Yay! I'm so glad so many of you enjoyed the last chapter. However, this epilogue is the final part to my story. *sobs* If you have any requests for possible extensions on this feel free to ask. I love this storyline so I may write something more, even if it is just a one-shot or something.

Anyway. I'd like to thank all of my reviewers for this fic, you guys have been really encouraging and I'm so glad you all read and enjoyed my story, I just hope this last part also meets your expectations too. Enjoy the final part of The Limits of Friendship.

Epilogue: The Bet

Taichi sighed.

Tomorrow was the day. He had everything planned out, everything was perfect, nothing could go wrong.

Yet, those were always words that jinxed everything when spoken aloud.

So Taichi didn't speak them aloud.

I hope thinking them doesn't count, he wondered apprehensively.

He took another deep breath then let it out slowly. This was it, there was no turning back after this. Tomorrow he would be walking down that long walk and in doing so would set everything in motion.

"I hope Yama's ready," he whispered.

* * *

"…so there we were, trying our hardest not to laugh and blow our cover. I guess they must have bought it though because they smiled and bade us goodnight."

Sora and Mimi were staring at Koushiro in amazement.

"I still can't believe it, and it's been what … three days already?" Sora shook her head. "And your parents, I can't believe that they bought that lame excuse. Sleeping?"

"Well, my clothes were rumpled and my hair was rather messy. Not to mention Jyou was on the bed with his face down. They couldn't tell whether he was sleeping or stuffing a pillow in his mouth to keep from laughing."

Mimi couldn't stop giggling as she looked over at Koushiro. "And we're supposed to believe that you two would sleep with all of your clothes on?" Mimi arched an eyebrow at Koushiro, who blushed bright red.

"Uh … that is … uh … we still had our pants on at least." Koushiro glared as the two girls burst out laughing. "Fine, so I'm to assume that your encounter with each other didn't go quite so far?"

That stopped them laughing. "What do you mean?" Sora asked innocently, a faint blush spreading on her cheeks.

Koushiro smirked at them. "Oh, I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about." He grinned as the two girls blushed even brighter. "I believe that my assumption was incorrect."

"Well, at least we weren't half naked!" Mimi snarled.

"Well at least I was making out in the safety of my room, where no one could see." Koushiro smirked again. "Although, it only got that far because my parents walked in."

"Shiro! We do not need to hear that sort of thing!" Sora flushed bright red and turned away.

"Hear what?" They all turned as Taichi walked up to them. "Did I miss something?"

"Just Izzy's bragging."

"So you and Jyou finally got together." Taichi sat down and thought for a moment. "Was that why you didn't show up at school the last two days?"

"Tai!" Koushiro blushed. "No, I was sick."

"Sure, and Jyou was playing doctor." Taichi grinned slyly. "You'll have to give me all the details, I might be able to make some use of them."

"Tai! I do not need to know about your private life!"

"But you'd like to hear about it anyway I'm sure." Taichi smirked then looked over at Sora. "I guess we won the bet, huh."

Sora looked confused for a moment before everything clicked. "Oh, yeah, that thing. I guess you did. You know, it was only an excuse to get you two together."

"I know, but we still proved you wrong."

"Technically you cheated. You and Matt weren't officially a couple until Sunday, at the concert."

"No one cares about technicalities. Besides, you'll ruin everything I have planned for today if you run around spouting stuff like that."

"Plans?" Did Sora really want to know what was going on in that devious head of his?

"Just watch," Taichi advised. "And listen for the scream of outrage."

Sure enough, they only had to listen for a short while before they heard a very familiar voice yell out, loud enough for practically the whole school to hear, "Yagami Taichi! You are so dead!"

Taichi grinned at his friends. "And that would be my cue to leave." So saying, he got up and bolted out of the cafeteria just moments before Yamato stormed in looking for him.

"Where is he?" he demanded, glaring at his friends.

The three of them couldn't answer, they were trying to stifle their laughter. Sora managed to point out the door by which Taichi left before collapsing in hysterics. Yamato sent a glare her way then at the other two when they also burst out laughing, then ran out of the cafeteria after Taichi.

Koushiro managed to compose himself first. "Come on, we should make sure that Yamato doesn't maim Taichi too badly."

"Admit it, you just want to see the action."

"Of course. Who's want to miss out on the explanations behind that?"

* * *

Taichi had to stop to catch his breath as he was running quite fast and was also trying not to laugh.

Of course that was a huge mistake as by now Yamato had time to catch up to him.

"Taichi," he crooned dangerously, causing Taichi to look up in horror. Yamato was standing at the end of the hallway looking very evil. Taichi gulped and smiled nervously as his boyfriend approached. There was already a small crowd gathered to witness the unfolding drama.

"Hey Yama, like my surprise?"

Yamato smiled coldly. "It was great, except for the part where I got covered in pink and white streamers and confetti!" Yamato picked up a small sample from the shoulder of his black shirt and held it out to Taichi. "There is pink and white all over my gorgeous new black outfit. Now tell me Tai, what do you see wrong with that?"

Taichi grinned. "It should be spread out more evenly all over your body?"

Yamato didn't even bother glaring, yet Taichi still shrank back and tried creeping away. "Oh no you don't." Yamato grabbed Taichi by the back of his shirt and kept him in place. "You are going to tell me why exactly I am covered in pink and white confetti!"

"Didn't you read the note that came with the streamers?"

"Note?" Yamato looked puzzled.

Taichi frowned at him then smacked his forehead. "Damn it! It's still in my pocket." Taichi fished out a somewhat crumpled envelope and gave it to Yamato. "Here, this should explain a few things."

Yamato glanced at him suspiciously then opened it and pulled out a short letter. His eyes filled with tears and he smiled in delight. He looked up at Taichi and asked, "Did you really mean everything?"

"Of course." Taichi moved in closer to him and gave him a gentle smile. "Every word." He looked down at the open envelope. "I think you missed something though."

Yamato looked a bit confused until he further probed the envelope. He gasped and pulled out a thin gold chain with a golden plectrum attached to it. On one side it had Yama inscribed and on the other it had Tai-chan.

"Taichi," Yamato whispered breathlessly, "it's … beautiful." Yamato looked up at his beloved again and smiled in delight. "I love it." He grabbed Taichi around the neck and drew him into a huge embrace. "Thank you." There were a few "Aw's", and "Adorable's!" from the crowd with this action, but the couple didn't notice anything besides each other.

"You're worth it," Taichi smiled. "I love you Yamato."

Yamato leaned back and smiled again. "I love you Taichi." He leaned in and kissed Taichi passionately. "I always will," he promised as he leaned back. Then he grinned. "I've got a present for you too, but not here."

"Oh?" Taichi raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "Where is it then?"

"At home." Yamato grinned slyly. "You'll have to come by later and get it." He winked seductively at Taichi and wrapped his arms tighter around his blushing boyfriend. "I'm sure you can guess what I'm going to give you," he whispered teasingly into his ear.

"I can imagine." Taichi returned the grin and leaned back in for another kiss. "Maybe later I can give you another present," he shot back before capturing Yamato's lips in a kiss that promised many things to come. In their desire, neither noticed a small slip of paper fall from Yamato's hands to and face up on the ground:

Dear Yama,

I made a promise to you a month ago that nothing would ever come between us. What I do now is a reaffirmation of that vow. Nothing can ever come between us, because I will never let it. I love you too much to let you go. So let this be a remembrance of this vow and keep it close to your heart.

I will always love you,


AN: Once again thank you to everyone for reading this, there are so many of you to thank, I love you all!!!