accidental kisses

Annabeth was in love with her best friend.

Like, painfully, disgustingly in love with her best friend. And she was almost certain that he was far from in love with her. Annabeth had made it more than clear time after time, and he always brushed it off. He either didn't know or didn't care. Both options were less than appealing.

It made it so much worse because it was like everyone knew except him, and the teasing messages from Piper that were lighting up her phone made it so she'd never forget.

"What are you doing?"

Annabeth jumped as a hand pressed against her lower back, glaring at Percy as she tried to ignore the burning from the contact. He just smiled, looking over her shoulder even when she shoved him lazily.

"Stop it," she said as he attempted to glance at her phone, still blowing up with messages from Piper.

"I've been standing here for like five minutes, but you were too preoccupied with your phone to notice." Percy stopped the playful shoves, eyes twinkling. "You talking about a boy?"

Annabeth didn't appreciate the subtle mocking tone of his voice. "I'm talking about my grades," she lied. Of course, Percy knew she was lying because he knew her, but he didn't push any further.

"So." Percy leaned against the locker Annabeth was by, crossing his arms. "Are you going to prom?"

"I have no idea," she muttered distractedly, turning away from him to dig around inside her locker. She wasn't actually looking for anything, but she had to do something to avoid him. There was no way she could look him in the eyes and talk about a date to prom without saying something stupid.

"What! It's senior prom! You have to go!"

"I'm not going to stand there by myself while everyone else has a date."

Percy clicked his tongue. "'l'll be there with you."

"But you're going to have a date, and—"

Percy snorted.


"Who told you that I have a date?"

"You're bound to get someone," she said, scoffing. "My best friend is going to be there with one of the hottest girls in the school, and I'm going to sit there like a loser."

"You think I'm attractive enough to get the hottest girl in the school?" Percy laughed, elbowing her gently to tell her that he was just messing with her.

Annabeth flushed. "You know you are."

"Then it shouldn't be too hard to get you to go with me," Percy said, reaching towards her head to tug at her curl. "If you say I can get the hottest girl in school and all."

"Flattery will get you nowhere. I'm not going to prom."

Percy groaned, dropping back against the locker loudly. "You seriously aren't going to go to prom? I need someone I can actually stand to be there."

"You and I both know that you can't stand me."

"Well, that's only sometimes." When Percy grabbed Annabeth's chin to tilt her head towards him, he frowned. "If you really want to go with someone, though, you can go with me."

"I don't want to be your pity date. Besides, I'm sure there are better people to go with."

Percy looked like he was going to argue, but he shut his mouth, settling for tracing over her face for any sign of emotion. Annabeth couldn't read exactly what he was thinking, but she didn't feel comfortable with the way he was gazing at her as though he was reading her soul.

After a while of silence, Annabeth digging around her locker, Percy cleared his throat.

"You seriously mean to tell me that you haven't planned anything for prom? No pinterest boards of dresses or something?"

Annabeth bit her lower lip. She actually did have a ton of dresses pinned, but she couldn't tell him that. Not when they were picked out with Percy in mind, imagining what would look best with him by her side.

Being head over heels in love. It's mortifying.

"I mean… I have a few," she just barely managed.

Percy's jaw dropped as he stood straighter at the new revelation. "I— you actually have some picked out?"

"Is that such a bad thing?" she asked, her voice small and weak.

"No! It's a good thing, but—" Percy laughed, shaking her shoulder. "Show me what you decided on."

"I haven't decided on anything yet," she said, but she was already pulling her phone back into view, being sure to turn away from him as she unlocked it so he couldn't see the messages from Piper. It took a good minute to find the inspiration pictures, but once she did, she grinned, already filled with a rush of excitement.

Even if it wasn't going to happen, it was still nice to imagine what it could be like to go to prom with her best friend.

"Let me see," Percy complained, trying to press his head onto her shoulder.

Annabeth shoved him away a second, wanting to make sure there was no incriminating evidence of her feelings for Percy.

"It's the one that—" Annabeth was cut off as she turned to face him, lifting her head to adjust to the height difference. Just as she did so, Percy had started to try and look over her shoulder again, leaning over, and—

Percy's lips brushed against Annabeth's, sending sparks of electricity through her. It was only a graze, and it took her way too long to comprehend what had just happened, but when she did, her face was flaming.

Percy looked at her like a deer in headlights, and he could feel the heat start to surround him. He felt suffocated, and Annabeth was no different.

Still, as Annabeth stared at Percy, she couldn't help but focus on his lips, and the way they felt so soft for the milliseconds they were against her, and she so desperately wanted to feel them against hers again.

The moment seemed to freeze, and she could focus on nothing but him. She didn't know what to say to clear the moment, and neither did he, but then there was a magnetic pull between them getting stronger and stronger.

Percy's hands went to her face and he pulled her closer, both of their eyes fluttering shut, and then his lips were back against hers, and she couldn't breathe.

His mouth moved against hers slowly, pouring every ounce of affection into it, and Annabeth felt tingly all over her body. He breathed against her lips, his heart pounding in his chest, and as he pressed harder, Annabeth felt faint.

Percy pulled away slowly, resting his forehead against hers. His hand was still against her cheek, thumb rubbing soothing circles into the skin, and he looked at her in a way she never saw before, but now, she highly suspects it had always been there, bubbling between them.

"Hey," Percy whispered, nudging her nose.

"Hey," she answered, grinning. Her lips were swollen and red and numb.

"I kind of like you."

"You do?" Annabeth's eyes shut slowly as he pressed a warm kiss to her nose.

"I have for a while," he admitted. Annabeth laughed in disbelief, dropping her head against his chest as his arms moved to wrap her in a hug.

"Well, that's good, because I kinda like you too," she said. Had it been five minutes earlier, she would've never said that, but now? It felt like a weight had lifted from her chest and been replaced with an everlasting warmth.

"Does that mean you'll go to prom with me?"

Annabeth's head leaned back to look him in the eyes, and god, she loved the way the sparkling green hue, and his smell and touch and him.

"I guess," she joked, over the moon.

Percy and Annabeth shared a humorous glance, and she could barely contain her jitters. She kind of loved Percy, and now she knew he did too. And as Percy paid attention to nothing but her, she wanted so badly to kiss him again.

So she did.

This story is basically a few one-shots about cute percabeth kisses that I wrote. I have three more chapters already written (they're one-shots; not related) and then separates that I'm not sure I should upload since they're all 1-2k, so let me know yes or no. Anyways, please review (please?) Love u!