Hao: I'm your host, Hao! Today's topic is: Getting engaged in an early age! The guests are- Yoh,

Yoh: Konnichiwa!

Hao: Ren,

Ren: Kill you.

Hao: & Faust & Eliza!

Faust: He heh... He heh...Muaha ha ha ha ha!!!!

Hao: (sweatdrop) Uuuum.....moving on....Yoh, I heard that you & Anna are engaged since you two were born, but tell me, do you have any feelings for her?

Yoh: Hell yeah I do! I have feelings of fear when ever I'm with her or thinking of her! Man...She is a satan's deciple!

Hao: Well, Yoh, in that case, I would like you to meet someone special. Anna! Come out !

Yoh: Oh no... I'm now about to scream like a little girl if you're serious...

Anna: Hello, Yoh. (Anna gives Yoh an evil glare)

Yoh: Kyaaaaaahh!!!

(The others look at Yoh by Anna)

Hao: In any case...Ren, Faust, what's your view on this topic?

Faust (With a psychopath look): I'm already married, & I'll always love my Eliza no matter what...Since I was very young...

Audience: Aaaawww.....

Faust (Breaking into tears): But why...? She just had to die! Now she's just a mere puppet being controlled by my powers, just like what Yoh said!

Ren: Oh, Quit yer crying! You're ruining your lipstick!

Faust: It's not a Fat ass lipstick you bastard!!

Ren: Who cares? You're also ruining your eyeshadow!

Faust: It's not A fuckin' eyeshadow!!! & it's not a lipstick!!!

Faust was about to use his bone dead rebone when hao's fire spirit prevents the two (Yup, you guessed it! He's gonna be the security! ^ ^)

Hao: Well, Ren, I also heard you're engaged with this girl who is also a shaman...Her name is... (Hao, stoned when he looked at the queue card) Ha...Ho...

Ren: C'mon! Say it!

Hao: HoroHoro....

Ren: Yeah! Hear that, HoroHoro?! I'm gonna be yours!

HoroHoro (Appearing out of nowhere in the audience): I LOVE YOU TOO REN!!!

Hao: Any...questions from the audience?

One person from the audience: Can I go to the bathroom?

Hao: ........T_T;;

Hao looks at the backround behind him, he sees Anna killing Yoh, Faust trying to kill the fire spirit & Ren, & HoroHoro making flying kisses to Ren & Ren doing those 'I love you too' messages & running towards HoroHoro trying to *Ehem* kiss him...

Hao: This career isn't working for me...That writer bitch fooled me by saying it's a calming job.... Well, until the next time I see you, tune in for SHAMAN TALK 100!! where our next topic is: Dreams!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

DM: Well, first I'd like to say sorry for those who are Ren's fan & HoroHoro's fan, but it's just a fanfic & it's my 1st Mankin Fanfic, Gommen ^ ^;;

Hao: Yeah, & what's this about being based on Oprah Winfrey's show?!! Looking at the story, it should've been based on Jerry Springer Show!! You Fat ass bitch mother fucker from hell!!!

DM: Ohyo ho ho ho ho ^0^

Hao: You have something against me, don't you? ~ ~+;;