Disclaimer - I don't own any of the Holes characters (unfortunately. how cool would that be to own them?!), I think they should be credited to Louis Sachar. And I don't own any of my friends. except maybe myself. Hmmm do I own myself? In that case I guess all my friends own themselves too.

Special thanks to everyone who's ever seen Holes with me, particularly Q for her ever obsessive stalkish behavior =)

Squid rushed into the wreck room and bounded over to the pool table, which the boys of D-tent were surrounding. It was obvious by the excited look in his eyes that he had important news to share with the group, but he was so winded he had to take a few breaths before he could begin. The boys stopped their game, and stared at him anxiously.

Finally, he pulled the toothpick out from between his teeth and drawled, "There's a girl. in Camp Green Lake!"

"What, you mean like the warden," Stanley asked innocently.

"No, man, a girl! Like, our age. a new camper!"

"But this ain't no girl's camp! They can't bring in no girls here," Armpit sighed, not hopeful enough to think that a real girl could be entering Camp Green Lake.

"I bet she's a robot," Zigzag interjected, his hair sticking on end (maybe it was just turned on by the thought of a girl), "Yeah, she's designed to mess with our heads. that's all girls ever do. It's the warden's evil mind game."

Squid shook his head, "Naw, I'm tellin' you. she's a-" He was cut off by a gunshot from the outside, followed my a loud fit of high pitched screaming.

"Did- did Mr.Sir just shoot 'er?" Magnet worried.

"Well, she didn't last long," X-Ray shook his head.

All of the boys clamored outside to get a better look at the scene. What they found there was not a dying girl, but rather a feisty, lively one. She was very short, just over 5ft, the size of their shovels. Her hair was cut short in the back, with longer bits in the front, and she was already in her camp clothes - an orange jumpsuit.

It was pretty obvious what the gunshot had been, for a headless yellow spotted lizard was lying, limbs still twitching, on the ground between the girl and Mr.Sir. But the girl was in a fit, screaming at the counselor, "It's an animal and it has rights too! You can't just go shooting the head off any other creature on this planet just cause it's not a human. Animals have feelings. They have lives. and they have every right to live them! It's disgusting the way you mistreat the poor creatures of this earth who have just as much reason to life as you have. The poor thing never hurt you any!"

"It was going to kill you. Being bit by a yellow spotted lizard, that's the worst thing that can happen to you. You will d-"

"Die a slow and painful death. Always. Yeah, yeah, I know. Cut the crap, there is no justifying taking the life of another living being. You are a MURDERER!" the girl spat.

Mr.Sir felt a huge blow to his ego and authority, as he realized all the boys had been standing on the porch watching this girl talk him down. He cleared his throat, spit out the sunflower seed shells he'd been chewing on, and simply ended it by saying, "Come on."

But the girl didn't want to let it go, "What, don't want to debate anymore? Can't stick up for your side, huh? Yeah, then maybe you should stop killing poor defenseless-"

"COME ON, missy. I have half a mind to." Mr.Sir's voice trailed off into a grumble. He walked away, and the girl followed him, with her arms crossed in defensive anger.

X-Ray slapped Squid playfully on the back of the head as all the boys turned to go back inside. There was an audible murmur of disbelief and mixed first impressions in the crowd. Eventually, Stanley and Zero were the only two to remain outside.

"Well," Stanley said, not really knowing what else to add to it.

"I don't know, man, a girl at Camp Green Lake," Zero said shaking his head, summing up fairly well the feelings of all the boys.


That night they were all called into the mess hall early, and told to take a seat. They all had guessed what it was about. After a minute the warden herself walked into the room, boots clicking rhythmically on the wooden floor.

"I have some exciting news for you boys," she smirked, "Camp Green Lake will now be integrated. We accepted our first female today. She's a fairly umm. manly girl, just to help us get used to things until we expand. She will be staying in a ten of her own, the girls tent, know as G-Tent, which you boys are not permitted, under any circumstances, to enter. I expect you all to take this new adjustment well," she paused for emphasis, "and I hope to hear of no trouble following this decision. You hear me? Well good then, boys, have a nice meal. You'll need the strength." And with that said, she clicked her way out of the room.

Pendanski added a moment later, "Her name's Laney. I expect all of you to help make her feel welcome," and not really sure what else to say, he walked awkwardly out of the room.

A few minutes later the girl, Laney, walked in, accompanied by Mr.Sir, who told her gruffly, "This is where you get the grub. Better eat well, tomorrow's gonna be a rough day." He grunted, and then walked over to the counter (cutting all the kids in line) to obtain his own food.

Laney walked towards the food moments later, and the boys who had been in line parted ways to let her pass. They heard her laugh slightly at this, though she tried to muffle it.

The boy behind the counter began to scoop a pile of slop onto her plate, but she stopped him, "What's in that?" she asked. The room went silent. The boys knew the way things worked here. You never back-talked Mr.Sir (a rule she had already broken) and you always eat what you're given, no questions asked. They boy didn't know what to tell her (probably cause he had no idea what was in the crap either), so he called the head cook, an older man, over to deal with Laney.

"What do you want? Causing trouble already won't get you on good terms with the Warden. I'd watch it," he told her.

She disregarded his comment, and asked again, very politely, "What's in the food?"

"I. well, now. I can't disclose that info, but I suggest you best eat it up. It's food, ain't that good enough for ya?"

"I don't eat meat. do you know if it has animal in it?" she asked steadily.

"Well, I suppose the only thing that I can assure you has no meat in it is the bread, but you're only allowed two pieces. You'd better eat more'n that... ah, the hell with it, why am I wasting time on you? You'll eat what you're given, and you'll damn well swallow it all," he was frustrated. Never before had a kid caused ANY problems with his cooking! Who did she think she was?

All the boys were watching the two of them now, holding their breaths, waiting for Laney's response. Was she going to flip out on the cook, same as she had Mr.Sir this morning? Would he stand for it? Pendanski, Mr.Sir, and the warden had all left the room so there was no furthur supervision. Maybe *now* the girl was going to die, they thought.

But it ended up fairly anticlimactically. Laney simply handed him her empty try, grabbed two slices of bread from the loaf in front of her, and said, "Thanks," and walked over to a table.


None of the boys sat with her at the table, for they didn't know exactly how to handle this new arrival. When a new boy arrived they'd usually ass him a little bit. Break him in until he was ready to be nicknamed and become, officially, one of the gang. But that couldn't do that with a girl!

The majority of dinner was silent, as each of the boys was lost in their own thoughts, but every so often someone would speak up.

"She's weird," Squid decided.

"I don't know what's up with all this crap she's trying to pull, causing a ruckus in the dinner line, yelling about lizards," X-Ray shook his head, "I don't know, man."

"I bet she was sent by the government to test out the camp. An undercover agent. yeah! To rustle up the warden's feathers, see if she'll crack. The government's onto this camp you know," Zigzag suggested.

"Man, they don't have no 15 year old agents," X-Ray countered.

"Maybe she just likes animals," Magnet guessed.

Armpit just shook his head, "Dawg, she's a fool."

When dinner had ended, all the boys stood up to leave, but Laney remained at her table, to let them all exit first. Her stomach rumbled slightly with hunger, but she figured if she held out long enough, the cook would HAVE to start making a vegetarian option for her. Or if not, she'd get so sickly she'd at least be able to leave the camp.

Zero walked out behind Caveman, last to leave as usual. He had been careful to make sure no one had been watching him during dinner as he snuck his bread onto his lap under the table, and he was careful now to make sure that no one noticed as he slipped the two slices onto the table next to Laney. Even she hadn't noticed, until her hand fell upon the two extra pieces.

When she looked up to see where they had come from, all she saw was a small figure with puffy hair disappearing through the door.

Wow, that girl's kind of a brat. who would ever be SO politically correct, geez! Heh heh ;) Hmmm, I wish this story had a plot, but I guess I'll just keep bringing in characters and go from there. This is destined to be another story I start and never end. = P