
Spring, 1992, end of Hermione's first year

Hermione sat hidden in the clock tower. Ron was sulking in the Common Room and Harry had yet to wake up from his confrontation with Professor Quirrell. She was tired and worried, so she went to the place where she knew no one would find her.

In her first week at Hogwarts, she felt so lonely that she had searched for a place where she could be alone with her thoughts. The common room and her dorm were out of the question, everyone was too loud. The library had been an option, but there was always someone around and it was the place where she studied, not a place to relax. She had considered the Astronomy Tower, but quickly realised it was the ground for forbidden and secret trysts.

However, the clock tower was not a popular spot. The echoes of the huge clock could be unsettling. To Hermione, they were heaven-sent. This meant that she could enjoy several hours alone with her thoughts, with the creaks of the wheels working as white noise. In the last couple of months, she had found a friend in Harry and Ron and had cut her visits to the tower short but now there was too much in her head. She just needed some time alone.

"Granger," a voice greeted, and she turned to find one of Ron's twin brothers.

"Uh," she hesitated.

"Fred," he offered with a smirk.

"Right. Sorry."

"It's okay. Not even our mother can tell us apart." Not really understanding what a third year - especially one as popular as a Weasley twin - would want to speak to her about, Hermione turned back to her book. A movement in the corner of her eye shifted her focus from the chapter she was reading as Fred sat next to her. "So, how are you feeling?" The question took her by surprise. What happened between Harry and Quirrell was a secret, so - obviously - it was the hot gossip at the moment. However, while everyone wanted to know what really had transpired, not one really cared about her thoughts on the matter.

"I'm not sure," she replied after a moment and he nodded.

"It's too much, I know." Hermione went back to her book but could feel his gaze on her. Finally giving up on catching up on her reading, she closed it and gave Fred a questioning look. He smirked and she squinted her eyes in a challenging way, trying to figure him out. "Relax, Granger, I'm honestly concerned."


Fred shrugged. "I just am."

Spring, 1993, end of Hermione's second year

It was so weird being back. When she became petrified, the school was dying of fear of an unknown monster. Now, Harry had saved the day once again, Ginny was deeply traumatised, and Hagrid had been sent to Azkaban. It was too much. The noise, the questions, the pitying looks. So, once again, she found refuge in her favourite place: the clock tower.

"Welcome back." She jumped around, finding one of the Weasley twins smiling at her. Hermione analysed his face, trying to figure out which one she was talking to her.

"George?" He shook his head.

"So close."

"What do you want, Fred," Hermione asked, turning back to look at the grounds below. There were students scattered across the lawn, enjoying the warm day. It was like the last months had been erased from existence.

"How are you doing?" The worry was obvious in his voice and Hermione wondered why. They had barely said a word to each other after their conversation last year and now he was coming to her again, asking how she was doing. Deciding on tell him half the truth, she shrugged.


"I can only imagine." He joined her on the balcony, watching the other students. It was so weird seeing him with a serious face. "I'm glad you're okay."

Spring, 1994, end of Hermione's third year

"I heard you and the boys got into trouble again." She didn't bother to look up. It was their thing, right? During the rest of the year, they were virtually strangers, but at the end of the semester, he would find her in the clock tower and strike up a conversation. It was mostly one-sided, but Hermione enjoyed listening to the crazy adventures he had been up to with his twin.

"Nice to see you, Fred." There was no question anymore that it was him. She still couldn't tell him apart from George on a daily basis, but Fred was the one who would come meet her. She didn't know why, and she was too afraid to ask. It might've hard to admit, but Hermione enjoyed this little moment they had at the end of the year. It was comforting to know that someone other than Harry, Ron, and Ginny enjoyed her company. At least she thought he did.

"Ah, glad to know I'm recognized," he joked. This time, she was sitting against the wall, her eyes locked on the blue sky. He took the seat next to her. "So, there's something I need to know." Hermione shifted uncomfortably, hoping he wouldn't ask about what she couldn't say out loud. "Is it true that you punched Malfoy?"

Hermione laughed. The Slytherin boy tried to keep it a secret, but Ron had been more than happy to spread the story. "It is."

"Did it feel as good as I imagined?"

"Better." Fred hummed, closing his eyes, probably trying to imagine it. They sat in silence for a while and Hermione reached the conclusion that the punch that she gave Malfoy didn't feel as good as this moment.

Spring, 1995, end of Hermione's fourth year

Hermione walked up the stairs to the clock tower practically dragging her feet. She was exhausted. Harry was a wreck and Ron was a nervous wreck. She had considered staying in the common room to keep them company, but the atmosphere was suffocating.

"Hermione," Fred called as soon as he saw her. It was the first time he had reached the tower before her and she wondered if maybe those meetings the last few years hadn't been on accident like she first thought.

She stood in front of the clock, staring at him, trying to find the right words. How was she supposed to put into words what going through her mind? How was she supposed to be the Hermione Granger when she didn't feel like herself? Fred's face had concern written all over his face and he took a hesitant space in her direction. That was all it took for her to lose it.

The tears and sobs caught him by surprise, but it only took a second for him to react. With three quick strides, he was in front of her and, without thinking twice, held her in his arms. She grasped unto his shirt and tried to calm herself. He smelled like the forest and gunpowder. It was comforting and eventually, she was able to calm her breathing. He was running his hands on her back, whispering sweet words to her. This was a side to the twin that she had never seen before. If she was being honest, she didn't think anyone had seen it. Trying to push her stupid crush down, she looked up to him, her eyes filled with tears.

"I'm terrified," she admitted.

"Me too," he confessed and pulled her back to his chest.

Spring, 1996, end of Hermione's fifth year

Her eyes fluttered open. Everything was a little out of focus and her head was a mess. What had happened? She closed her eyes again as the light was too bright and tried to collect her thoughts. They were in Umbridge's office, she had caught them, and then she was leading the teacher into the Forbidden Forest. They were flying to London, calling for Sirius on the dark hallways of the Ministry and facing Death Eaters. She was throwing spells and dodging attacks. The Order was there to help. Her eyes snapped open and a sob escaped her lips.

"You're awake." Fred's face appeared in her line of sight, looking relieved. She tried to get up and move, but it hurt too much. "Hey, hey. Take it easy."

"Sirius," she mumbled, in a questioning tone. Fred's expression quickly shifted, and Hermione could see the pain in his eyes. It was all it took. "Oh, Merlin. Sirius." It was their fault. It was all their fault. Letting the tears fall down, she felt Fred's hand slip into her own and they stayed in silence, sharing their grief.

Spring, 1997, end of Hermione's sixth year

Snape was a traitor. Draco was a Death Eater. Bill had been bitten. Dumbledore was dead.

Hermione sighed. She was, once again, sitting in the clock tower, but this time there was no Fred. He had been in Hogwarts to visit Bill but had left as soon as his brother was transferred to St. Mungo's. He had also come to Dumbledore's funeral, but they couldn't find a moment to talk, nor did they want to. It was their thing. Their secret. She was pretty sure not even George knew about it.

It had been such a hard year and she had so much uncertainty in front of her. She needed to talk to him. She needed to unwind with someone who had an unbiased opinion.

During the first two years, he had talked and talked, and she just listened. However, after their third encounter, Hermione had realized that she could trust him and started to talk more, trying to tell him as much as she could. Somehow, over the years, Fred had become a friend.

In the spur of the moment, she fetched a piece of parchment and a quill from her bag.

Dear Fred,

I hope this letter finds you well.

I was sitting in the clock tower and found myself wishing you were here to take part in our little tradition. This was such an insane year and I have a lot to tell you.

2nd May 1998, Battle of Hogwarts

She could hear his laughter through all the fighting. She could see the glint in his eyes under the dirt of his face. He took his eyes from Percy and glanced at her, smiling. Then, his brother screamed his name and jumped towards the twin.

Hermione felt herself flying across the air, her back hitting the ground and taking the air from her lungs. She tried to see across the dust and quickly located Harry. Her best friend helped her get help and climb down the rocks. Her eyes searched for the others and saw a lifeless body on the floor.

"Fred," she gasped and ran towards him. The tears were already falling down her face as she knelt near him, trying to access the wounds on her back, before turning him. "Fred." Her hands touched his face as she silently pleaded with him to wake up. Her heart skipped a beat, but he started coughing, much to her relief.

"Fancy meeting you here." She let out a strangled laugh and was opened her mouth to reply when Ron's heartwrenching scream reached them.

Hello my amazing Potterheads!

Here it is, my first Fremione long-shot. I don't know how long it'll be, but I hope to do Auntie Jo's characters justice.

The story's title was a suggestion of my awesome friend/beta/confident QueenieofHeartbreak. Feel free to check out her profile and read her stories.

Don't forget to review! If you do, Dobby will be sad.

Love, Jane