--Thanks for more reviews everyone! This is the last chapter of this story, I'm putting up the first chapter of it's sequel tonight - so go straight there after you've finished this. I hope you all enjoyed this one as much as I enjoyed writing it : ) --

--Chapter 7: The Colours of Gryffindor --

The week rolled by and on the 7th of September they all arose early to take the floo network into Diagon alley. When Harry arrived in the kitchen for breakfast, he found Mrs Weasley standing there beaming at him. "What's going on?" Harry asked drowsily while rubbing his eyes. "You've got mail," said Mrs Weasley handing three letters to Harry. Harry could see Ron was already sitting at the table and was writing furiously on a bit of parchment. Harry was about to ask him whether he had found some more homework to do, when Mr Weasley said, "Well open your letters, Harry." Harry looked down at his letters and saw that they were all from the school. "Has there been some mistake or something?" Harry asked confused, "I have more than one letter this year." Mr and Mrs Weasley just beamed at him and Ginny looked like she was bursting to say something, but wasn't. Harry ripped the first letter open and saw that it was his usual list of supplies, so he put it on the table and opened the second letter.

To Mr Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to be one of the school prefects this year. This is a privileged position with a great deal of responsibility attached to it. If you accept, you will be expected to act as an outstanding rolemodel to the school, both in and out of school.

Please reply by owl immediately, Professor Dumbledore

Harry stood there, mouth open staring at the letter. It had never even entered his mind that he might be made a prefect. "I'm a prefect," gasped Harry to everyone in the kitchen. "Congratulations," said Mrs Weasley giving him a hug. "Well done," said Mr Weasley. "Excellent," said Percy, glancing over the top of his daily prophet. "Great!" said Ron, "Cos I was made one too." Ginny smiled widely at both Harry and Ron, "I knew you would both be prefects, how could they NOT make you prefects?." "Well they didn't make us prefects, and we get in TWICE as much trouble," put in Fred, nudging George, who nodded. Mrs Weasley frowned, "Maybe that's why," she said darkly.

"So what's the third letter?" asked Harry sitting down at the table with the Weasleys. "Don't know," said Ron, "I only got two, perhaps it's from Hagrid, you haven't heard from him lately have you?." "It's got the school stamp on it though, he doesn't usually do that..," observed Harry ripping the envelope open.

To Mr Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to take the position of the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. This is a position with a great deal of time and responsibility attached to it. You will be required to select your team and organize training sessions for them throughout the year.

To accept this position please reply by owl immediately, Professor McGonagall.

Harry sat there speechless, until Ginny asked, "What is it Harry?." "I'm the new Quidditch captain," said Harry, shocked. "You're going to accept then?" asked Percy. "Well yes!" said Harry. "Of course he's bloody well going to accept!" said Ron, "why wouldn't he?." "You better," said Fred and George simultaneously. "Being a prefect IS alot of work Harry..," continued Percy. "Well you have got your O.W.L's this year to consider," cut in Mr Weasley. "I'll manage alright," said Harry, "I'll just take a leaf out of Hermiones book that's all," he finished. "You had better reply then, Harry," said Ron passing Harry some clean sheets of parchment, "I've already started my reply." Harry quickly wrote a reply to Professor Dumbledore, and one to Professor McGonagall, accepting both positions. He then went up to Rons room to get Hedwig. "I've got 2 letters for you to take," explained Harry, stroking Hedwig before tying the letters to her leg. After watching her fly out the window, Harry went back down the stairs to have breakfast.

After breakfast, Harry and Ron gathered their stuff together, and waited for Ginny to come downstairs so they could leave. "How are we getting there?" asked Harry to Mr Weasley. "Just the floo network," said Mr Weasley. "Hermiones going to meet us outside Gringotts," said Ron, "She wrote to tell me when the school holidays were extended a week." Just then Ginny came down the stairs lugging her trunk behind her. "Right," said Mr Weasley. Mrs Weasley took the flowerpot off the mantelpiece over the fireplace and threw a handful of the powder in. "Fred and George, you two are to go first," Mrs Weasley instructed. Fred stepped into the emerald blaze and shouted "Florish and Blotts," and disappeared, George stepped in immediately after Fred and did the same. "Harry, you can go next," Mr Weasley said. Harry picked up his trunk, broom and Hedwigs cage, and struggled with them over to the fireplace. "Florish and Blotts," he yelled, stepping into the blaze. The green flames tickled him as they washed over his face, and then he was spinning.

Eventually Harry slowed down and saw Fred and George through the fireplace. Harry stepped out and the weight of all his luggage made him lurch forwards. "Hey!" said Fred, catching Harry in mid-fall. "We wouldn't want our new Quidditch captain to have to quit because of face plant injuries before he even starts." Before Harry even had time to laugh at this comment, he saw someone pushing their way out of the crowd in the shop towards him. It was Oliver Wood, and he was dragging a girl along behind him by the hand. "Harry! Harry! Congratulations, Prof. McGonagall told me your news." "Thanks," said Harry, "It was a real surprise, I didn't really expect to make captain" "It's alot of work, but it's worth it," said Oliver enthusiastically, "You'll win the Quidditch Cup this year, you have a great team, and I know you will choose a great Keeper to replace me." "I hope so," said Harry, "I don't know who could possibly fill your shoes though." Just then Ron arrived out of the fireplace and crashed into Harry, "Opps, sorry!" Ron said as they both fell onto the ground. "Watch it Ron!" said George, "That's our Quidditch Captain you're beating up." "I'm fine," said Harry as he got up off the ground and pushed his glasses back up. Ron looked slightly cross. The girl beside Oliver laughed at that, then Oliver remembered to introduce her, "Oh! This is my new girlfriend Tara, she's from Australia. I met her while I was trying out for the Woollongong Warriors 1 month ago." "Did you get in?" asked Harry. "Oh yes," Tara answered for Oliver, then - "He's brilliant!." "Hey!" exclaimed Oliver, obviously remembering something, "Tara told me a great Quidditch joke the other day, want to hear it?" "Yeah alright," said Harry, wanting to break the tension. "It's called The Nutty Quidditch Match," said Oliver, "Ok, let me remember.. oh yes..

A Witch doctor in charge of the insane ward at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries decided to take her patients to a Quidditch match. For weeks in advance, she coached her insane patients to respond to her commands. When the day of the match arrived, everything seemed to be going well.

As the national anthem started, the Witch doctor yelled, "Up nuts!"

And the patients complied by standing up. After the anthem she yelled, "Down nuts!" And they all sat.

After a Chaser scored she yelled, "Cheer nuts!" And they all broke into applause and cheers.

Thinking things were going very well, she decided to go get a Butterbeer and a hot dog, leaving her assistant in charge.

When she returned there was a riot in progress. Finding her assistant, she asked what happened.

The assistant replied, "Well...everything was fine until some wizard walked by and yelled, "PEANUTS!""

Well that's it," said Oliver Wood, as everyone including Ron burst out laughing. There was suddenly a very loud sob from Harry's right, and Harry turned just in time to see Neville Longbottom disappearing very fast back into the crowd. "Wonder what's wrong with him?" said Ron. Harry wanted to go after him, but he had promised Dumbledore not to tell Neville that he knew his secret. Harry knew that if he went after Neville the others would want to know why. He wondered if Nevilles parents had already been given the potion Artemis gave him, and if it would work after so many years.

When Ginny and Mr and Mrs Weasley had arrived, they all took out their booklists and peered at them. Harry read on his list:

The Standard Book Of Spells (Grade 5) by Miranda Goshawk Historical Revolutions of the Magical World by Mosyier Oldis Advanced Transfigurelational Methods by Yerlier Mumph Advanced Methods of Reticulating Transfiguration by Albus Dumbledore Polydraft Potions by Samphire Swirly Taming Dangerous Beasts by Beetly Ragnus Astrological Fortune Telling by Quintia Quif Advanced Defence against the Dark Arts Techniques by Artemis Cloric

Harry gazed in amazement at the book list. "Whoa!" exclaimed Ron, "I didn't know Dumbledore wrote a book!." "He's not the only one," said Harry truly amazed, "Artemis Cloric is the man whose house I stayed at in New Zealand." "Cool," said Ron, "I bet he taught you heaps of new stuff then." "Not really," said Harry, "I told you I spent most of my time there playing Snowditch with Luis and Mike, and the other kids when they got home." "Hey, there's Hermione," said Ron starting towards her through the crowd.

An hour later Ron, Harry and Hermione sat outside Florean Fortecue's Ice Cream Parlor. "I spose you've read Dumbledores book already, huh?" Ron asked Hermione. "Well actually.. it's rather complicated looking..," said Hermione looking worried. "Just your thing then," teased Ron. "I think we are meant to read the other book first," stated Hermione, "I asked one of last years 5th years, and they said they only had one book last year - Yerlier Mumph's book, and that was hard enough." "But you won't have trouble, you're good at everything, and think how bad we will all be at it, if you're struggling," said Harry, trying not to laugh. "Yeah," agreed Ron. "Hey, there's Fred and George," said Hermione standing up. Fred and George where making their way towards the three of them, grins plastered on their faces. "We got you an early birthday pressie, Ronie," said Fred pointing to a large package George was holding. "We thought it might make your year as a prefect more.. um.. satisfying..," said George grinning knowingly at Harry, who understood immediately. Ron took the package cautiously, seemingly worried that it was one of their pranks. "If this is one of your pranks..," he said ripping the paper off - then, "WOW!, these are cool, I'll look GOOD!" exclaimed Ron, holding up some flashy Magneta dress robes, with no lace. "But how did you afford them? They must have cost a fortune," said Ron suspiciously. Fred and George looked uncomfortable for a minute, then said, "Don't tell mum and dad, but we sold some of our tricks over the holidays, and made some money.." "I won't tell them," said Ron impressed. "Have you brought everything on your lists yet?" asked George. "We've all got our books, potions ingredients and Hermiones brought new work robes, but Harrys still got to get his wand, haven't you Harry," pressed Ron. Harry nodded mutely at Ron. He was not looking forward to going to Mr Ollivanders. He had a bad feeling that he wouldn't be finding a new wand in his shop. "You do want a wand, don't you Harry?" asked Hermione, obviously wondering about the expression on his face. "Course I do," Harry muttered. Harry had never told Ron and Hermione about his last wands connection with Voldemorts wand, and he didn't really want them to know. "Well, lets go over there now, then we can spend the rest of the afternoon looking around the shops," said Hermione frowning at Harry. "I'll just go over there by myself," Harry said quickly, "I'll catch up with you all later." "Alright then," said Hermione. "Right," said Ron. "Bye," said Fred. "Watch out for that trick wand we planted in his shop earlier," advised George. "I will," laughed Harry.

Harry approached Mr Ollivanders narrow shabby shop and opened the door, which set off a familiar tinkling bell from deep within the depths of the shop. Mr Ollivander was already at the front of the shop however, his wide moonlight eyes glowing as he observed Harry step inside. "Yes, I've been expecting you, Mr Potter," Mr Ollivander said. "Excuse me? You know about what happened then?" Harry said surprised. "Dumbledore sent me an owl last week," intoned Mr Ollivander, "Yes, very interesting because, he also sent me something else." Before Harry had time to inquire about what that was, Mr Ollivander turned and disappeared quickly through the shelves of wands. Harry stood there and waited patiently for him to return. Harry was just gazing up at a box on one of the shelves that appeared to be positioned upside down.. wondering if that was the trick wand, when a voice beside him suddenly made him jump. "Ah yes, this is it," said Mr Ollivander who was now standing centimeters from Harry. Mr Ollivander had crept up silently beside Harry and was holding a nicely polished wand out to Harry. "Fourteen and Three Quarter Inches, Willow and Phoenix feather, very, very powerful," said Mr Ollivander peering into Harrys eyes. Harry took the wand and immediately he felt a huge surge of power rush up his arm and spread throughout his body. Harry in fact felt more than powerful - omnipotent would be closer to the truth. Harry waved the wand and suddenly the whole shop was covered in a wave of red and yellow sparks, every centimeter of the shop had lit up, and Harry was forced to cover his eyes from the glare. Mr Ollivander snatched the wand from his hand, "Amazing," he exclaimed, "I have never in all my life seen such a match as that!." Harry took his hands away from his eyes and squinted through the sparks of light he had created, which where still glowing brightly. "You will have to exercise caution, Mr Potter," he warned, moonlit eyes reflecting the red and gold sparks, "Oh yes, a wand like that can be dangerous even in the most experienced hands. It is almost too powerful." "How did you know it would choose me?" asked Harry curiously, "I thought I would have trouble finding another wand." "Professor Dumbledore sent me a Phoenix feather last week. Very unusual it was too," Mr Ollivander said, "He said in his letter that you had stayed with the Clorics over summer, and had simply held that particular phoenix feather and you had looked like you were drawing all the magic out of the environment into you.." "Artemis gave Dumbledore his phoenix's feather?" exclaimed Harry. "The very same one. Dumbledore also sent the wood.. he was very specific in what he wanted. I didn't agree at the time. I thought it unlikely that willow would make a good match of the unusual feather.. but well, he was right.. it resulted in an excellent wand." "Why did he want willow?" asked Harry curiously. "The willow tree the wand wood comes from is also unusual," stated Mr Ollivander, peering at Harry, "It's from the willow tree on the edge of the forbidden forest in the school grounds." "The Whomping Willow?" said Harry, surprised again. Harry was beginning to feel nothing could surprise him now. "That very same one," said Mr Ollivander.

Harry paid for his wand and thanked Mr Ollivander before leaving the shop rather guiltily.. since it had still not lost it's red and gold glow. Hermione turned out to be waiting for him outside. "Did you manage to get a wand?" she asked anxiously. Harry held up the square box, "Yes, he had one waiting for me already." "That was lucky, from the expression on your face before, you looked like you thought he wouldn't have a wand for you," Hermione said. "I didn't," said Harry, amazed at how perceptive Hermione was. "Ron's gone over to 'Quality Quidditch Supplies', shall we join him?" asked Hermione. "Alright," said Harry.

Later that evening, Ron, Hermione and Harry where sitting around the fire in the palour of 'The Leaky Cauldron'. Harry had just finished explaining to Hermione all about his unintentional holiday in New Zealand. "Did you get to see any Kiwis?" she asked. "No, but Trinity explained all about them," said Harry, "I wrote my essay for Care of Magical Creatures on them." "Kiwis?" asked Ron confused, "Isn't that what New Zealander's call themselves?." "That's right," said Hermione, "But it's also a magical creature that is native to New Zealand - you tell him, since you know, Harry." "Well, there are lots of them," began Harry, "But the muggles think they are endangered because they can only see the, um, 'squib' ones.. as Trinity put it." "Squib Kiwis!" laughed Ron, "I thought that could only happen to wizard born." "Nope," said Harry grinning, "Sometimes kiwis are born non-magical, and the muggles see them, and think they are dying out so try to look after them.. there's quite a growing population of squib kiwi's now." "So what's so special about the magical kiwi's?" asked Ron curiously. "Well firstly, they are much better at hiding themselves, although, that's not what they are famous for," Harry explained, "What they are famous for is their call. If you were to hear the call of a kiwi you would find that you had developed the ability to perform any spell that you want to do, but have never been able to do before. This would be perhaps because the spell is way above your current abilities, or it could be a spell that nobody has ever been able to do. You can only perform it once however, and the magical kiwi, unlike the squib kiwi, rarely makes any noise." "So that means that you could make up new spells if you owned a kiwi then!" said Ron. "That's right," confirmed Hermione, "New Zealander's are well known for their inventions, which means, that as we have been set Mr Clorics book this year, we will be learning up to the minute stuff in DADA, which has never been taught before, and we will be better able to protect ourselves all the better for it," Hermione said, eyeing Harry. Harry went slightly red, so decided to change the subject, "I'm tired," he stated abruptly getting up off his seat, "Goodnight, all."

As Harry climbed the stairs, and entered his room in the Leaky Cauldron, it crossed his mind that these holidays would have to have been one of the most frightening, eventful and also the best he had ever had. No sooner had Harry put his head on his pillow than he had fallen asleep... completely satisfied that tomorrow, may bring another adventure; but in the meantime, he didn't have to worry.

-The End- (Please check out the sequel to this if you enjoyed Escape from Voldemort) Thanks! Sequel: Also.. several people have commented on the Matrix names - i.e. Trinity & Neo. My sisters cat is called Trinity, so I thought it would make a nice magical sounding name, and well, Neo went with that nicely because of the whole matrix thing. I am quite a fan, but not as much as my sister is! I decided not to name any of the other Cloric children after characters in the Matrix though, because.. well that would just be getting daft! ; )