[A/N: This is a poem written from Johnny's POV, after Bob beat him up real bad.]

Disclaimer:  I dun own the Outsiders, it's plot or characters. Apparently Santa doesn't give you everything you ask for.

Remember me?


Remember me?

You know, the one hunched over here in the corner?

The one constantly clothed in shadows of black?

The one misunderstood,


Looked down upon?

I bet you don't.

Who'd remember someone like me?

Not even my own parents do.

Why should you?

I was just your afternoon amusement.

Just another random kid to jump.

You didn't care about my past,

About my present,

About the future you just ruined.

All you cared about was getting your kicks,

And some scrawny greaser was the perfect target.

Did you know that I carry around a knife now?

Did you know that you scared me worse than my father ever did?

My father, who beats me when he's drunk,

And ignores me when he's sober?

Yeah. You scared me worse than the man who belts me every time I turn around.

Are you proud?

A high-class soc,

Scaring a low-class greaser so bad that he won't even walk on the streets alone anymore.

Good going. You sure showed us.

So perhaps that's the reason why I'm scared.

Why every time you come around,

Your rings are all I see.

And maybe one day you'll regret

Ever laying eyes on me.