It was one quiet day in Hazzard, Bo and Luke Duke were driving General Lee to Cooter's garage so they could see what crazy Cooter was up to. Once Bo and Luke pulled up to Cooter's garage, Bo and Luke got out of General Lee and they went inside to Cooter's garage. But Bo snuck out while Luke was not looking and went to General Lee and he took out his yellow pullover and put it on. Bo then went behind Cooter's garage and he saw a car part that did not belong with the tires. Bo then got up and looked around for the car that belonged to this car part that Bo had in his hands. But then when Bo turned around, his whole world went dark. Before Bo blacked out, he took a paper and pen and wrote: "I am being kidnapped." Hoping that Luke would find it. Once Bo blacked out, someone drug him to their car and put Bo in the trunk of their car. Luke then went outside to find Bo. Luke then went behind the back because Bo had always hidden there to try to scare him. Luke then found the Note that Bo had left. Luke then read the note and he ran back inside to Cooter and said "Cooter! Bo left this outback." Cooter then read the note and said, "What in tarnation!" Luke and Cooter then went across the street and went into the Sheriff's office to talk with Rosco P Coltrane. Luke then walked up to Rosco, with Cooter following and said: "Rosco I need to file a Missing Person's report!" Rosco said, "Luke that's a lie, you're always coming up with lies." Luke then added on "Rosco, I am not lying! See this note Bo left?" Luke then handed the note to Rosco. Rosco then looked over the note and said, "Luke, I believe you." And once Rosco believed Luke, Luke then left Rosco and went back over to Cooter's garage. Luke then went up to the loft and fell into a deep sleep

Bo's POV

Bo woke up and he had a gag around his mouth, and he was tied onto a pole. His ribs were hurting him, and it was hard to breathe. And his ankle was killing him. And he looked around and it was dark. Then a voice said, "I see your awake now, Duke." Bo turned to the voice and tried to say something, but he couldn't with the gag around his mouth. The voice that Bo heard came over to him and took the gag off Bo's mouth and Bo weakly said "Who are you? And, where am I?" the voice said, "You'll figure out when I get you off this pole and I tie you to a chair and put you in the middle of the road we are on." Once Bo was on the chair tied up, still with the gag on his mouth, the voice picked the chair up and took Bo to the middle of the road. Once Bo was in the daylight, he saw who it was, it was Floyd, who had kidnapped Luke and himself years earlier. Once Bo and Floyd were in the middle of the road, Floyd took out a syringe and stuck it in Bo's leg. Bo jerked once the needle was in his leg and then he said, "What did you put into me?" Floyd said, "Oh just a little something to make you sleepy." Bo's breathing got shallower, and his eyelids started to get heavier, and his whole world went black, but Bo was still breathing. Once Bo was asleep, Floyd then left Bo and Floyd took off in his car.

Luke's POV

Once Luke woke up from the deep sleep, he decided to take a drive in the General and look for Bo. Once Luke came up on Pruitt Hollow Road, he saw someone sitting in a chair, unconscious, but still breathing. And then Luke came closer and he yelled "Bo!" Luke parked the General and got on the CB to Cooter. "Lost Sheep to Crazy Cooter." Cooter then came back on the CB "This is Crazy Cooter, what do ya need Lost Sheep?" Luke came back and said, "I found Bo tied up on Pruitt Hollow Road." Cooter came back and said, "I'll be right there!" Luke then ran back over to Bo and he said "Bo?" "Bo?" Bo never came around to Luke and Luke took the rope off Bo and he laid Bo down on the ground, Luke then felt for a pulse and Bo had one, but it was weak. Cooter then came pulling his pickup backward and he told Luke, "Come on! We have to get Bo to Tri-County Emergency!" Luke then picked up Bo and put him in the back of Cooter's pickup and they drove off to Tri-County Emergency, with Cooter towing the General behind them. Luke cradled Bo in his arms and said, "Come on Bo, you have to wake up!" Once Cooter made it to a Tri-County, a nurse and a doctor came out with a stretcher and put Bo on it and wheeled Bo straight back to the room. Luke and Cooter were sitting in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to give them the word on Bo. After 3 hours, the doctor came out and said, "Family for Bo Duke?" Luke then stood up and went to the doctor and said, "How is he?" the doctor said, "Your cousin is lucky to be alive, when he came in, he was having a hard time breathing but we controlled that perfectly, but he was injected with something to make him go into a deep coma. Luke said, "Did he break anything?" The doctor said, "He did break his ankle when he was trying to stand up." Luke said, "Can we see him?" The doctor said, "Sure, follow me." And sure, enough the room that Bo was in was his lucky number, 24. Luke walked in and saw IV leads going to Bo's right arm. Luke sat down beside Bo and said," Come on Bo, you have to wake up. Everyone's worried about you. Luke sat there and stayed beside Bo all night. The next morning when Luke woke up, he got up and he went back home to get a fresh change of clothes. Then he came back and sat beside Bo.

Bo's POV:

Bo's mind was foggy, he was hearing voices that sounded familiar to him, the voice he was hearing sounded like Luke. Bo then started to wonder in his mind "I need to come back, but I am not quite ready to yet." Bo then started to get a clearer mind. He thought "I do need to come back."

Luke's POV:

The next day turned around, it was another day that Bo had not woke up yet. Luke then held Bo's hand and rested his head on Bo's bedside. And Bo's arm started to move and said, "What happened?" Luke said, "I found you passed out on Pruitt Hollow Road, tied up in a chair." Bo said, "You did?" Luke said, "Yeah I did, and I am not lying." Bo then yawns and Luke said, "You tired?" Bo nodded. Luke said, "Ok, I'll let you get some rest." Luke then sat down in the chair and fell asleep himself. The next day came, and the doctor and nurse were making their daily rounds like they usually do. "Why, hello Bo, glad to see your awake." "I'll probably let you go home tomorrow sometime." The doctor said.

The next day comes, Luke jerked up from having his head on the bed. Luke said, "Bo?" Bo's eyes started to flutter open and started to say, "Luke?" Luke said, "I'm right here Bo." Bo then Bo could come home. Luke pulled the General to the front and Bo came out. Luke helped the nurse load Bo into the General. Once Luke and Bo pulled away from the Hospital, Bo did his normal Yee-Haw. Bo and Luke then pulled up to Cooter's garage. Since Bo did not see Cooter much, he decided to stop by and talk to him. Once Bo and Luke walked in, Cooter said, "Well, glad to see you up and running again Bo!" When Bo and Luke got done talking with Cooter, they made their way back to the farm so they could rest after a long day. Bo and Luke both went into the room that they have shared since they were little. When Bo and Luke woke up the next day, Luke went outside to do both his and Bo's chores since Bo was still sleeping. Once all the chores were done, Luke came inside and went upstairs to take a nice, quick shower. Once Luke's shower was done, he went into the bedroom to see if Bo was alright. Luke looked over on Bo's side of the room and he was still asleep soundly on the bed. Luke then went back downstairs and had a cup of coffee. Then Bo came down the stairs already dressed. "Why You slept in late," Luke said. Bo then responded, "Yeah, I was tired from yesterday." Bo then sat at the kitchen table across from Luke and grabbed a cup of coffee. Once Bo and Luke's coffee was finished, they went out and got into General.

Luke and Bo were driving down Old Mill Road when they saw someone stopped on the side of the road in their car. With their friendly manner, they stopped to see if they needed any help. "Why Hello sir, Do you need a hand with the tire?" Luke said. "No Thank You Sir." the man replied. Luke then stood there for a second and then got in the General and drove off towards town. Once they were in town, Luke and Bo both got out and went into Mr. Rhuebottom's store. Once they got what they needed, they put the groceries in the General and drove over to Cooters. Once they pulled into Cooter's parking lot, Bo and Luke got out and went inside, Cooter was working on Rosco's patrol car when Bo and Luke walked in. "Do you need help with that?" Luke said. "Nah, I got this myself," Cooter replied back.