Vigilante Jadeite Spotted for the First Time in Four Months!

Late last night, several eyewitnesses reported seeing Jadeite when they sent calls into VigilanteWeekly. As our readers know, the famed vigilante has remained out of the spotlight for several months now, (though we have seen multiple captures attributed to him*, if not verified ones**) and some of our conspiracists have begun to worry that the vigilante had finally taken on an enemy too strong, or perhaps decided to retire after being on the scene for almost eight years. Our editor refused to believe the initial calls due to this, but this morning we received video footage. That's right—legitimate footage of the elusive Jadeite!

video footage of a figure in a dark green hoodie facing down a bulky villain with jagged granite growing out of his joints

As you can see, Jadeite is doing perfectly fine as he quickly puts the villain down! Watching carefully it seems like it may have been injured (at 2:31, the villain manages to send an elbow into the vigilantes stomach, but he looks barely winded—perhaps he added an armored vest under his hoodie as we suggested after the time he got shot in the stomach?) but he rebounded quickly and the fight ended in under five minutes. This makes this rare footage extra impressive! Kudos out to Chargebolt_fan21!

A bit of extra research shows that the villain in question, Rokkī Ishi has been escaping heros for several weeks after he killed a salaryman in a bank hostage situation, and he has managed to injure the heroes who chased him on multiple occasions. Even though the heros on his case were lower ranks, it's impressive that Jadeite managed to take the man down on his own! Looking at the footage, he doesn't seem to use a visible quirk—which raises the age old question: what the hell kind of quirk could our favorite vigilante have?

We've discussed this many times before (see affiliated links below***), but let's talk about what we can see based solely off this footage!

Again, there's nothing visible, but we can consider a few things. Instead of armor, maybe he has a hardening quirk like our lovable up and coming hero, Red Riot—he could use this to harden his fists as well, explaining how easily he was able to knock out the villain. But then, if we look carefully, when Rokkī managed to block one of his punches with a stony shoulder, the hero came away with bloodied knuckles (Wow, that must have hurt!). Other possibilities we've discussed before are a speed quirk, martial arts quirk, or a pre-sensory quirk, but as of yet, no solid proof for anything else yet! We'll keep an eager eye out for more hints in the future!

That's all for now—but I have to say, don't you just love the way Jadeite salutes the camera at the end? We all know that he'll never change!

*see our article: "Why Jadeite is most likely male" to discover why we've finally decided on giving his identity a definite gender!

** see:"Our Favorite Vigilante Hasn't Been Spotted in Months—but these sixteen captures have been attributed to Jadeite"

*** see: "Top Ten Theories on Jadeite's quirk, and the conspiracy articles behind them"

Naomasa waited for the shorter man standing in front of him to lift his head and give a familiar sheepish grin, signaling he'd finished the article, before he let out the heavy sigh he'd been holding in.

"We've talked about this. You were supposed to avoid media coverage for six months if you wanted to keep going out."

"Ah, um, I mean, four months is close enough, right?"

"No," The detective shook his head, sighing again. "It's not."

"Well, I'm Jadeite, you can control me!" The green-hooded man announced petulantly.

"No," Naomasa sighed again, firmly. "You are a detective, and as my employee, I'm banning you from being Jadeite for the next four months."


"Don't make it six again."



The green hooded vigilante sighed as he acknowledged his defeat and pulled down his hood.

Midoriya Izuku, 20, sheds his role as a vigilante and heads into the police station to start his day job: leading detective of the Mustafu Police Force.