A/N: Konnichiwa everyone! As you can see, I'm starting a new story. I just watched the movie Ever After, and its one of my all time favorite movies. I thought that this would be a perfect story for Inuyasha, si I sat down and started writing. So far, I'm doing well. Ok, just to tell you right now, not too much is going on in these chappies, so please don't judge my story by the first couple chapters; they're mainly introducing the story. When Inuyasha gets involved, it'll get much better, I promise; and you all are going to love it!!! It's kinda like a Cinderella tale, only more like Ever After, and Inuyasha style! *hehe* So, I'll go ahead and stop typing this thing and let you read my story. Don't forget to review when you're done!

I do not own any InuYasha members, so you can't sue me!!! *hehe* No really, I don't. Give all of the credit to Rumiko Takahashi, the very talented writer who came up with the series. (Duh, you should all know that, stupid me!) I just merely use the outstanding characters for entertainment! Enjoy!!


"My dear child, come and sit as I tell you a story about a feudal Japan fairytale." An old woman, appearing to be in her late fifties, was sitting patiently in a rocking chair, gazing happily into the silent, snow- covered world of present day Tokyo. Her aged eyes watched as each detailed snowflake fluttered to the glittering earth. A young child slowly walked to the old woman, carrying two cups of steaming tea. The small wisps of steam rose into the cool air, dancing as it did.

"Grandma, do tell me a story? Tell me one of romance and love, where the couple lives happily ever after!" She carefully handed the woman a cup, and climbed into her lap, quietly blowing on the hot liquid. She snuggled into the warmth of her Grandmother, and took a small sip of her tea. She stuck out her tongue in response to the hot liquid. "Ouch! Hot..... hot....." The woman chuckled, "My dear Kaiya, do you ever learn? Now, sit quietly and I will tell you a story. Aye, this one is a tale of romance, and trust. I find that you will enjoy it very much." The woman began rocking back and forth in the chair, holding Kaiya closely in her lap.

"It all begins, as all fairytales do, once upon a time."

Chapter 1: The New Family

Once upon a time, when demons and other such creatures still roamed about in the era, when Lords and Ladies still ruled the Eastern and Western Lands, when their sons and daughters would wed to reign over the throne, a single family captures our attention as the tale of love, of true, fairytale love is expressed between a young couple.

"Kagome! Lady Kagome! Your father wishes to speak to you! Now where has that young child gone off to?" An old woman was wandering through the many corridors her Lord's house had to offer. She was in pursuit of finding his daughter; however, lately she has been running off and dreaming in her own little world, paying no heed to her family's businesses.

"That little girl is seriously going to get in trouble. Lady Kagome!" She hollered at the top of her lungs as a young girl burst through a pair of doors, rushing into the hallway, and colliding with the woman. Following quickly behind was a childhood friend, one she would spend a lot of time with. He crashed into her as well, dropping to the ground.

"Lady Kagome, where have you been? And what have you been doing?" She slowly stood and gazed in disgust at the girl, watching as water dripped to the ground. "Ah, granny Kaede! Uh, well..... Koga and I were just bathing the dog, and we kinda fell in with him." She giggled and placed her hand upon her head, feeling some of the sudsy soap they had used to try and bathe the dog. "Hehe, I guess he didn't like it too much." She smiled brightly and turned around, gazing at Koga as he tried to stand. The water beneath his feet really wasn't aiding him. "Need help?" Kagome reached her hand in front of his face, trying to assist him. "Peh, I don't need a girls' help just to stand up! I can do it fine on my own tha..... Eahh!" He slipped back to the ground, landing hard on his butt. His tail swished around as he gave it one more try; however, he just ended up with the same results.

"Ok, I've watched you fall enough. Let me help." Kagome quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him up and away from the puddle of water their clothes had created. He just stood there and growled, giving his little 'pouting' look. "I could've done it by myself ya know." "Sure didn't look like it to me. Just face it, if you didn't have us girls around to help, you'd be in the dumps." "I don't need you girls to help me! I'm quite fine, so just leave me alone!" He swiftly turned around and began to stomp away when he suddenly heard the annoying sound of a girl's giggling. "What's so funny? You know something, you laugh too much. You need a sock in your mouth." He turned once more and faced her, gazing in confusion as she laughed. "If this is another one of your contests, you win. I don't feel like playing girlie games right now." His eye slowly began to twitch as she continued giggling. "Did a single word I just say sink into that rock-hard skull of yours?" "Maybe, but I think..... our dog's teeth sank into..... into your pants!" She dropped to the ground and burst into a storm of laughter.

Koga quickly turned around and raced for a mirror that was only feet away. When he reached the shiny glass, he stood before it and turned his lower half of his body, almost afraid to look. When he saw the fact that the dog had decided to make a lunch out of the backside of his pants, his face turned red like a tomato. "Nice undies Koga!" Kagome continued laughing until she could barely breathe. She watched as he placed his hand back there, quickly dashing off for his home. "Next time, you should wear green! Red with a blue circle doesn't suit you!" She continued laughing as Kaede placed her hand upon Kagome's shoulder. "Ok young lady, you've had enough laughing to last you a week! We must go and see what your father wants. He said it was very urgent, and he wants to see you right away. Also, you must change those hideous clothes. It seems that 'bath' has improperly cleaned your clothes, so now they are filthy. Hurry child, you know your father is an impatient man!" "B-but granny Kaede, I wanna go outside and play with Koga some more! We were having fun." "I can guarantee no fun for a while if you don't follow his orders!" She gave a sharp, yet gentle glare towards the child. "Yes granny Kaede."


"My Lady, has my daughter returned yet? I wish to see her urgently as I have guests for her to meet." "Lord Seiko, your daughter, Lady Kagome has returned. She is awaiting your approval to enter." The tall lady signaled for the young girl to come in as her father gave her permission. However, she was too busy messing around with Koga again to even notice what was going on.

"Heh, I bet you can't nail me with that!" Kagome chuckled as Koga raced past her, holding several berries in his hands. "Care to wager on that?" An evil smile spread across his face one of the berries left his hand, heading directly for Kagome. She easily ducked it and smiled. What she didn't know was that a whole line of berries was getting fired at her. She stood there and covered her head as the blue juice splattered all over her fresh, clean kimono. Her eyes widened at the colors covering her clothes. "Ooo, granny Kaede is going to throw a fit if she see's this! You better hope she isn't around!" "B-b-b-but you j-just told m-me to!" "I was only playing, I didn't mean it! Sheesh, why would I when I'm-" Her voice was cut off by the same lady who was visiting with her father. "Lady Kagome, the Lord wishes to see you...... now." Her eyes gazed in shock at the color that covered her kimono. "Hehehe, uh...... I had an accident while picking berries!" She rushed swiftly into the room, leaving behind the confused lady.

"F-father? *Her eyes gazed at the noble man in the chair. Standing around him were three other women, people she didn't know. "You wished to see me?" The man turned around and sighed at the sight of his daughter. "Dear Kagome, I wish for you to meet these people. These people you must get to know, and know well, for she will be your new mother."

Her eyes gazed at them at first, and when he mentioned new mother, she wanted to scream. "Are you trying to replace mother?" "No my child! Of course not; I would never do such a thing. It's just, we need a lady around the house to help keep things in line; and you could use some friends that aren't rough little boys." She lowered her head and felt the need to cry, but she wouldn't disappoint her father in front of her new stepmother. "Now Kagome, I would like for you to meet your stepmother, Lady Saio and her two daughters, Kikyo and Sango." Kagome slowly lifted her head and watched as the women turned around, showing their faces. Her eyes widened when one of the girls seemed to look just like her.

"Hello my dear child, I am Lady Saio, and these are my daughters. I am hoping that you three will get along great, and maybe learn a few things." Both of the children bowed their heads and said hello. Kagome replied with the same actions, only she didn't bow. She was too shocked that one of the girls was nearly her mirror image. "Now Kagome, why don't you take the girls and show them your bedroom? I imagine they will be very interested in some of the things you carry."

She slowly turned around and signaled for them to come. "Please, come this way and I will show you." She, along with Sango by her side and Kikyo trailing behind exited the room.

"Lady Saio, do you think they will get along ok?" The lovely woman walked over to Lord Seiko and placed her hands upon his shoulders, slightly giving him a massage. "Don't worry, they'll be fine."


"Lady Kagome, do you like it here in this area?" Sango was doing her best to converse, but couldn't think of much to say. She wanted to befriend Kagome right away. On the other hand, Kikyo wasn't too sure about this girl, and was already becoming enemies.

"I suppose. It's very lovely during the summer. However, you need to watch out for the demons, cause that's when they like to come out. That's why Father is teaching me how to wield a bow and arrow so I can protect myself. Do you know any skills to defend you in this era?" Sango smiled brightly and clapped her hands. "Well, as a matter of fact, I do. Back at my home, before my father and brother died, he had taught me how to use a boomerang to slay any demon or beast that attacks." Kagome listened, but the only part she really caught was 'before my father and brother died.' "Your father died?" "Uh, yes. Both he and my brother were slain by a horde of demons. Mother, Kikyo, and I were off in the village, doing some shopping. When we returned home, our lives were devastated." "What was your brother's name?" Sango felt tears come to her eyes as she tried to choke out the name. "H-his name was Kohaku. He was a very good child, and lost his life at a young age." "I'm sorry." "Oh, don't worry about it. Let's just forget I said anything and continue our tour! This place is very beautiful, and I can't wait to see your room!"

Kagome smiled and giggled, watching the happy look on Sango's face. 'I suppose befriending them won't be so hard. Sango seems like a wonderful person. But...... Kikyo, I'm not too sure about her.' She slowly glanced over her shoulder and gazed at the other child. 'She doesn't seem pure and gentle like Sango. Her eyes seem full of hatred and anger, like she's been hurt before.'

She came to a halt before a large door that was very detailed and high in color. The door's handles were of the finest brass, and had a small dragon engraved in each handle. "This is my room. Behold......" She placed her hands on the doors and gave a push, making grunting noises as she did. ".....my sanctuary!" She spread her arms wide and displayed her room. It was indeed a room fit for a queen. Her bed was dressed in some of the finest silks, and on every table there was a bouquet of some of the rarest flowers in feudal Japan. Sango's eyes widened as she gazed in awe at the stunning sight. "This is truly a room any girl would desire. Is our rooms as nice?" "Hehe, sure are. Your bedrooms are only a few doors from mine. We can wake up in the middle of the night and sneak to each others rooms and talk all night!" Kagome laughed as Sango continued to explore the room. "Now that sounds like fun." Kikyo just stood in the background, scowling as her sister acted like a fool in front of these people. 'Heh, who cares. They are fools just as much as she is.'

"Hey Sango? Do you like to where satin kimonos?" Kagome reached into her closet and pulled out a dazzling kimono. The white was so clean and fine that it shimmered as if it were silver. "Do I ever! Let me try one on?!" She placed her hands in a praying position and stood before Kagome, her eyes pleading to try on the kimono. "Of course. You're my sister, so we've gotta get used to sharing clothes! Hehe!" She giggled happily as she handed the kimono to Sango. "Isn't this a fine piece of work. I'll enjoy putting this on!" Sango raced to the dressing room and shut the door. "Tell me how it looks when I come out! And be honest!" Before she could finish speaking, she had already begun to undress.

Kikyo watched in disgust as Sango's and Kagome's laughter filled the room. 'Vile I tell you, it's just so vile.'


That Evening:

"Lady Saio, are you enjoying your stay with us? I hope we have made the atmosphere to your likings." Lord Seiko gave his charming smile as he slowly lifted his chopsticks, preparing to eat his meal. "I had my cooks prepare for us tonight your favorite meal. I hope you've noticed?" Lady Saio smiled as she finished chewing her first bite. "How could I not notice such fine food? And yes, I am enjoying my stay very much, aren't we girls?" She turned and faced both daughters, watching as Sango giggled and as Kikyo only scowled hatefully. "They seem to be relishing their stay as well."

"Miss Saio, are you going to be staying with us?" Kagome asked very politely as she dabbed her face with her napkin. The one rule in the house that her father said they must obey was their table manners. He said he wouldn't mind if they devastated any other rule, but breaking that one would result in severe punishment. Lady Saio glanced towards Kagome and smiled brightly. "Of course we are. Why your father and I are planning to marry. Very soon we will become part of this family."

Sitting across from Lady Saio was Kikyo, who didn't seem to be very happy at that moment. In fact, she was trying desperately not to tell at her mother for displaying such kind acts. She hated to see so much laughter and happiness. If she wasn't happy, she wouldn't allow others to be. As her mother talked about becoming their family, that pushed it. She jumped to her feet and slightly pushed the table, knocking down a few of the glasses resting on the tabletop.

"Mother! How could you forget our home so quickly?! How could you act so happy as to staying in this horrid place? You know very well as I do that this place is nothing compared to our old home. The people here are so vile and loathsome; it makes me ill just standing around them. I don't see how you could possibly live in a place like this. It's a living hell if you ask me." "Kikyo! How dare you use your mouth in such a way, especially in the presence of other people! It shames me to call you my daughter after hearing you talk such trash. I forbid you to talk in such a way again. Now, apologize to Lord Seiko, and after, I shall see you in your chambers." She growled angrily as her mother glared at her. "Why would I apologize to a beastly man such as himself?" After pointing to him, she turned her body and thundered away, mumbling several words underneath her breath.

Lady Saio leaned back and sighed, quickly apologizing for her daughters actions. "I'm very sorry for her actions. It's just that she wasn't ready for such a big change in her life. Moving away from her friends really impacted her greatly. I ask for your forgiveness." "There's no need to apologize. I understand very well on what's going on in her heart. Leaving behind everything she once new and starting over isn't easy for anyone, no matter who they are."

Kagome and Sango both gazed in shock at what had just occurred. Their eyes blinked several times as they tried to absorb the moment shared between Kikyo and Lord Seiko. "Is she always so.....so..... oh I don't know what word to use." "You mean stubborn and hard headed? Yes, very much. She's pretty angry right now at Mother for making her move, but she'll get over it. Besides, when she's back to her normal self, you're gonna wish she was back in this state cause she can really be a pain in the butt and a total snob." Sango rolled her shoulders back as she began to stand. "Thank you Lord Seiko for the wonderful meal." "You're welcome my child. And please, call me father." Her cheeks slightly blushed, "Yes Lo..... yes father." Her and Kagome quickly exited the hall as they left the two behind.

"Now that was something you don't see everyday. No one has spoken to my father in such manners since.... I don't know when?" "Kikyo's got guts, but that always leads to her being a total jerk." "Oh well, we'll just have to let Koga handle her." "Koga?" "Yes, Koga! He's my best friend; you'll love him! I'll let you meet him tomorrow! You two will get along great! Now, let's go to my room and watch the sunset! You get the best view from there, and the sight is breath-taking!" She carefully gripped Sango by the wrist and took a large step forward. She then let go and smirked, "I'll race ya?!" "You're on!" They both stood evenly side by side behind a line of wood in the floor. "On my count! Ready, set, GO!" They both took off running at full speed towards Kagome's room. They were both smiling happily and laughing as they stayed in line with each other, hardly moving ahead one another.


A/N: So, did you like it so far- even though not much went on. ^_^;; Like I said, I promise it'll get much better. But I do have to say that the moment with Kagome and Koga was adorable! ^_^ Anyway, I hope you liked it, and don't forget to review after you're done reading this little thingy.

Incase you were wondering, the next chapter is called, "The Hate from Love." It's pretty sad, so I'm letting you know that right now. But, you'll hopefully like it!

When you review, if you want me to e-mail you when I update the next chapter, just leave me your e-mail address at the bottom, and I'll do that. Same with each of my stories. Some people like to be notified when a chapter is updated, and I don't mind doing that. Ja ne!

Have a safe and wonderful summer break! ^_~