Hello fellow fanfiction readers.

My name in here is TerrelHayden, and after a very long time I have finally decided to write a story in here. I have read a lot of light novels and manga, watched anime as well, but the one that came close to my heart was Highschool DxD even after there being more better light novels with better plot, Highschool DxD however has a wide plot which was always unused.

I have read many fanfiction regarding DxD, however the one I looked up to was the fanfiction writer Nosferatau896, his story were always different- as in took different turns while keeping in the same timeline as the Light novel.

Reading his stories became the reason 'Hey! I wana right a fanfiction too!' and here it is.

First of all before you guys start to argue, the 'Prologue' of the first volume of this story is based closely with the [Prologue of the Lone Dragon Emperor], make no mistake mine is different but parts of it are taken from the mentioned story. And yes, I did seek his permission and he gave me the green ticket to take some part from his story. Also, that is the only thing I will be taking ideas from, apart from that everything else will be original.

Please rate, favourite, follow and review, if you see any loophole, grammar error or perhaps something I have missed please point that out as well, it will be much appreciated.