"Off of him, you dog!" Someone yelled.

"Don't you ever try and bully my friend, or I'll beat you up again!" A young boy spat out while punching the other boy in the face—his fist colliding with the others' cheek. The sound of cracks being heard as the latter scrounged on the floor panicking, fear overtaking him as his survival instincts kicked in for him to escape.


Hearing the noise of bone cracking the boy who got punched spat, the taste of blood pouring into his mouth.


"Please! Miss Do something!" The child tried calling out but was instead met with another barrage of punches.


Feeling a kick to his stomach, His body contorted folding into an omelette as he slammed harder to the ground his body now completely laying flat his back now facing towards the aggressor.

"Tavita step away right now!" A teacher yelled her body tumbling to the two students.

"But!" Tavita retorted but spat in defeat as many teachers pulled him away violently.

"It's not fair! Why are you defending him!" Tavita screamed. His anger pulsating through his veins as adrenaline carved through his senses'.

"Look Tavita you can't just hurt somebody because you don't like them," The teacher reprehended. Rushing over to the other child.

Touching his forehead, she then checked for his pulse and found him to alright.

"Principal's Office now!" The teacher demanded. Her voice booming through his ears.

Taking the wounded student by the hand they walked silently up to the principal's office Tavita following from behind with another teacher in the middle of the two in case of any more accidents occurred.

Tavita seeing the other student limping and crying smiled in satisfaction, his anger finally dimming. Victory had been achieved. Now was the time of celebration. Making there way to the office he was sent in first the latter sent to the sick bay.

"Now, Joseph, explain to me why you would hurt your fellow student?" The principle questioned.

"He was bullying my friend. I don't like it when people bully my friends. So, I taught him a lesson, It's what my father taught me," Joseph explained quickly.

"Alright, so he made fun of your friend once I presume?" The principal concluded clapping his hands.

"No! They always made fun of him! It's just this time I caught them. Every time I went to the toilet, I would see my friend on the ground and when I asked why, he would always say he tripped. Today I found out he wasn't just tripping. He was tripping onto John's fist. So, I made John trip into my fists." Tavita affirmed.

"If this always happened why didn't you tell a teacher?" The principle asked sternly.

"I tried too but the teachers would always ignore me. They would also call me a nuisance and a disturbance to the class. When they did answer they told me to ignore it and say that they were just playing. That's not fair!" Tavita exclaimed.

"Indeed, it is not fair. I understand now child, but you must understand the school rules. No tolerance, do you understand Mr Brown?" The principle questioned.

"Not really sir," Tavita admitted scratching his head.

"You can go to your class now, I will have a word with your friend and bystanders, if, what you say is correct then this teacher and Bully will be punished appropriately. Note that you will unfortunately have to face consequence's either way due to your involvement in this incident. Your parent's have been notified. Off you go now," The principal dismissed.

"By the way, you are in grade 5, right? Tavita Brown is your full name, yes?" The Principle asked once more.

"Yes sir," Tavita replied.

"Ok, off you go then," The Principle ordered. Tavita hearing him nodded his head and made his way to class. Exiting the principal's office, he was met with the bully whose tears had now dried with ice now applied to his cheek.

Flipping the bird to him, Tavita walked away smiling. Leaving the office, he left proudful when suddenly he came to the realization that his parents awaited him back home, gulping he started to regret getting caught. Knowing his strict parents, he awaited the smackdown raw when he got home.

His father used to work as a soldier while his mother a nurse. Meeting during war they found love on the battlefield. His father claiming that his wound was the best thing that ever happened to him.

Tavita's mother was of Polynesian (Samoan) decent and decided to move to America for a better life his father though was an American. His Father's name was Jonathan Brown with His mother's name being (1) Teuila her surname unknown since they had taken his fathers.

Entering the classroom, he was immediately met with piercing glares. Their mouths chirping as they all awaited his return, gossip now flooding the ear canals of everyone around. Walking over to his group of friends he was met with a barrage of questions.

"What happened?" A voice asked Tavita.

"Who did you fight?" Another asked.

"I got into a fight with John" Tavita replied, his face lamenting as envisioned his future beating. The sound of smacks being heard from afar. Rubbing his face, he prepared himself.

"Did you lose or something? What's with the long face?" Another asked confused.

"No, I'm just thinking of the hiding I'm getting when I get home..." Tavita muttered.

"Unlucky (2) uso! Hahaha (3) Kolofai hahaha! So, what is it going to be this time? The hand or the sandal?" His friend laughed hysterically. Slapping his thighs, he wiggled Tavita vigorously. His pulls ranging from the ground to the roof.

"Oh, come on uso your backside is still bruised from the time your mum saw your last report card" Tavita shot back, his smile now returning.

"Aye, that's not fair though! I'm stupid I can't do the maths!" He argued.

"Yeah, especially the English too huh," Tavita teased.

"Well fair enough but you and I are Samoan, so our English is bound to be bad but what about jeff? He is a (4) Palangi, so he doesn't have an excuse!" The friend protested.

"Aye, I'm not apart of this!" Jeff exclaimed from across the room.

"All of you get back to work!" The teacher ordered her voice, screaming for silence.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," Tavita muttered under his breath before turning to his friend who started making funny faces.

"Can you not… kkkk… kkkk... Kkkk..." Tavita muttered holding in his laugh. Covering his mouth with his hand, he avoided his friend's face only for it to be moved to the corner of his eye. Seeing him in the corner of his eye, he struggled to keep in his laughter the walls of his mouth about to burst open like a popped balloon.

"What is so funny?" The teacher asked her head, turning to face Tavita.

"Nothing," Tavita replied lying.

"Well then get back to work," The teacher ordered before turning back to writing things on the board.

Tavita seeing it only sighed, the gibberish on the board wasn't going anywhere near his brain even if he tried too. Maths never was his thing. Finishing the day, he made his way back home scared for the upcoming smackdown raw. He had never gotten in severe trouble and wondered how hard of a spanking he was going to get. Walking around in circles he panicked his heart sinking as anxiety-filled its place.

"What's wrong? Is that hiding really going to be that bad." His friend asked walking by.

"You don't understand they don't hold back it's either one hundred percent or nothing." Tavita replied scratching his head vigorously.

"Oh, well. That's just too bad. Enjoy getting home HAHAHA!" His friend snickered leaving Tavita alone.

Walking, he always stopped every two steps, the thought of just running away instead of going home entering his brain constantly. Its devilish whispers going down his ear. The sound of freedom was divine. The thought of it was tempting, but just like the tale of Adam and Eve biting the hand that fed you would serve no purpose.

Reaching the front door, he breathed in and out. Stretching, he finally knocked on the door and awaited his trial. Whatever storm that was brewing, he would take it like a man.

Opening the door, he saw his mother stare down on him demonically. Feeling chills going down his spine he swore he had heard the walls call for his name. Death silently whispering into his ear of his imminent doom. Giving him the signature death stare, he placed his bag on the wall and made his way to the front living room where he sat on the ground. Looking down on the ground he Awaited his punishment.

"Son…" Jonathan spoke.


"I am…" He continued.


"Extremely Disappointed in you and so is your mother," He finished.

As he was hearing his father say that he flinched lifting his arms in defence but was confused at the silence of the room. There was no yelling or the shouts of anger. There was no smacks but a deafening silence. The sound was eerie to say the least.

"Son, I'm not disappointed at the fact you got in trouble… It's the fact you didn't hit him hard enough!' Jonathan smiled snickering slapping his thighs he rubbed Tavitas head.

"You should have broken all of his teeth!" Teuila shouted in pride.

"You should have given him the old one, two," She smiled gesturing an uppercut.

"Yeah just killed him!" Jonathan exclaimed before hearing nothing in return. Tavita and Teuila looking at him raised an eyebrow before just shaking their heads.


"Too far?" Jonathan guessed.

"Yeah, a bit too much," Teuila admitted.

"Alright, but anyway we are proud of you for standing up for your friend. Even though you are in trouble from the school we are still proud that you did the right thing," Teuila stated rubbing Tavitas head. Feeling praise, he smiled proud in knowing he at least did the right thing even if his methods were unorthodox. Feeling the support from his parents he sat there happy.

"Listen here son, violence may not always be the answer but when it is, it's the only answer. You taught that kid a valuable lesson just then. I remember back in my day kids like those grew up to be far worse, better you teach them now when they're young," Jonathan monologued.

"I once knocked out two of these girls when they tried to pick on me, son. Even though they were tougher and stronger I still fought them. Why? Because I sent them a message. A message to not mess with me. Those Little (5) Moi pee's always picked on those that were weaker than them that is why you should always protect those who matter to you and to send them a message that you should be one to be reckoned with," Teuila commented with pride.

"Does that mean I'm not in trouble?" Tavita asked in excitement.

"No, you're still suspended so you're not allowed on the game this weekend," Teuila reprehended taking the controllers.

"Oh c'mon," Tavita replied.

"Ssh! Don't talk back to me or else I will give a hiding instead you understand?" she continued.

"Ok." He nodded.

"Say Dad why did I get in trouble even though I did the right thing?" Tavita asked his father later.

"Because you got caught. There is a reason why heroes' wear masks, its why I adore the Justice Society of America, good bunch they were. My father always use to talk about them." Jonathan reminiscenced while watching the TV with him.

"The Justice Society of America?" Tavita asked confused.

"Yep, The Justice Society of America these people killed for their country and those people were true Patriots. They stopped the Nazi forces, the bad guys. They all wore masks too… Well most of them did." Jonathan declared proudful. Raising his fist, he stood up proud behind his American flag hanged behind him.

"Who were the Nazi's?" Tavita asked confused.

"They were true Villains. They killed everyone who was not a German or someone who had blue eyes and blond hair. They also hated a lot of other people but just know they hated the Jews the most." Johnathan explained.

"So, what if you had brown and had blond hair?" Tavita asked confused.


"Black eyes blue eyes?"


"Half blue half black with blond hair?"


"Black eyes and -,"

"You get the point already if you weren't a German or had blue eyes and blond hair you died. They also hated Jews and whoever they dubbed as defects." Jonathan interrupted.

"But why?" Tavita asked.

"Because they were a bunch of arseholes that's why. Bunch of losers who couldn't take a loss and decided to blame the world!" He announced.

"So, they were like bullies?" Tavita concluded.

"Exactly big bad bullies that wanted nothing more than to hurt everyone but themselves!" Jonathan exclaimed.

"Look son there are always two sides to a story while your father may be right, the amount of struggle those people must have faced to cause so much hate is saddening. Their actions although vile can be explained. After all, things happen for a reason. Everything has a place in this world even if it may be vile. After all, how can be one good if there is no evil? How can something be good if there is nothing bad? You may not understand my words now but in the future look back to what I said today and understand." Teuila corrected before poking her head back into the kitchen.

"Dinners ready now hurry up and set the table Tavita I already told you twice, and you are sitting your lazy ass watching the TV with your father hurry now." His mother ordered angrily her sandals in hand waiting to be thrown.

"Man, what would I do without you," Tavita smiled setting the plates.

"You would probably be living in the streets," Teuila replied.

"Say what happens if you two were to both disappear one day what would I do?" Tavita asked putting the cups down.

"That's going to be a long time from not, but since life is full of mysteries and surprises don't worry, just know that we're in heaven supporting you. Besides your my son and my son is the toughest person only second to me. Stay strong because at the end of the day you are the only one who can lift yourself up and I know you can. You have no siblings, no uncles, no aunties, no grandpa's, and no grandmas. Don't get stuck on the ground asking for help when your hands can do the job," Teuila explained before scooping him a big load of vegetables to the disgust of Tavita who seemed to puke inwardly.

"Yuck…" Tavita muttered.

(AN: Obviously there are a lot of factors that contributed to world war two such as the loss of ww1 and the treaty of Versailles but just know that Tavitas father doesn't care He's a patriot through and through and although some of his patriotism doesn't stick to young Tavita some of it does. When he was thinking of getting a hiding some may say this is child abuse but should know they only do this to toughen them up. If a kid knows no repercussion at home, how is he supposed to know what it is in the real world? Brats like that need to grow up someday best late than never. While this is debatable, it all depends on culture and understanding.)

Waking up, he got ready and had a shower. Doing his daily morning routine, and he exited the door prepared for a brand-new day. Gleaming his bright white teeth to his mother he marched onwards to school before being pulled by the ear by his mother.

"See you this afternoon Tavita come here and give mum a kiss before you go off now." Teuila ordered.

"fine," Tavita agreed.

*Smooch *

Feeling his mother kiss his cheek, he childishly walked away his mind still young, the thoughts of kisses being disgusting. Wiping the drip from his cheeks he walked into school. Feeling the daily grind his mind went on autopilot until he reached break where others would call him out for being a cheat.

"Ha! Get off of me! I'm just too good! Yeeha!" Tavita celebrated his fifth goal.

"Nah! You're cheating somehow! This isn't fair!" A voice cried out.

"Aye don't be such a sore loser how about this time I'll play with one arm while you can have another team member?" Tavita negotiated.

"Alright," The voice cockily smiled with his friend.

*Ding Dong*

Hearing the school bell ring, he sighed. Another lesson of boring maths just how boring was today going to be. Finishing his class like any other he packed his bag and made his way through the crowded corridors. Getting ready to go home he was instead pulled into the office by a teacher who explained to him urgent news.

"We've had urgent news of your parent while we do not know what is going on the police officer in the front will be tasked into telling you anything new. I believe they are in a hospital but that is all. Take this slip and make your way to the officer," The office lady Brenda explained. Tavita taking it looked on in anxiousness. Looking at the front gate, he was guided by a police officer.

"I hope they weren't arrested…" Tavita muttered seeing a police officer and another in the car. Feeling butterflies in his stomach he continued forward. He wanted to know if his parent were ok. Family is always number one.

"Your parents were in an accident today. You will be sent to the hospital to check on them. Note, if anything arises, you will be notified. My friend here will guide you to your parents' room." The officer explained, dropping him off. Driving in the car I sat in silence not wanting to speak he had heard new about cops and did not want to risk being a suspect. Keeping his hands in clear view he stood frozen for the rest of the ride. Even though his parent were not arrested he still would not risk it. His mother told him of the bad things police do to us minorities.

(AN: I understand some may look at this confused or hatred but when one is brought up knowing how some police operate you tend to look at only the bad cops and not the good ones. It's just how things are.)

Making his way to the front desk, he was eventually led to his parent's hospital room but was confused as to why he was blocked off from them.

"How do I tell him…" A voice replied panicking.

"I don't know. Aren't you the professional here, Dr. Obrien," Another voice replied.

"I'm no therapist. I don't get paid to tell kids about this. This the first time this has happened to me…" The Doctor muttered before hearing the noise of tiny footsteps.

"Wait a minute, can he hear us? Close the door!" The Doctor replied, ordering his colleague.

The child outside of the room, watching the door slightly slam in his face looked on in anger and confusion. Putting his ear next to the door, he listened onto their conversation and shuddered tears dripping from his eyes as he felt his whole world shatter.

"How can we tell a child his parents died he's only eight years old? He has no one else, No aunty, no uncle, no cousin, no brother, no grandpa, no nothing. A child like that is supposed to be playing and mucking about not grieving..." The Doctor stated sighing. Laying back in his chair, he massaged his temples as he looked over his options.

"One second the fathers unconscious but well and the next he's gone. The cops with their stupid bullets' aren't what killed that man! He was assassinated! Whoever came into the room when I left did something." The Doctor explained to the nurse.

"Are you saying the father was assassinated?" The nurse asked.

"I'm fifty percent sure, how else could he have died quickly and silently," The Doctor continued.

"Maybe a blood clot in the brain?" The nurse responded.

"Unlikely it's too much of a coincidence that the heartbeat detector suddenly shut down the second I left. The IV was also meddled with some things aren't matching. Something is definitely up" He replied before rubbing his face the stress getting to him.

"You know what it doesn't matter how he died… He's going to find out one way or another even if this may be cruel, may God bless him with a steady life. If only he had other family members, this wouldn't be as hard as it's supposed to be…" The Doctor monologued in frustration.

The child now sitting on the ground laid there shocked, paused in his own world as he felt it slowly shatter and fall apart. Cold sweat then violently dripped from his back as his hands started to shake vividly. The Doctor seeing the child sitting down frozen with his hands shaking Immediately called for help.

"Damn it… the kid heard us. The kid is in shock! Quickly let's get him on the move. Quickly! To the infirmary, this is an emergency!" The Doctor ordered.







(1) Teuila – The Samoan meaning for this name is the red flower most Polynesian women wear over their ear or in during festivals Pronunciation: Tay-We-lah

(2) Uso – The meaning of This term is brother or friend and is a term that originated from the Samoan language. Pronunciation: U-so

(3) Kolofai – A term from the Samoan language meaning to feel bad for the spelling may be incorrect, but the meaning is still there. Pronunciation: Ko-Lo-fi

(4) Palangi – The term means white person or foreigner in Samoan. Pronunciation: Pa-La-n-E

(5) Moe pee's – The terms meaning is a curse word mainly used to insult people. Moi meaning sleep in Samoan with Pee already being known. It's a term to describe people who still pee in the bed. Pronunciation: M-oi pee