The Return part 2

The trip back to the mansion was filled with silence as everyone retreated into their own thoughts.

Jean had cheated death, and her pending arrival would change many things. Getting her back was a miracle,

but Ororo couldn't help but feel uneasy. When she came back how changed would she really be? And why

would she contact Sky instead of Scott? Sky might have had the power, but she shared a link with Scott.

"You all right darlin?" Logan asked making her turn to him and nod as she forced a shaky smile.

He was more than just her boyfriend now, he was her fiancée. Did Jean's sudden appearance make him

regret his proposal? She remembered the depth of his feelings for the pretty red head, what if that

animalistic attraction still existed between them ?

"Not for a second," he said reading her like an open book.

He'd been an ass going after Jean the way he had. But that had been all about the thrill of the chase,

and pissing off one eye. But he had Ororo now and he would never do anything to jeopardize that. Feeling

her face flame she sent him a real smile. That was why they worked so well, he saw through her masks.

Nodding to show him she understood she returned her focus to getting them back to the mansion as swiftly

as possible.

Drained Sky slumped down in the chair resting her head against the seat as she willed her body to

recharge itself. There was something about this trip that set her on edge. Whatever they had brought back

was more than the women known as Jean Grey . There was something … sinister, cold and calculating

under the surface.

"Souer wat wrong?" Remy whispered making her look up and shake her head slightly. Now was not the

time to mention her doubts. She would wait, and watch while they celebrated the miraculous return of

their fallen comrade. Knowing she would fill him in later Remy nodded back before forcing himself to

relax in the chair as he played with his ever present deck of cards. The ideal of someone coming back from

the dead made him nervous. It was nothing bad juju as he Tante would say. When a soul left this world it

was meant to stay wherever it went to.

The minute the jet landed Hank was their getting the cocoon lifted on to a gurney before rushing it below

in to an isolated room and hooking it up to machines that would monitor the life in side. The hall was

littered with students full of questions and before they could disassemble and head to the locker rooms

Charles was sounding in their head.

:Xmen , to my office:

Trailing behind the others as they made their way from the bay they parked the jet in Sky

found herself with a serious case of role reversal. She felt protective of them all, the students, her

teammates, even the professor himself. She should be happy for them, but she couldn't shake the feeling

that something wasn't write, and sooner rather than Later all hell was going to break loose.

" I have yet to summon Scott because … I am at a lose as to how to deliver the news," he said shaking his

head as they all took a seat.

Ro sat beside Logan who had an arm wrapped around her waist as he sat protectively blocking her body

with his own, and Sky chose to lean against the wall beside Remy and behind Kurt who was sitting in an

oversized arm chair.

"Best just to be straight forward Chuck, it's going to be a shock to his system no matter how it's put,"

Logan said as they all nodded their agreement.

"We do not know much, it was only recently I began to suspect she was not lost to us forever, and I did not

want to alarm anyone until I had more proff, but now that she's here, I can only tell you she will emerge


"What will we do until then?" Storm asked raising a perfectly arched eyebrow.

" Keep the cocoon warm, and safe while Hank monitors the vitals." He said as they all nodded. Answering

the questions that rose they tossed a few ideals back and forth before trying to make the final decision of

who should deliver the news.

" I'll tell him," Sky said making everyone look up.

"I'm the only one whose close to him, but not emotionally invested in Jean, and I'm the one who brought

her back…," She said shrugging as they seemed to weigh it over in their minds.

" I believe that would be most appropriate," Storm said smiling at her sister as Charles nodded.

"Yes, I agree… I'll call him in now."

"What's going on Professor?" Scott asked taking in the full room as he frowned slightly.

"Something happened during the mission tonight," Sky said stepping forward as Scott nodded. Moving

over to the unoccupied chair she sat him down while she perched on the arm.

" We went back to Alkaline lake Scott… I've been having dreams, and hearing a voice calling to me.. it was

Jean, she's back," She said as his face paled.

"H- How, I don't understand," he whispered shaking his head.

" Neither do we, right now she' s in stasis, wrapped in a cocoon… we know she will emerge soon, but we

don't know exactly when or what her frame of mind will be," she said gently.

" I want to see her," he whispered clearing his throat as his voice quivered.

" Hank will meet you in the med lab," Charles said relieved that he was taking things so well.

Pausing in the doorway a few moments later he turned to Sky and gave her a smile so bright it dazzled.

"Thank you," He whispered moving away before she could respond.

: I hope you're still thanking me later: She thought shaking her head as they were debriefed and left to their

own devices.