One week later...

Naomi entered the den and looked around for Raph. Ever since that day, she and Raph had been happy. She wasn't seeing visions of Matthew anymore and her friendship with the other three and the rat was still strong as ever.
Splinter looked up from the newspaper, " He's in the dojo my dear," he told her.
" Thanks," she said and made a beeline for the dojo. She paused beefer pushing the door open.

Raph was practising with Mike. Naomi watched as Mike successfully blocked Raph's wielding sais.
" Hey Naomi," Mike greeted her, " What's up?"
" I need to talk to Raph," her face was pale and she sounded strained, " Alone if you don't mind."
" Sure. I'll go have a shower...thanks for the practise bro,"
" No problem," Raph slapped him on the shoulder and reached for a towel that was nearby,
" Hi babe," he said and gave her a sweaty hug, " I wasn't expecting you today."
" It was important," she said.
" What's important...you look very serious." Raph finished wiping himself down and took her had, " What's wrong?"
" The results of the cat scan came today," Naomi told him and his body tensed. Naomi had gone for cat scans after she had seen her doctor a few days ago.
" And?"
" It's not good news...I have a brain tumour."
Raph went white, " A brain tumour?"
" But they can operate on it," Naomi looked hopeful, " apparently we got it early before it started to spread. They might be able to rid of it."
Raph looked relieved, " Well, that's good news. Isn't it?"
" I guess so, but I'm so scared." Naomi buried herself in his arms, " the pains in my head were symptoms and so was the blacking out. It will get worse before they operate it."
" When's the operation?"
" In two weeks."
" Don't worry, I'll be right by your side every minute." Raph assured her, " but if anything happens-"
" Don't say that Raph, nothing will happen." Naomi said.

In bed, later that night, Raph had trouble sleeping, they had told the others the news and they were very supportive. Raph has never gone through anything like this before-it was way worse than the night he accidentally killed Naomi's brother.
He held Naomi tight, never wanting to let go.

THE END (for now)