Multi-Dimensional Harem Adventures 2

Game of Thrones

Part 3

Pocket Di-mansion.

"Shut up" I ordered.

While Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen had every right to be upset with me about what was happening to her, that didn't mean she should act like a spoilt princess about it. She was supposed to be an intelligent woman and a good leader but were as Hermione Granger had decided to make the best of her situation by cooperating enough for me to extend her enough trust to leave this place, the Mother of Dragons deserved no such curtesy.

She'd yelled at everyone, demanded that I take her to Ser Jorah, tried to order people to let her go, she screamed for her dragons, who weren't even in Westeros and no way of reaching this pocket dimension. I'd considered recovering them, but this house was mostly made from wood and I didn't have enough room for even one fully grown dragon to fly around never mind three. The pocket dimension came to an end once you got past the cherry blossoms.

Before now I'd been forced to order her to stop screaming at people and to not issue any more royal commands, and after that, she'd found new ways to sulk. Her attempts to starve herself hadn't lasted for long, and after that, she'd started giving me the silent treatment, something I'd found myself starting to miss because when I'd come in here to tell her that I'd get her some books to read, she hurled insults at me.

Then there had been threats about fire and blood as if she had any power here when I was clearly the master of this tiny universe. I'd commanded her to stay in the house so she had, and that hadn't stopped her from breaking a few things. Granted repairing them was a matter of waving a wand, but it was still annoying.

"That's better," I said.

I took a moment to calm myself.

"Princess you are going to behave" I promised her "From now on you will keep your room tidy, you will speak only when spoken to, you will eat your meals, and you will act like a grown-up. Do you understand?".

She nodded in agreement even the look she gave me expressed only anger.

"You can speak" I allowed.

She didn't right away, wanting to further spite me, but that didn't last for long as she had questions.

"Why have you enslaved me?" she demanded to know.

I'd attempted to explain this before, only it resulted in more yelling coming from her so I'd decided to give her time to calm down and take stock of her situation as I had with Hermione Granger. Unlike the talented Hogwarts student, who could at least act with some civility, the woman who claimed to be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms (a role currently held by a pretty Tyrell lady) was unable to do that.

"For a number of reasons," I told her "Mostly I did it on the advice of one of my companions who doesn't like the future of this world".

Sure slaying the Night King had been the right thing to do for everyone involved other than the Night King, and we'd done it while keeping the risks to the group as minimal as possible given our limited resources, and Raven no doubt justified us derailing the plot by telling herself that would save many lives, possibly even the entire world since Daenerys would never fly dragons when fighting the armies of the dead and their White Walker masters.

However, things could have worked very differently if season 8 of GOT hadn't been written so poorly. Not a very good reason to enslave someone, yet here we were, and in the long-run, I had saved more lives by bringing her here. Certainly, there was no danger of her cremating most of the population of Kings Landing. Even if the Mother of Dragons wouldn't have done that in this timeline, one person's freedom isn't worth losing a city.

Some might argue that by enslaving the Breaker of Chains I was allowing the evil of slavery to endure but I'd seen the show and I didn't think that Daenerys Targaryen actually ended slavery since she just left the Free Cities, taking her army and her dragons with her, which would give the slavers the chance they needed to reassert control.

Other than failing at ending slavery all she'd actually done over in Esso was kill lots of people, conquer some cities, avenge some injustices done to slaves by inflicting the same cruelties upon some of the masters, and lead Meereen to ruin.

"What about the future?" asked my prisoner "Do you know it".

Well, I'd known a future.

"You've inherited your father's madness," I told her bluntly "You unleash Drogo on Kings Landing killing thousands before your stabbed by your lover who tries to stop you from burning more cities".

No need to name him or tell her that she might have ended screwing her own nephew. If her mental state could collapse into madness I'd already done enough to encourage it.

"My father was murdered!" she insisted "and I would never harm the innocent. You're trying to trick me".

I ordered her to stand on one foot and she did for a short time before I allowed her to stop.

"Princess I can make you do anything I want" I informed her "I have no need to trick you".

"Your magic can't control me" she insisted.

Since the one-foot thing could just be a trick I took out a dagger, one that Raven had recovered for me from the ruins of Valyria, and gave it to her.

"If you can stab me you can leave," I said.

Of course, she couldn't do it, the collar wouldn't allow her, and when I commanded her to return the knife to me she did so right away.

"I am the Master here" I let her know as she'd clearly not figured it out "If you behave I can make your time here more pleasant, you can have books, people to talk to, you can try to learn magic, and if you behave like a proper lady you can even travel with me and see whole new worlds. You know that I don't need to lie to you and I could force you to serve me, try to remember that".

She was still sullen, even if she no longer looked ready to have me executed if ever given the chance, so I left her to stew in peace.

(Line Break)

Pocket Di-mansion.

After spending some time discussing wand magic with Granger, Raven intended to go to her room to meditate, having not totally abandoned the practice even with her powers being under much more control than they used to be, only to stop her tracks as he passed Gothic's room and heard the sound of moans coming from the bedroom she recently decorated for him using her growing knowledge of transfiguration magic.

The purple-haired woman paused for a few seconds and contemplated what she was going to do next. All common sense and logic indicated that she should not investigate the matter as it was not her business. Gothic was not her boyfriend or anything like that, and what he did in the privacy of his own room was his affair.

Raven's curiosity got the better of her and she found herself wondering which of the women who had been forced into the group had given in to the temptation to embrace the role the CYOA tried to force upon them. She didn't know if the CYOA actually influenced the chosen companions in some way, beyond creating the situation they'd all found themselves in, but she wouldn't rule it out.

It was possible that Gothic had given in and actually used his power over the companions, which came in the form of collars they wore, to force one of the women he'd selected from the CYOA's set up to go to bed with him. However, Raven had a hard time believing this to be the case. Gothic was no hero, yet he didn't come off as a villain type either.

Another moan, a familiar-sounding moan, caught Raven's attention even more. Then there was a familiar voice from the other side.

"Yes spank my ass!" said a voice she knew well.

That was Starfire's voice. Princess Koriand'r, her fellow former Teen Titan, she was the one moaning and Raven softly sighed feeling a little sad. Her friend must know that Raven actually had some real feelings towards Gothic, or at least the start of some genuine affection, and while her alien race had different views of sex, still, she felt disappointed in her friend.

Despite her worries about Gothic giving in to temptation, it was the knowledge that it was Starfire in there which defeated Raven, that and her the door had been opened a crack. It was almost as if it was inviting Raven to take a good peek inside so despite better judgment she went and looked, telling herself that she was worried that her friend was being forced to have sex. She needed to be sure and with her powers, she should be able to tell.

What Raven saw was Starfire on her hands and knees on the bed and there was a strong muscular man thrusting into her. Gothic had a body at the very peak of physical fitness and she was mature enough to admit to herself that this greatly helped fuel her growing attraction towards the man even it was mind she found interesting.

"YES!" yelled Starfire.

The alien princess had a lust for life, the sexy spellcaster knew this and that desire to experience things to their fullest would explain why her friend was more willing than anyone else to embrace this situation the CYOA and Raven had forced her into. The sexy spell-caster was partly to blame for situation happening as she'd insisted on bringing Starfire here.

"Mmm, yes!" the heroine on the bed called out "Fuck me harder please".

She wasn't the only one with something to say.

"I'm almost there," Gothic informed her.

Raven bit her lip to stop herself from saying something.

"Oooh, I know" replied Starfire "I am greatly looking forward to feeling you climax inside me".

He didn't get around to that, at least not yet as this was when Gothic discovered that Starfire hadn't closed the sliding door all the way as she wasn't used to the Eastern design, and Starfire didn't seem at all bothered by this.

"Hello, Raven" she greeted.

The purple-haired woman didn't run away she just blushed and tried not to stare.

"Did you need something?" Gothic asked.

Raven took a few seconds to regain her composure. Well, at least try to regain her composure. It was a losing battle as she busy starting at the erection she could see and her naked friend.

"Don't worry Raven I consented to this sexual act" Starfire assured her "Becoming part of a harem so far seems to be a fun experience".

Well, that was okay then, and the purple-haired demi-demon decided that this was a good time to go to her room to do something.

"I'm just going to leave you to it," she said "Goodnight".

Starfire waved goodbye and then invited Gothic to get back what he had been doing before he suddenly stopped.

(Line Break)

King's Landing. Westeros.

While they waited for an appointment with the Hand of the King, which could take a while as he was a very important man, a few of the group took the chance to visit this city that they could buy books from anyone who had them to sell. The group was not exactly wealthy, its supplies of gold were limited, but it could afford to buy some books now that they'd sold one of the magical daggers to a certain smith who specialised in reforging such things.

Morrigan, who had visited a capital city before when travelling the famous Warden, found that this city was even grander in scale and that it smelt even worse than the last big city she'd been to. Granted many parts of Ferelden smelled of wet dog, but Kings Landing somehow managed to beat that smell.

She felt glad that the witch called Hermione Granger, who was supposed to serve as a tutor of wand magic, had agreed to be civil to the rest of the group and had come here as she knew a spell that blocked out fouls smells for a time. She'd explained that she'd found it useful when living in a tent with two teenage boys without any showers.

Raven had taken some time to speak about the history of this city, and what was going on in current times. Such as the fact that the armies of Lords Tywin and Mace Tyrell were encamped here at King's Landing, and many nobles would soon be here for the upcoming nuptials of King Joffrey I to the daughter of Mace Tyrell the Lady Margaery Tyrell.

She'd also mentioned something about someone called Tyrion Lannister welcoming a delegation from Dorne, the lands to the far south. The wedding wouldn't be happening for some time yet, but since people from all over the known world would be coming to the wedding the people hosting the event needed plenty of time to prepare.

All of which the purple-haired witch, who'd gone to great trouble to disguise her appearance, found to be very interesting and for someone who could be so dour at times she did like to prattle on about certain things.

Morrigan had less interest in such things beyond knowing that she needed to be careful because of all the soilders around here. At least she didn't have to concern herself with the foolish actions of any Templars as while the local version of the Chantry did preach about the evils of magic they seemed to be under the impression that magic was a spent force and as such they had no trained mage hunters.

Any books that they found on the subject of magic, assuming they even existed, would only contain some information on folklore and likely those scholars in robes who wore those chains, Maesters she recalled they were called, would have texts that spoke out against magic, and anything they wrote on the subject of history would likely to have been recorded to favour whichever lord they served or the ruling royal family.

If nothing else the books would give the schoolgirl that was supposed to be a tutor, and that awfully shrill princess that Gothic had enslaved so as to save this city (and more because it pleased Raven to save the city) something to distract themselves with. That alone would make them worth whatever price they would be charged.

As for Morrigan, she'd read the books if there was nothing better to do, but she'd rather have knowledge of magic to study, only it looked as if they wouldn't find any in this city. When they found a book store that was reasonably priced considering the cost of the shop's wares they brought some of that stock and made the way back to the inn they planned to stay in.

In reality, they'd be spending the night inside the Pocket Di-mansion, they only booked a room at the high priced inn so that the Hand of the King had somewhere to send a message to should he be willing to make an appointment. Morrigan had decided that she would spend the evening reading as there would be little else to do, or perhaps there was something she would have more fun with.

(Line Break)

Pocket Di-mansion.

"Perhaps you can sleep in here then" I offered.

Morrigan had come into my room, which tonight did not have Starfire in it for a repeat performance of last night, as she was spending time with her best friend, and so the Witch of the Wilds had come into my room complaining about her bed not being comfortable, as it was a roll-out mat on the floor. So far she hadn't gotten Raven to transform her room with magic.

"Then let us waste no more time with any foolish talk," she said.

As she walked over to my bed her fingers trace the outline of the bulge in my trouser that was already getting bigger. Her touch sent some very pleasant tingles through my body that didn't fade much as she began to undress. She started by removing one strap of her flimsy top, and then the other so as to show her breasts.

While I stared at her tits Morrigan uncoiled that bun she used to keep her hair up, and that hair was now around her shoulders in a very sexy way. It made her look even sexier and actually distracted from her tits for a short time.

"Are you going to keep me waiting?" I was asked.

Our lips soon met and before long she slipped her tongue into my mouth, and she really got into this the minx. The witch gasped and moaned into my mouth as my hand found one of her perky breasts. She was not wearing a bra this time, but they still looked very nice and they were so much fun to play with.

I carefully rolled one of her nipple between my fingers, eliciting another approving moan from her. As I spent even more time with her nipple, not acting so gentle with it, she laid a hand on my erection and began rubbing it. I felt glad that I'd switched her sexuality back to normal after the last time we'd fooled around. She could be sexually aggressive while also let me take the lead, it was lots of fun. I might still change things later on.

When we stopped kissing it was only to allow some undressing such as my shirt coming off, and I pulled down the rest of her dress, leaving her just a black thong. Since I wanted to sit down I did just that and then I pulled her onto my lap.

"I'm going to fuck you," I told her.

Carefully I laid her down and started sucking on her hard nipples, something the sounds coming out of her mouth signalled approval of and when my hands abandon her breasts, they only did so as I badly wanted to feel her already soaked fuckhole. I wanted to taste her, and there was no reason I shouldn't so I went down there with my mouth, but I didn't stay down there for long as I wanted my cock inside of her.

She sat up and then straddled me before she began to guide the head of my cock into her. She was so warm, wet, and tight. She didn't move at first, letting me take the sight of her sitting on me with my dick deep up inside.

After a while, Morrigan started to slide up and down on me. Not far, she kept most of me inside her and moved far too slowly for my liking. This was something I complained about, and she told me that I could control the pace when I was the one on top.

Upon hearing this I rolled us both over so I was on top of her. I quickly got my dick back inside her started to move in and out of her. Faster and faster, with my thrusts become stronger as she moved her hands over my back and used her legs to try to pull me deeper into her.

For who knows how long time seemed to stop for me. There was nothing else but she and I, the in and out, she was soft and I was hard inside her. I got into a pattern, and all I could hear aside from my own animal grunting were the sounds coming from her mouth, they were just grunts and moans. Not words at all.

Then I found myself getting closer to the edge. My orgasm was so close and her fingers dug into my back and she called out loudly. Suddenly she was tightening around me, gripping me my cock with her insides and I began to fill up her fuckhole with my sticky stuff.

Once I'd rolled off her she didn't move to get held by me, I doubted that was her thin, rather she smirked at me as if the fucking we'd just finished had been some sort of contest that she'd won.

"I wonder how long it will be before you are ready to go again?" the Witch of Wilds asked, "Your body is supposed to be the peak of what a man can be".

With her, in the bed, I figured that we'd find out as soon as possible if there we would have a round two.

(Line Break)

Tower of the Hand. The Red Keep.

It turned out to be simpler to much meet with the Hand of the King than expected, at least when you mentioned selling a Valyrian steel sword, he only made us wait until the next morning. Unfortunately, the value of the weapon had dropped dramatically from what I'd expected. Back before Tywin Lannister acquired Ice, he would have paid a ridiculous sum for a Valyrian steel sword, now he was just offering a generous amount of money.

Maybe that was good since he had less of a motivation to turn on me and try to take the sword I wished to sell by force since he could pay less for it. I knew that his family was actually broke, but I also knew that someone as smart as Tywin Lannister would have enough money tucked away somewhere in the tower to pay for such an expense, he could even resell the sword and make a profit on it.

Thinking on it I mused that sending Starfire after Ice might have worked just as well at convincing Robb Stark to heed our advice given the value of such a sword, and I didn't think we needed more than Ramsay Snow anyway as he was in the plot and quite happy into detail about to anyone who would listen because he got some sort of perverted pleasure from people's shocked reactions.

Even a Valyrian steel greatsword is harder to find that a red-headed teenage girl and Raven had made some magic doohicky that would allow Starfire to easily find the Stark girl using her baby teeth, which by tradition parents kept as a memento, there was no Westerosi tooth fairy, and mothers placed them in hand made dolls called poppets.

In folk magic and witchcraft, a poppet is a doll made to represent a person, for casting spells on that person or to aid that person through magic. Like a voodoo doll, only not just for cursing people, you can put healing herbs inside them to help make someone better.

Not that it really mattered to me, what did matter is Sansa had one with her baby teeth it and when something like that it's easy for a sorceress like Raven to make a magic thing to find them, and Starfire had saved enough people from danger to know how to it without bringing the Red Keep down on our heads.

"I'm thinking that we should have gone after Arya" I whispered to Raven "It wouldn't involve so much waiting".

According to my memories of the show, she should be with the Hound and he should have Arya reunited with her family by the time of Red Wedding, and if Robb Stark didn't go there then she should turn up a Riverrun and be ransomed by the Hound. Heck, maybe I'd trade for her as we had her poppet too.

"May I ask where you acquired this weapon?" asked Tywin Lannister as he reentered the room with several guardsmen who were carrying treasure chests "If it has been stolen from another House it will dishonour mine to keep it".

I'd been nervous about waiting here in the Tower of the Hand. I wasn't in my armour, nor did I carry my sword, because if I had been there would be no way that the Hand of the King would want not want them, or he take no for an answer when he asked for them. As an insurance policy of sorts, I'd brought Bastila along as while Raven would sense betrayal with her empathic powers a Jedi could foresee it in advance.

So far Bastila seemed unbothered and if they did turn on us she alone could kill everyone in this tower assuming that they couldn't bring enough men against her to drown her in foes, and even then she could just jump out of a window, use the Force to land safely before running for it. Getting me out alive was the hard part and why I was glad Raven could just portal us outside of the city.

"There was an expedition over in Esso to a ruin that was once part of the Freehold, which had outposts far outside of the lands claimed by The Doom," I said, and it was all true "Friends of mine were able to recover the sword from the ruins. I've known for some time that House Lannister wished to replace your family sword and you were offering a fair price for such a treasure".

If any betrayal was planned then it wouldn't be happening here in the tower, and Tywin wouldn't care if the payment got stolen once we were out of The Red Keep. Not that we would be leaving in any way that could lead to our gold getting stolen. He was far more interested in the sword, which he would sell for much more than he paid for it, or he could use it to secure an alliance.

"Take your gold" the Hand of the King started to say "Our business is...".

He didn't finish because a screaming sound could now be heard, one that got louder and then started to fade away. I had a mental image of Starfire carrying a terrified and loud Sansa Stark to the agreed-upon meeting place outside of the city, from there we'd go to Riverrun to seek out Robb Stark. Thousands of men were marching around somewhere in the Riverlands or they'd be at the castle for Hoster Tully's funeral, and so they won't be hard to find, I felt sure that Robb Stark would near Riverrun.

"Find out what that noise is!" the head of House Lannister ordered.

I decided that it was time for us to leave.

"Grab the gold and portal us out of here" I commanded.

Dark tendrils of energy did several things so fast that I barely saw it all happen. All the chests full of gold were grabbed and everyone who wasn't us got knocked on their asses, as for the sword I'd just sold to House Lannister ended up coming with us.

When we appeared miles away from the city, in a location we'd scouted out earlier, and once the portal closed I saw the disapproving look on Bastila's face as she turned to address the former Teen Titan.

"Raven, while I understand why we needed to leave quickly and knocking down those men will have done no real harm," she said "I don't understand why you felt the need to steal the sword we went there to sell. That is not how civilised people behave".

If we had been in a position in which we had to stay in this world for the foreseeable future I would greatly disapprove of Raven's actions, as offending Tywin Lannister was not part of a good plan for staying alive when in you're in Westeros.

"That man is one of the main villains in the story" Raven argued.

I sighed upon hearing those words.

"This is Game of Thrones," I said to the sexy spellcaster "It's not like your world, there are no real heroes here".

She didn't agree with that.

"What about the Starks?" she asked.

Out of all the noble families fighting for dominance, the Starks were the most decent of the lot, but they were hardly the paragons of virtue some thought them to be.

"Arya becomes a trained killer to get revenge" I replied "not exactly heroic even it is understandable. Sansa, who we're about to meet, is basically useless and betrays her own family at least twice that I can remember. Bran isn't even Bran by the end of the show, Robb is fighting a war he can't win after breaking a big promise to House Frey, which proves he isn't trustworthy. Catelyn Stark set Jaime Lannister free to get her daughters back despite knowing full well that even if the Kingslayer would honour the deal that his father never would. Jon Snow is the closet thing to a fantasy book hero in this world, and he only qualifies in my mind because he's willing to sacrifice his own happiness to save strangers".

Starfire ended any debate by dropping a horrified look Sansa Stark at my feet.

"Lady Stark we're going to take you to your family," I said as the girl started crying.

Knowing that I wouldn't get through to her I figured that it was best to head to Riverrun and maybe trade the sword to the Hound for Arya as he'd like it, and since we might have broken Sansa we should bring one daughter back who was sound in both mind and body.

(Line Break)

Riverrun. The Riverlands.

Like with the Hand of the King we found getting to the King of the North to be much easier when we had something he wanted, in this case, his two younger sisters. We'd made efforts to blend in, and I was now in my magic armour, but we did get a lot of attention so I had to tell a few people that were adventurers from lands beyond Essos, and this was not totally a lie, depending on how you looked at it.

"We have Arya too, but she proved less agreeable to coming with us," I told the King in the North, who met us in a dining room with his mother, his Uncle and the Blackfish "So we had to make her sleep she'll wake up soon with no harm done to her".

I ended up stunning both her and the Hound as both of them tried to kill us. Not that best way of handling the situation, but I wanted to wrap things up in this world, and I was worried that the Red Wedding could take place somewhere other than the Twins so I had to ensure that Robb Stark was prepared to deal with the traitors that made up House Frey and House Bolton.

The Stark matriarch did not take kindly to finding her youngest daughter bundled up in someone else's arms, but any complaints about this never made it past her lips as she was too busy trying to soothe Sansa who was still super freaked out about all this.

"You have returned my sisters to us," the King in the North said to me "You can ask anything you want in return and if it is within my power I will grant it".

Since we weren't sticking around his words meant little to me. Even an offer of titles meant little, although I was now considering requesting a knighthood, only it wasn't a northern practice, and I hadn't done anything heroic since it had been my companions who'd done all the work. Maybe I'd earn some titles somewhere else.

Not many of the locals would pass up the chance even if it was offered as a reward for doing something evil as social status meant more to most of the natives of this world than things like honour, or even basic human decency, and Raven wondered why I didn't want to get involved with the struggles of the locals when they were all a bunch of savages dressed up as medieval people.

"You don't have anything I want," I said to the Stark leader "I just want you to listen to this guy".

We'd brought the Snow bastard here from Winterfell, and while I'd forgotten to ask him about what happened to Theon Greyjoy, most likely he'd been transported to the Bolton held Dreadfort, he happily confused to his attempted crimes, what his father had planned, and some of the stuff he'd done in the past that was horrible, but not really relevant right now as it wasn't as if they could not execute more than once. What mattered was that the Red Wedding had been planned well in advance even if the details wouldn't have needed to be worked out later, and when Robb Stark learned that there was no way he'd go anywhere near the Freys.

So when the world stopped as it had at the trail of Barty Crouch Junior this time I wasn't surprised.

"Is that it?" asked Hermione Granger "Are we done?".

While the Head Girl of Hogwarts was willing to try to take part in the group and be civil people, that didn't mean we'd explained everything that happened in this CYOA to her. To be fair even I'd only been at this for about a week.

"Yes, the Red Wedding has been prevented" I confirmed, "Bringing his sisters to him, it was more than enough to make him listen".

Ramsey Snow's eagerness to admit the truth had also helped. That messed up excuse for a human being had been proud of his crimes. I'd found it to be chilling, and I felt sure that Robb Stark would be cutting his head off very soon.

"That's two quests we've ended with a confession," Morrigan said, "Is a pattern emerging?".

While that amusing I was more focused on the book that had appeared on the table before me.

"So I decided on doing two adventures at each Tier" I informed my companions, as they all gathered around the book, aside from Daenerys Targaryen who was still resiting me "So we can expect our future levels to be harder than this".

I did consider going to the Firefly universe and completing that quest, but it was time to move closer to the end of this CYOA, I'd promised my companions that we would work towards the goal that should mean their freedom, and besides, I did not have a plan for that adventure.

"We need to do Lord of the Rings" stated Raven.

She could barely contain her nerd joy at the prospect of seeing Middle Earth, and since she'd been rather cool about me fucking her best friend I figured that I should give in to her desires rather than go to Skyrim next. That setting had lots of cool magic to learn and lots of useful stuff, but Middle-Earth appealed most to the group as the next adventure and I needed to keep the girls sweet to ensure success in these adventures.

"I've read the books," said Hermoine Granger "and I'm winning to help if it means we can stop Sauron like how you destroyed that Night King".

While I'd seen the movies I'd never actually read all of the books. I'd attempted to, but they were quite the slog. Not that this was a big issue as I had people in my group who had read the books and the adventures so far were based on TV show/movie.

"Okay Lord of the Rings it is" I decided.

Skyrim had way cooler stuff, and I knew that setting really well, but the quest involved conquering the land, and for that, I'd more women on my side as well a chance to get the growing group better working together.

10 points

Game of Thrones complete +75 points

Budget = 85 points

"I'm going to pay for transport since we can't all fly around or teleport" I decided "and we might end up travelling with the Fellowship of the Ring so some horses would be good"

Transport - 40 points

45 points

"Okay so I'm thinking of paying 30 points for Supergirl," I said to the group "I know that One Ring is magical and so are the bad guys, but she could just fly right to Mount Doom".

Plus she was hot and a total powerhouse. As long as she didn't let some magical creature get close to hurt her she should be okay.

"If we can get our hands on the Ring everyone who can fly can get it to the volcano, the Nazgul won't be able to stop all of you" I theorised "That's my plan".

I had more to say.

"And I want X-23 as while the rest of you are flying about she can guard me," I said.

Raven had a different idea.

"If your plan is to have as many people as we can fly to Mount Doom then we should get as many people who can fly as possible" she advised "If this Supergirl is anything like the version Star and I know then we can talk her to cooperating, but with only three of us we might not make it. The Nazgul fly and I always figured the reason Gandalf didn't take Frodo on the back of an Eagle to Mount Doom was because of the Great Eye. It might be able to hurt us".

Raven took some to explain about Sauron and his eye to those who had no idea what she was talking about.

"We can defeat this Dark Lord as we did the last two" stated Bastila with confidence "I am certain of this".

I looked over the list for a Tier 2 waifu who could fly and that I knew something about.

"Mavis the vampire can turn into a bat," I said, mostly thinking out loud "I bet she could deliver the ring while everyone acts as a distraction".

Not a great plan, but it was something to start with. Consulting with Gandalf and the elves in Rivendell before acting would be wise.

"We start in Bree, where the Hobbits met Strider and we have to keep Sean Bean alive," I said.

If he didn't go for the flying plan I could just lock him up in the Di-mansion until the One Ring situation was dealt with.

Since there were no objections and a couple of my companions knew enough about the setting to answer any questions later I made my choices and started the next adventure.