TITLE- How much is that Kitsune in the Window?

SUMMARY- too short for one

RATING- PG ( Hiei x Kurama) and Yuusuke

DISCLAIMERS- No, alright I said it I don't own them now let me run to a corner and cry. O.K. I am over my short coming on to the skit.

Hiei, Kurama and Yuusuke are standing in a cafe around a small table. They are waiting for Kurama to bring back their drinks. An orange mint iced tea for Kurama, a Mountain Dew for Yusuke, and a root beer float with 3 scoops of ice cream for Hiei (rumor has it he likes the sweet snow). Kurama came walking back with a full tray and a slightly peeved look on his face. Mummbling to himself....

KURAMA: Do I really look like one? Honestly.

YUUSUKE: Not really, but I can see how someone could think you are.

KURAMA: I know. What if I died my hair black would that make a difference?


YUUSUKE: I doubt it. Besides I already know the cute red head is a guy, if you change your hair color I might not reconize you and try hitting on you again * smiles*

KURAMA: So I will have to keep telling and reminding everyone that I am a boy.

HIEI: More like a 'boy toy' *mummbles with a small smirk*

KURAMA: Hiei! Well I am tired of people trying to pick-up, pester, or pet me like I am a peice of meat. This "boy toy" as you so call me Hiei, is not for sale. *pouts and crosses arms"

HIEI: Damn right your not.

KURAMA: Thank you

HIEI: No problem. (Hiei places his empty glass mug on the table. Walks around the table and stands next to Kurama then SMACKS him on the rear) Because I already own that ass. (winks at Yuusuke then leaves)

KURAMA: *sweatdrop*

YUUSUKE: (Slaming his hand down on the table) Sold to the fire demon in black.

I know it's short but I though it was cute.