A/N: This story takes place 20 years after the end of the NJO. The Vong are all dead…all except one. Jacen Solo has become a Jedi Master and has taken his cousin, Ben Skywalker as a Padawan. Meanwhile, at the edge of the galaxy, dark forces are conspiring to doom the Galactic Alliance, dark forces that are neither truly Sith, nor Yuuzhan Vong…

Ch. 1: New Coruscant

   "Jacen, I'm fine," replied Ben Skywalker as the elegant turbolift rose up among the beautiful spires of New Coruscant. "You're mind isn't at ease, Ben. There's something bothering you." said Jedi Master Jacen Solo with a slight smile. Even after all these years, his cousin Ben was still very reserved when it came to his emotions. "You shouldn't be ashamed about your feelings," continued Jacen. "It's like what Vergere used to tell me…"

"Aww!! Not another Vergere story!!!" exclaimed Ben. Jacen and his apprentice both burst out laughing at this and the tension between them instantly broke. Jacen supposed he repeated Vergere's sayings a little too often. He smiled when he remembered how his Uncle Luke always used to ramble on about Yoda's "Do, or do not. There is no try." speech all the time at the Jedi Academy, back when it was still on Yavin 4, in the exact same way. Uncle Luke… thought Jacen, as he remembered his beloved mentor, friend, and relative. He'd died at the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War in a duel against Supreme Overlord Shimrra of the Vong. He'd slain the Dread Lord of the Yuuzhan Vong, but he'd collapsed moments later as he succumbed to severe wounds from Shimrra's amphistaff. Mara also died from wounds received in a firefight. Ben had then been raised by Jacen, C-3PO. R2-D2, Lowbacca, and Winter, one of the oldest friends of the Solo/Skywalker family. As for the Vong, the corrupt politician Fyor Rodan had unleashed the bio weapon known only as Alpha Red onto the major population centers of the Vong by hijacking a frigate where the weapon was being developed and dumping the bio-toxin. The disease soon spread and while it killed all the Vong and most of their wildlife and bio-tech, the Jedi had managed to contain the plague and save some of the Vong's ecology. The remaining Vonglife had proven quite effective in advancing the galaxy's technology.

    "Uh…Jacen?" Jacen snapped out of his reverie as his Padawan waved a hand in front of his eyes. "We're here," said Ben. Jacen nodded and walked out of the turbolift down the hall to a pair of huge doors ornately carved from rare japor snippet wood. The two Jedi were saluted by two Galactic Alliance guards standing on either side of the door; one guard was a Chiss, the other a Neimoidian. They were both wearing the amalgam of weaponry that made up the GA Defense Force: their torsos and legs were mostly covered by deep-blue stormtrooper armor worn over a Chiss jumpsuit. The whole armor was topped off by the helmet worn by the Rebels and later by the New Republic. A sign of the times, thought Jacen. He smiled as he and Ben walked into the office of the Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance.


       Ben sighed with boredom and stroked his hand through his unruly red-gold hair. Despite the fact that he was friends with Chief Triebakk and Admiral Wedge Antilles and cared strongly for the future of the Alliance, he often found political meetings boring. He wanted action, not annoying speeches from the Hutt politician Hikta the Great, who was increasingly vying for power and had wormed his way onto the Advisory Council. Ben rolled his eyes in disgust as Hikta rambled on about why he "should" be the Galactic Alliance's next Councilor of Finance.

     As the bloated Hutt's endless babble continued, Ben's thoughts somehow drifted to his very short relationship with his parents, Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker. He had few memories of them and thus had nothing to offer when people on the street asked him personal questions about them. They both died when he was very young. Whenever people talked about them, however, they always said that Ben had his mother's hair and head shape, as well as her stunning agility; they said he had his father's blue eyes and determination. And a lot of people always said he looked like his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker, except with red hair. Some family… thought Ben.


Jaina walked down the darkened hallway of the sterile facility. She was at the Maw Installation. "The prisoner is here," said the guard, gesturing at the door that was now in front of them. Jaina steeled herself and walked into the cell. The occupant looked up and murmured, "Jaina Solo…". Jaina stared at him before muttering, "Hello, Nom Anor."