Chapter 1: A New Start ?

Growling to himself Logan tossed back another shot of Jack. Two months away from the mansion, and he wasn't feeling any clearer headed then when he had first left. After Jeans' death, Storm had become an unexpected source of strength, and comfort. She'd practically taken over Cyke's job, while keeping up morale at the same time. Their friendship had been a given, sharing their grief had formed a strong bond; one he was sure would never be severed. What came six months after Jeans' death had knocked him flat on his back.

"You're up late darlin," Logan said smiling as Storm stepped out on to the roof beside him.

"Couldn't sleep," She said before they lapsed in to a comfortable silence enjoying the others company.

He turned to make another comment, but the words froze in his throat. Ro was beside him in one of her long silk numbers, white hair tumbling down her back, her full lips curved in the serene smile that often drew him to her side. When had Ro gotten so damn gorgeous and why the hell had he never noticed?

"Ro," he whispered making her turn towards him.

"Are you ok Logan?" She asked noting an unfamiliar tone in his voice.

His mouth seemed to go dry, and he shocked himself as well as her when he leaned forward to lightly brush her lips with her own. Sure they floated (flirted) often, but this was different, and they both knew it.

"Logan?" She questioned, scared to hope.

" Ro I can't Promise you anything now, but when I come back, when I get myself together," he said wishing the sparkle hadn't gone out of her eyes.

" I understand Logan, you need time to sort things out," She said wondering how long he'd be gone this time.

He was done sorting things out; it was the yellow belly chicken in him that kept him away. His feelings for Jean, had been real enough, but they were nothing compared to those quickly forming for Ororo. She had been the girl he could never have so it was safe to develop those feelings; there was no chance of commitment. He knew her heart had been Scott's alone, and as much as it disgusted him, the two really had belonged together. It was killing two birds with one stone, pissing One-eye off off, and getting a rise out of one of the most beautiful women he had ever met. Frowning he scowled as he came back to the same conclusion, it was time to stop running and head home to Ro.

He was taken from his reverie by the sounds of a fight.

" I suggest you back the fuck up," said a small but powerful voice that made him look up.

: Looks like things are about to get interesting around here: He thought smirking. A good bar brawl was exactly the thing to get his mind off his current dilemma. In the corner he spotted a chocolate colored, brown haired beauty semi- surrounded by three vicious looking men. Turning away to mind his own business his nose began to twitch.

: Fuck: He murmured under her breath, she smelled like.. Ro, The same sandalwood scent he always associated with her , mixed with something more.

"Damn, I'm getting soft," he said as he slapping money down on the counter, as he made his way over towards the crowd only to be frozen in place as the girl proceeded to take control of the men's minds as she stumbled out the door.

Stunned he followed her a few moments later, tracking her scent; up until now he had only seen Xavier perform that particular feat, and if there was someone else out there with that power he wanted to know a lot more about them, and just who's side they were on. He found her small frame slumped over in an alley a few streets down, almost buried in the debris. He couldn't help but frown at her malnourished shape; it was obvious that she had been living on the streets for quite some time. Picking her up gently, he headed for the one place he'd been trying to avoid going to.

Groaning slightly Sky began to sit up slowly, feeling like she had one too many the night before. This always happened when she used her powers on such a large scale. Realizing she was in a soft bed instead of the hard concrete that had become her home, she began to panic. Usually she hid herself well enough to not be discovered. She'd learned how to hide after she got tired of being bounced form foster home to foster home, each rejection worse than the other once they found out about "her gifts". After a quick assessment of the bedroom, and herself she slipped out of the room silently, taken aback by the large hallway she entered, and the expensive vases, and paintings that screamed wealth. Who ever owned this place had money, and lots of it, they also had taste.

"Finally up and about?" Said a rough voice that made her spin, and take a closer look in the shadowy section of the hallway a few feet down.

"Who's there," She said taking a defensive stand, as she tried to see if he was friend her foe. His mind, unlike most was shut down tighter than Fort Knox.

"Don't' worry darlin, I'm not gonna hurt you." He said stepping in to the light slowly.

"It was you," She said recognizing the well-built, dark haired man from earlier. Vaguely she began to remember strong arms, and a kind but gruff voice.

"Where am I?" She asked letting herself relax. If he hadn't' hurt her all ready chances were he wasn't going to start now.

"Some place safe for people like you and I, a school for mutants to learn how to control their powers," he said pointedly making her roll her eyes.

"Well thanks for the rescue. "


"Logan, but I think I'll be on my way just the same," She said lifting her bag on to her shoulder once more, and starting her walk down the hall way towards the stairs.

"How many times have you woken up in some alley, not remembering a damn thing until a few hours later, how much longer do really think you'll survive out there like this on your own."

"I'll do what I have too, and what would you know about it?" She asked turning to spin on her heel and face the man who had somehow stealthy crept even closer.

" A lot more than you think darlin," he said as he let down his mind barriers enough for his feelings to seep through.

" You don't want to end up like me, you can stop this now, there are people here who can help if you let them."
His raw emotions made her gasp, and she was taken aback by the haunting sense of not knowing whom he really was.

"Help? can they "Cure" me, or make the world stop hating us?" She asked her bitterness great for someone so young.

"No, but they can give you something that no one ever take away," He said making her arch her eyebrow.

"And that is?"

"Hope," he said hiding a smile as he saw her defeated expression, at least for now she was going to stay.

"I'll give it a try, but first thing I don't like I am out of here." She said not sure why she was trusting this stranger, that was the first thing she'd learned on the streets, trust no one but yourself.

" Its your call darlin you got a name?"

"They call me Sky. "

"That your real name?"

"I've been through too much to ever know who the person I might have been was, so I don't use that name."


" Logan will you stay with me?" Sky whispered, her request shocking her just as much as it did him.

"Sure Darling," he said as he sat beside her, waiting for Chuck to get done with his meeting.

"You'll like Chuck he's got a way about him, and he always has your best interest at heart," he said trying to reassure the young girl who was fast endearing herself to him.

"How old are you any ways kid?"

"Seventeen." ****

"Logan, and Sky, glad you could join me," Xavier said as they entered the room taking the seats in front of his desk.

"Chuck," Logan said nodding as Sky said hi quietly.

"Logan tells me you have quite the psychic punch," Chuck said making her smile.

"Sometimes, but the price can be high" She said thinking of how taxed she became.

"With the proper training, I think we could fix that," Xavier said brushing her mind with his own, careful not to probe too deep.

"What do you remember of your past Sky?"

"Nothing except for my name, I've been in and out of Foster homes since I was four."

"Your parents?"

"Dead as far as I know, I can't really remember much from that time, and what I do remember I do not wish to discuss," She said knowing thinking about them too much would make the dreams return.

" We would be happy to have you stay on here, and attend school as a regular student, the staff would be more than happy to help you catch up on anything you've missed, you'll have your own dorm room to share with others, and you and I would train every day."

"And what would you want in return?" She asked warily.

"Just that you use everything we teach you here, I believe that humans and mutants can live together in harmony, and that to drive that point home, we have to show them we're no different from them, save for a few special gifts."

"Big dreams huh Prof?" She asked making him smile.

"Big dreams indeed my child."

"I'd like to stay if that's all right." She said knowing that if she didn't like it, at least she'd have a safe place to stay for a while.

"Certainly, I'll let Ororo know immediately, she is in charge of the girls housing, see you tomorrow at 4:00 pm sharp," he said smiling as she stood to leave, Wolverine only a few steps behind.

"Is he for real? " She asked as they made their way down the stairs for breakfast.

"As real and honest as they get," he said, knowing she was just like he'd been when he first came here.


"How did things go with Sky and the Professor?" Ororo asked making him smile as he stepped in to the kitchen beside her that night.

"Good I think, she doesn't trust easily, but I think she's going to give us a try honest to God Ro her powers are unsettling."

Surprised she turned to face him her eyebrow arched in an unspoken question. Unsettled was not a word one heard from Logan often.

" I saw her take over three peoples minds last night Ro, and God only knows what else she can do. I'm not looking forward to her meeting with one eye either," he said trailing off as they remembered they're fallen friend.

"Is she so much like Jean?"

"Power wise, yes, but so untrained."

"She's only seventeen for Christ's' sake not even fully developed."

"Ro," He said turning to her.

" I meant every thing I said the last time I was here," He said making her turn towards him.

"And just what do you suggest we do about it Logan?" She asked a mischievous glint in her eyes.

" This," He said smiling at her shocked expression before he pulled her close, devouring her lips the way he'd been dreaming of since he left.


Screaming Sky sat up breathing heavily as she told her self repeatedly she was safe, and she could breath. A light was quickly snapped on, and a few seconds the door swung open as she tried to calm herself. Hunched over she tried to hold on to the blinding vision of white, and let the rest of the horrific nightmare fade.

"Sky!" Screamed the terrified voice of Jubilee making her realize the whole bedroom was vibrating.

"Sorry, sorry," She said bringing the vibrating down to a slow tremble, and eventually a halt.

"You all right kid, I thought someone was in here, the way you screamed," Logan said sheathing his claws as he walked over to the side of her bed.

"Just- just a nightmare," She whispered wishing it wasn't a lie.

That was the worst part about this particular nightmare, she knew she'd lived it, and if she could just remember¦ she'd have the keys to un lock her past.

"Augh," She cried wincing as she covered her ears with her hands bombarded by the onslaught of grief that was hitting her straight on.

"Sky!" Logan said glancing at the professor for answers.

Concentrating on Sky he shielded her from Scott who stood opened mouthed in the hallway.

:I'm sorry Scott we didn't have time to warn you: He said thinking of the uncanny similarities, and the memories they must have provoked.

"Its ok now," Storm said rubbing Sky's back gently as she sat on the bed opposite Logan. As the splintering pain in her head receded she pulled herself together.

" I- I didn't mean to wake every one, y'all can go back to bed, I'm fine," she said attempting to shoe everyone away as she clutched the small crucifix she wore around her neck.

"Kid, you have to be out of your mind, after that lil earthquake you think we believe your fine?" Logan asked smiling at her scowl.

"It is all right child, we all had to grow in to our powers."

Glowing a bright red under her mocha skin, Sky ducked her head.

" Back to bed Children," Xavier said watching as everyone slowly made their way back to their rooms. After the attack on the mansion almost a year ago, just about any abnormal noise sent everyone running.
"I didn't mean to cause so much trouble Prof I'm sorry," she said expecting them to show her the door, like others had so many times before.

"Its ok child, I knew a girl very much like you once," he said smiling softly at the red haired man beside him.

"You did?"


"What happened to her?"

"She became a hero," said the visor wearing man, who had yet to speak.

"Was-was she happy?" She asked directing her question to the man she now knew was closest to this mystery women.

"Yes I believe she was," he said smiling for the first time in months.

"I think it may be best for you to have your own room," Xavier said taking in the two teens that still watched them wide-eyed.

" Yea," Jubilee said sarcastically breaking the tension as she covered her head with a pillow making them all chuckle.

"You can take the room next to mine," Logan grumbled not willing to admit out loud that he wanted her close by in case this happened again.

"You all right Sugah?" Rouge asked the outburst instantly making her think of Logan.

"Yea, thanks," She said laying back as Logan and Storm proceeded to tuck her back in.

"You guys don't' have to- " She said cut off by them tsking her.

"We'll get to the moving tomorrow," Xavier said smiling as they all exited the room.

"You sure you're ok kid?" Logan asked the last one to leave.

"I thought they were gone for good," She said making him pause and lean closer.

"The dreams?" He asked , receiving a small nod in response.

"It had been almost been a year," She said brokenly as she managed a wobbly smile.


"Sky I'd like to talk more about your powers before we begin anything," Xavier said as they sat down for their first session.

"What do you want to know?"

" Aside from the mind control what else can you do?"

" I can move some small things, and if I'm upset bigger things, I can manipulate water as well."

"Manipulate water?" He asked curious.

"Like this," She said smiling as she called the water in his glass towards her carrying it to the plant on the other side of the room that looked like it could use a drink.

"Can you do that on larger scale?"

"No I just don't have the energy to sustain it," She said.

"I try not to do anything I might not wake up from, know what I mean?"


Taking a few moments to herself Sky headed to the chapel she had spotted earlier in the day. The only thing she had been able to depend on through this mess she called a life was The Lord. Kneeling before the Alter she lit a candle crossing herself as she began to pray.

"Ack I am sorry I did not know any one was in here," said a heavily accented and very masculine voice.

"Its ok I was just finishing up," She said setting back on her heels as she looked up in to the dim light cast by the candles.

The first thing she noticed was that the man was blue. not the sky blue one would imagine a smurf to be, a deeper indigo, that set off his golden eyes. He would have been intimidating if he didn't wear the look of a puppy that had been kicked one too many times.

"You're new her ja?"

"Yea, Sky. and you are?"

"Kurt Wagner, but in the circus I was known as the Incredible Night crawler."

Smiling she chuckled softly at his sudden animation.

"Well its nice to meet you Kurt, I think I'm going to head up to my room now."

"Guten Nacht," He said making her smile.


She woke that night once more in a sweat, the memory of the blinding white firmly etched in her mind. If only she could figure out what it was. The dreams were more realistic now, and she thought just maybe she was finally going to figure things out. Calming herself focused making the dresser still before the mirror attached broke. Her heart racing she found sleep eluded her as she relived the crushing weight on her chest and the thin air. She hated lying in the dark after the dreams. Usually she headed out somewhere, just wandering the streets. No chance of that with the security around this place. Closing her eyes she cried silent tears as the hellish visions awaited her behind her eyelids. Placing aside her pride for her sanity, she slowly made her way to the adjoining door, tapping lightly before she made her way in.

"Logan," She said keeping a safe distance until she was sure he knew who she was.

"Sky.? " he asked sitting up slowly.

"Can I sleep in here with you?" She asked so low, that no one else but him would have heard her.

"Sure Kid, hope in," he said not having the heart to turn her away. He himself wished he had someone to keep his nightmares at bay most nights.

Scrambling in to bed beside Logan, she curled in to a ball grateful for his warmth.

"Dreams again?"

"They're getting worse, sharper," She said as silence descended.

"But what really scares me. is my powers. I've never been this powerful before," she whispered thinking of the practically levitating dresser.

A chill went down Logan's back as he thought back to one of his lasts conversations with Jean, who had just disarmed a missile. He wasn't about to lose another person he cared about.


"Guten morgen," Kurt said making her smile as she entered the cafeteria for lunch.

"Gutenmorgen, wie geht es Ihnen?" ( good morning how are you)

"Sie sprechen Deutsches?" ( You speak German/)

"Nur wenig," She replied laughing at the shocked expressions around the table. (only a little)

"Maybe I could teach you more?" He asked shyly making her grin.

"Yea I'd like that Kurt," She said nodding as she sat across from him and beside Logan.

"You're just full of surprises aren't ya kid?" Logan asked smiling at her shrug.

"Girls gotta be interesting some how." She said piling pancakes on her plate.

" I want to try moving something today," Xavier said as she sat down for their session.

"You really want to go there?" She said thinking back to her almost nightly earthquakes.

"How ever else will you learn?" He asked amused by her skeptical look.

"You have to have faith in yourself child, become confident in your powers," He said wising that he had said these things to Jean more often.

"Let's start out with something small, that pen over there," he said nodding towards an end table a few feet away.

"Sure," she said relieved that he had picked something that was small, and isolated.

Narrowing her eyes slightly she lifted the pen bringing it over to rest in front of the professor. Working their way up slowly, she moved tape, a dish of candy, and a remote control.

"Just one more item for today," He said pleased at how well she was holding up.

"Shoot Prof."

" A book from off the book case."

Biting her lip she conceded concentrating on the first shelf.

"Oops soory Proff," She said ducking as the whole shelf came flying towards them, slamming in to the wall opposite where the case set.

" How was that different from the other things?" He asked trying to pin point the problem.

"The other things were smaller, and you wanted me to move just one book, there were a lot of variables in it, my telekinesis is unpredictable like that," She said shrugging.

"So, its more of concentrating?"

"More like focusing in, and maintaining that intense level."

" I want you to start meditating with Ororo tomorrow, it seems you two have something in common."

"Me have something in common with her?" She asked thinking of the elegant woman who seemed to glide on air instead of simply walk.

"Yes, she too had trouble with control, and struggles constantly to keep a tight reign on it."