Chapter One "Awakening"

Lelouch vi Britannia grinded his teeth as the worst headache he had ever experienced hit him. It was like as if someone had smashed open his skull and was pouring boiling liquid into his brain. His vision blurred and blackened. He started to see visions of things that he had never seen. The visions continued, but he wanted nothing more to pass out. It was too painful and he felt like an eternity passed before the visions stopped and pain subsided.

What was that?! Lelouch wondered as he went through the recollection of visions. He was soon surprised that mistaken what the 'visions' were as it soon became apparent that they were actually memories. No, I cannot call myself, Lelouch vi Britannia! I detest my name for it is a reminder of what was bestowed to me by my bastard father and links to Britannia. I will hence forth live my life once again by the name of Shirou Emiya!

Shirou stood up and fearless looked at the armed britannian soldiers before him.

"What should I do?" Shirou asked himself.

"There is nothing you can do. You have only one path left: death!" The britannian sergeant shouted as he leveled his pistol at Shirou and fired.

What happened next shocked the britannian soldiers. The pistol round while not the most powerful round of its class should have more than enough stopping power to put down a high school student. Instead of piercing the human body and causing injuries, the bullet crushed itself flat against Shirou's blazer.

The shock didn't last too long. The britannian soldiers were not untrained civilians. Many possible explanations to why the bullets had failed to hurt Shirou came to mind, but their military training kicked in. They leveled their weapons and prepared to fire upon the command of their superior officer.

"It worked better than I had expected…" Shirou muttered to himself in amazement, completely unfazed the small arms pointed at him. He looked at the britannian soldiers and said, "Let's test this body of mine."

Shirou disappeared. The britannian soldiers immediately searched for where Shirou had gone to. They spread out to cover many angles with overlapping fields of fire and covering their colleagues' backs. Despite their efforts, they couldn't locate Shirou.

"Argh!" A britannian soldier screamed as he was sent flying into the air.


"Medic, get to Leroy!"

"Fire, fire!"

Gunfire rained down on Shirou. Shirou had already moved and this time he didn't disappear like previously. One of the britannian soldiers with keener eyes barely managed to keep track of Shirou's blurring figure. His gunshots serving as a guide for his comrades to fire in the general vicinity of the moving Shirou. As a result, several lucky shots hit Shirou, but was stopped by his clothes and those that hit his body caused nothing more than scratches.

Shirou was about to continue experimenting to determine the limits of his body when he noticed the screams and pleads in the background.

I completely forgot that unarmed civilians are being massacred by britannian troops. Shirou cursed as he recalled about the events prior to his awakening. I have got to wrap this up.

The rest of the dormant Magic Circuits, which Shirou hadn't used so far, flared to life. His body started to warm up. Pain that he had never experienced as Lelouch vi Britannia rippled through his body. Shirou welcomed the sensation of all his now active magic circuits.

An ever-familiar black longbow materialized in Shirou's hands.

"Where did that come from?!" The britannian soldier shouted and the other soldiers made similar remark in shock.

"Magic," Shirou bluntly stated as he nocked a semi-manifested arrow.

The britannian soldiers didn't have time to respond. They were soon greeted by a hail of arrows. Their bullet-proof vests that protected them well against modern small arms failed to provide even a bit of protection. Arrows pierced through protective vests and as if they didn't exist.

In a heartbeat, all the brittannian soldier except for the sergeant was dead or not far from dying.

"What do you want?!" The grizzled sergeant shouted in shock as he was facing something that he had never been trained for or had experienced before.

"Who gave the order for the massacre happening right now? What is the purpose of such senseless killing?" Shirou asked as he held pulled bow at the sergeant.

"I will not answer to a terr…"

"Are you sure want to refuse answering me? I am not some simple 'terrorist.' Didn't you see me use magic. If you answer my question than I will have to resort to magic." Shirou spoke in a threatening tone.

"Do your worst scum!" The sergeant shouted, emboldened with the knowledge that Shirou would have already used magic on him instead of demanding answers for information.

"So be it," said Shirou as he shot the arrow. "You will suffer greatly for your misjudgment."

The sergeant screamed as the arrow pierced through his stomach. He gritted his teeth and was about to curse Shirou when his eyes become blank.

"Who gave the order for the massacre happening right now? What is the purpose of such senseless killing?" Shirou repeated his previous questions.

"The one that ordered the massacre was Prince Clovis la Britannia. It was to eliminate any witnesses while the true objective of this operation was the recovery of a girl." The sergeant spoke in a mechanical tone.

"That girl happens to be the one that I saved with Suzaku," said Shirou as he looked at the girl that had taken a bullet to save his pre-awakened self. "What is so important about the girl?"

"I don't know. It is beyond my pay-grade."

"I shouldn't be surprised. Classic information security." Shirou remarked.

Shirou spent some more time interrogating the tranced sergeant before killing the britannian soldier when he got all the information he wanted.

"You can get up now. I know you are not dead." Shirou spoke as he turned to his deceased savior.

"Who are you?" The once dead-looking girl asked as she sat up and looked at Shirou. "You are a completely different person from Lelouch vi Britannia. He never possessed superhuman physical abilities. There is also the fact that you can use magic, something that has been lost with the end of the Age of Magecraft."

"Age of Magecraft?" Shirou repeated. "You don't mean the Age of Gods do you?"

"The Age of Gods, wow… I haven't heard of that term in a very long time. The last time I heard it was when mages still existed and tried to bring back the glory of the golden age of magic." The green-haired girl mused.

"Mages don't exist anymore…" Shirou spoke in disbelief. "Wait… that kind of makes sense. If mages still existed than I would have known about them when I was still a britannian prince."

"When you were still a britannian prince?" The green-haired girl repeated in a very curious tone. "It's sounds as if you believe you are Lelouch vi Britannian. Are you by any chance remembering your previous life? That would explain your superhuman physical ability and use of magic."

"Please don't call me Lelouch vi Britannian. I absolutely despise that name given to by my father and how it links me to the Britannian Royal Family." Shirou spoke in disgust.

"Very interesting. I would love to continue talking about this topic, but we have gotten side-tracked for a while," said the green haired girl. My name is CC." CC curtsied as she introduced herself. "May I know your name or at least what you call yourself now."

"Shirou Emiya," Shirou replied. "Now that you have introduced yourself, I cannot feel as if I have known you before. Well in this life at least. Am I incorrect?"

"You are certainly correct. I knew you while you were still a child. This was when your mother, Marianne vi Britannia, was still alive." CC answered with a smile.

"CC, I now remember you! You were one of my mother's closest confidants." Shirou recalled by sorting through his childhood memories as Prince Lelouch vi Britannia.

CC nodded her head. "It's nice to see you again after growing up."

"There is so much I want to ask you, but now isn't the time. The britannian military is killing innocent japanese civilians. I need to do something about it!" Shirou shouted as he went through his options of what he could do.

The warehouse shook as something smashed into a wall. Smoke and dust entered the warehouse. The sound of something large and heavy moving on wheels could be heard. Shirou found out what was responsible for all the noise. It was an incredibly large bipedal machine, standing at nearly four and half meters tall. What it was easily recognizable to Shirou. A 5th generation Knightmare Frame, known commonly as the Sutherland.

"What happened here?! What's a Britannian student doing here?! Answer me, or else I'll…!" A feminine voice shouted over a speaker.

Shirou looked defiantly at the knightmare. This seemed to anger the knightmare pilot and several shots were fired at Shirou's position. Several large holes of the wall behind Shirou was created as a result of the gunshots.

How should I proceed? Shirou wondered as he ran through what options he had to deal with the knightmare.

The simplest method was to resort to direct force. Shirou could engage the knightmare in a fight, but Shirou quickly shelved away that idea. There were too many uncertain and unknown factors. He had very little idea what he was currently capable of given that he had just recently gotten back his memories of his past life. It didn't help that the enemy he was facing was not a human, but a war machine imitating the human form.

"Hacker, Install!" Shirou chanted as he felt his magic circuits change.

As he felt his abilities change, Shirou stared at the knightmare. He soon entered another world. A world known only to Spirit Hackers. The electronic firewalls of the knightmare, which kept out unauthorized computer access and stopped computer viruses, soon came under attack. The defense didn't last long as it had never been created to face an electronic threat never seen before until the reawakening of Shirou Emiya.

"What is going on?!" Villetta Nu, the britannian pilot of the knightmare, shouted in alarm as she saw alarms blaring inside her cockpit warning of electronic intrusion into her knightmare's computer system.

Villetta furiously plugged away on the computers of her knightmare. Her efforts at first manage to slowdown the electronic attack, but it soon turned futile as she started to lose control of the knightmare's systems one by one. It soon reached the point she lost completely control over her knightmare.

"Villetta Nu, I order you to get out of the knightmare. Refusal to comply will result in me using force." Shirou's voice echoed in the knightmare cockpit.

"How did you… It doesn't matter how you did it," said Villetta in confusion. "I refuse to leave my knightmare."

"As you wish. You leave me no choice." Shirou replied in unsurprised tone.

Villetta started to feel hot and lightheaded. She instantly realized what was happening. The environment control system that controlled the temperature and air supply was no longer working. She quickly started to work away on the computers. It was no surprise when nothing worked to reactivate the environment control system.

"I refuse to believe this will not work," said Villetta as she grabbed a loaded pistol and inspected that it was in working order. When she knew the pistol was working properly she released the safety mechanism and pressed the button that would open the cockpit door. "I am coming out!"

The britannian pilot was about to step out and aim her pistol when she found her enemy had disappeared. She soon found her enemy standing before her with a sword pointing at her throat.

"Look into my eyes. Relax and listen to me…" Shirou spoke as Villetta's eyes became blank and she fell into a trance.

He started to interrogate Villetta just like he had with the britannian sergeant before. Shirou finished his interrogation and he saw CC, who he had thought abandoned him when Villetta's knightmare had come.

"You had me worried for a minute until I saw you somehow take control of the knightmare," said CC in reassured tone. "So, what do you plan to do now?"

"You will see," said Shirou as he slipped into the knighmare cockpit. "I have a massacre to stop."

- O -

"Damned Britannians! How dare they?!" Kallen Kozuki screamed furiously as she took out a britannian tank with her knightmare's slash harken.

"Kallen! Can the Glasgow still move?!" Ohgi's voice came over the radio.

"It's alright! I'll play decoy!" Kallen replied over the radio as she wiped away her tears. "Ohgi, you get the people away from here! We have to make sure the only ones caught are us in the resistance."

"I know, but they've got us surrounded." Ohgi replied in a frustrated voice.

"I do what I can, do whatever you can on your end!" Kallen shouted as she turned her knightmare to take out a britannian gunship coming at her with her slash harken. "Dammit!" She cursed in frustration. "I need to kill them faster! That's the only way I can help reduce the number of massacred civilians."

The radar suddenly blipped and Kallen turned around in the cockpit to see two britannian knightmares appearing on the back screen. She cursed and quickly moved. Kallen narrowly avoided being shot by the armed knightmares as she weaved around the fallen buildings of her once proud nation as cover.

Another warning alarm went off. This time it was the battery. Kallen cursed as she noticed that only thirty minutes was left. That indicator was assuming that by using her current power usage. If she pushed her knightmare to perform at greater levels of performance than the power consumption would increase dramatically and reduce the already low-level power she had. It was the worst thing to happen especially when every second she needed to save the unarmed civilians and aid her fellow resistance fighters.

"The west entrance!" A voice shouted over the radio. "Use the train tracks to move to the west entrance."

"Who is this? How do you know this code?" Kallen shouted over the radio.

"A fellow japanese resistance fighter." The voice replied in a calm tone. "We don't have time to talk right now. If you want to live and save our kin you will listen to my commands."

"Kin?" Kallen repeated and that single word convinced her. She started to move her knightmare as commanded. "Hey! What do I do now?"

"Since you have trusted me, I will deliver."

The two britannian knightmares that were pursing her were hit and blown apart. Kallen sighed in relief and took the short respite to recover her breath. She looked for her savior when she noticed something completely abnormal.

"You… How?!" Kallen shouted in disbelief as she spotted a bow armed figure on the highest building in the area.

"Hey, Kallen! What was that radio message before?" Ohgi shouted as he led his team of resistance fighters to Kallen's knightmare.

"Huh? He contacted you, too?" Kallen asked as she snapped out of shock.

"Yeah. Yoshida's group should be here soon, too…" Ohgi replied.

"You're the leader?" The voice that had saved Kallen spoke over Ohgi's radio.

"Yeah that is right." Ohgi replied.

"That makes this task easier," said the voice over the radio and it also seemed to heard in the distance.

"Are you even human?! You jumped over several hundred meters and survived a drop several stories without any injuries!" Kallen shouted in shock as she saw her savior landing near her.

"I am still very much human," said Kallen's savior as they looked at Kallen's knightmare before turning to Ohgi. "I wish we could meet in better circumstances. My name is Shirou Emiya. A fellow japanese citizen."

The japanese resistance fighters stared at the tall and muscular boy with auburn hair and golden-brown coloured eyes. He wore a black body armor that covered everything from his neck to his toes with a red overcoat over his armor. Kallen was shocked the most by Shirou's appearance as she found it hard to believe he could kill two britannian knightmares with nothing more than a bow and arrows or the superhuman physical feats that she had just witnessed with her own eyes.

"Mech Caster, Install," Shirou chanted as he felt his magic circuits change before he waved his hand. "Take these and reequip yourself."

Before the very eyes of the japanese resistance fighter a whole arsenal of infantry equipment appeared out of thin air. It was not just any regular infantry equipment. They were not outdated or used equipment. Shining new as if they were straight out from the factory. The equipment also seemed cutting-edge more impressive than the ones used by britannian soldiers.

"Are you really, human?" Kallen asked as she was the first to snap out of her stupor.

"I am hundred percent human. I just happen to be able to use magic." Shirou replied honestly. Before any of the japanese resistance fighters could open their mouths, Shirou waved his hands to silence them. "Now isn't the time to be asking questions. We have unarmed japanese civilians that need rescuing. Quickly arm yourselves and get ready within ten minutes."

The japanese resistance fighters nodded and quickly got themselves into the task equipping themselves with the new gear Shirou had provided. Kallen was about to do the same as she unlocked her knightmare's cockpit.

"Stop Kallen," said Shirou in a commanding tone. "You are the only one in this group that has any ability to use a knightmare. I need you to continue piloting that Glasgow."

"I think I can do more with the new gear you provided. This knightmare is not only outdated, but is missing an arm, unarmed beside a single slash harken and is damaged." Kallen responded.

"I can easily remedy that," said Shirou as he jumped onto the Glasgow. "Structural Analysis." He chanted as he inspected the knightmare. "The scientific and technological development of this world is very interesting…" He muttered quietly to himself. "Trace On."

If Kallen had been shocked by what Shirou had done already what happened next blew her mind. The Glasgow started to change before her very eyes. The missing arm was replaced by a new one and battle damages disappeared. Her knightmare was soon restored to a factory-new standard. It didn't just stop there. More change happened. New additions appeared like upgrades. The thing that caught Kallen that most was new weapons. She could finally fight the britannian military on an even playing field without just resorting to slash harkens.

"Thank you," said Kallen in a grateful tone as she saw Shirou finish his work. "I will be able to fight the damn britannians better and hopefully save more lives."

"That is good to hear," Shirou replied with a smile. "The knightmare will perform many times greater than previously. It should surpass the standards of the current 5th generation Sutherland knightmares currently fielded by the britannian military. I would say it should meet the specs of a sixth generation knightmare."

"I will make the damned britannian pay with their bloods for killing innocent japanese civilians!" Kallen growled in bloodthirsty voice as she hopped into her newly upgraded knightmare. "What is your plan?"

"Ohgi are your men ready?" Shirou asked as he looked at the newly equipped resistance fighters.

"Yes. They are," Oghi nodded. "Thanks for the equipment. Tell me what you want to do."

"First we need to contact and coordinate with the rest of the local resistance fighters and…" Shirou started explaining his plan.

- O -

"The terrorists are mixed among the Eleven populous and they're mounting a minor resistance against us, but they pose little threat to our vastly superior army." General Bartley Asprius, the commanding officer of the britannian military operation that was currently massacring japanese civilians, spoke in a confident tone.

"We know that. Moving on." Prince Clovis la Britannia drawled in a bored tone as he sat on his throne overlooking the military operation at hand.

"Understood, Your Highness." Bartley bowed his head. "The gas capsules will be–"

"What the public thinks," Clovis corrected his general.

"Yes," Bartley nodded his head. "We'll keep searching for her."

"Either way I want her captured dead or alive." Clovis spoke in a firm tone.

"Enemy spotted at point F 31," a radio operator reported.

"I am so bored just sitting here," Clovis complained. "I know." He straightened his posture and a smile grew. "I will take personal command."

"Your Highness, that may not be a wise decision," said Bartley in conflicted tone.

"Are you doubting my ability to command, Bartley?" Clovis questioned his general with narrowed eyes.

"Of course not," Bartley smiled. "I thought these filthy Elevens were beneath your skills, your Highness."

"That's good to hear." Clovis spoke happily at Bartley bootlicking. "A feint, eh? How pedestrian. What unit is the closest to point F31?"

"That would be Laslo's squad, sir."

"Tell Laslo's squad to go straight in." Clovis ordered as he pressed on his screen to read a brief report reporting Laslo's squad. "Have Eugen and Valerie strike from the rear."

The radio operator soon relayed Clovis' orders. Squad Laslo on the battlefield carried out the given orders to the letter. Soon the screen changed to reflect that the enemy had been eliminated and the radio operator relayed a confirmation.

Clovis smiled when he heard the news. Bartley was the first to congratulate Clovis and soon the rest of the senior officers in the command bridge followed suit and added flattery of their own of Clovis 'marvelous' work.

This emboldened Clovis. He quickly started to assume more control over the military operation and military officers that Clovis had replaced only smiled as a response. Not long into assuming command did the battle seem to undergo a dramatic shift. If the brittannian military had been steamrolling the poorly equipped, trained and experienced japanese resistance fighter than it seemed like the speed of success had only increased dramatic as Clovis took personal command.

"Hmm? An ambush? So predictable and easy to spot," Clovis drawled as he stared at the screen. "Tell the units that are about to be ambushed to await these commands…"

"Marvelous, your Highness!" Bartley applauded as he clapped loudly and the rest of the senior military officers followed Bartley's example.

"What else can you expect from these inferior Elevens!" Clovis shouted in a mocking tone.

"General Bartley, sir," said a junior officer as she walked over to Bartley and started to whisper into his ears. "I have noticed some abnormalities with our electronic systems and ongoing communication. We have been winning the battle to easily… it's as if…"

"Silence," Bartley growled at the junior officer, but his voice had been louder than he had expected.

"What would be the problem, General Bartley?" Clovis asked with interest.

"I was informed of news that is minor and trivial that is not worthy of your attention, your Highness." Bartley replied with a smile.

"I want to hear it if it is so trivial and minor." Clovis spoke as he waved his hand. "You!" The 3rd Britannian Prince pointed at the junior officer. "Report to me what you told, Bartley." Bartley was about to speak to the junior officer when Clovis intervened. "Tell me exactly what you said to Bartley."

"Your Highness, it is some…" Bartley spoke as he started to sweat.

"Silence, Bartley! I want to hear it unless you are hiding something from me. Are you, Bartley?" Clovis snapped and turned to the junior officer's uniform. "2nd Lieutenant Clapley do repeat yourself."

The junior officer started to become nervous as she became the center of attention. She felt as if repeated her report than her head might come off, but that same might happen if she didn't speak or told the truth. Cursing to herself, she hoped that nothing bad would happen as the junior repeated her report to Clovis.

"Interesting…" Clovis drawled as he tapped his index finger against his throne. "I am starting to feel as if I am being set-up. I have heard stories of my younger half-siblings and other nobility being deceived in military operations they assumed command. That they were convinced that they were leading their troops to victory when it never happened or faked. Is this what is happening right now?"

"Absolutely not! I swear on my honor and life that this is a proper and real military operations that you have been in command this entire. Nothing has been faked. Everything is as real as you have seen." Bartley swore and the other senior military officers followed suit.

"There is one easy way I can confirm this," said Clovis as he plugged away his screen. "Are you Earl Lloyd Asplund of my older brother's Advanced Special Envoy Engineering Corps?"

"Good day to your Highness! I am indeed the man you are looking for. How may I help you?" The glass-wearing, white-haired man on the screen replied.

"Your experimental knightmare, the…" Clovis paused as he recalled details about Camelot. "The Lancelot has been equipped with the latest electronic defense systems correct?"

"That is indeed correct. Everything in the Camelot is the absolutely best of Britannian technology. I am willingly to bet nothing can deceive or hack our electronic systems!" Lloyd responded happily.

"I have a task for your Lancelot," said Clovis as he glanced at his military officers. "Have your Lancelot deployed and here are my orders…."

What do you guys think? Hope you guys enjoyed it. Please leave your comments and criticism on the reviews. The more detailed the better, will allow me to see my flaws and fix them.

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Oh and check my other fanfics.
