Disclaimer: All I own is this fanfic, everything else in the Harry Potter universe belongs to J.K. Rowling. No copyright intended!
Author's note 1: This will be a series of one-shots where a variety of girls helps Harry in pranking Ron as punishment for abandoning Harry after the champion selection for the Triwizard Tournament. Like with my Umbridge's Bad Karma, Rita's Comeuppance and Dursleys' Payback series, Harry will be paired with a different girl in each one-shot (but I may do some occasional threesomes or foursomes later on). Natural bashing of Ron. Each one-shot will also start on the weekend after the first task of the tournament, unless otherwise stated. Rated T for humor and romance.
Ron Gets His Reprisals
Fanfic by Brockster550
Fleur Delacour
The first task of the Triwizard Tournament ended a couple days ago and a tall freckled boy with fiery-red hair, blue eyes, and big hands and feet (who's name was Ron Weasley) was strolling around the corridors of Hogwarts Castle searching for his best mate, Harry Potter (a raven-haired boy with emerald-green eyes, full-moon glasses, and a lightning-bolt scar on his forehead). They were both Gryffindor students in their fourth year and had been best mates since their first year until the tournament champion selection three and a half weeks ago. Ron finally spotted Harry in the courtyard (which was charmed to be warm, since December was just around the corner and the normal outdoor temperature was cold now), and he was accompanied by the Beauxbatons champion.
'When did she begin talking to Harry?' Ron wondered.
Witnessing Harry and Fleur talking to each other, Ron walked over to them while trying to keep his lust for the platinum-blonde girl under control. Harry and Fleur turned their attention to Ron when they heard his footsteps and glared at him.
"Harry mate, I've been looking all over for you." said Ron.
"Spare me your damn excuses, Ron," snapped Harry, holding a hand up in a 'stop right there' manner. "You abandoned me in my time of need and you wait until now to try making amends with me?! If Fred and George could stay by my side in spite of their plan to use the aging potions to bypass the age line backfiring, you could've done the same. Some of our fellow students also proved their loyalty to me, including Hermione and Neville. Why would you just accuse me of cheating, huh?? Best friends support one another and don't make false accusations the way you did."
"I was mad, Harry." said Ron nervously.
"You were jealous, Ron," Harry reminded his former best friend in a serious tone of voice. "You've always been jealous of my fame as the Boy-Who-Lived and wealth, but I've been jealous of you for having a loving and caring family. That's all I wanted, you should count yourself lucky to have a family who loves you because no amount of money is worth that nor your life."
"Harry's right," Fleur told Ron in the same tone of voice as Harry's. "He and I know what it's like to be treated like an object or a prize to be won. Being part-veela, I've had to deal with idiotic men such as yourself for example eyeing me lustfully because of my extreme outer beauty. Harry is one of those men who looks for inner beauty. He knows that looks can be deceiving. He and I have actually been secretly seeing each other since the Saturday after the champion selection."
"Don't bother trying to make it up to me, Ron," said Harry in anger. "You turned your back on me. I don't need somebody like you for a friend. You made your choice, now you must suffer the consequences."
"Yes, you need to know that actions have consequences," Fleur told Ron. "Harry and I have something in mind for you."
Ron widened his eyes in horror when Harry and Fleur dragged him over to a nearby abandoned classroom. The youngest Weasley boy opened his mouth to ask what was going to happen to him, but found that his mouth wouldn't work due to fright. Once they were in the abandoned classroom, Harry and Fleur locked the door and cast some privacy wards. Then they conjured up some magic suppression rope and tied Ron in them, with Harry untying Ron's shoes and pulling them off. Then Fleur cast a spell to make Ron's socks disappear and leave him barefoot. The magic suppression rope lifted Ron off the ground by eighteen inches to expose the soles of his feet, allowing Harry and Fleur in tickling his feet for approximately sixty seconds with the feathery part of the quills. Ron was laughing himself silly as he kicked his feet out like crazy because of the tickling feeling.
"Is it me or do I feel my feet burning?" asked Ron, as a burning feeling on the bottom of his feet while trying to keep it concealed.
"The feathery parts of the quills were charmed to give off the burning feeling after the tickling." Harry revealed with a smirk on his face.
"There's only one way for you to leave and get rid of the charms." said Fleur, also with a smirk on her face.
Ron stumbled towards Fleur and began fondling her breasts (believing that it was the right way to withstand the burning feeling and keep his mind off of it with that kind of distraction), much to her anger. Fleur punched Ron in the face in retaliation, enough to give him a black eye.
"I didn't mean for you to do that!!" Fleur growled, grabbing the front of Ron's shirt and pulling him towards her with a glare on her face. "You just made the problem worse!"
Ron managed to free himself and tried leaving the classroom, only for Harry to cast a bounce-back charm to make sure Ron couldn't escape yet. He was beginning to get the black eye, but Fleur didn't care. She continued clobbering him in a harsh attempt to teach him that he was treating a lady the wrong way. Once she felt satisfied enough, Fleur stopped just as Harry cancelled the charms on the door and allowed Ron the chance to leave. No sooner did he run out into the corridors that he felt as though the soles of his feet were getting stabbed by thousands of needles and it quickly felt that bigger spikes were doing so. The passing students laughed at Ron's misfortune, figuring out why he had the now-noticeable black eye. It was enough for Ron to run out of the castle in embarrassment, to parts unknown. Harry and Fleur had been laughing themselves silly to see Ron running off in that silly manner because of the spells placed on his feet.
"I think this calls for some dancing to some classical music, Harry," Fleur suggested. "You look like you could use some dancing."
"I don't know how," said Harry sheepishly. "I never even practiced it before."
"This'll be the excellent time to learn, Harry," stated Fleur. "If you have to, make one up. I'll dance alongside you and make it fun for the both of us."
"Well, okay," said Harry. "Should we get started then?"
Fleur nodded her head in approval, then she conjured up a phonograph and put some classical music on. Then Harry and Fleur began dancing to it, with the Beauxbatons champion giving the raven-haired step-by-step instructions any time he messed up and encouraging him to keep trying and even make up a dance. With Ron having been dealt with, Harry was now free to look for friends who could be there for him and be a positive influence in his life. His hopes were finally looking up.
The End!
Author's note 2: The first one-shot in this series completed! Which girl should Harry be paired with in the next one-shot? Please let me know in a review or a PM. Happy reading!