"PARK MU-BONG!" Jin Mo-Ri roars.


His screams of utter rage and agony pierces the skies as he falls.

'All of that fighting... but Grandpa still died. What is the point of power if I can't even protect my family?'

Jin Mo-Ri closes his eyes.

'Ah... I think I'll just give up...'

'I'm disappointed, original.'


Mo-Ri's eyes open, finding himself in the white void of his mind. Standing before him is another... him? No.

"Hui Mo-Ri..."

"What's with that face?" Hui Mo-Ri glares. "Is this all my original has to show? To give up this easily?"

"But Grandpa..."

"If you give up, aren't you just spitting on his face?!" Hui Mo-Ri yells. "Did you already forget what his final words were?!"

Tears fill Jin Mo-Ri's eyes as his lips begin to quiver.

"Mo-Ri... Make sure you stay alive."

Mo-Ri wipes his eyes.

"You're right Hui. I can't give up."

"As expected of my original," Hui Mo-Ri grins. "Don't you ever forget those words! Here's my last gift to you."

A flash of light fills Jin Mo-Ri's vision.

"What the hell is going on?!" Jin Mo-Ri screams as he falls from the sky.

The city below him rapidly approaches as he hits terminal velocity. He winces as his body wracks in pain.

'My body's all messed up from the fight against Satan. But even worse than that, the backlash from the 250,000x limit removal-'


Mo-Ri clenches his fist and stares at it curiously.

"It's gone? The backlash from the limit removal is gone?"

'Here's my last gift to you.'

"Is this what he meant?"

Mo-Ri's eyes widen as he grins.

"Hui Mo-Ri, you really are the best..."

He extends his hand out in front of him.

"Come to me, Kinto-Un."

The wind blows around him, forming a cloud underneath and catching him. Mo-Ri sighs as his body trembles.

'But... I'm still pretty messed up from the fight against Satan.'


A dark colored energy manifests around him and forms his armor and garments, though in rather torn up condition.

"Ah... this is going to take a while to repair itself... Man... Satan sure was strong though..." He mutters as he slowly drifts downwards onto a rooftop.

"I think I'll just take a nap here."

His eyes slowly close as he dozes off.

"Grandpa... I'll do my best..."

"-ho's this guy? He's not wearing a uniform. How'd he even get up here?"

"Should we report this to one of the professors?"

"Probably? What if he's some kind of spy or something? Either way, he's pretty suspicious."

"What kind of spy takes a nap on the rooftop of where he's presumably spying?"

"How should I know?! A crappy one?"

"He looks kind of funny sleeping like that hehe..."

"Ruby. Now is seriously not the time."

'Why is it so loud?' Mo-Ri wonders as he stirs awake. He reaches up and pulls his eye mask up(Yongpyo) and squints his eyes to adjust to the light.

"Crap! Now he's awake. What're we supposed to do now?!"

Mo-Ri sits up and the four girls surrounding him jump back in alert. He tilts his head curiously as them, noting their matching uniforms.

'Am I at some kind of school?'

"Um... where am I?" He asks.

'Wait. That wasn't Korean or God tongue...'

The blonde one looks at Mo-Ri like he's an idiot before turning to the other three.

"Okay, he's crazy."

"I'm beginning to agree with you on that," the white haired one replies with a sigh.

"Am I still in Korea?" Mo-Ri asks.

"What's a Korea?" The small black haired one with red highlights asks.

'They don't know what Korea is?... Is this another realm? But... it's clearly not the Heavenly Realm. Hui Mo-Ri, just where the hell did you send me?' Mo-Ri internally sweats.

"Maybe he has amnesia," the black haired one with a bow tie says. "Or Yang is right. He's lost his mind."

"A cat human?" Mo-Ri says under his breath as he tilts his head.

The one in question freezes, but apparently, none of the others had heard him as they talk between themselves.

'He just...' Blake internally panics. 'But he said cat human? That's... a strange way of putting it.'

"Anyways," Mo-Ri says as he jumps to his feet. "Can anyone please answer my question? Where am I?"

"You're... currently on top of a dorm rooftop in Beacon Academy," Blake slowly replies.

'Please don't talk about me. Please don't talk about me.' She internally pleads.

"Beacon... Academy?" Mo-Ri repeats. "Okay, this might sound a little weird, but... is this Earth?"

"Um... what?" Ruby asks.

"Ruby don't talk to him," Yang puts a hand on her sister's shoulder. "This guy's a weirdo."

"Plus, we also don't know if he's some kind of spy or not," Weiss says with her eyes narrowed at Mo-Ri, who nervously laughs.

"We definitely should call the professors."

"He seems pretty harmless," Ruby says while rubbing her chin. "But yeah, you're right. We should report this."

Yang steps forward as she holds a fist up.

"Alright bud, we're gonna need you to follow us. Don't make it harder for yourself."

Mo-Ri glances at her stance.

'She has so many openings...'

He grins, "Okay! I'll go with you."

'I should adjust to this place before I do anything drastic. My body's still recovering too.'

"Uh," Yang seems a little taken aback. "Just like that?"

"Mm hm!" Mo-Ri quickly nods his head. "So which way do we go?"

"I... guess this works?" Ruby shrugs her shoulders.

"Suspicious..." Weiss mutters.

They surround Mo-Ri from all sides and they begin to escort him down the stairs and out from the dorms.

Several of the students mutter as they stare at RWBY escorting some strange looking civilian.

"Who's that guy?"

"What are RWBY up to now? Don't they always cause a scene somewhere?"

"He's not wearing a uniform."

"Um... hey guys. What's going on and who's this?" Jaune asks as he walks up to them.

Ruby nervously laughs, "Ah... well, we found him sleeping on top of the roof when we went up there for a team meeting. So we're taking him to the professors right now."

The rest of JNPR walk up and they all curiously eye Jin Mo-Ri.

"Hi!" Mo-Ri waves his hand with a grin.

"Hello!" Nora cheerfully waves back.

"Nora, he's apparently someone suspicious..." Ren sighs. "Don't just make friends with him right away."

"Why not?" Both Nora and Mo-Ri ask. When they do, they make eye contact and give each other a thumbs up of approval.

"Great. It's confirmed. He's just like Nora," Weiss groans. "Can we get a move on? We have class in an hour."

"We can go with you," Jaune offers. "The more the merrier right?"

"Jaune. I think it should be, the more of us there are, the less likely he'll be able to run away," Pyrrha lightly chuckles. She glances at Mo-Ri's stance as he walks.

'He walks casually, but he carries himself like a seasoned warrior. This man is not so simple.' She thinks to herself.

As they exit the dorms and head towards Beacon Tower, Nora and Mo-Ri seem to kick it off rather well.

"So mister intruder. Got a name?" Nora asks with a grin.

"Jin Mo-Ri," Mo-Ri replies with an equally large grin. "What about yours?"

"I'm Nora Valkyrie!" She cheerfully replies. "And this is Ren, Pyrrha, Jaune, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang."

"Nora!" Weiss yells. "Why would you give this potential spy our names so easily!"

"Oh please~" Nora playfully waves it off. "I think I have a good eye for people. Right Ren?"


"See? Ren agrees!"

'They're rather fun.' Mo-Ri laughs to himself.

"Alright we're finally here," Weiss groans. "We might as well just take him to Professor Ozpin."

They shuffle into the elevator.

"And up we go," Ruby says as she presses the button.

Quick Glossary

For those who are not completely familiar with God of High School terminology and names, though I would highly recommend reading the webtoon.

Ruyi Jingu - Also called Yeoui. Jin Mo-Ri's weapon. A silver bo staff.

Yongpyo - Jin Mo-Ri's garment and armor

Kinto-Un - Sparrow cloud