He gently landed on a roof. He stared out at the city. It was still early, the sun was just starting to go down, there hadn't been much activity. It was quiet, it was nice.

Then he heard a scream. Well, it was quiet.

He followed the sound to a nearby alley way. He peered over and saw a mugger had pinned a woman against the wall.

He leaped down and drop kicked the mugger. He got the lady behind him before focusing back on the man, who was standing back up. He silently activated his quirk, green lightning crackling off of him.

Before the man could truly put all of his focus on the boy, the boy sprang forward and shoved his foot into the guys stomach. As soon as the guy was back down, the vigilant knocked him.

He got out his zip ties from his utility belt and tied the mugger up. He then turned to the woman and silently checked her to make sure she wasn't hurt. Once he nodded to himself, confirming that she was okay, he dropped a device that began beeping, alerting the police.

He jumped away soon after. He landed on a roof nearby and just breathed. It had been three weeks, almost four, since All Might betrayed him. It had been three weeks since he almost died. And Three weeks since Izuku Midoriya disappeared, presumed dead.

His green and black hood covered his hair. Night vision goggles covered his eyes. And a metal plate mask covered his mouth, a voice modulator inside.

He heard someone land behind him. He turned and looked. Hawks, the number 3 hero, was standing in front of him. "Hey there!"

He stayed quiet as he stared at Hawks. This causes the pro to sweatdrop. "I saw what you did, you could make it as a hero."

Izuku simply shook his head. He wasn't cut out to be a hero. Besides, he already tried. His mind went to the man that tried to kill him. It sent a shudder through him. The fear and betrayal still so fresh in his mind.

"I'm not joking, I've heard about you. You're the new vigilante Uragira reta. Even though you're so new, you've really made a name for yourself."

Izuku gave out a silent sigh as he pulled out a notebook. He wrote in it and threw it to the Pro. 'I've already tried, I was betrayed by the man I looked up to. My mentor.'

He frowned. "Man, another shitty hero. I'm sorry, what I say still stands, you'd be a great Hero."

Izuku simply shrugged. He silently shook, keeping the panic he's feeling down. He wouldn't let his panic show, not in front of a pro.

"If you ever need to stay somewhere safe." He sent a feather with an address. He also gave back his notebook.

He took the paper and stared at the hero confused. This wasn't his agency building. What address did the hero give him.. what could be so safe. Plus, he is a vigilante, wasn't Hawks meant to, you know, take him out.

"If you ever need me," he takes a feather and hands it to him," Break that. I'll come to you, no questions asked."

Izuku took the feather with a nod. He smiled a little. Not that you could see it behind his mask.

"Don't be afraid to use it, I'll give another one if you do. Stay safe kid." He flew off.

He watched the hero fly off. As soon as he was out of sight, he dropped. His breath coming out fast and rigid.

He was confused. Why did the number three Pro Hero Hawks just stop and talk to him? Why did he care about his safety?

He couldn't stay here. Night was finally here. Someone, an Underground Hero, could see him. He forced himself up and away. He needed to go home for a bit anyways.

When he reached the abandoned apartment building he's calling home, he went to his room. He set down the feather and the address paper.

He sighed. He had been awake for forty-six hours. He'll nap for a bit.

He laid down on the worn-out mattress. He removed his mask and goggles. He absentmindedly started tracing the long diagonal scar going down his right eye. He's honestly surprised he can still see out of that eye.

He huffed and slowly closed his eyes. He could go for a power nap.


"Come my boy, I just want to talk to you."

The dream became blurry.

"I shouldn't have chosen you! You're useless!"

It blurred over again

"Please! I'm sorry, I'll do better! Don't kill me!"


The boy got away, barely. He was bleeding, he couldn't stop the bleeding!


"Hey, I've got you, I'll help." A guy with black hair and purple scars helped him.


"Why don't you try pulsing it through your body? That way you won't break a bone."


"Hey you're safe, I've got you, I've got you." The black haired and scared man held the shaking boy.

*dream over*

Izuku woke up in a cold sweat. This is why he doesn't sleep. Those memories were too much.

He sat up and looked at the small watch he had. 2:30 AM. He didn't mean to sleep that long. Good thing he still had time to patrol.

Unknown to Izuku, hours before, Hawks had contacted other heroes. He told them that the new vigilante was a kid. And that he had been betrayed by heroes.

Shouta Aizawa was immediately on high alert. A kid. A kid! Was out there fighting for his life. He felt his phone vibrate.

He took it out and saw the message from Hizashi, his husband. 'A kid Sho! A kid! Why is a kid out there fighting our battles?' He sighed and messaged back. 'I'm looking for him now. I will find him.'

He put his phone away and began his patrol early. He was going to find this kid. He would patrol for hours before he would even see the boy.

Izuku landed on a roof, looking out over a small portion of the city. His eyes trailed over to a figure on a building a few streets away from him. Eraserhead was out on his patrol.

He backed away from the edge of the roof. He needed to get away from Eraserhead. Away from his old sensei.

He needed to get away. His breathing picked up and he bolted. Not aware that Eraserhead had seen him and is following.

He heard a cut off scream nearby. He sighed and landed on a roof by an alleyway. Down below a group of men had surrounded two women.

Izuku let out a silent growl and activated his quirk. He dropped down and knocked two of them out quickly.

He looked up and sucker punched another one. He kneed him in the stomach before elbowing him in the face. He let the man drop and began to engage two more.

As he was engaging the two of them in a spar, someone shot a gun. Izuku felt the immediate pain in his shoulder. He ignored it and powered up his quirk.

He swiftly took down the rest and tied them up. He silently checked the girls, who were staring at his shoulder and worrying. He silently reassured them that he'd be fine.

He landed on a roof a little ways away. He dropped and grabbed his shoulder. He let out a whimper, it came out distorted through his mask.

Eraserhead jumped onto the roof and went towards the kid. "Hey kid, let me see."

Izuku's head immediately snapped up. He got up and backed away.

"Kid, you're injured, let me help you." He tried getting closer.

Izuku couldn't get his notebook in time. Eraserhead was getting too close. He'd have to do it, he'd have to use his voice.

"N…..o…" his voice distorted, but even with that, you could tell that it was hard to talk.

"Why not? Kid, come on." He again tried to get closer.

Izuku shook his head and bolted. Eraserhead gave chase. He wanted to help the kid.

Even if he was injured, Izuku moved effectively. He went down hard to move alley ways, abrupt turns, and just jumped everywhere. His small size helped him be fast.

He got away from Eraserhead. He decided that he had patrolled enough that night, and made his way home to his abandoned apartment building.

When he got into where he was staying, he finally checked his wound. It was still seeping blood, and he realized how light headed he was. He slightly shook his head and painfully pulled the bullet out.

He whined as the pain became worse. He took off his hoodie and undershirt. He didn't look at his body, he refused to. He got out bandages, rubbing alcohol, and cotton balls. He cleaned it and bandaged it, whining and whimpering in pain, the only noise he could really make.

As he sat leaned against the wall, he thought about his old Mentor. He thought about what he did. How he betrayed Izuku. Tears silently fell down his face as he closed his eyes. Slowly, sleep overtook him.

-SIDENOTE: wanna come rant and make friends?

https/discord.gg/kxdTy27 -