Disclaimer: I do not own the Newsies, Disney does. However I do own any
of the original characters and Klover is owned by, well Klover.
Jack: Yeah it is surprisin' 'ow many people like yer story.
Moonlight: Who asked you?
Newsies: WE DID.
Moonlight: All right this same time talking this is really getting annoying.
Shout Outs:
Chicago: That would have been funny to have all the Newsies follow them to that one spot.
Blink: Yeah, but dat would 'ave ruined de fact dat de four of us would 'ave gotten so close.
Kawaii Julie Sama: Thanks for the review and your right it is not a good idea to beat up the author or the next chapter would never have gotten done.
Spot: Are ya sure? I mean I would not mind beatin' de author up. Afta all she is de one who encouraged Rain ta drow cereal at me.
Rain: She did not have to encourage me; I would have done it on my own.
Spot: Please Kawaii let me beat de author up.
Moonlight: Spot I would not get any ideas I will win.
Klover: Thanks for the review.
Dylan: Did you miss me Klover?
Rain: Thanks for the review.
Moonlight: Please don't come after me with frosted flakes.
Spot: Ha now yer 'er target. (Rain throws cereal at him) Damn.
Rain: You're always my target. (Smiles sweetly at him) And so are you Oscar.
Oscar: :ow de 'ell did I git pulled into the conversation? (Everyone shrugs)
anUNDERCOVERnewsie: Thank you for the review. I am glad you are enjoying my story. Only one final chapter.
Boots: It is ova already.
Moonlight: Yes haven't you been paying attention?
Boots: No, do I eva listen ta ya?
Moonlight: No.
AA Battery: Thanks for the review.
Oscar: Why does ever one wish death to me and me brudda?
Battery: I is obvious none of us like you two.
Oscar: I see.
Moonlight: Dutchy Battery says you're a Stalker.
Dutchy: I am not a stalker. I jist concerned.
Pixie: Thanks for the review.
Jack: Blink, Dutchy Pixie said we were all cute.
Moonlight: Why did you have to encourage them? They are going to be a pain for a long time now.
Dutchy: Yes we are.
Moonlight: See I told you.
Blink: Come on Moon ya know we do it cause we love ya.
Moonlight: I'm sure.
"Where are we going?" I laughed. Blink and Jack pulled me down the street, with Dutchy pushing me from behind. It wouldn't have been that funny of a scene, except for the fact I was blindfolded by my bandana that I had retrieved from under my pillow. "Come on I'm going to fall."
"Yer not gonna fall." Blink laughed.
"Yeah we will catch ya." Dutchy added.
"If ya are treatin' de we git ta pick de place we get ta eat." Jack said motioning the others with his free hand to pick up the speed."
"At least slow down." I begged.
"NO!" All three said in unison. I wined softly. They enjoyed torturing me and I slowly planned my way of getting them back.
"Ok were 'ere." Said Dutchy. I felt a pair of hands untie the bandana and then begin to retie it around my neck. It took my eyes a few minutes before I was able to readjust to the light. I smiled knowing the restaurant really well, but I never actually ate there. A few of my friends said higher class girls would not be caught dead there.
"If you wanted to go to Tibby's all you had to do was ask."
"Yeah, we know, but we wanted ta 'ave a little fun."
"Well I am so happy that me being scared amused you." Jack smiled and placed his arm on my shoulder and hugged me and kissed the top of my head.
"Besides, it is time fer ya ta meet de rest of de boys."
"Boys?" I questioned.
"The Newsies." Blink said.
"Oh." We entered Tibby's and I was a little scared. I did my best to stay behind the three boys.
"Hey Jack, Blink, Dutchy" and other call were all yelled at the entered. When the boys noticed me then at once began to question who I was.
"Quiet down, quiet down." Yelled Jack, trying to be heard above all the talking Newsies.
"So Jacky boy who is dis?" Asked Spot. Both leaders spit in there hands and shook.
"What ya doin' in Manhattan?"
"Got ta talk ta ya in private."
"Can it wait a few minutes?" Jack asked. He really wanted to introduce me to everybody. Spot seemed to think about it for a moment and then nodded, but seemed very reluctant about it. Jack knew he needed to get introductions through quickly.
"So Jack who is she?" Asked Race coming up next to Jack.
"Ok," said Jack turning to me, "this is Racetrack Higgins, Mush Meyers, Crutchy, Bumlets, Boots, Snipeshooter, Snoddy, Skittery, Spot who is de leader of Brooklyn, Itey, Pie Eater." and on he went until he had introduced her to all the Newsies present. "Everybody dis is my younger sista Jenny." Whispers erupted everywhere. Never once had Jack ever mentioned he had a sister and all were eager to meet me and make me feel welcome. All could tell how nervous I was because I looked at the floor and played with my hands. "Oh did I mention dat she is Blink's mysterious girl."
"So Blink dis is 'er?" Said Snipeshooter.
"Yep." Said Blink slipping his hand into mine and giving me a comforting squeeze.
"Great." He said sarcastically and he pulled a nickel out of his pocket and tossed it to Race.
"Ya bet wit Race on wheder she was real or not." Blink said a little annoyed.
"It was a stupid bet." Snipe said.
"I don't find it stupid, I made a nickel." Said Race pocketing the money.
"Well that's where Snipeshooter made his mistake, you never make or take a bet unless you sure you're going to win." I said jumping in.
"And 'ow do ya do dat while your playin' poker?" Race asked.
"Pokers a little different, but you can try."
"Yer on." Said Race. Race, myself, Jack, Blink, and Spot all sat down to play poker. I told the boys I was using the money Mr. Brown had given me, but do not worry because they will still get there lunch. Race shuffled the cards then passed them to me to shuffle. I accidentally dropped them. A few of the boys snickered. Jack glares made them all be quiet. Race helped me pick the cards up did a little more shuffling then dealt the cards out.
I picked my cards up and noticed I had two aces, a four, three, and nine. I watched as the boys all placed a few cards down and Race dealt them more. I placed my two aces down and Race handed me three cards. I looked at them and I got a four, eight, and another ace. Race opened the biding with a nickel. I slowly placed a nickel on the table. Jack bet two pennies, Spot and Blink folded. I looked at my cards and bet fifty cents. Jack and Race looked at me like I was nuts. Jack quickly folded so only Race and I was left. Race looked me over and placed the fifty cents in the middle and called. He placed his straight down and all faces turned to me. I slowly put down and all the guys cheered and patted Race on the back. The four boys at the table looked at me. I just smiled sweetly.
We played five more hands and every time I bet big until I had four dollars left. Two from Mr. Browns five and two from my own pocket. I looked at my cards and placed two down. Race dealt me two cards and I picked one up at a time. The betting started and it only got up to fourteen cents a person. On my bet all looked at me to see how much I would bet and I looked at my money. I slowly picked up all four dollars of it and placed it in the middle. All looked stunned. That was the biggest bet of the night and the only one who could put in that kind of money was Race because he had one every hand. The others all folded, but Race decided to call. I watched him place his hand down and he had a four aces. All the boys cheered because only a straight and royal flush could beat that.
All eyes were on me as I stared at my hand. My face showed no emotion or any expressions to give the boys any clue on whether I won or lost. I began to place my cards down, 2 of hearts, 3 of hearts, 4 of hearts, 5 of hearts, and 6 of hearts. All stood mouths open eyes fixed on my hand, which lay on the table. The cigar that had been in Race's mouth fell out onto the table. "I lost, I lost, I lost." He repeated over and over again in almost a complete whisper.
"Race ya 'ave lost before." Jack said.
"Yeah, but neva dat much." He said a little shocked he had not folded like he always did when the bets got to high.
"Race you can keep your money, I mean it was all fun."
"No, ya won it fair and square. I jist surprised I did not catch on ta yer trick earlier."
"What trick?" Asked Itey.
"She bets big every 'and even dough she's got a pair or a little better. She makes sure to keep 'er 'ands small den afta a few 'ands when de oder playas dink she 'as no clue what she is doin' and she 'as a good enough 'and ta win she make 'er move. She cleans out dose who are willin' ta bet. De only down side is ya can not play wit de same group of people cause no fool would fall for dat twice."
"Seems you got me figured out pretty good Race." Race smiled at himself.
"So who taught ya ta play like dat?"
"A friend of mine Dylan."
"Ya need ta get me and 'm tagether ta play a few rounds."
"I'll see what I can do."
"Good." He said.
"Well playing poker was a lot of fun, but now I owe my three heroes lunch." I said sitting down. Blink sat down next to me and Jack and Dutchy sat on the other side.
"Heroes?" All the boys questioned. Jack slowly began to tell them of everything that had happened this morning. Most of the boys were surprised to hear Oscar and Morris had gone that low to get a girl.
While Jack told his story Blink and I sat close together whispering. "So ya wanna go on a date tanight?"
"Sure." I said my cheek resting on his shoulder.
"I'll pick ya up around six."
"That sounds alright."
"Ya sure de Doctor won't mind?"
"We just won't give him a choice now will we."
"No we won't." Blink said smiling. I giggled and all the boys looked over at us.
"What are ya two talkin' about?" Asked Dutchy.
"Nothing." We said together. All the boys rolled their eyes at us, which sent me into another fit of giggles. We sat for a while talking and I enjoyed the company of all the boys. I felt like I belonged with them more than I did the life I have lived for ten years. I had my brother always there to protect me and care for me, Blink who I love with all my heart, and of all the other Newsies I am closest to is Dutchy. I looked forward to the friendships I would make with all the other Newsies.
We were at Tibby's for nearly three hours and most of the boys had to go and get the evening paper. I felt inside my pocket to make sure I could buy a few. We all walked together laughing and joking. "Jennifer." Came a surprised voice from behind me.
I turned quickly to see Klover, Dylan, and his snobby sister Emily. Emily went to school with me and believed she was better than everyone else. She always talked about how our class should never be seen associating with a lower class. I had learned to accept her for who she was, but right now a fear was growing inside me. I feared she would say something to hurt the Newsies and I had to do my best to prevent that from happening. "Klover, Emily Dylan hey."
"Jennifer what are you doing?" Asked Emily pulling me by my arm. I had been holding Blink's hand but the sudden pull had forced me to let go.
"What are you talking about?" I asked her even though I knew what answer would escape her big mouth.
"What are you doing associating with people like them?" She said. Her expression full of disgust.
"I don't see the problem with them." Said Dylan.
"You wouldn't." She snapped. Her and Dylan never get along and if one person is white the other is black.
"I don't either." Said Klover defending him. I could feel the boy's stairs watching us, all waiting for my reply. I knew my reply would prove to them if I were worthy of getting close to or just another snobbish girl.
"Emily they are no different from you or I and I think if you give them the chance you will really get to like them. They are all really nice."
"I can not believe you the daughter of a famous doctor would want to be seen with street rats."
"There not street rats." I said angrily.
"Really?" Said Emily her eyes getting narrow, daring me to call her wrong again.
"Emily you are wrong. Besides Dr. Brown and Mrs. Brown are not even my real parents. The only real family I have left is my brother and that is Jack Kelly." I walked over to him and pulled him to stand in front of Emily. Her eyes got wide with shock. "Emily meet Jack." Being a lady that she is, she placed her hand out and Jack kissed it.
"Pleasura ta meet ya Emily."
"And if you care this is my boyfriend Kid Blink." Blink slipped his hand into mine and stood on my other side. Emily's face was so full of shock I thought she was going to faint. Emily grabbed my elbow firmly and pulled me to the side.
"Listen I understand you were sick for a while, but don't you think this is a little weird?"
"What do you mean weird?"
"Weird to be around those people. I mean they are so. so."
"So much lower than me."
"Yes." She said smiling thinking I finally understand.
"You don't get it do you?" I asked a little annoyed. "Those people as you keep referring by are my friends. I am one of them if you have not heard everything that I have said to you. I was not born into a higher class nor will I ever belong in that class. Not if they consist of snobs like you who need to open their eyes and see what life really is. Life is love, friendship, family, not money, class, and expensive things. Time to wake up Emily." Dylan stood behind his sister, mouth completely open.
"Well I never." She gasped.
"Well maybe it's time you did." I snapped back. Emily was so shocked she just stormed off. I smiled to myself.
"Thank you." Said Dylan.
"For what?" I asked.
"For doing something I or any of her snobbish friends could not. Show her, her biggest fault."
"Yeah it is about time, no offense Dylan but your sister is mean." Said Klover.
"Umm, Jenny we 'ave got ta be goin'." Said Blink.
"Jenny you want to walk with us back to the office?" Klover asked.
"Sure." I waved goodbye to the boys, hugged Jack, and kissed Blink. We received many whistles and kissing sounds. "I'll see you tonight."
"Yeah." We kissed each other one final time. I watched them leave and took a deep breath. Life was good and could not get much better. The only thing that confused me about today was Spot and Jack were walking further behind the rest of the boys and whispering nervously between them.
A quarter to six I was pacing in my room waiting for Blink to pick me up. I was wearing a simple light green dress with a dark green sash around my waist. My hair was combed and braided. "You look pretty." Mrs. Brown said coming into my room.
"Thank you." I said. In my hands I was playing with my bandana. It seemed like the only thing to give me comfort at that moment.
"Is it that obvious?"
"Just a little, but don't worry he will be here soon enough." Just then I heard his voice down stairs talking to Mr. Brown. I grabbed a shawl and rushed down the stair. I smiled when I saw Blink all dressed nice with his hair combed and his cloths as clean as he could get them.
"I be back soon." I said grabbing his arm and heading for the door.
"Jenny." Mr. Brown said. I turned and hugged him goodbye. "Don't do anything foolish."
"Bye." I yelled. We walked down the street a while before I asked where we were going.
"It is a surprise." I smiled and just let Blink lead me wherever he planned on taking me. I felt safe and content being next to him. A little while later we walked into central park where a blanket and some foot waited under a tree.
"Oh Blink." I said my breath taken away from me. All Blink could do was smile. The night went by quickly and soon it was getting dark. I leaned against Blink my eyes closed. "I love you." I looked up to face Blink.
"I love ya too." He said kissing me.
"We'll always be together, won't we?"
"Sure." He said shrugging his shoulders.
"Then why do you seem sure?"
"Well, ya neva know I might meet anoder girl." I looked at his face a little taken back but his eyes danced like they were laughing at me for believing his joke. I smiled and leaned in to kiss him.
Author's Note:
Well this is it. It is finally over. I thank you all who reviewed my story and made me continue writing. I do have a few special thanks to go out.
Klover I was grateful for you letting me use your character for my story. I am sorry for the few times I made her sound like your mother, but I still hoped you enjoyed reading the story.
Legs you gave me the idea for the title, by pointing out I used that one line multiply times throughout the entire story. So thanks for giving me my title.
I am writing a sequel to the story, but it will not be completely on Blink and Jenny. A new character is being introduced and that character will befriend another Newsie. There are a few hints in the story that a sequel is being made.
Once again thank you all very much. Hope you like my sequel when it is up.
~*~Moonlights Sundance~*~
Jack: Yeah it is surprisin' 'ow many people like yer story.
Moonlight: Who asked you?
Newsies: WE DID.
Moonlight: All right this same time talking this is really getting annoying.
Shout Outs:
Chicago: That would have been funny to have all the Newsies follow them to that one spot.
Blink: Yeah, but dat would 'ave ruined de fact dat de four of us would 'ave gotten so close.
Kawaii Julie Sama: Thanks for the review and your right it is not a good idea to beat up the author or the next chapter would never have gotten done.
Spot: Are ya sure? I mean I would not mind beatin' de author up. Afta all she is de one who encouraged Rain ta drow cereal at me.
Rain: She did not have to encourage me; I would have done it on my own.
Spot: Please Kawaii let me beat de author up.
Moonlight: Spot I would not get any ideas I will win.
Klover: Thanks for the review.
Dylan: Did you miss me Klover?
Rain: Thanks for the review.
Moonlight: Please don't come after me with frosted flakes.
Spot: Ha now yer 'er target. (Rain throws cereal at him) Damn.
Rain: You're always my target. (Smiles sweetly at him) And so are you Oscar.
Oscar: :ow de 'ell did I git pulled into the conversation? (Everyone shrugs)
anUNDERCOVERnewsie: Thank you for the review. I am glad you are enjoying my story. Only one final chapter.
Boots: It is ova already.
Moonlight: Yes haven't you been paying attention?
Boots: No, do I eva listen ta ya?
Moonlight: No.
AA Battery: Thanks for the review.
Oscar: Why does ever one wish death to me and me brudda?
Battery: I is obvious none of us like you two.
Oscar: I see.
Moonlight: Dutchy Battery says you're a Stalker.
Dutchy: I am not a stalker. I jist concerned.
Pixie: Thanks for the review.
Jack: Blink, Dutchy Pixie said we were all cute.
Moonlight: Why did you have to encourage them? They are going to be a pain for a long time now.
Dutchy: Yes we are.
Moonlight: See I told you.
Blink: Come on Moon ya know we do it cause we love ya.
Moonlight: I'm sure.
"Where are we going?" I laughed. Blink and Jack pulled me down the street, with Dutchy pushing me from behind. It wouldn't have been that funny of a scene, except for the fact I was blindfolded by my bandana that I had retrieved from under my pillow. "Come on I'm going to fall."
"Yer not gonna fall." Blink laughed.
"Yeah we will catch ya." Dutchy added.
"If ya are treatin' de we git ta pick de place we get ta eat." Jack said motioning the others with his free hand to pick up the speed."
"At least slow down." I begged.
"NO!" All three said in unison. I wined softly. They enjoyed torturing me and I slowly planned my way of getting them back.
"Ok were 'ere." Said Dutchy. I felt a pair of hands untie the bandana and then begin to retie it around my neck. It took my eyes a few minutes before I was able to readjust to the light. I smiled knowing the restaurant really well, but I never actually ate there. A few of my friends said higher class girls would not be caught dead there.
"If you wanted to go to Tibby's all you had to do was ask."
"Yeah, we know, but we wanted ta 'ave a little fun."
"Well I am so happy that me being scared amused you." Jack smiled and placed his arm on my shoulder and hugged me and kissed the top of my head.
"Besides, it is time fer ya ta meet de rest of de boys."
"Boys?" I questioned.
"The Newsies." Blink said.
"Oh." We entered Tibby's and I was a little scared. I did my best to stay behind the three boys.
"Hey Jack, Blink, Dutchy" and other call were all yelled at the entered. When the boys noticed me then at once began to question who I was.
"Quiet down, quiet down." Yelled Jack, trying to be heard above all the talking Newsies.
"So Jacky boy who is dis?" Asked Spot. Both leaders spit in there hands and shook.
"What ya doin' in Manhattan?"
"Got ta talk ta ya in private."
"Can it wait a few minutes?" Jack asked. He really wanted to introduce me to everybody. Spot seemed to think about it for a moment and then nodded, but seemed very reluctant about it. Jack knew he needed to get introductions through quickly.
"So Jack who is she?" Asked Race coming up next to Jack.
"Ok," said Jack turning to me, "this is Racetrack Higgins, Mush Meyers, Crutchy, Bumlets, Boots, Snipeshooter, Snoddy, Skittery, Spot who is de leader of Brooklyn, Itey, Pie Eater." and on he went until he had introduced her to all the Newsies present. "Everybody dis is my younger sista Jenny." Whispers erupted everywhere. Never once had Jack ever mentioned he had a sister and all were eager to meet me and make me feel welcome. All could tell how nervous I was because I looked at the floor and played with my hands. "Oh did I mention dat she is Blink's mysterious girl."
"So Blink dis is 'er?" Said Snipeshooter.
"Yep." Said Blink slipping his hand into mine and giving me a comforting squeeze.
"Great." He said sarcastically and he pulled a nickel out of his pocket and tossed it to Race.
"Ya bet wit Race on wheder she was real or not." Blink said a little annoyed.
"It was a stupid bet." Snipe said.
"I don't find it stupid, I made a nickel." Said Race pocketing the money.
"Well that's where Snipeshooter made his mistake, you never make or take a bet unless you sure you're going to win." I said jumping in.
"And 'ow do ya do dat while your playin' poker?" Race asked.
"Pokers a little different, but you can try."
"Yer on." Said Race. Race, myself, Jack, Blink, and Spot all sat down to play poker. I told the boys I was using the money Mr. Brown had given me, but do not worry because they will still get there lunch. Race shuffled the cards then passed them to me to shuffle. I accidentally dropped them. A few of the boys snickered. Jack glares made them all be quiet. Race helped me pick the cards up did a little more shuffling then dealt the cards out.
I picked my cards up and noticed I had two aces, a four, three, and nine. I watched as the boys all placed a few cards down and Race dealt them more. I placed my two aces down and Race handed me three cards. I looked at them and I got a four, eight, and another ace. Race opened the biding with a nickel. I slowly placed a nickel on the table. Jack bet two pennies, Spot and Blink folded. I looked at my cards and bet fifty cents. Jack and Race looked at me like I was nuts. Jack quickly folded so only Race and I was left. Race looked me over and placed the fifty cents in the middle and called. He placed his straight down and all faces turned to me. I slowly put down and all the guys cheered and patted Race on the back. The four boys at the table looked at me. I just smiled sweetly.
We played five more hands and every time I bet big until I had four dollars left. Two from Mr. Browns five and two from my own pocket. I looked at my cards and placed two down. Race dealt me two cards and I picked one up at a time. The betting started and it only got up to fourteen cents a person. On my bet all looked at me to see how much I would bet and I looked at my money. I slowly picked up all four dollars of it and placed it in the middle. All looked stunned. That was the biggest bet of the night and the only one who could put in that kind of money was Race because he had one every hand. The others all folded, but Race decided to call. I watched him place his hand down and he had a four aces. All the boys cheered because only a straight and royal flush could beat that.
All eyes were on me as I stared at my hand. My face showed no emotion or any expressions to give the boys any clue on whether I won or lost. I began to place my cards down, 2 of hearts, 3 of hearts, 4 of hearts, 5 of hearts, and 6 of hearts. All stood mouths open eyes fixed on my hand, which lay on the table. The cigar that had been in Race's mouth fell out onto the table. "I lost, I lost, I lost." He repeated over and over again in almost a complete whisper.
"Race ya 'ave lost before." Jack said.
"Yeah, but neva dat much." He said a little shocked he had not folded like he always did when the bets got to high.
"Race you can keep your money, I mean it was all fun."
"No, ya won it fair and square. I jist surprised I did not catch on ta yer trick earlier."
"What trick?" Asked Itey.
"She bets big every 'and even dough she's got a pair or a little better. She makes sure to keep 'er 'ands small den afta a few 'ands when de oder playas dink she 'as no clue what she is doin' and she 'as a good enough 'and ta win she make 'er move. She cleans out dose who are willin' ta bet. De only down side is ya can not play wit de same group of people cause no fool would fall for dat twice."
"Seems you got me figured out pretty good Race." Race smiled at himself.
"So who taught ya ta play like dat?"
"A friend of mine Dylan."
"Ya need ta get me and 'm tagether ta play a few rounds."
"I'll see what I can do."
"Good." He said.
"Well playing poker was a lot of fun, but now I owe my three heroes lunch." I said sitting down. Blink sat down next to me and Jack and Dutchy sat on the other side.
"Heroes?" All the boys questioned. Jack slowly began to tell them of everything that had happened this morning. Most of the boys were surprised to hear Oscar and Morris had gone that low to get a girl.
While Jack told his story Blink and I sat close together whispering. "So ya wanna go on a date tanight?"
"Sure." I said my cheek resting on his shoulder.
"I'll pick ya up around six."
"That sounds alright."
"Ya sure de Doctor won't mind?"
"We just won't give him a choice now will we."
"No we won't." Blink said smiling. I giggled and all the boys looked over at us.
"What are ya two talkin' about?" Asked Dutchy.
"Nothing." We said together. All the boys rolled their eyes at us, which sent me into another fit of giggles. We sat for a while talking and I enjoyed the company of all the boys. I felt like I belonged with them more than I did the life I have lived for ten years. I had my brother always there to protect me and care for me, Blink who I love with all my heart, and of all the other Newsies I am closest to is Dutchy. I looked forward to the friendships I would make with all the other Newsies.
We were at Tibby's for nearly three hours and most of the boys had to go and get the evening paper. I felt inside my pocket to make sure I could buy a few. We all walked together laughing and joking. "Jennifer." Came a surprised voice from behind me.
I turned quickly to see Klover, Dylan, and his snobby sister Emily. Emily went to school with me and believed she was better than everyone else. She always talked about how our class should never be seen associating with a lower class. I had learned to accept her for who she was, but right now a fear was growing inside me. I feared she would say something to hurt the Newsies and I had to do my best to prevent that from happening. "Klover, Emily Dylan hey."
"Jennifer what are you doing?" Asked Emily pulling me by my arm. I had been holding Blink's hand but the sudden pull had forced me to let go.
"What are you talking about?" I asked her even though I knew what answer would escape her big mouth.
"What are you doing associating with people like them?" She said. Her expression full of disgust.
"I don't see the problem with them." Said Dylan.
"You wouldn't." She snapped. Her and Dylan never get along and if one person is white the other is black.
"I don't either." Said Klover defending him. I could feel the boy's stairs watching us, all waiting for my reply. I knew my reply would prove to them if I were worthy of getting close to or just another snobbish girl.
"Emily they are no different from you or I and I think if you give them the chance you will really get to like them. They are all really nice."
"I can not believe you the daughter of a famous doctor would want to be seen with street rats."
"There not street rats." I said angrily.
"Really?" Said Emily her eyes getting narrow, daring me to call her wrong again.
"Emily you are wrong. Besides Dr. Brown and Mrs. Brown are not even my real parents. The only real family I have left is my brother and that is Jack Kelly." I walked over to him and pulled him to stand in front of Emily. Her eyes got wide with shock. "Emily meet Jack." Being a lady that she is, she placed her hand out and Jack kissed it.
"Pleasura ta meet ya Emily."
"And if you care this is my boyfriend Kid Blink." Blink slipped his hand into mine and stood on my other side. Emily's face was so full of shock I thought she was going to faint. Emily grabbed my elbow firmly and pulled me to the side.
"Listen I understand you were sick for a while, but don't you think this is a little weird?"
"What do you mean weird?"
"Weird to be around those people. I mean they are so. so."
"So much lower than me."
"Yes." She said smiling thinking I finally understand.
"You don't get it do you?" I asked a little annoyed. "Those people as you keep referring by are my friends. I am one of them if you have not heard everything that I have said to you. I was not born into a higher class nor will I ever belong in that class. Not if they consist of snobs like you who need to open their eyes and see what life really is. Life is love, friendship, family, not money, class, and expensive things. Time to wake up Emily." Dylan stood behind his sister, mouth completely open.
"Well I never." She gasped.
"Well maybe it's time you did." I snapped back. Emily was so shocked she just stormed off. I smiled to myself.
"Thank you." Said Dylan.
"For what?" I asked.
"For doing something I or any of her snobbish friends could not. Show her, her biggest fault."
"Yeah it is about time, no offense Dylan but your sister is mean." Said Klover.
"Umm, Jenny we 'ave got ta be goin'." Said Blink.
"Jenny you want to walk with us back to the office?" Klover asked.
"Sure." I waved goodbye to the boys, hugged Jack, and kissed Blink. We received many whistles and kissing sounds. "I'll see you tonight."
"Yeah." We kissed each other one final time. I watched them leave and took a deep breath. Life was good and could not get much better. The only thing that confused me about today was Spot and Jack were walking further behind the rest of the boys and whispering nervously between them.
A quarter to six I was pacing in my room waiting for Blink to pick me up. I was wearing a simple light green dress with a dark green sash around my waist. My hair was combed and braided. "You look pretty." Mrs. Brown said coming into my room.
"Thank you." I said. In my hands I was playing with my bandana. It seemed like the only thing to give me comfort at that moment.
"Is it that obvious?"
"Just a little, but don't worry he will be here soon enough." Just then I heard his voice down stairs talking to Mr. Brown. I grabbed a shawl and rushed down the stair. I smiled when I saw Blink all dressed nice with his hair combed and his cloths as clean as he could get them.
"I be back soon." I said grabbing his arm and heading for the door.
"Jenny." Mr. Brown said. I turned and hugged him goodbye. "Don't do anything foolish."
"Bye." I yelled. We walked down the street a while before I asked where we were going.
"It is a surprise." I smiled and just let Blink lead me wherever he planned on taking me. I felt safe and content being next to him. A little while later we walked into central park where a blanket and some foot waited under a tree.
"Oh Blink." I said my breath taken away from me. All Blink could do was smile. The night went by quickly and soon it was getting dark. I leaned against Blink my eyes closed. "I love you." I looked up to face Blink.
"I love ya too." He said kissing me.
"We'll always be together, won't we?"
"Sure." He said shrugging his shoulders.
"Then why do you seem sure?"
"Well, ya neva know I might meet anoder girl." I looked at his face a little taken back but his eyes danced like they were laughing at me for believing his joke. I smiled and leaned in to kiss him.
Author's Note:
Well this is it. It is finally over. I thank you all who reviewed my story and made me continue writing. I do have a few special thanks to go out.
Klover I was grateful for you letting me use your character for my story. I am sorry for the few times I made her sound like your mother, but I still hoped you enjoyed reading the story.
Legs you gave me the idea for the title, by pointing out I used that one line multiply times throughout the entire story. So thanks for giving me my title.
I am writing a sequel to the story, but it will not be completely on Blink and Jenny. A new character is being introduced and that character will befriend another Newsie. There are a few hints in the story that a sequel is being made.
Once again thank you all very much. Hope you like my sequel when it is up.
~*~Moonlights Sundance~*~