The moment Tsuna stares into those glossy green eyes, he's gone.

Absolutely enamored.

Inko chuckles at him from her bedside, watching in amusement as her husband lovingly holds her child close to his chest. It's at this point she knows that Tsuna (she really should get used to calling him Hisashi, but well, old habits die hard) will do anything in his power to ensure that their son will stay safe and happy, which is actually more than Inko could ever ask for.

She knew Tsuna was older than her far beyond comprehension. She knows he was probably here around the dawn of quirks, as if the constant stories he's told her didn't tell her enough.

She knows that, whatever plagued her husband to be a centuries old man, it would possibly affect her son too. She hopes it doesn't.

(She sees how tired Tsunayoshi is, even when the man tries to hide it. She sees the exhaustion in his eyes, the weariness of his bones, the withered tone he uses whenever he remembers his family of the past.

She notices how, before she came in, Tsuna was probably worse off. He practically has years shed off him once he catches sight of her that it sometimes caught Inko off guard.

That doesn't mean she loves him any less. To her, Tsuna is humanity done right, even if the man himself disagrees.)

She doesn't want their son to be left alone in the world, but she knows that if such a fate would befall her little Izuku, Tsuna would surely be there to care for their son.

(As soon as she sees the amber gleam in her husband's eyes, she knows.

Izuku will not grow alone. Not in the slightest.)

Very short chapters. Sometimes long, depending on my willingness to write.

Unbeta-ed. Pure self-indulgent AU. Do not take seriously. Has dubious amounts of Crack.

You've been forewarned.