Email: [email protected] AOL Messenger: AriesGambler

Disclaimer: None of these Characters are mine. Joss Whedon brilliantly created them. I'm only borrowing them. I hope I do his characters justice.

Summary: Takes place after the Series Finale. Buffy is searching for closure and goes on a hunt to find it. She ends up getting more than she bargains for. Massively Spuffy!!

Please Review!! All comments and suggestions are really appreciated. I love to see who is reading my stories and what you think of them. Please make me happy and leave your opinion.

Buffy walked down the dark alleyway with that feeling in the pit of her stomach that she always had when she felt Spike was near. She kept walking in whatever direction made that feeling grow. She didn't know why she was doing it. It was impossible right? Spike was gone. He was dead. Sunlight had poured from his soul and dusted hundreds of ubervamps on the spot. She knew he wouldn't survive that. He couldn't survive that. All of Sunnydale was sucked into oblivion and he went crumbling down with it. Spike couldn't be any more than a pile of ashes now so why did she feel his presence so strongly?

She continued to follow that feeling until she rounded the corner and started to see light at the end of the tunnel. The end of the alleyway was near and she could see the sunlight that surrounded the city, stores and people. Being in the alleyway was like night and day and her eyes were trying to adjust to the sudden brightness of her destination.

Buffy heard a rustling sound come from behind a green dumpster at the end of the alleyway. It caught her by surprise and she backed up against the brick wall just watching and waiting to discover what the sound was. She heard footsteps and suddenly saw a male body come into view. It was still too dark and she couldn't make out his face.

She heard the flick of a lighter and the flame rose until the glow surrounded the man's face. As he lit his cigarette the flame allowed enough light for her to make out who it was. Buffy gasped and her heartbeat sped its pace. Her breath caught in her throat and she was too shocked to form words. She stayed frozen up against the wall just waiting for his next move.

He started to walk toward the light while she unsuccessfully attempted to yell out his name. He walked right into the sunlight and she wanted to scream. She waited for him to burst into flame and burn up in front of her eyes. Instead what she saw shocked her even more. He stood in the sun with his eyes closed as if he were taking it in for the first time and savoring it as if it were his last.

The sun lit up his face like she'd never thought she'd see it. His cheekbones became even more prominent and his bleached blonde hair seemed even brighter. His dark eyelashes lay on his pale cheeks as he just let himself soak up the warmth of the sun. He finally opened his eyes, which were such a brilliant shade of blue that she could see the color from where she was standing. Buffy so badly wanted to call out his name but the words still wouldn't come.

He started walking down the street and walked right out of her view. Her legs felt like jelly and she was trying to muster up the strength to chase after him. She started walking forward on wobbly legs and once she caught her balance, she started to run until she too was surrounded in sunlight. She squinted her eyes until they adjusted to her surroundings. Her eyes traveled in the direction she saw him go but she didn't see him anywhere. She spun around and looked in every direction but there was absolutely no sign of him. She hadn't moved fast enough and now she had lost him.

Buffy turned to the left and started running in the direction she saw him travel. She carefully took in her surroundings as she ran to make sure she didn't miss him. She started to panic when she still didn't see him. It was as if he had disappeared.

"Spike!" Buffy yelled as she finally found her voice again.




Buffy felt hands grasping at her shoulders and strong hands starting to shake her.

"Buffy, wake up!"

Buffy sat up and saw Xander standing before her with his hands still grasping at her shoulders. It took a moment for her brain to comprehend the difference between her dream world and her reality.

She finally realized that she was in her bed surrounded by comforters and fluffy pillows. She looked around and observed her new bedroom as if seeing it for the first time.

Xander, Willow, Dawn and Buffy were now residing in a house together. They found a nice place in L. A. and decided to split the rent. They were all terrified of where their lives were headed after Sunnydale was destroyed but luckily they found jobs in the city and went on to resume somewhat of a normal life.

Buffy looked up to see Xander's worried expression.

"Buffy are you all right? I think you were having a nightmare."

"I..." Buffy started, her brow furrowed with confusion. "Uh, no. It wasn't a nightmare. Not really. Not until the end."

Xander looked at her and waited to hear about the dream but instead she just continued to sit up and blankly stare forward.

"Buffy? Are you sure you're ok." Xander asked as he rubbed her shoulder.

Buffy finally looked up at Xander in acknowledgement. "Can you bring the rest of the gang in here please?"

"Buffy, it's three o'clock in the morning. Everyone is sleeping."

"Please Xander." She pleaded with her eyes. "It's important."

Xander nodded and left the room to wake up Willow and Dawn. They both walked sleepily with Xander toward Buffy's bedroom. Dawn stopped them ten feet before reaching Buffy's door.

"Xander, what's going on? Why is Buffy having you wake us up in the middle of the night?"

"She had a bad dream Dawnie. She wanted to talk to all of us."

Dawn's eyes widened and grabbed his arm. "Oh God! Is it a slayer dream? Are we all in trouble?"

"There's only one way to find out." Xander replied and continued toward Buffy's room.

They walked through her bedroom door to find Buffy sitting on the edge of her bed in jeans and a T-shirt.

"Planning on going somewhere Buff? Xander questioned.

"Uh, yeah." Buffy answered quickly. "Sit down. There is something I need to talk to you about."

Dawn and Willow sat on the bed next to Buffy. Xander took a seat in the comfy chair next to the bed. They all stared at Buffy, intently waiting for an explanation.

"I had a dream that Spike was alive." Buffy announced. "He was really alive. He was able to walk in the sun. But at the end of the dream he disappeared. I couldn't find him. I didn't move fast enough." She looked down at her hands, as if ashamed that she wasn't able to locate him.

Confused glances were exchanged between Xander, Willow and Dawn. They couldn't figure out how this could be considered an emergency.

"Buffy." Willow spoke first. "It was only a dream. It's nothing to worry about."

Buffy looked up at willow. "That's just it. I don't think it was just a dream."

"What do you mean Buffy?" Dawn spoke up. "Are you saying you think this was some sort of slayer dream? You think it's a look into the future?"

"Not exactly." Buffy answered. "I think Spike is still alive and I need to find him."

"Buffy, don't you think you're jumping the gun just a bit." Xander added, leaning forward on his chair. "Not all of your dreams are slayer dreams. It could mean nothing."

"Maybe." Buffy admitted. "But it could also mean something."

"You probably just miss him Buffy." Willow suggested. "Dreams often tap into your wishes and fears. Remember that old saying "A dream is a wish your heart makes?" That's probably all it is."

"I guess." Buffy sighed heavily. "But I have to know for sure."

"All of Sunnydale was destroyed. The chance that Spike is still alive is slim to none." Xander said.

"Slim to none." Buffy repeated. "Which means there could be a slim chance that I am right. Spike could be out there somewhere. If he is, I have to find him. He has to know."

"Know what Buffy?" Willow asked, placing a hand gently over hers.

"That I love him." Buffy admitted slowly. Those words finally spoken to her friends gave her more of a relief than she ever could have imagined.

"I told him in the end, right before I left him. But he didn't believe me. I shouldn't have waited so long to let him know." Buffy continued.

"I'm sure he knew Buffy." Willow responded. "If all of us knew how you felt then I'm sure he did too."

"You knew?" Buffy asked with a stunned expression.

"Well, yeah." Willow said, glancing at Dawn and Xander. "We could see how you two were with each other. You were always so concerned about him. It was kind of obvious."

"It was?" Buffy asked, looking at Xander and Dawn for confirmation. They both nodded at Buffy in agreement.

"Well, that's probably it then Buff." Xander offered. "Your dream was all about closure. It's still bothering you that he didn't believe you. I'm sure there's nothing more to it than that."

"But what if there is?" Buffy sighed again in frustration.

"You can't go out there with nothing to go on." Dawn reasoned. "How are you going to find someone you are not even sure exists anymore?"

"I don't know." Buffy admitted. "But I have to try."

Buffy grabbed her coat and walked toward the front door with her friends trailing behind her. She turned the knob, opened the door halfway and turned back to her friends before she walked out.

"Don't wait up." Buffy said, before closing the door behind her.

To Be Continued...