AN: This is going to be a bit like Great Teacher Izuku in how it's structured, in which I basically turn Support Izuku into a man whore to throw crossover characters at for my own amusement.

The Berlin Tech Expo.

Compared to the I-Island Expo, it was a far less exclusive event and was more widely known in countries closer to the Atlantic. But that wasn't all, it wasn't just geared towards heroes. Though there were still a few exhibits, classes, and more that were focused on heroes, the BTE was for everyone. It was a favorite of support techs around the world.

Izuku glanced at the technological marvels all around him that felt like they belonged on I-Island. While it wasn't on the level of flying cars or anything like that, Berlin was one of the most technologically advanced cities in the world, largely thanks to its early adoption of their own version of the hero system and a few individuals with high intelligence quirks that raised the entire country up out of the chaos.

Next to Japan, Germany had the lowest crime rate in the world, and they accomplished this without All Might.

He'd always wanted to go, and thanks to a certain someone, Izuku had finally gotten the chance.

Prinz Eugen had been his teacher for his first year at U.A. and she had taught him a lot. It was partially because of her teachings that he was able to become the man he was today. Well, if he wasn't exactly sure if she would call being 18 years old a man, but he felt like, at 6'3", he was tall enough to be called a man. Besides, he was almost a graduate.

About a month ago, she had reached out to him, offering him not only lodging for the entire two weeks of the expo, but she'd even offered to pay for his ticket there. Naturally, the only reason that Izuku had even hesitated was because of his massive crush on Prinz that he had developed after being so close to her over a year. But that crush had also empowered him to reply with a strong yes. Not only did he get to experience the BTE, but he also got to see Prinz Eugen again.

Well, see her outside of the photo shoots she did. It was amazing that she was still such a popular model both in Germany and in Japan. And somehow she was looking even better than ever. It had to be photoshop.

Izuku glanced around the plaza where Prinz said she would meet him and spotted her instantly. Even if she wasn't the tallest person in the room, Prinz's presence was inescapable. Her silver hair would stand out even in a blizzard, with a single fang of red falling next to her left eye, and a with smile that was twice as dangerous as any weapon, her copper eyes locked onto his and she walked forward, her casual clothes doing little to hide her undeniable sex appeal.

Maybe it wasn't photoshop after all.

Her hair was pulled into a ponytail that matched the sway of her hips with every step, performing a borderline exotic dance. A small black choker was locked around her neck, just as a way for her to accessorize. Her black jacket with red interior was open, barely hanging onto her open arms, leaving her torso exposed to the climate. Her slender perfect waist was on full display, and even enhanced by the strings of her underwear or swimsuit riding high on her hips while her pants did the opposite. Her tank top—if it could be called that—was small, barely covering her ribs and breasts and was see through enough that he could see her black, red, and yellow bikini top through it.

Why was she wearing a bikini? His dick wanted to know.

"Ahh, Izuku," Prinz's sultry voice that was the vocal equivalent of fuck me eyes sent a shiver down his spine. She sounded so much better in person than she did over the phone, and just hearing her voice over the phone had given him a hard on last time. How was he going to survive being so close to this woman for two whole weeks?

Prinz placed her hand on his chest and rubbed softly. "I knew you were no longer the little boy I left back at U.A. but you should have told me you've grown so much." Her hand went down to his stomach, her slight touching making him laugh. It was a good thing he decided to wear his black flex shirt on the plane. "Solid core, your efforts in the gym were well spent." She moved her hand up and squeezed his forearm and nodded. "Good muscles, as expected from the man I saw dominating the Sports Festival with a wrench."

"You really think I'm a man now, Prinz-sensei?" Izuku felt so giddy—and horny—inside that he could help but smile.

"Hmm," She gave her smuggest smile and placed her finger on her mouth as those copper eyes scanned him like he was meat on the supermarket. "Zat is something we will have to see, for now, you are but a boy in a man's body, perhaps."

"I guess I'll never be a man in your eyes, huh, Prinz-sensei?" Izuku laughed scratching the back of his head, at least he had the body of a man though, so that was progress. "I guess I'll have to get even stronger before that, huh?"

Prinz smiled and tapped on his chest with her hand. "It's not a question of the body, it's a matter of the mind. But come now, you had a long journey, let us go to my home and give you a chance to unwind before the Expo starts tomorrow. Ja?"

"Ja," Izuku replied, mimicking the heavy German accent that Prinz possessed.

"Good, now come, my car is just over this way."

Prinz led him to one of the fanciest cars he had ever seen. Black, sleek, low to the ground, and with barely enough trunk space to hold his items. The interior of the car was far more advanced than the outside made it look. Prinz was one of the leading experts in robotics and automation, in large part thanks to her quirk which allowed her to more or less bring up to two machines to life. So it came as no surprise to Izuku that her car was currently one of those machines. Once they were buckled in, and on the road, Prinz turned to look at him.

The entire inside of the car shifted so that they were comfortably facing each other.

"I must apologize for my current dressing." Prinz pulled on her thin white top and made her breasts bounce when she let it go. "You see I was doing a photoshoot, they had me and Whales in our swimsuits, just hugging, and wouldn't even let us in the water, said it would ruin my hair."

Whales was another model that Prinz often worked with. While Prinz had a natural teasing look about her, Whales was the tall, blonde, busty type.

"I don't mind." Izuku swallowed and glanced down at Prinz's stomach for a moment before looking up and seeing a teasing smile waiting for him. He felt his cheeks burn as he gathered the courage to speak his mind. "You're beautiful as always, Prinz-sensei."

"Zat so?" Prinz hummed taking off her jacket and crossing her legs in front of him. "Well zen, let us have a talk about your quest for manhood."

"Oh? I thought you just said I needed to grow up?"

"And you did." Prinz hummed, playing with her hair, the bored look on her face betrayed the amusement in her eyes. "And I must say your physical growth is rather impressive Izuku, but, mentally? Well, that's yet to be seen."

Truth be told, Izuku wasn't quite sure why he wanted Prinz to think of him as a man, it just felt incredibly important; maybe because he had a crush on her? Or maybe because he could only take so much teasing. Even if he kinda liked being teased by Prinz.

Maybe it was because she was one of the first people to recognize his talents and he wanted to prove himself to her more than anything. Or maybe, he just really wanted her to see him as a man to validate his crush on her or something. "Well, how do I grow mentally? Isn't that what school is for? Or just something that comes from time?"

"Actually, it's rather simple." Prinz leaned forward, reaching across the gap between them to touch his leg. "Are you a virgin?"

"Virgin?" Izuku felt his cheeks flush and his entire body felt like it was on fire. "What does that have to do with anything? Is that really what makes someone a man?"

"So, zat's a no then?" Prinz gave him a smile that was so teasing it might as well be trying to give his self esteem a blow job.

"What does it matter?"

Prinz shook her head and laughed. "The body of a man, and the mind of a child, oh well. It appears as though you'll be calling me Sensei for a bit longer. Not that I'm complaining. It'll be fun to work with someone so raw."

"Huh? What? What are you even talking about? Prinz-sensei you're—"

She leaned forward, the straps of her seat belt coming undone, and cupped his cheek. She kissed him softly, then, gradually roughly, her tongue pressing against his lips, small cute bites; every single motion she made was pure stimulation while his was pure awkwardness. He felt her hand press against his rock hard erection, even through the thick fabric of his work pants he could still feel her warmth.

Before he even knew what was happening, she pulled back.

"Well, well, it appears as though you're going to have some excellent equipment down there as well. That's good." Prinz laughed, smiling at him.

Izuku swallowed and tried to figure out what exactly was happening. Prinz-sensei just kissed him out of nowhere and felt his hard on and complimented it. "What?"

"Oh, don't you worry, Izuku," the door opened and the car began to shift to let them out once more. "When I invited you out here and you informed me that you did not have a girlfriend I grew concerned, and you were such a favorite student of mine too, I decided that I would make your instruction complete."

"But, the kiss? What? Why?" Izuku scrambled to follow Prinz out of the car and towards the elevator that would take them to the floor that her condo was located at. "I'm so confused."

"And it is my job to see zat your confusion is lifted." Prinz touched his cheek as he stood next to her in the elevator. She held his gaze and gave a sultry smile. "You see, by the time the expo you will no longer be able to call me Sensei, as I will have taught you how to use your body to a woman to the utmost of your ability."


"Sex. I am going to teach you how to fuck, Izuku. And I will not allow you to be lazy in this endeavour."

Ahh, so that was why his dick felt like it was going to explode.


Izuku did not have the ability to properly appreciate Prinz's expensive looking condo, as the moment that he had crossed its threshold Prinz's instructions had begun. The first step, as she had put it, was kissing.

And so far, they had done just that.

Prinz had led him to her large, lavish bed, that he had a feeling was where he was going to be sleeping tonight. Largely because she had made that abundantly clear.

Izuku sat on the bed, his hands grabbing handfuls of the sheet as he focused on kissing Prinz, trying to do what felt natural, what came naturally, what was natural, he just wanted to continue kissing her and to make sure that he was doing it well. And Prinz was ravenous, her kisses felt so fantastic and she kept touching each and every part of his body with her hands, even her chest was pressed against his.

Prinz pulled away, pushing him back when he tried to follow with a firm hand. "You're progressing, but can you tell me what you're missing?"



"I have no idea. I was mostly just focusing on the kiss."

Prinz continued to sit on his lap, her hands still on his shoulders. She shook her head and pulled her hair out of the ponytail, letting her long silver locks free. It was amazing how different she looked depending on her hair style. "A proper kiss is more than just a smooch." She grabbed his hand and placed it upon her hips. "Touching is perhaps even more important, reminding your partner that they have a body, exploring, teasing, inviting, showing desire beyond the lips. When you kiss, you must move, you must touch."

"But, I didn't want to go too far or, what about permission? Consent?"

"All things you should have before you even start kissing. We can work on signals later, but for now. Technique." She leaned in pressing her body against his. "When we kiss Izuku, you have permission to touch every." She moved past his face and whispered into his ear. "Part. Of. My. Body."

His pants were in the way. It felt like they were several sizes too small.

Prinz leaned back and looked at him, a wry smile on her face. "Well?"


She gave a light chuckle and tilted her head to the side. "How, cute, you're like an untrained puppy. Izuku, you must learn to initiate the kiss as well."

He nodded and leaned forward, his hands now on Prinz's back, holding her just around the waist. He moved up towards her back, pulling her towards him and kissing her once more. It was softer than the times that she started, but as he applied what little he learned it grew into something more.

Hands. He was supposed to grab her. Touch her. Explore her. He moved one hand towards her ass, his fingers brushing against the exposed bit of her bikini bottoms. That made Prinz start to move. Her hips grinded against his.

She liked it when he touched her there? He moved his hand under her thin shirt, the feeling of his hand touching her flesh with a fabric on top was strange, pleasing, and addicting. So very addicting.

"Prinz," He asked between breaths. "Can I?"

"My entire body," She murmured into his ear, her breath was scalding. "Don't make me repeat myself."


"I'm a present. Unwrap me."

He kissed her again, the start was less awkward this time. The string of her bikini top was taut, and well tied, it had to be if it was to contain her breasts. With both hands under her top, he pulled at the string, unraveling it and letting her bikini loose. But not quite.

Prinz pulled back, crossing her arms and pulling up her top, bikini included, and tossing them away with a grin on her face.

Definitely not photoshop.

Prinz's full, round, smooth breasts rested on her chest with a sculpted perfection that was the stuff dreams were made of. Her pink nipples stood out to him, hard, begging to be touched, and something he had dreamed about for years. The only blemish on those breasts of hers was a lone perfect looking mole that was almost always on display, but it only added to her beauty.

"Your whole body Izuku," Prinz purred, placing her hands on his shoulders once again.


That meant, legs too? Wait, how could he use his legs? He grabbed her breasts, memorizing their weight, their feeling, their warmth, their texture, every single part of her he was going to make his body memorize. He leaned forward kissing her again.


How to use his legs?

He grabbed her by the waist and rolled with her, placing her back against the bed, leaving his leg between hers and placing one hand above her head. Prinz's arms were wrapped around his neck as she stared up at him.

"I believe I should," Prinz licked her lips, wiggling her hips at him. "How do you say? Ara Ara?"

"I take it that was good?" Izuku asked.

"Absolutely, but, where will you go from here I wonder?" Prinz purred, glancing down at his body. She moved her hands down along his shirt, her body sinking into the mattress slightly more, she pulled at the hem and touched his bare stomach. Her copper eyes were telling him to continue. That they weren't done yet.

Which was good.

Because he wasn't stopping.

He kissed her again, but not on her lips. On her neck. On her chest. On her breasts over and over again while he grabbed her firmly, feeling her move, writhe, and moan under his touch. Part of him wondered how much she was doing for his benefit. Her waist was firm, slender, easy to wrap his hands around. He pushed south, kissing her stomach, lower, lower, lower, each kiss targeted towards making Prinz move more, making her make more cute noises, and was fueled by his own desperate hunger that was burning a hole in his pants.

Prinz pushed his shirt up and they separated for a moment to finish taking it off.

"Mmm," Prinz squirmed, smiling at him, her hands warm against his chest, "You certainly worked hard for this body of yours Izuku, you're making me even more excited to teach you how to use it properly."

Izuku nodded and grabbed onto her hips, his hands playing with her exposed bikini strings. He looked at her belt, and then back to her wry smile.

Her whole body.

He undid her belt, tossing it to the side, Prinz lifting her hips to assist him. He pulled her pants down, exposing her hips and thighs with one solid yank. So that was what a vagina looked like in person. He scrambled to take the rest of her pants off, leaving Prinz completely naked save for her choker.

He leaned down, kissing Prinz on the stomach once again. She writhed in response, moaning, hands grabbing at the sheets. He kissed her thigh, staring at the folds of her pussy for a moment. "You're wet, Prinz."

"Is zat so? I must be rather excited by this then." She wiggled downward, grabbing onto his belt and undoing it with a greater proficiency than he ever could have imagined. "We can deal with oral, and fingers later, but for now, I desire your cock."

He leaned up, balancing on his knees, and pushed his pants down, shimmying them down before tossing them to the side leaving himself completely naked.

Prinz sat up, moving to grab his cock with both hands and inspected it like it was a piece of meat on the market. "Well then, good size, large but not overly so, a bit on the thick side perhaps, but that's rarely a bad thing. And an excellent shape, it's going to feel wonderful inside of me, Izuku."

She leaned forward, kissing the tip and making him hiss at the sudden burst of pleasure.

"Ara, sensitive too? Well then," she lay back down, spreading her legs and thrusting her hips out. She ran her hands along her body, pausing to grope her breasts and then moving downwards once again. "I'm waiting, Izuku, the lesson isn't over yet."

He nodded, waddling on his knees and looming over Prinz's body. He placed one hand above her head to stabilize himself as he lowered his hips down towards her. She moved her hips, inviting him into her, and once more she grabbed his dick, guiding it in.

The tightness was amazing, every part of her surrounded him as he pressed deeper into her, and at the same time it felt like she was pulling him in. It felt good, the simple act of entering her felt so good, and Prinz, she was biting her lip, eyes closed as she moved her body to the pleasure he was causing her. The response, it was so vivid. When he reached as far as he could go, he stopped, looking at the woman he was oh so connected to.

"I was right." Prinz opened her eyes and smiled up at him, "You do feel good, now try moving,"

He did, moving his hips the slightest bit, watching as Prinz turned in the sheets, enjoying the way her breasts jiggled as they fought valiantly against gravity to maintain their shape. He grabbed a breast, squeezing it tight, and watching as Prinz arched her back, a gasp escaping her. That was good, right?

He moved his hips again, going further out, so that he could go further in, long, slow motions, a careful approach that was making both of them feel good.

Prinz bit her lip again, a moan escaping her as he felt her legs wrapping around his waist, her hands flying up to his head, fingers tangled into his hair. "That's it, just like that. Faster."

She pulled him down, bringing him in for a kiss as he tried to comply with her desires, tried to accelerate his movements. A feeling was building up inside of him, a pressure in his very being that was being coaxed out with each thrust. Sex felt so much better than masturbation ever did.

"Izuku," Prinz said in a soft voice that was overflowing with lewdness. "Change positions, sit down. Don't fall out of me."

He nodded, grabbing her by the waist and moving both of them slowly so their original position against the bed was resumed, only this time, Prinz was on top of him, his dick inside of her as her hips continued to move. She was going crazy, her hips moving faster and faster with each passing second with a level of proficiency that had his head spinning, she was pumping him harder and harder and harder with each breath they took.

Her whole body.

He grabbed her breasts, taking one into his mouth and sucking on her thick pink nipples while he squeezed on the other, pinching her nipple and earning himself more and more moans. His free hand grabbed onto her ass, squeezing on for dear life as she continued to move her hips rapidly.

"Match me," Prinz moaned, her head lulled to the side. "Don't let me do all the work."

The first thrust was mismatched, ill timed, and awkward, the next was better, but not by much, the next even better, then he missed the timing again, a rising and falling awkwardness of trying to match Prinz's thrusts, but that hardly mattered, this was sex, it was feeling good.

Prinz came to a sudden and violent stop, her entire body going rigid as he felt her vagina clamp down around him. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, kissing him as he felt his own orgasm come rushing to catch up with Prinz.

"Prinz I'm—"

"Let me feel it."

He came inside of her, his dick spasming again and again while he felt his vitality vanish.

They fell backwards onto the bed, Prinz's chest pressed against his as they relished the afterglow.

"So that was sex." Izuku muttered, his hand still squeezing Prinz's soft tender breasts. "I think I like it."

"That's good," Prinz sat up on his chest, smiling at him. "But, you still have much to learn, little boy. But we have two weeks to make certain that you leave here with skills that will match the tools you were given."

She traced a finger on his chest and smiled. "If you do well I might even extend your stay for three weeks."

"And how will I know when I've done well?"

"When you can no longer call me Sensei."

AN:... I got horny.