"We left two kitty-cats in his cell overnight. Both were retrieved the next morning, completely unharmed." (Dr Sartain, Halloween the official movie novelisation, John Passarella.)

"This is a special request from Smith's Grove State hospital. We are looking for a disabled person to help us with a crucial and highly classified experiment. If you fit this criteria, please get in touch to discuss further on the following number. We await your call with anticipation. Thank you."

When I first heard the announcement on the radio, I almost dropped my tea cup. I was sure someone was having us on. It was some late April fool's joke or something. All be it it was coming up to Halloween. October fool's then. But luckily I was recording something from that particular station at the time so when it was finished, I rewound back through it and checked. Sure enough, I heard the announcement again, confirming I had indeed heard what I had. So on a whim I phoned Smith's Grove on the number they'd provided, gave my name and told them I was totally blind. I was placed on hold hearing classical hold music, before the phone was answered by Dr Ranbir Sartain. I knew his voice immediately. I could hardly believe who I was talking to. God knew I'd studied him enough. Or more accurately his patient. When he started speaking, I couldn't believe my ears.

"We're looking for a disabled person to help us with a highly classified experiment. We are hoping that in doing so we can secure one of our patients not too distant future release."

"What?" I now really did think this was a joke. "You're joking right? This is some kind of prank."

The doctor actually laughed. "No, I'm not joking. I take it you know of Michael Myers?"

"Know of?" Now it was my turn to laugh. "Um yes, just a bit. I've only studied the guy's case for two years! I think it's fair to say I'm almost… Obsessed with him."

"Well whether you believe it or not that might actually help us even further. Listen, are you willing to give me your address and I'll send someone to pick you up and bring you here today? Also bring a bag with you with enough for a week. If you agree to this you'll need it."

"Ok," I said slowly after a moment. This still didn't feel real. Passing him my address I hung up, then ran upstairs to get ready. Little did I know what I was getting in to or what was in store for me.

Two hours later a car arrived and the driver rang the doorbell, stating the security password I'd given to Sartain so I'd know they were from him. "Squeeze." I smiled as he immediately took my small case and guided me towards his car. I asked him once we were off if he knew anything about what was going on, but he stated he didn't. It turned out that was the truth and this experiment was indeed highly classified.

When we got there, I was taken through many doors and gently but expertly searched including going through an electronic weapons scanner which involved standing in a closed tube and hearing a male voice say, "please stand completely still and stay calm, scanning you now," before entering Sartain's office. "Thank you for coming here so quickly," he shook my hand.

"I'm delighted to meet you Dr Sartain," I said and I was. I could hardly believe who I was sitting across the desk from. "So what's all this about/"

"Can I get you a drink?" He offered. "Tea, coffee?"

"Tea please," I said. "Milk two sugars thanks."

He returned a few moments later with the drinks, securely closing the door. "Ok." He began. "So as we said in our advertisement, we're looking for someone to help us with an experiment which could hopefully get Michael Myers released if it goes as we hope it does. We want to know if he will kill a disabled, vulnerable person. One who is entirely at his mercy. The fact you're female makes it even better."

"Um," I hesitated for just a second. "You know I'm kind of… Obsessed, in love, I don't know, with Mr. Myers?" He chuckled and softly touched my arm. "I guessed from what you said on the phone as much, yes. But to be honest, that's just the icing on the cake. You're vulnerable and you care for Mr. Myers. I can't believe we've actually got someone who does feel that way about him."

"So," I cleared my throat nervously. "What would this entail?"

"Ok. So basically you would be locked in his cell alone with him for at least seventy-two hours maybe longer, depending how it goes. You would be wearing an earpiece which would have you in constant communication with our guards in case they needed to tell you something. If Michael wrote a message you couldn't read etc. Or if you needed to ask any question at all. Someone would be manning it twenty-four seven. There will also be a camera in the cell so we can keep an eye on you, but no matter what happens, the guards can't discuss either with each other or anyone else what they see. No matter what. That includes to me. Only I and the guards will have access to the camera. It's ten thousand dollars every hour you survive but if you do run in to any mortal danger what so ever, or if you even feel nervous, a guard will come down and pull you out. If it's because you were deemed in danger, you will get all the money you would've got upon completion. You can leave at any time. You will also get a large bonus if you can complete the experiment. If Michael makes no move to harm you, it'll show to us he's totally changed. We put two cats in his cell before and they were retrieved the next morning unharmed, now we want to try it with a person. He's been moved into a slightly bigger cell so there is room for both of you inside it. The reason we need you in there longer is because we want to see what happens between you with the passing of time. You may stay in the cell when he leaves, or join him in the exercise yard, but only if Michael allows it. That part only he has the control. I'd not hold sessions with him while this was going on so you were together almost constantly. If you agreed, you would be helping us more than you know and getting a lot of money as well."

There was a very, very long silence. I could hardly believe everything I'd just heard. Was Dr Sartain as insane as his patient? I was starting to wonder this very thing. He didn't break the silence as I sat there digesting everything he'd just said. The money was a good factor, but not everything. Locked in a cell for three days with Michael Myers? I might want to know the silent, masked killer, but that certainly didn't mean it extended both ways… "So," I said slowly eventually. "If I run into trouble…"

"You'll be immediately pulled to safety," Sartain said. "No matter what happens, you won't get killed."

I laughed humourlessly. "Are you sure about that? This is Michael Myers."

"Certain," Sartain said gravely. "I should also add, the guards can't even discuss with you what they see on camera, or me. That is between you and Michael alone. Ok?" I nodded, feeling numb. Was I seriously considering this? "I… Can I think about it?" I managed to say finally.

"Of course you can. Do you want to stay here overnight and give us your answer in the morning? If you refuse, you'll be taken home, no questions asked, no hard feelings and you'll get a little money for your time. How does that sound?"

"What if I say yes today?" I asked.

"Then we'd take you straight down to his cell and begin. He knows what we're doing, of course. I told him a few days ago. Just that we wanted to conduct an experiment to see how he was feeling and what that would in tale, IE someone else in his cell with him. Absolutely no reaction, but then that's not surprising."

I managed a weak smile at the doctor. "No, it's not. Can you just give me ten minutes?"

"Of course." Sartain's chair squeaked as he stood up. "I'll be back shortly." The door closed and he was gone.

I sat back in my chair, letting out a long exhale. Sure, I'd wanted to meet Michael Myers, was obsessed with Michael Myers. Possibly in love? With Michael Myers? But this? This was… Was crazy. He'd kill me as soon as look at me, I was sure of it. What did my blindness have anything to do with it? I was there, a victim, good for a kill. Yet… I leant my head on the desk, allowing the cool glass surface to touch my hot forehead. Could I really do this? Should I? My mind was a complete mess. What if it was a trick and they were just planning to get me killed off? Giving me to Michael as a gift, as it were. But no. Surely they wouldn't. Would they? I considered Sartain's offer of an overnight stay. Then I really could think this through properly. This was a big commitment. But if it worked and Michael was released, if he… No! I shouted at myself. Don't! You can't think like that! If you end up married and live happily ever after? I scoffed at myself. Don't be such a hopeless bloody romantic fool woman! This is Michael Myers! But he's a man, said a quiet voice in my conscience. I shook that off too. The last thing I wanted was to get in to an argument with my own mind.

Then there were the cats. Putting two cats in his cell was a far cry from putting a human there instead. That said, what was really stopping me? The money was a good thing, I'd double check with Sartain re getting killed and I really, really wanted to meet Michael Myers. I couldn't lie to myself; I was tempted for several reasons, and you must believe me when I say the money was at the bottom of the list.

When Sartain quietly returned so as not to interrupt my thoughts, I stated this fact. Trying to sound as if I just wanted to clarify a few points as opposed to what I was actually thinking. What the fuck are you doing? I'm not a cat! But you're not a pussy either! A voice in my conscience goaded. You're far from it! The innuendo and irony did not escape me. I wasn't a coward, or a pussy cat! I took a deep breath.

"That is true," Sartain said evenly. "But the fact the cats survived gives us hope. Trust me we wouldn't be even thinking this if we didn't think it was a possibility. Remember," now he gently touched my arm to make it clear this wasn't meant in a nasty way. "I'm his doctor, I've worked with him for years. I know what I'm saying."

"I take it funeral costs are covered too?" I asked, trying to act like it was being asked tongue in cheek and smile. But it wasn't very convincing even to me. Sartain chuckled and squeezed my arm lightly. "Worse case scenario, absolutely worst, then yes. But it won't happen. Trust me. We have way too many guards. It. Won't. Happen."

"If I get hurt? Mentally or physically I mean?"

"You'll be treated here with absolutely no charge until you're better and will be highly compensated. But I say again, it won't happen. Please understand how much thought and planning has gone in to this."

"Are you hoping Michael will fall in love with me or something? Or realise he needs at the very least a woman's companionship? IE sex? Or that he'll just not want to attack me because I'm vulnerable? Also, just humour me. Hypothetically just for a second. Please? What if he did try to kill me? What then?"

"In answer to your first question, perhaps all three. Hence why I said about no one can discuss what happens. We have considered that possibility."

"That Michael and I might have sex?" I asked before I could stop myself. "Yes," Sartain said quietly. "Maybe even fall in love with you. As to your second, if he did try to kill you, he'd be placed in solitary confinement for a very long time and his release would probably not be considered again for at least another decade, maybe longer depending how his therapy went."

"Personally I think this is insane," I muttered. Sartain chuckled again. "I understand why you'd think that. Seriously I do. But what are you yourself thinking re it? Apart from the insanity angle?" I could hear his amusement and couldn't help smiling back. I exhaled. "Whew," I said. "I can't lie I'm tempted and not because of the money believe it or not. I've always wanted to meet Michael Myers, but didn't think I ever would. Again, don't ask me why. Yes the money would help me I'm not going to lie to you, but it's not the biggest incentive by any means. Biggest one is being close to Michael. Ha," now it was my turn to laugh. "I want to be close to a cold blooded serial killer. Now that's insane!"

Sartain laughed with me. "No it's not," he said simply. "He's still a man."

"Loomis didn't think so did he," I said quietly. "Hell he wanted him executed."

"No," Sartain agreed. "But that was then, this is now. I'm starting to think that may be changing. He hasn't spoken still, but… Well we just don't know. But I'll say it again. You won't be killing bait to him. You have my absolute promise on this."

Again, I thought it through. Should I take his overnight offer to think? But no. If I did that, I knew I'd get no sleep. If I was indeed going to do this, far better to just get on with it. I took a deep breath and said the words which would change my life forever. "Ok, I'll do it. I'm ready."

Getting the earpiece set up was remarkably easy, certainly easier than I'd thought it would be. There was a small box I wore clipped to my trousers which had two buttons on it. Clearly they'd thought about making it easy for a potential blind person as one was round, one was square. The guards told me if I pressed the square button it'd buzz them and they would speak to me over the earpiece, the round one was a call button and two would come straight down to me. If I pressed them both together, it would send up a panic signal if I was in serious trouble. I just hoped firstly I'd have the time to press it if necessary and second that I wouldn't have to test it at all. I was then taken in to an empty cell the same size as the one Myers and I would be sharing and shown the layout until I was happy with it. It was very basic. The bed which was Myers's, a space where my small camp bed would be and a toilet screen. Next to which was a small table. That was it. There was a call button set in the wall by the door, but Sartain suggested I used the one on my transmitter. He explained the camera would be situated all around the cell up in the ceiling, so the guards would see me wherever I was, except behind the toilet screen.

"What if…" I began, but Sartain cut me off.

"There's not enough room for you both behind there at once, so he can't attack you back there. Trust me, we thought of that," he likely touched my arm.

Eventually, I was taken back up to his office for a final check. "Are you absolutely sure about this?" Sartain asked. I completely guarantee any sign of danger what so ever or if you even feel afraid, we'll pull you out, no questions asked. Also remember, nothing seen on the camera can even be discussed between us unless you initiate it. I'll ask you one more time. Are you sure you want to do this?"

I took a deep breath. So this was it. Do, or don't. Again, I wasn't even considering the money. I was thinking of what it'd be like to be close to Michael Myers. If I didn't die within two minutes of being so that was.

Slowly, I nodded. "Yes," I said quietly. "I'm sure. Did you…" Again Sartain gently cut me off. How did he do that? Know what I was going to say before I said it? Part of being a highly trained Psychiatrist I supposed. "Yes, we have already given Mr. Myers your letter."

While I'd been waiting for my transport, I'd written a letter to the killer on my computer and printed it out. It told him my name and how I felt about him. I'd considered whether it was a dangerous move to play that particular hand too early, but Sartain had assured me it was a good idea. "He knows where you stand right from the start then," he said and I couldn't deny that made sense.

"Unless he kills me straight away because of it," I said, trying to smile, but it hadn't quite worked.

Ten minutes later, I was being guided down to Myers's cell, my bag carried by the guard with me. I could hardly believe what I was doing. Are you mad? Shouted my head. It still wasn't too late to back out. I could do so right now. Yet… Yet I didn't. The guard opened the cell door and gently guided me up to it handing me my case. Taking a deep breath, I stepped through. This is insane, this is insane! I want out, I change my mind! All this was racing through my head and the damn door wasn't even closed yet!

"Is he wearing his mask?" I breathed to the guard.

"No," the guard murmured back. "He doesn't have it. He's standing at the back of the cell with his back to us. Good luck." With a clang, the heavy door slammed shut. Why did it sound like the lid closing on my coffin?

An hour had passed. I'd dumped my case on my small not particularly comfortable feeling camp bed and was sitting on the very edge of it almost waiting for something to happen. But it didn't seem that Myers had as much as turned towards me. That was when I heard the soft "ding" in my earpiece, like the sound a public address system makes to get someone's attention.

"You ok?" A female guard's soft voice said. "Mr. Myers has just turned towards and is looking straight at you."

"Thanks," I just managed to say. I hit the square button which would end the call. That was when I heard Myers's slow, calm breathing. He was right in front of me. I'd known this would happen, just not when. Slowly, I turned my head towards him.

"Hello Mr. Myers," I said softly, keeping my voice as calm as I could. Not an easy feat considering it was shaking. Of course, nothing. But I hadn't expected anything else. I lay back on my hard bed and pulled out my iPod. I'd been allowed to take it so I could read, listen to music etc. Also, a small part of me had thought cynically, so I won't know when he's about to kill me as I won't hear him approaching.

The adrenaline of what I was doing must have left me then and the tiredness hit. Because next thing I knew it was twelve midnight according to my iPod's clock. I stretched a little and removed my earphones. Myers was still right in front of me. I could hear his breathing. But he hadn't killed me in my sleep. That was something at least. I stood up, hearing and feeling my back crack. Now I could not be more thankful they'd shown me the layout beforehand. Still though, I'd have to walk past Myers. I brushed past the killer as gently as I could, heading for the toilet screen. Heading behind it, I did what I had to and then stepped back out.

That was the first time Myers made a move. Before I'd quite realised it, he'd grabbed my arm none too gently and was dragging me back across the cell. Panic threatened to take over, but somehow I willed it down. "It's ok," said a guard in my earpiece. No soft doorbell sound this time. "We're watching." That comforted me, I couldn't lie there. Perhaps Sartain was right after all and they really would protect me if they had to. Myers shoved me effortlessly on to my camp bed and then I heard him walking away back towards his. I let out my breath. He'd just, all be it not gently, guided me back to my bed. But why? Was that progress? I once again turned on my iPod, using a book this time to get myself back to sleep again. Unbelievably, it worked.

The sound of the cell door clanging shut jolted me awake the next morning. Holy fuck I was still alive! That was my first shocked thought. I was still alive! Michael Myers hadn't killed me all night. Unbelievable. But then, that was what Sartain had been hoping for after all. Unless Myers was just biding his time of course. Waiting. Toying with me. Luring me and the guards in to a false sense of security before he struck. Why he was in a mental hospital I'd never know. I privately didn't think he was insane at all. Rather calculating, silent and downright dangerous. He knew exactly what he was doing of that I was certain.

A few minutes later a guard appeared, leading me to get some breakfast. "Michael's in the yard," she said. "I'm Rachel by the way."

"Hi Rachel," I shook her hand and introduced myself in turn. She led me in to the staff dining room, at least I assumed it was and helped me get some food. I could hardly believe I could even eat. My stomach was churning. Sartain came over while I was drinking my second tea and asked me how I was.

"Well I'm still alive," I said without a smile. "Is that what you want me to say?"

He softly touched my arm. "No, but I understand why you did."

"Is that progress? I asked. "That Michael hasn't killed me all last night when he so easily could have?"

"It's a start," the doctor agreed. "I can't deny that."

"Sorry," I let out my breath. "I shouldn't have been flippant with you just then. I'm fine, thanks. Just… Well in shock I guess that I actually am still alive. Surprisingly though I managed to sleep believe it or not. All be it with Michael Myers standing right in front of me all night."

"Good," he softly touched my arm again.

I remembered what he'd said about Michael being in control of whether I was in the yard with him and clearly the killer wanted his space. I understood that if I was honest. So did I. What little there was of it in that cell anyway. Bigger or not, it was still claustrophobic to me. The worst part was our lunch and evening meals were served in there, so breakfast and the yard were the only space I had.

A short while later, I headed back in to said cell. Just as I did, Myers also returned and the guards with him unchained him. I sank on to my camp bed as the door again clanged shut. I was surprised to be honest. I thought I'd only live to hear that sound once, never mind twice.

I lay on my bed trying to be as quiet as I could, in case the killer was asleep. I found myself thinking again about what I was doing. Again thinking it was suicide, but not able to hold up that argument by the fact I'd survived last night and so far was surviving today. Insane maybe. But… That was when I again heard Myers's breathing close to me, but this time he was standing at my side. I managed a weak tired smile at the killer. "Hi Mr. Myers," I repeated softly. Before I'd quite realised it, I was talking. Fast. "Don't ask me why I'm here, because I don't know. All I know is when we were asked to do this, the first time I thought it was a joke. I had to hear the announcement twice before I believed it. But I've studded your case Mr. Myers, for the last two years actually. I think I know everything about you which is in the public domain. I'm not sure what they're trying to achieve necessarily by this, but I'm willing to help you any way I can."

Ok so that part was a lie. They were trying to get him released. But Michael Myers wasn't stupid, he probably already knew that. Hell what was more, he probably knew I knew it too. I took a deep breath. Lying to Michael Myers however small may not be the best idea if I did indeed want to survive this crazy stunt.

Myers didn't move for a moment, then I heard him walking away again. I slumped back on my bed, still not quite able to believe one simple fact. I was still alive.

The next morning was when things started to change. This time when the guards chained Myers to take him out to the yard, the killer grabbed my arm. It wasn't a gentle grip by any means and I winced slightly, unable to help it. But the killer didn't loosen his grip. I was practically dragged out by Myers in to the exercise yard and across his yellow warning line. I knew it was there of course from my extensive studies. I could hardly believe I was standing on the other side of it.

"Are you ok?" A guard gently asked me. Myers still hadn't released my arm. I could feel my circulation starting to go. My hand was getting cold and starting to tingle. I had to do it. Slowly I turned my head to face the killer.

"Mr. Myers, please could you loosen your grip just a little? Please? I promise I won't go anywhere… Even if I wanted to I can't. But I'm losing my circulation."

To my surprise, the killer did so. Nor did he stop me when I moved my arm away and flexed it, trying to get feeling back in to it. This time when he took it, it was almost… Gentle? No way. Not that far. But certainly nowhere near as tight as it had been the first time.

"I'm fine," I said quietly to the guard. "Just…"

"Nervous?" He gently touched my free arm from the other side of the yellow line. "Don't worry. You'll hear laughter, shouts etc, but I promise you you're perfectly safe."

"Because Michael Myers is protecting me or because they won't cross the line? I thought and could tell by the guard's soft chuckle he knew exactly what I was thinking. "Both," he said softly.

That said, the guard was right. The sounds I heard were damn scary. Shouts, laughter and cries of insane men and women. Not something I ever thought I would, or wanted to hear up close. Myers didn't release my arm though. I wasn't aware I'd shivered at one point until Myers tightened his grip a little.

Eventually there was a harsh buzzing sound and Myers was released from his concrete block and led back towards his, our, cell. He hadn't released my arm all the time. I was shocked when even as the door closed, he still held it. He pulled me across the cell, again not exactly gently but not altogether hard either and then lifted me off my feet. I felt fear grip me then. How could I have been so naive? He was going to kill me; I just knew it. That was when I felt myself flying through the air and landing hard on my camp bed. Michael Myers had thrown me to it. Such a gentleman, I thought with a grim smile. Or not. I suppose from Michael Myers that was almost kind…

"You ok?" A guard said immediately in my earpiece. Again, no doorbell sound. I had figured it out by now. They used that as a this isn't urgent signal.

"Yeah," I said once I'd got my breath back. "That was just… A bit of a shock."

"Are you hurt at all?" This time I didn't answer, I just shook my head and the guards, "good," meant he'd seen it via the camera. I wasn't hurt, not yet at least. With luck I wouldn't be either. Yeah, I thought with a derisive smile. You only have to soften a killer's heart with the fact you're blind. Easy, squeezy! If you were naïve.

Later that afternoon/evening, I again heard Myers standing at my side. I was still awake. I had just over twenty-four hours to survive and honestly, I can truthfully say I hadn't thought about the cash once. How much had I made already? Surprisingly though, that didn't excite me. Privately, I wanted something which to me was worth a lot more than money, all be it I knew I'd never get access to it. Myers's heart. I again stood up and headed behind the screen. This time when I stepped out the killer grabbed my arm again and dragged me across the room. This time though he didn't throw me, he shoved me. But with one difference. It was on to his bed. I had only a second to process this before Myers was lying at my side and next thing I knew, his powerful arm had come around me, pulling me tightly against him. I knew I wasn't going anywhere until he released me. But why? I mentally stopped myself. Wo, stop right there! If you start going down the why road, you'll drive yourself insane and probably end up here as a patient yourself! Don't think, just go with it! I knew that was my only option right now. I also stopped myself analysing how I felt about where I was. Scared, uncertain sure. But also… What? Happy?

I again put on my iPod and lay still. Myers didn't remove his arm from me for the rest of that day and in to the night, except when one or the other of us needed to move behind the screen. I didn't put up a fight of course. I could tell myself this was because I didn't want to die, but was that all of it? That I wasn't sure of.

The next morning Myers again took me out in to the yard with him. This time, Sartain approached us, stepping over Michael's yellow line. I figured only he was allowed to do that as Michael's doctor.

"Is this why you gave me a week?" I asked Michael's doctor in a low voice. "In case I needed longer than seventy-two hours for some reason?"

"Exactly," Sartain murmured back.

"It's looking that way isn't it," I said. It wasn't a question.

"It is," was Sartain's only reply. I was sure by the tone of his voice he was surprised I hadn't mentioned the money once. But that wasn't even in my thoughts right then. Only Myers was. I moved my hand slightly, the one which had my white cane in it. As I'd entered the cell the first time, I'd left it by the door to indicate to Myers I wasn't intending to use it as a weapon. But it felt so good to have it in my hand, I couldn't lie about that. Myers was still holding my free arm, but again without anywhere near as much force as he'd done the first time.

This time when we re-entered the cell, Myers again moved me across it, but gently. I could hardly believe how gentle it was. This time, he didn't throw or shove me. Instead he lifted me off my feat and laid me on his bed slowly and gently so my head touched the pillow. Next second he was once again beside me, his arm closing back around me and I was sure even this was gentler than last night.

"Mr. Myers," I began with absolutely no idea what I was about to say. That was when Myers gently pulled me up so my head was resting on his shoulder. He was much taller than me. I couldn't hold in my gasp of surprise, nor stop the thoughts of this feels so right, this feels so right, which were going round and round my head. His arm tightened a little, before his other also came around me. For the second time, I couldn't stop myself from speaking softly to the killer.

"Mr. Myers please don't ask me why, but I've been… Obsessed, hell in love with you I think for the past two years at least, certainly since I started studying your case. Something about you fascinates me. Infatuation? Possibly but I can't deny how I feel. As to why? I don't know Mr. Myers. Your silence? Lack of feeling or remorse? Your ability to kill so easily? I don't know. But it's there, whatever it is. If you do decide to kill me tonight, at least I can die in the knowledge that I've told you, you know the truth. I've obviously never seen any pictures of you because I can't, but something tells me you're a damn good looking guy." I wasn't trying to save my life either with that last statement. I believed and meant it. Something just told me he was. I said nothing else, but nor did I expect to fall asleep with my head on Michael Myers's shoulder, or to still be there the next morning.

When the guard turned up to escort Myers out, this time I almost fell over in shock. Because the killer reached out and took my hand in his. It wasn't a hard grip either.

"How the…" The guard began.

"Hell am I still alive?" I smiled humourlessly. "Not a clue." This time in the yard Myers didn't release my hand once. I found myself stepping to his side too and he didn't stop me doing so either.

When we were back in the cell and had taken our evening meals a little later, Myers gently pulled me to him once again, but this time so I was actually sitting on the edge of his bed. Again, he took my hand in his. I had to be dreaming. Had to be. This was what I'd secretly wanted for the last at least two years of my life.

"Mr. Myers," I began. The killer squeezed my hand in his. I raised an eyebrow. "Mr. Myers," I tried again. Again, that squeeze. I slowly turned my head towards the killer. "Are you asking me to call you Michael?" I asked quietly, hardly able to believe what I was saying and to whom I was saying it. Again, a squeeze. This time though, two quick ones. "Ok," I said and wasn't surprised to hear my voice was shaking a little. "Thanks, Michael." I took a deep breath. I was pretty sure if I said what I was about to, I wouldn't live to see the next morning. But it was too late now, I couldn't go back.

"Michael, I'm fully expecting you to kill me at some point soon. But I also meant what I said to you the first day. I can't deny how I feel about and for you. Not to you, myself, anyone. So I ask you if you want it, take my all, Michael. It's yours after all. If you have questions about women, I'll willingly answer them." After all I thought. You've killed them before you've even touched them. Of course I didn't say this part out loud. I didn't want to die just yet.

There was a brief second of silence, before Myers gently pushed me back so I was lying down on his bed. He joined me and pulled me close to him. Next second he'd lowered his head and taken my lips with his.

It was a hard, commanding and not gentle kiss. But oh God it felt so good. I couldn't stop the slight moan which left my mouth. Myers placed one hand against my shoulder, effectively stopping me from moving as he kissed me more intensely. I don't think I could've moved even without this. My whole body had gone weak under the killer's kiss. Eventually he forced my mouth to open under his as our tongues began to fight for dominance. I knew who would win, of course I did and it wouldn't be me. I had never been kissed like this once in my life. Finally Myers wrapped both arms around me once again, one hand shoving up my top to touch my skin. His hands teased my breasts before he pinched my nipple's between his fingers. To my surprise, this was gentle.

"I can take my top and bra off if you want," I whispered to him. "Plus everything else." To my surprise, Myers released me so I could do just that. He then stood, removing his own clothes. I lay down before he could grab me this time and within a second I was back in his arms as we once again kissed intensely. Myers's hands though not exactly gentle seemed to set my very skin on fire. It was clear he'd never had a woman before, but then of course I already knew this. Part of me was honoured to be his first, even if I didn't live to remember it later. When Myers slipped a hand between my legs I couldn't help but speak softly. "Please, be gentle?" I could only imagine the pain if he wasn't. To my gratitude and shock, the killer acknowledged my request and when he softly began to stroke my clitoris before slipping a finger in to me, it was soft, gentle. Damn. For a guy who'd never had sex before, Michael Myers sure knew what he was doing. As he continued to stroke me, I felt my orgasm building. He didn't stop and I had to let go, softly moaning his name as I did so, my lips automatically seeking his and he didn't push me back. On the contrary, he kissed me back just as softly. It was as if he'd realised things had forever changed between us just as I did. You couldn't go back after something like this. As we still kissed, Myers now climbed atop me. Was I ready for this even given how I felt for him? But even I knew I couldn't stop now. Asking him to would quite possibly seal my death after all. But that was when Myers gently pushed my hair back from my sweat soaked face and took my hand softly in his, squeezing it once. I didn't have to hear it, I knew. He was asking me if I was sure. That decided me. I might die tomorrow, so live now.

"Yes," I breathed. "Yes, Michael."

This time I could tell he was doing everything to be gentle, as he slid in to me and broke my virgin skin. There was the pain I'd read about and Myers didn't move for a moment for which I was grateful. Before long he started to move and I knew it felt good to him because he did speed up then and his movements became harder, rougher. I said nothing though, figuring he would've never experienced anything like this before of course. Before long, I felt him ejaculate in to me. He still lay atop me, his arms wrapped around me as we kissed again.

"How was that?" I murmured. "Good?" I could hardly believe who I was asking this question to, nor that I'd just given my virginity to the masked mass murderer Michael Myers. Of course, nothing. Myers's breathing was already back to normal, it was as if nothing had happened. Eventually he rolled off me and pulled me back in to his arms. I had no idea how he felt about what we'd just done. Nothing, probably. He'd just had a damn good fuck and that was all I supposed. This realisation made me feel a little sad, stupidly. I tried to cover it and turned my head away. Next second the killer's hand was against my head, gently turning it back to look at him.

"Thank you Michael," I said, trying to blink back tears. I shouted at myself to get a grip, but it didn't work. "I've wanted that with you for so long." Now you can go ahead and kill me as you undoubtedly are about to, I thought. But Myers just tightened his arms around me.

I was sure the next morning would be awkward, but Sartain and the guards were as professional as his word they would be. None of them even made a comment or mentioned what they'd seen between Myers and I last night. For that I was grateful. It would hurt to think about it too much. It was just a fuck to him, I reminded myself. Just a fuck, that was all. Sartain gently touched my shoulder and asked if I was ok, that was it.

"I'll stick it out for one more night," I said quietly. "Then I think you have your answer Dr Sartain."

"It seems so," he squeezed my shoulder gently. "Thank you so much and well done. I can't thank you enough for this."

"What? Surviving?" The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. Sartain squeezed my arm gently again. "No. For agreeing to do this in the first place. I know how much courage that would've taken." I didn't reply to this. What could I say? You're welcome?

Once again in the yard, Myers held my hand. I couldn't help feeling a little sad that this was almost over, but at the same time relieved. Would I make it? I only had one more night to survive. Now I can't lie, the money did enter my head. Jesus I'd be rich. Ten thousand an hour and how long had I been here? Wo slow down, I shouted at myself. You've got to make it out alive first. You're not there yet.

That night Myers again held me to him and once again made love to me. This time though he was definitely trying to be gentle and remained so even once inside me the second time. I felt the sting of tears afterwards as he held me close, but wasn't sure why. Because I was leaving? I didn't know. Or was it because I had a broken heart?

I could hardly believe it the next morning when I was let out of the cell for the final time. I'd made it! Fuck me I'd fucking made it! I was alive and about to get stupidly rich to boot! Sartain met me once again in his office, where I was told my final amount and I almost fainted right there. Including bonus, one hundred thousand dollars. I tried to tell myself this was amazing, fantastic, but a small part of me kept whispering, it's not the money you want really is it? That part I couldn't argue with. No, it wasn't. I wanted the heart of the man I'd just walked away from for the last time.

"I hope I've secured his not too distant release," I smiled at Sartain trying to hold back tears. He must've sensed them of course because he gently squeezed my hand. "Oh I'm sure you have, thank you so much."

Before long I was in the car on the way back home, hardly able to believe how the last four days had gone. I had no idea what my future held for me now. But I'd spent four days with Michael Myers twenty-four seven and I was alive to tell the story! Not that I would. This was mine and his story alone. No one else needed to know about it. I also didn't have a boyfriend right then so it wasn't like I had that to worry about. A few days later my bank balance shot up considerably. But I was still determined to go back to my job in an office. Money or not I wasn't lazy.

Two weeks later while sitting at my desk, my colleague approached me, breathless. "Did you hear?" She gasped as soon as she entered my office.

"Hear what?" I asked.

"Michael Myers is out, back on the kill! We don't know it's him for certain or at least the police don't, but come on for fuck sake! He was wearing a damn white mask and used a fucking huge kitchen knife!"

I felt my heart sink in horror. So I'd failed in the end after all, just as I'd known I would. "Where?"

"Not too far from here," she said excitedly. But here's the strange part! I just don't get it, nor do the cops. They're baffled!"

"What?" I asked, privately wanting her to just leave now so I could cry in peace. What a fucking waste of time. Myers had fucked me, that was all they'd been just as I feared and now was back out on the kill. He'd probably be captured all over again and the whole thing would've been for nothing, my worse fear all along.

"He attacked a young woman out on the street," my colleague explained. "Sick fucking Psycho! Of all the people he could've killed…"

"So?" I asked, growing impatient now. Big deal. "What's your point?"

I had to hold on to the edge of my desk after she answered. I wasn't sure why. I had no idea why this impacted me so much, or at least I could tell myself I didn't. But I did. Did that mean he'd come back for me and this time would he finish me off? Where was he? Where was not too far from here?

"So?" I demanded again. "The woman he killed? What was so special about her when you consider how many he's killed in the past?"

My colleague touched my arm as she spoke. "The woman was blind."

"Now for some breaking news. Masked mass murderer Michael Myers is out of Smith's Grove and it would appear sadly back on the kill. His latest kill shows that any of the Psychiatrists who spoke about Myers having any morals what so ever is a load of rubbish! He doesn't care who he kills and this was confirmed by his latest one. Simply unbelievable. Killing anyone is bad enough but to kill like that… The Psychopath. She was totally blind. How the hell do serial killer's minds work? Unbelievable eh?. Her pour family, they are going to schedule her funeral as soon as possible. So, so sad. Now here's Jim with the weather."

"Tonight expect thunder with showers and humidity, right through the South of the state. As for tomorrow…

I had only just made it to the toilet by a fraction of a second before I threw up. Michael Myers had deliberately gone out of his way to kill a blind person, an easy target… I was terrified now; I couldn't hide it. Psychopath was right. He'd tricked me, fooled me so completely. I knew without a shadow of a doubt my name was on Myers's hit list.

I headed home at the end of my shift alone. I wasn't going to go to the police myself because that would involve telling them what Smith's Grove had done, hell what Michael and I had done and could compromise the hospital. What the hell were they doing trusting Michael Myers anyway, based purely on a so-called experiment? Of course he wouldn't kill me then! He wanted to be released after all. Not too far from here? Where was he then? I made it home somehow, my legs were shaking. I immediately poured a strong glass of wine. I needed it.

When I heard the loud bang, the first time I ignored it. Thinking it'd been outside or something. But then I heard it again, before the wound of a window being smashed. Fuck! This was happening to my house! Without even thinking I stood up, reaching for my phone. I had to call for help.

I heard the slow, calm breathing I'd come to know so well over three days, but didn't register it. My heart was hammering too fast to register anything but panic. I had the phone to my ear and had already dialled nine one…

That was when Michael Myers grabbed me by my collar, none of the which I now knew had been false, tenderness he'd shown me before. Still I couldn't think. My brain had frozen with terror. I didn't even have time to feel sad, knowing I'd failed. "I'm so sorry," I said quietly.

Further calls for Michael Myers to be executed.

Haddonfield's masked mass murderer has killed again, reports say. It happened late last night. The horrific thing is, this woman just like the last, was also totally blind. Doctors at Smith's Grove mental hospital are already and understandably facing pressure from grieving and angry people. They are calling for his execution. Maybe finally someone will listen? We can only hope. Stay safe everyone, don't go out at night, the police are saying. Keep your doors and windows locked, etc.

The chief of Haddonfield police privately didn't hold out much hope keeping doors and windows locked would work at all, considering Myers had entered his latest blind victim's house…

The end.