Disclaimer: I do not own Snowboard Kids. They are owned by Atlus. I also do not own Buzz Lightyear, Playstation 2, Metroid Prime, Cheerios, Trix, Dragon Ball Z or any DBZ characters, and I certainly don't own the Bahamas. This chapter has a lot of things I don't own in it. But I DO own Scratch and Blash. So there!
Slash sat up, rubbing his eyes. He was lying in a room that had Buzz Lightyear on the sheets. In the corner was a giant toybox. A stuffed dinosaur sat next to his head. It was green.
"How did I get in my brother's room?" Slash wondered aloud. A small, silent body was lying on the other side of the bed. Slash watched his little brother breathe in and out, his body rising up and down. He looked exactly like Slash except littler, and had red hair.
"Blash had another nightmare, remember?" Slash looked to the doorway to see his big brother Scratch. He was leaning against the door's frame, his arms crossed, still in his all-black pajamas. "It was your turn to calm him down."
"Really? What was it about?" Slash asked eagerly.
"A giant blob swallowed his best friend whole."
"At least it's better than a tree chasing him. Remember that?"
"Who can forget?" Scratch sighed. "Anyway, hurry up and get dressed. Mom and Pop want to talk to us about something." With that, he left.
"Aw, man," Slash groaned. "I hope I don't get busted for staying out past curfew last weekend. Even if I do, that run down Night Highway will be worth it though. I beat Linda really bad. I even lapped Nancy!" Slash chuckled to himself. He quickly went to his room and got dressed. He then went down into the kitchen.
Blash was already there, still in his dark pink, silk pajamas. He stretched and yawned. "Hi, Slashie," he greeted him. "Did you sleep well? Well, I sure didn't. I mean, I didn't until you came. And thanks for helping me get rid of that awful nightmare."
"My, aren't you talkative today?" Slash's mother ruffled Blash's hair. She had short red hair and a star tattoo on her hand. She was wearing a pink shirt and was wearing her favorite yellow sweater over it. It wasn't a very good match, but Slash's mother was into comfort, not looks.
"Yes, you're quite the talker this morning, son," Slash's father added. Scratch always called him Pop, but Slash called him Dad. Blash called him Daddy, so they all had different names for him. He was wearing a blue and white striped shirt with blue jeans.
"Pop," Scratch said, "my Playstation 2 broke." He was leaning against the counter, his arms crossed. He had black hair like Slash, and was wearing black pants and a black shirt.
"How did that happen?" their father asked, scratching his head.
"I was playing Metroid Prime and it froze up."
"That bites," Slash sighed, sitting down next to Blash and grabbing some Cheerios. "You want some, Scratch?"
"Nah, little brother, I think I'll have some Trix," said Scratch, sitting down and grabbing the Trix.
"Okay then. Say, did you watch Dragon Ball Z yesterday? I watched it at Tommy's house."
"No, what happened?"
"Well, Gohan-"
"Ahem," their mother interrupted. "We have important news." She gave their father a knowing look. "We're going to the Bahamas."
"Alright!" Slash jumped up, knocking over his cereal. Milk spread over the table.
"Now look what you did, clumsy."
"Hey! Am not!"
"The Bahamas! Yay!" Blash threw up his hands, a wide smile on his face.
"Boys!" their mother interrupted a second time. "Just your father and me. You are not going."
"WHAT?" Slash cried. Blash began to cry.
"It's our second honeymoon," their mother explained. "Charles and I are going to spend some time to ourselves."
"Awwww," Slash groaned.
"But don't worry, boys!" their mother told them with a smile.
"In celebration of Scratch getting his driver's license last month," their father began, "you three are going on a road trip in your Mom's car!"
"A ROAD TRIP! YEAH!" Slash was dancing on the table. Their mother's eyes flashed.
"Slash! You get down from there right now!"
"Right, Mom." Slash got down from the table.
"And that's not all!" Slash's father declared. "All of Slash's friends are invited!"
"And he can invite them as soon as possible-" But Slash was already zooming out the door.