lift.

"Give or take 10 years," said Obi-Wan.  Zoda chuckled.

"Back when you were a still wet behind the ears apprentice under Yoda's tutelage.  You could barely handle a training saber.  I see you've come a long way in the ways of lightsaber battling.  Hell you could probably beat me," admitted Zoda.

"Yeah well," said Obi-Wan trying not to blush.  Then the intercom came to life in the turbolift.

"Would Zoda please report to the council," said the intercom.

"Sithspit!  I just got here and they're already breathing down my neck!" yelled Zoda banging the wall of the turbolift in frustration.

"Have you always been at odds with the council?" asked Obi-Wan.

"Yes, ever since I became a Jedi.  I don't know if it's just me or maybe because my uncle is the head of the council.  Either way, we haven't seen eye to eye for a very long time," said Zoda.

"Somewhat like Qui-Gon," said Obi-Wan, regarding some scuffles Qui-Gon had had with the council in the past.

"Yep, just like Qui-Gon.  Speaking of which, where is he?" asked Zoda.

"He came down with the flu on our latest mission.  He'll be fine in a week," said Obi-Wan.

"Well, send him my regards," said Zoda as the turbolift rumbled to a halt.

"I will," said Obi-Wan.  Zoda cocked his head and left into the room with the council.  He quickly plastered on a fake smile as he entered into the center of the Jedi Masters.

"Treat us with respect you should.  Take the smile off your face you must," said Yoda.  Zoda growled and held up a book by a leather strap.

"I hope you're happy.  You have no idea what it took for me to get this," said Zoda.  He put the mud-caked book of the floor and kicked it over to Yoda, leaving a trail of mud across the clean floor.  Yoda looked vaguely annoyed while Mace Windu merely sighed.

"Now if that's all, I'll be leaving," said Zoda heading towards the turbolift where Obi-Wan was merely watching the debacle.

"Not so fast," said Yoda.

"Oy Pah Nagoya," said Zoda in defeat.  He slowly turned around marched to the center of the room. 

"What did I do this time?" he asked.

"On the contrary, it's what you didn't do," said Ki-Adi-Mundi.

"You lost me on that one," said Zoda.

"In you last mission, you were told to use diplomatic means to obtain this book of the Jedi that had been stolen by the Trandoshans," said Mace.

"I did!" said Zoda.

"If you think that battling a dozen Trandoshans with your lightsabers count as diplomatic means, then you'd be right.  But it isn't!" shouted Plo Koon.

"It's called forced negations.  You know, when you use a lightsaber.  Those trandoshans weren't going to give up that book in a million years and I didn't want to bother negotiating with them.  I got the book back and those thieves got what they deserved, end of story," said Zoda.

"Not end of story.  You're clearly lacking in ambassadorial skills and you need some.  That's why this new mission requires an ambassador and is of vital importance.  Today we were informed by Chancellor Valorum that Naboo has been blockaded by the Trade Federation in dispute over taxation of various trade routes," said Windu.

"So?  How is this my problem?  I don't own a shipping company.  Clearly the Federation feels they are justified in what they're doing.  I don't see what I'm going to be able to do," said Zoda.

"You're going to negotiate things with the Federation and coerce them into leaving.  But to make sure that you'll do your job, we'll be assigning other Jedi to your mission.  Obi-Wan Kenobi!" said Windu.  Obi-Wan shocked, stepped forward.

"Yes Masters?" asked Obi-Wan incredulously.

"Accompany Zoda, you and Qui-Gon will," said Yoda.

"There might be a problem, you see Qui-Gon is suffering from the flu, he'll pull through in a week though," said Obi-Wan helplessly.

"I see.  Then assign Kit Fisto as well we shall," said Yoda.  Zoda held up his hand.

"Here's a thought.  Why don't we wait a week and then you just send Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan on their own to deal with this problem.  That way I don't explode a volatile situation and I don't become more angry at the council," said Zoda.

"No," began Yoda.

"Wait.  That doesn't sound like a bad idea," admitted Ki-Adi-Mundi.

"I agree," said Plo Koon.

"Muwahahahaha," laughed Zoda.  Yoda again was still holding onto his anger towards Zoda.

"Vote on it we shall," said Yoda.

"Tie means he stays," said Plo Koon.

"All opposed?" asked Mace Windu.  Some hands shot up.

"All for?" asked Yoda.  Some more hands shot up.  Yaddle couldn't decide what to do because she didn't care either way.  She finally put her chips in and held up her hand, thus altering history forever.

"Looks like you go," said Mace.


"Here are your information packets.  I'll have Kit meet you downstairs.  You should take the ambassadorial ship that Valorum has provided for you.  It will take you directly to Naboo. 

"Vaya Con Dios folks," said Zoda leaving.

"Fine, whatever.  Just do your mission," said Yoda straining to form a coherent sentence.

"Thank you Uncle, I shall," said Zoda with a big grin on his face as he purposely annoyed his uncle.  He then left with Obi-Wan.

"A mistake this was.  Need the experience he does, however, the dark side I sense.  Where I do not know, but it exists," said Yoda.

"You're just nervous," said Mace.

"For the future's sake, hope so I do," admitted Yoda.  He then left the room to retire to his quarters.  Down below, Zoda and Obi-Wan were filling in Kit Fisto.  He just nodded his head and moved out with them towards the ship waiting outside to take them to Naboo.  They boarded and it took off towards Naboo.  It cruised through the streets and past two robed figures.

"Let us hope that those fools in the Trade Federation can handle the Ambassadors," said Darth Sidious.  Darth Maul merely nodded.  The ship burst free of the planet and zipped into hyperspace.

"I'll get the council for this, I really will," said Zoda drinking some wine.

"You will?  How?" asked Obi-Wan clearly amused.

"They'll wake up one morning and not be able to feel the force because somewhat will open a Ysalamiri kennel club on the bottom floor and its fifty spots will be mysteriously filled up.  I can't wait to see the looks on their faces," said Zoda rubbing his hands together.  Obi-Wan chuckled.

"You seriously think you're going to be able to get fifty Ysalamiri into the temple?  You know the screen for those things and it would be pretty easy to discover that they were present.  You're plan has a few kinks in it," said Obi-Wan chuckling.

"Beware the determined being for he could accomplish even the impossible," said Kit.  Obi-Wan's eyes went wide open.

"Thank you Kit," said Zoda.

"That freaks me out every time he does that," said Obi-Wan.

"He's a philosophical Jedi plain and simple.  They're actually better than some Jedi because they don't ramble.  Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get some sleep," said Zoda.  He laid himself down on the floor and propped up his head with a certain muddy book.

"Hey isn't that?" asked Obi-Wan.

"Yes it is," said Zoda with a smile on his face.

Jedi Council: "It's not here.  He took it, that little sith took it," said Plo Koon.  The whole order had covered the entire temple for the book that Zoda had obtained.

"Get him for this, I will," said Yoda angrily.

"Careful Master Yoda, hold onto your anger.  It could lead you to the darkside," said Qui-Gon who was partially over his flu.

"In order to deal with Zoda, cross over the darkside I may," said Yoda.  He then left again to his room.

"The sparks are going to fly when Zoda returns," said Mace.

"I just hope my Padawan can handle him when it comes time to negotiate," said Qui-Gon.

"Let us hope so, for all our sakes.  Especially the Nubians," said Ki-Adi-Mundi.

Naboo: The ship was steadily approaching the blockade.

"Why is there never a blockade over a planet with a decent beach?" asked Zoda.

"Because people would be upset," said Obi-Wan.

"True," conceded Zoda.

"We are receiving a message from the Federation," said the captain over the intercom.  The four Jedi slid on their robes and entered the bridge.  On the screen was a Nemoidian.

"Who the hell is he?" demanded Zoda quietly.

"Nute Gunray, he's the viceroy," said the captain.

"The more powerful they are," began Kit.

"The uglier they look," said Zoda.  They clapped hands.

"Gentlemen, the matter at hand," said Obi-Wan.

"Right, tell Gumby that we want to board," said Zoda.

"With all due respect, the ambassadors from the supreme chancellor wish to board immediately," said the captain.

"You didn't have to sound so generous," said Zoda.

"Yes of course.  As you can see our blockade is perfectly legal.  And we'd be happy to welcome the ambassadors," said Nute Gunray as the transmission shut off.

"Liar," said Zoda shaking his head.

"Did you use the force to determine that?" asked the captain.

"Don't be so naive.  It's obvious he's lying to us.  Neimodians cannot be trusted," said Zoda.  He then wandered off the bridge and towards the ramp as the ship flew towards the massive Trade Federation ship.

"Only an idiot blockades a planet that no one goes to.  The negotiations will be short because they have absolutely nothing to bargain with," said Zoda.  The ship landed in the bay of the ship and Kit, Obi-Wan, and Zoda disembarked.

"I hate this job.  The Jedi should be ruling the galaxy, not being the senate's lackeys.  Then stupid things like this wouldn't happen," grumbled Zoda.

"We're keepers of the peace, not soldiers," said Obi-Wan.

"Blah, blah, blah.  It's always the same, the Jedi are sheep.  The senate controls us. We've lost touch with the old ways.  I bet we'll loose touch with the Force in a few years.  Or to be precise you saps will.  Not me though, I don't obey the council when the situation suits me," said Zoda.

"No wonder the council hates you, you're crazy," said Obi-Wan.  Zoda shrugged.

"Am I Obi-Wan?  Or am I sane and the rest of you are crazy.  Dark time are coming, of this I can assure you," said Zoda.  Obi-Wan shrugged.

"Sometimes those who are crazy can see things that we cannot," said Kit.

"Whatever," Obi-Wan said.  They walked to a sliding door and it moved to the sides and revealed a silver droid.

"Greetings, I am TC-14.  This way please," said TC-14.

"Where're we going?" demanded Zoda.

"To a conference room," said TC-14.

"Why don't we go to the bridge?" asked Zoda.

"Because my masters wish to meet you in the conference room," said TC-14.

"Are they there now?" asked Obi-Wan.

"Not yet," said TC-14.  Zoda came to a halt.

"Screw it then, we're not moving another inch.  I want to see your masters now!" shouted Zoda.

"Don't be impulsive," said Obi-Wan.

"Beware the man who leaps into battle with no armor for he will bring about his untimely death," said Kit.

"I agree for once.  Remember, the council ordered us to be ambassadors, not soldiers," said Obi-Wan.  Zoda growled.  He looked around and saw a pair of battle droids walking by.  Zoda launched himself up into the air, ignited one his dueling sabers and sliced the head off of one of them while skewering the other with his second dueling saber.  He then landed on the ground and shutoff both of his sabers.

"This is a bad idea," said Zoda clipping the sabers to his belt.  The group was then escorted to the conference room.

"My masters will be with you shortly," said TC-14 running off.  The three Jedi pulled back their hoods.

"I have a bad feeling about this," said Obi-Wan.

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner!  Let's get out of here and say that we never got here," said Zoda.

"It's not about the mission master, it's something elsewhere, more elusive," admitted Obi-Wan.

"It's probably the council's hatred of me.  Those idiots just can't seem to take a joke," said Zoda.

"Something bad is about to happen," said Obi-Wan.  TC-14 reappeared with some drinks.  The three Jedi took them.

"What is this?" asked Zoda as he sipped his drink.

"Caf," said the droid.  Zoda spewed it out.

"You weren't joking Obi-Wan, this stuff takes like sithspit.  I take it you don't have a water," said Zoda.

"No.  Neimodians are inherently afraid of the stuff," said TC-14.

"As well they should be.  One time I was on Kamino.  Now that was a watery world.  I nearly drowned there," said Zoda.

"Kamino.  I'm not familiar with it.  Is it in the Republic?" asked Obi-Wan.

"No, no.  I'd say it's about three parsecs south of the Riszi Maze.  Should be easy to find, even with the droids in the Jedi archives," said Zoda.  It was at that point that a disturbance of the force was felt as the ambassadorial ship exploded.  Kit and Obi-Wan immediately leapt up and ignited their lightsabers while Zoda merely held his hands to his head.

"Why can't one of these missions end peacefully?  Why?" he demanded.  He then saw TC-14 still holding their tray.

"This is your fault.  You told them we were Jedi," said Zoda.  He pulled out his regular lightsaber, switched it on, and hurled it at TC-14.  It struck it in the chest and TC-14 fell over.

"Damn droid," said Zoda.  He pulled it out.

"With all due respect, your destroying those droids with your two lightsabers probably tipped them off," said Obi-Wan.

"True," said Kit.

"That's it, we're leaving.  I knew I should've brought my fighter," said Zoda.

"What do we do know?" asked Obi-Wan.

"Well first we.  Ah crap!" said Zoda.  Gas had begun filing the room.

"Dioxus," said Kit.

"Someone's going to pay dearly for this," said Zoda as they all began holding their breaths.

Outside: A hologram appeared in front of several droids.

"They must be dead by now.  Destroy what's left of them," said Nute Gunray.  The droids nodded as the door opened.

"Check it out corporal, we'll cover you," said one droid.  Before the droid could reply four lightsabers ignited in the yellow gas, two vertical and two at an angle.

"Open," began the droid before it was sliced in half.  Zoda, Kit, and Obi-Wan leapt out of the gas and began slicing droids left and right.  Zoda was flying all over the place with his dual dueling sabers as he did his best to deflect shots.

"These weapons weren't designed for this!" shouted Zoda.

"Then why'd you bring them?" demanded Obi-Wan as he deflected another bolt.

"Because I didn't think the Neimodians were going to have the guts to attack us," said Zoda as he sliced another battledroid.  Eventually all the droids were destroyed.

"Come, we're getting the hell out of here," said Zoda moving towards the bays.

"We're not going to the bridge?" asked Obi-Wan incredulously.

"Don't be stupid!  We can't hold off an entire army of droids!  Let's move," said Zoda taking off using the force.  Kit and Obi-Wan shrugged and chased after him.

Bridge: "Why haven't they come here yet?" demanded Nute Gunray.

"Probably because they were frightened off," said a neimodian near by.

"Find them!  We can't have Jedi loose on this ship!" he yelled.  Various droids scurried about trying to locate the missing Jedi.

Bay: The three Jedi ran into the bay and hid behind some crates.

"Oh this just keeps getting better!" said Zoda as they watched the battledroids boarding the landing craft.

"What do we do?" asked Obi-Wan.

"We hijack one of these ships and go back to Coruscant," said Zoda.

"You can't be serious," said Obi-Wan.

"Deadly.  The mission parameters have been radically altered and this situation is no longer salvageable.  I feel for the Queen, but we're only three Jedi and if we don't tell Coruscant what the hell is happening here, then no one will ever know," said Zoda.

"Sometimes it is the man who doesn't fight that is the better man," said Kit.

"Would you cut that out," said Obi-Wan.

"Yeah, it's getting annoying," said Zoda.

"Fine.  Look, all of these ships are planetary assault ships and I highly doubt that they have a hyperdrive, we're better off taking them down to Naboo and then going to Theed and securing a hyperspace capable ship," said Kit.

"Excellent plan.  We'll store aboard separate ships.  This mission has just been a disaster from the start, let's hope it only gets better from this point," said Zoda.

"Look in the bright side.  The negotiations were short hence you didn't have to use your ambassadorial skills," said Obi-Wan.

"Ha, ha, ha.  Shut up!" said Zoda.  The three split ways and headed towards the ships.  Their ships then zoomed towards the surface and landed.  Zoda raced off ahead of the MTAT's as they pushed over everything in their path on their way to Theed.  He watched as dozens of creatures ran for their lives, except for one certain Gungan who just stood there frozen.  Zoda stopped and eyed him curiously.

"Should I save him or shouldn't I?" wondered Zoda.  He was still thinking about it when Kit Fisto leapt out from behind a tree and dragged the Gungan to safety as the MTAT's zoomed by towards Theed.  Zoda walked over to Kit and the Gungan who was jabbering something or another.

"You should've let him get run over," said Zoda.

"Maybe I should have," responded Kit.

"Thank yousa for saving mesa.  How can I hep you?" asked the Gungan.

"Who or what the hell is this thing?" asked Zoda.

"He's a Gungan named Jar Jar Binks," said Kit.

"I hope all Gungan's aren't like this," said Zoda.

"Let's hope not," agreed Kit.  Instantly laser shots were heard as Obi-Wan appeared while being chased by two droids on a STAPs.  Kit yanked out his lightsaber and launched it at the droids.  It sliced them in half and the STAP's came to a halt nearby.  Zoda walked over and helped Obi-Wan up after he had fallen over.

"You okay?  What happened to your saber?" asked Zoda.

"Nothing master," Obi-Wan said sheepishly.

"Hand it over," said Zoda sighing.  Obi-Wan sighed and handed over a water soaked lightsaber.

"Rule number one when dealing with lightsaber and water, shut off the power completely," said Zoda.

"Yes master," said Obi-Wan expecting Zoda to yell at him.

"Ah don't worry about it, I've done it myself a few times.  In order to make it up, 'convince' fish face to go away," said Zoda as he began looking around for any other Federation forces.

"Are yousa powerful toosa?" asked Jar Jar.

"You don't want to follow us," said Obi-Wan moving his hand in front of Jar Jar.

"I don't wanta follow usa," said Jar Jar in a trance.

"You want to go home and rethink your life," said Obi-Wan.

"Mesa wanta go home and rethink mea life," said Jar Jar walking off in a daze.

"Dude's definitely on deathsticks," said Kit laughing.

"Yeah but in the meantime we need to get to Theed," said Zoda.  All three looked at the STAPs.

"There's no way we can all ride on those things.  Looks like we'll have to draw straws," said Obi-Wan.

"On the contrary.  I'll simply stand on the handlebars while you drive Obi-Wan," said Zoda.

"Why me?" asked Obi-Wan.

"Simple," said Zoda climbing onto the handlebars "I don't trust Kit's driving."

"Thanks, I think," said Obi-Wan as he climbed onto the STAP.  Kit climbed onto his and the two blasted off towards Theed.

"Faster, faster!" said Zoda clearly exhilarated by the view.

"Any faster and we'll crash," said Obi-Wan.

"Any slower and the Federation will take Theed before us.  Faster!" shouted Zoda.  He used his right foot to slam on the accelerator.

"Are you crazy!" Obi-Wan demanded while trying desperately to steer the STAP.

"Nope.  I'm psychotic!" shouted Zoda as the STAP burst free of the forest and blasted towards Theed.  Already the Federation had reached the capital.

"Well so much for saving the city or the queen.  Guess we'll just have to find a ship and leave, hiding until this whole thing blows over," said Zoda.

"I think it would be in your best interest if you rescued the Queen," said Kit.

"Why?  Why should we stick our necks out for a captured Queen?" asked Zoda.

"She's rich," said Obi-Wan.

"Rich?" asked Zoda.

"Yes, rich, powerful.  Look, if you rescued her the reward would be," said Obi-Wan.

"What?" asked Zoda beginning to foam at the mouth.

"Well more wealth than you could imagine," said Obi-Wan.

"I don't know I could imagine quite a lot," said Zoda.

"You'll get it," said Obi-Wan.

"I'd better," said Zoda.  Kit maneuvered alongside them.

"Actually you won't.  The Queen is elected by the people thus the amount of money she owned would be what she owned and not what the people owned," said Kit.

"Jedi's never get easy breaks," said Zoda sighing.

"Yeah well, let's still rescue the Queen," said Obi-Wan.

"Assuming we find her.  I'll tell you what.  We'll make three sweeps of the city.  If we find her great, if not we're getting the hell out of here," said Zoda.

"Agreed," Obi-Wan and Kit said.

"Let's rock and roll," said Zoda.  The two STAPs zoomed into the city.

Theed, nay minutes later: "This is not looking good your highness.  Clearly they will torture you until you sign the treaty," said Sio Bibble.

"I certainly hope not.  I only wonder what happened to the ambassadors," said Padme Amidala.

"Clearly they never came or Nute Gunray killed them," said Capt. Panaka.

"Let us hope not, for all our sakes," said Amidala.  Instantly the procession halted and a holo of Nute Gunray appeared.

"New orders, kill the Queen.  I will have her weaker successor that we appoint sign our treaty," said Nute Gunray.  The droids all pointed their guns at the Queen.

"Your highness!" shouted one of her handmaidens.  The droids aimed and fired.

Shrummm!  Crack!  Instantly the place was in chaos as three figures, lightsabers drawn, leapt from the shadows and began slashing at the droids and deflecting various laser blasts and a few seconds later the confrontation was over.

"That was a close one.  It's a good thing we walked this way on the third sweep, otherwise Queeny here would be dead," said the shortest one.

"Thank goodness for that," said a tall human.

"If all of you please, we'd like to get off the street," said the alien with tentacles where hair normally would've been.

"Right, grab their weapons," said Panaka.  The group grabbed the droid's weapons and walked into an alleyway.

"Howdy.  I'm Jedi Master Yoda," said the shortest one with a smile on his face.

"Oh Jedi Master Yoda, we're so honored by your presence," said Sio Bibble.

"No problem.  Now pay up, I don't work for free," said 'Yoda'.

"What?" Sio said in distress.  'Yoda' began laughing.

"Would someone explain what's going on?" asked Panaka clearly confused.  The human spoke up.

"He's only joking.  That's Jedi Knight Zoda, Yoda's nephew, I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi, and that's Kit Fisto," said Obi-Wan.

"I see," said Sio, much relieved.

"Sorry about the money thing, it was just for kicks.  There hasn't been too much humor lately what with the Trade Federation and all," said Zoda.

"Yes.  Now may I ask what three Jedi are doing here?" asked Amidala.

"We're ambassadors for the supreme chancellor," said Kit.

"Your negotiations seem to have failed," said Sio.

"Yes, yes they did.  Miserably I might add.  When/If we get to Coruscant, would you please express that sentiment to the Jedi Council?  Tell them Zoda should never have to be an ambassador and if he does he must be able to do it his own way," said Zoda with a smile on his face.

"Zoda!" said Obi-Wan.

"What?  I was serious!" said Zoda.

"What he means to say is that the negotiations never took place," said Kit.

"Yeah, and we're headed to Coruscant, feel free to join us if you want," said Zoda moving out towards the hanger nearby.  The group followed and then they all waited outside.

"So, you coming or not Queeny?" asked Zoda.

"Show her some respect," said Panaka.

"No.  I don't show anyone respect," said Zoda.

"Not even the Council?" asked Sio slyly.

"Nope.  Obi-Wan will vouch for me on that one," said Zoda.

"Sadly that is the truth.  But he does want to please the council on this mission so he'll show you some respect," said Obi-Wan.  Zoda just harrumphed.

"Fine, fine, whatever.  My apologies Queen Amidala of the Naboo," said Zoda.

"Now that that's over with, will you accompany us to Coruscant?" asked Obi-Wan.

"My place is with my people," said Amidala.

"Hey, works for me.  Let's get going.  She wants to die that's her choice," said Zoda.

"Nute Gunray did order your death my Queen.  I don't believe we can protect you for long should you stay," admitted Panaka.

"Our only hope is for the Senate to side with us.  Senator Palpatine will need your help," said Sio.

"Yeah, like the senate'll do anything," said Zoda unconvinced.

"You're not helping," said Obi-Wan.

"Whatever," Zoda said walking off and standing away from the group.

"It's your choice your highness," said Kit.

"We are brave your highness," said a handmaiden.

"Then I will go and plead our case to the senate," said Amidala.

"Good luck.  Let me know how that turns out," said Zoda still standing a way off.

"Let's go then," said Zoda.  The whole group then entered into the hanger.

"Is that your tin can?" asked Zoda looking at the Queen's cruiser.

"What about it?" Panaka asked defensively.

"Nothing, it's nice.  Who'll fly it?" asked Zoda.

"We'll need to free those pilots," said Panaka.

"Figures, a Jedi's work is never done.  I'll do it," said Zoda sighing and walking towards the droids.  Obi-Wan walked with the group towards a group of droids in front of the ships landing ramp.

"Halt!  Where are you taking them?" inquired one of the droids.  Obi-Wan didn't respond and immediately began cutting droids left and right with his lightsaber as the group ran onto the ship.  Kit was instead using the Force to knock droids left and right while Zoda was smashing through several with his dueling sabers.

"Move like you've got a purpose people!" shouted Zoda as the pilots got up and began running for their lives.  Zoda then retracted his lightsabers, clipped them to his belt and ran onto the Queen's ship and it took off.

"Great, all we have to do now is worry about the blockade.  Does this ship have a cloaking device?" asked Zoda.

"Are you crazy, this is a civilian ship!" shouted Panaka.

"Fine, calm down," said Zoda.  The ship burst into space and zoomed towards the blockade.

"Not good," said Obi-Wan.

"Ah quit crying, we're screwed anyway," said Zoda.  The blockade immediately opened fire on the ship and then a warning was heard.

"Shield generators' been hit," said Ric Olie.

"This wouldn't have happened if you'd learn to fly better.  You ever hear of evasive maneuvers?" asked Zoda.

"True, it's not good to fly in a straight line," said Kit.

"Nothing we can do about it now.  Let's hope the droids can fix the ship," Obi-Wan commented.

"I wish Depot was here.  Not that he would've done anything, I just could've blamed him for everything that went wrong," said Zoda.

"He wouldn't be much help here, all R5's are hardwired to the Jedi Starfighters," said Obi-Wan.

"I still could've found someway to blame everything on him," said Zoda.  The ship flew on, even without shields.  Then when all seemed lost.

"Shields are back, that little droid did it.  Bypassed the main power drive," said the Ric.

"Ah quit giving us the commentary, what's been damaged?" asked Zoda.

"The hyperdrive, it's loosing power," said the Ric.

"Well that's just great, what the hell're we gonna do now?" asked Zoda.

"Here master, Tatooine.  It's small, remote, out of the way, but the Trade Federation has virtually no presence there," said Obi-Wan.  Zoda shuddered.

"I don't think that's necessarily the way to go.  My relationship with Hutts isn't too good right now, especially after I screwed Pizza the Hutt over.  How about Kashyyyk?" asked Zoda.

"It's a little far, but I think we can make it," said Obi-Wan.

"Good.  I know a few wookies there who can help us out," said Zoda.

"Sounds good, setting course for Kashyyyk," said the pilot.  He pulled a lever and the stars streamed forward as the ship plunged into hyperspace.

Federation Fleet: "Not for a Sith Lord.  This is my apprentice Darth Maul.  He will find your missing ship," Darth Sidious said and with that the hologram shutoff.

"This was a mistake.  Now there are two of them," said Nute Gunray.

"Which is why we need to find them first.  Track their course, there must be some habitable planetoid on their path," said Rune Haako.

"Perhaps.  But we must be secretive about it.  If they find out, we're finished," said Nute.

"Then let us deploy our fleet," said Rune.  A few minutes later the fleet spread out heading in different directions to all habitable planetoids nearby with the exception of the droid control ship that remained behind.

Queen's Ship: "There is no doubt that without this droid, we would've all been dead.  It is to be commended.  Padme, please clean up this droid," said Amidala.  Padme nodded.

"I'll do it," offered Zoda.

"Thanks, but that will not be necessary.  Perhaps you can assist," suggested the Queen.

"Maybe," said Zoda disappointed.

"I need to know more about Kashyyk.  What is it?  Who lives there?  How do you know they'll help us?" demanded Panaka.

"Have you never heard of Kashyyk?" asked Zoda incredulously.  Panaka sighed.

"I must confess that I have never been anywhere else but Coruscant and Naboo.  The Queen hasn't been to that many places either," Panaka admitted.

"What?  You lousy royalty always having things brought for you.  You wouldn't understand what it's like to live a normal life why you," said Zoda as Kit clamped his mouth shut and dragged him from the room.

"He's just a little stressed.  Anyway, Kashyyk is a large wooded planet with plenty of wookies who live at the top of the tall trees there.  They're friendly for the most part unless someone holds a grudge against you and in that case watch out.  I don't see any problems with us going there because when Master Qui-Gon and I went there, we were welcomed like family," said Obi-Wan with a smile remembering those times.

"Excuse me, who is Master Qui-Gon?" asked Padme having not left yet with R2.

"He's my master.  I'm only a Padawan learner," admitted Obi-Wan.

"You could've fooled me," admitted Padme.

"Me too," said Panaka.

"Yes well, I should be taking the trials soon to become a Jedi Knight.  In the meantime, I suggest we all get some sleep, we don't want to be tired on Kashyyk lest we fall from the high trees," said Obi-Wan.

"I agree," said the Queen.  With that the assembly broke up and moved in different directions.

Bay: Padme was cleaning up R2-D2 when she heard several cracks.  Instantly Zoda leapt into the room with his dueling sabers as Obi-Wan leapt in with his lightsaber.

"C'mon buddy.  Let's see that lightsaber in action," said Zoda with a grin on his face.

"What're you doing?" asked Padme slightly frightened.

"We're practicing our lightsaber techniques.  Feel free to watch," said Obi-Wan.  Padme, relieved, watched along with Obi-Wan as the two of them engaged in a massive lightsaber battle with Zoda flying all over the place and Obi-Wan constantly fending off his attacks.

"I'd hope you could try harder than this," said Obi-Wan with a grin on his face.

"Don't make me hurt you, padawan.  Your skills are nothing compared to mine," said Zoda swinging both his sabers.  Somehow Obi-Wan managed to get his blade under Zoda's left one and sent it flying off.  It shutoff and landed next to a pile of crates.

"See," said Obi-Wan grinning even harder.

"Ah you just got lucky that's all," said Zoda.  He leapt up again and swung his lone dueling saber and continued to battle Obi-Wan.  Eventually Obi-Wan was backed into a corner with nowhere to maneuver.

"Looks like I win," said Zoda maneuvering to slap Obi-Wan's lightsaber away.

"Obi-Wan catch," said Padme as she hurled Zoda's other dueling saber at Obi-Wan.  Obi-Wan caught it and deflected Zoda's blow.

"Oh I see how it is," said Zoda looking at Padme with a smile.

"I think he must've used the Force to bring the lightsaber to him," said Padme.

"Somehow I doubt it," said Zoda.  He backed away from Obi-Wan as he clutched his lightsaber and Zoda's.  Then Kit entered into the bay.

"I have a q-oh," said Kit seeing the seen in front of him.

"Quick Kit, help me defeat Zoda," said Obi-Wan.

"Perhaps just this once.  It would help me relieve my stress that Zoda has caused by this mission," said Kit.  He immediately snapped his lightsaber up and turned it on.  It was Obi-Wan with two lightsabers and Kit with one versus Zoda with one.

"Looks like they've got the advantage," said Padme.  Zoda laughed.

"Not quite.  You see, I have a weapon designed for such situations," said Zoda.

"Oh no," said Obi-Wan.  He immediately rushed Zoda with Kit as Zoda calmly clipped his lightsaber onto his belt and pulled back his robe to reveal a double lightsaber handle.  Calmly summoning up his strength, he pulled out his lightsaber and switched it on.  Two blades extended out the end and he pulled the handles apart to reveal a third blade in the middle, all of which were sky blue.

"Behold the quantum tri-fecta lightsaber," said Zoda as he leapt into the air.  Although Obi-Wan and Kit tried their best, none of their attacks could get past the powerful weapon due to the proper placement of the blades, the weapon had very few weak points.  Even when Zoda gave Kit his other dueling saber and it was four sabers against one with three blades, Zoda's skill with the weapon was apparent as he waded in between them and blocked off all of their attacks.  Padme eventually grabbed a lasergun and began firing stunbolts, but still Zoda was able to fend off all of them.  Eventually he leapt up and landed on Obi-Wan's left shoulder and Kit's right and swung his lightsaber in front of their necks.

"I win," he said.  He then shutoff his lightsaber and landed on the floor with sweat dripping down off of all of them.

"That was some fight," Padme observed, getting water for them.

"Yeah it was.  I am impressed Obi-Wan, Kit.  I seriously thought I was going to loose for a moment.  You two have advanced wonderfully in your training.  You two will be a forced to be reckoned with.  I'd sure hate to have to face you two in battle," said Zoda wiping off his face with a towel.

"Yeah well, let's hope that never happens.  That workout really wore me out, time to sleep," said Zoda.  He quickly pulled out his book that he'd somehow managed to bring with him on the journey to Naboo and began snoozing.  Obi-Wan and Kit also laid down and some were sleeping as well.  Padme had R2 bring them some blankets as she watched them sleep.

"If they only knew I was the Queen, then we could really be friends, I have so few.  But I can't tell them, my security is at risk," thought Padme.  She sighed and walked off to her chamber as the ship continued to barrel down hyperspace.

Coruscant: Darth Sidious and Darth Maul were standing next to the Sith Infiltrator.

"Those idiots in the Trade Federation don't know how to follow a hyperspace vector.  They're going to Kashyyyk.  Kit Fisto and Obi-Wan Kenobi are no match for your power, but beware Zoda for his strength will surprise you.  Now go my apprentice," said Darth Sidious.  Darth Maul nodded and took off towards the planet.

Federation Ship in orbit of Bakura: "What is our next target?" asked Rune Haako who had left the droid control ship to captain another.

"Kashyyyk, a wookie colony," said a neimodian nearby.

"Very well, let us go," said Rune.  The massive ship leapt into hyperspace, headed for Kashyyyk as well as the Sith Infiltrator, and the Queen's ship and soon Kashyyyk would experience a shock unlike any other.