Chapter 002: The Journey Begins on Route 1!

Later that night..

Everyone was having at the laboratory, now that everything was back to normal with Pikachu.

"So Ash." Hilda said stopping him from eating. "Are you gonna be staying in Unova?"

"That's right, I've made up my mind to enter the Unova League." He smiles.

"Seriously?" Hilda said surprised.

"I knew that was coming." Delia smiles.

"That boy never turns down a challenge." Prof. Oak smirks.

"I'll be in the league too, so that means.." Hilda turns to Ash.

"Looks like the two of us are gonna be rivals." Ash grins.

"Whoa, I'm gonna have to step up my game." Hilda said a little nervous.

She was going up against a trainer who was tough enough to take down 2 legendaries at a league.

"Hey now there's no need to be scared of Ash." Prof. Oak said.

"He doesn't bite." Delia said

"But I mean me? Being rivals with a strong trainer like you?" Hilda asks. "I might be creamed already."

"Well right now maybe, but you're not gonna be like this the whole time are you? Once you and your Tepig get out there you two will get strong on your own." Ash said.

"Pikachu." Pikachu nodded, agreeing with his words.

"Wow thanks Ash. I feel a lot better now." Hilda smiles.

"You got 8 badges to get before the League. A lot can happen in that time." Prof. Juniper said.

"Indeed, alot of time for you and your Pokémon to get acquainted and to have trust within the other." Prof. Oak said.

"Well guess I better get started." Hilda said.

"Ash, I'll make sure to care of all of your Pokémon while you're hear. Just in case if you wish to bring them with you." Prof. Oak says.

"Pikachu, please watch after Ash for me." Delia tells the mouse.

"Pika Pikachu." Pikachu nods.

"Hey since when did I needed my Pokémon to babysit me?" Ash's eyes narrowed at the mouse who laugh in a teasing matter as did everyone else.

Prof. Juniper hands Ash his own PokéDex and his own set of Pokéballs. "Here you go Ash, a little present from me to get your started."

"A Unova Pokedex." Ash smiles.

"And of course you'll need some Pokeballs." Prof. Juniper said when she noticed two strapped to his belt.

"Say that reminds me, you said you did bring some other Pokémon with you besides Pikachu correct?" She asks.

"Yes I did. These guys wanted to come with me and see Unova. Couldn't say no." Ash said.

"Is it alright if I can see them?" Prof. Juniper asks hopefully.

"Alright." Ash smiles before enlarging both balls. "Come on out you two!"

They both opened up and on the left of Ash was a quadruped Pokémon with a long, slender body. The top half of its body is a dark blue-green, while its underside is cream-colored. It has triangular ears with dark red interiors, a rounded snout, and triangular red eyes. "Quilava!"

And on the right was a small, bipedal dragon-like Pokémon that is primarily blue. It has a big mouth filled with sharp teeth, no neck, and arms that start at the outer edges of its jaws. A red underbelly stretches from its abdomen to the bottom of its jaw. "Gible!"

"Amazing, Pokémon from Johto and Sinnoh." Prof. Juniper smiles.

"Wow, I saw these at the Sinnoh League!" Hilda gasped amazed and quickly takes her PokéDex out to scan them.

-No Unova Number stored-

Quilava, the Volcano Pokemon, and the evolved form of Cyndaquil. A Fire Type. Before battle, Quilava turns its back so its flames face its opponent. It battles using these intense flames in combination with gusts of superheated air.

-No Unova Number stored-

Gible, the Land Shark Pokémon. A Dragon/Ground Type. It has tremendously strong jaws that it uses to bite enemies. However, when biting, it often hurts itself because of clumsiness.

"Hey guys you up for another journey?" Ash asks.

"Quilava." Quilava smiles while Gibile had a blank stare on his face.

"Hey what's up with your Gible?" Hilda pointed.

"Honestly I have no idea but I'd watch out he's a biter." Ash warns.

"Well it looks to me you've raised them both well." Prof. Juniper said. "Now since you both will be entering the Unova League, the first gym would start at should be in Striaton City."

"Striaton City, got it." Ash nods.

Hilda lifts her arm and looks into a device on her wrist. Pushing a button,turning it on, she sees the time on it. "Oh man look at the time."

"Hey Hilda what is that?" Ash notices it.

"Oh this? This is my Xtransciever."

"Xtransciever?" Ash asks.

"It's a handy device for trainers in Unova to use." Prof. Juniper said.

"I got it from my parents, I promised I stayed one last night here in town before heading out tomorrow, and I overstayed my welcome." Hilda said.

"Probably want to have one last night with you before you leave." Delia said knowing that feeling.

"Yeah basically." Hilda said before bowing. "Thanks for everything Professor."

"Good luck Hilda." Prof. Juniper said.

"It was great meeting you." Ash said.

"You two Ash." Hilda before smiling. "If you had an Xtransciever, I'd love to keep in touch with you."

"Noted." Ash agrees already thinking of getting one.

Hilda then runs out of the building and heads home.

The next morning...

Everyone was outside the entrance of Nuvema Town to see Ash and Pikachu off.

"Do you have everything? An extra spare change of clothes, supplies, including some more "you know what's?" Delia rambles to her son.

"Mom, relax." Ash tells her. "I'm not some little kid any more, I got everything I need."

"Be sure to call every once in awhile." Prof. Oak said.

"I will." Ash nods.

"While Prof. Oak is away any extra Pokémon you catch will be transported to here for the time being. If you any team changes give me a call." Prof. Juniper said.

"Gee thanks Professor." Ash smiles, before giving his visor a tug. "Well Pikachu, let's head on out."

"PikaPika!" Pikachu cheered, ready for a new adventure.

"Oh Ash, one last thing!" Prof. Juniper stops him. "When you and Hilda were talking about the Xtransciever last night, I figured you should have one on you so keep in touch." She said as she reaches into her coat pocket and pulls out a black and blue Xtransciever.

"Seriously? Thank you so much." Ash smiles putting it on his hand. He pushes a button to turn it on and another duplicate screen appeared appears under it. "Woah, that's pretty cool." He said.

"Yes it is." Prof. Juniper said as her face appeared on screen. "I've already put my contact information in here, so if there's anything I'm only a call away." She said on it.

"Be sure to use that to check in on us every once in awhile." Delia said

"I promise." Ash nodded turning it off. "Well, see you guys!" He waved goodbye before he and Pikachu runs off into Route 1.

"Good luck, and have fun!" Prof. Juniper calls out.

"Work hard and don't slack off in your training!" Prof. Oak calls out.

"Do your best honey!" Delia calls out as Ash was out of their vision.

"Well, there he's goes again." Prof. Oak said.

"Always eager for the next big challenge." Delia smiles.

While they didn't see it, but from behind the gate, the Oshawott was watching this. "Osha.."

-Route 1-

Ash and Pikachu were both walking on the grassy trail. "Alright Pikachu first things first, gotta catch some wild Pokémon."

"Pikapi." Pikachu agrees.

Making their way down the path they saw a few Pink Deer Pokémon in a meadow.

"Ooh what are those?" He wonders and takes his PokéDex out.

Unova Entry #91

Deerling, the Season Pokémon. A Normal/Grass Type. With the change of each season, Deerling's appearance changes as well.

"Deerling huh? They look good but there's a lot of them." Ash said stepping on a stick and like real deer the Deerling made a run for it.

"H-hey wait!" He tried to stop them,but to no avail. "Aw man, just missed my chance." He sighed.


"Guess we'll have to try our luck with a Pokémon that doesn't startle easy." Ash said.

Yes, perhaps maybe something soft and quieter.

Looking in the trees Ash saw some brown rat Pokémon running across them.

He scans them as well.

Unova Entry #010

Patrat, the Scout Pokémon. A Normal Type. Patrat is very conscious and wary regarding its surroundings and is always on guard. Its tail is raised when it sees an enemy.

"Hmm those could be handy." Ash said. Perhaps this was a good chance for him to catch one.

"Ready Pikachu?" Pikachu nods.

Pikachu was about to attack when something flew in and cried out. "Ruff! Ruff!"

Hearing this Ash saw it shoo the Patrat out of its tree.

"Oh come on!" He complained.

"Pikapi!" Pikachu said pointing to the Pokémon that scared the Patrat out of the tree.

It was a small bird Pokémon with a red feather in the middle of its plume.

"Is that what scared them?" He takes his PokéDex out again.

Unova Entry #133

Rufflet, the Eaglet Pokémon. A Normal/Flying Type. Rufflet's talons are powerful. Able to crack open even the toughest Berries. It often challenges stronger opponents to battle.

"Okay I am getting this one." Ash said determined. "Pikachu!"

"Pika!" He runs towards it. The wild Rufflet notices Pikachu and it glares.

"Ruff!" It flies into the sky before coming downwards with glowing wings.

"Wing Attack, dodge it with Quick Attack!" Ash commanded.

Dashing quickly out of the way Pikachu dodges Wing Attack and rams into Rufflet from behind.

"Rufflet!" Rufflet cries out.

"Now hit it with Thunderbolt!" Ash said. Pikachu jumps up and blasted electricity towards Rufflet.

Using Agility, Rufflet increases his speed and flies out of the way. "Ruff!" He switched to Quick Attack and striked Pikachu in the chest, knocking him backwards. "Rufflet!" He then uses Wing Attack to strike him in the face.

"Pikachu Iron Tail!" Ash said as Pikachu's tail glowed and whacks Rufflet away.

"Ruff!" Rufflet growls and gotten back up in the air. It started using Agility in the air and disappears left and right to distract Pikachu.

"Pikachu listen for the sound of Rufflet's wings!" Ash said as Pikachu closed his eyes and concentrated.

Time slowed down as he heard Rufflet moving it's wings slowly.

"Pi!" Pikachu opens his eyes and leaps into the air dodging Wing Attack.

"Ruf?!" He gasped.

"Alright, use Quick Attack!" Ash points as Pikachu's body glowed and tackles Rufflet to the floor.

"Rufflet!" Rufflet skids backwards and made a trail of dirt behind him.

"Now use Thunderbolt!" Ash shouted.

"Chu!" Pikachu yells zapping Ruffelt while he was still grounded dealing super effective damage.

"Ruff!" He exclaims in pain before it faints on the ground. This was Ash's chance.

"Alright, go Pokéball!" He grabs a empty ball and throws it and Rufflet. It hits Rufflet on the head and sucks him inside. The ball began wiggling a number of times before it clicked with stars popping out.

Smiling Ash walks over and picks up the Pokeball. "Our first Unova Pokemon buddy."

"PiPikachu!" Pikachu did a victory pose.

Opening the Pokeball Ruffelt appeared in front of them.

"Ruff? Ruff." Ruffelt said.

"Hey there Rufflet." Ash said to it, making it look hostile.


"Woah no need to be like." Ash said bringing his hands up. "I'm not your enemy, I'm your trainer."

"Rufflet." Rufflet said calming down.

"You know you were tough going up against me and Pikachu." Ash admitted.

"Ruff Rufflet." He smiles at the compliment.

"Do you wanna come with us and get even more stronger?" Ash asked it. Hearing the offer of strong challenges Rufflet smiles eager for it. "Well welcome to the group Rufflet." Ash smiles as Rufflet hops onto his shoulder.

"Ruff!" Rufflet smiles.

With a new Pokémon that was acquainted with him, Ash looks down the road for more Pokémon.

"Just think Pikachu who knows what rare Pokémon are out there?" Ash asks eager.

"Pikachu." Pikachu said equally eager.

That's when they heard some rustling in some bushes nearby. "Huh?" Looking over they see something purple in big in them.

"What's that?" Ash points his PokéDex to it and onscreen sees a small gray and light green Pokémon with tusks. Sorta resembles a little Dragon.

Unova Entry #116

Axew, the Tusk Pokémon. A Dragon Type. Axew marks its territory by making scratch marks on trees with its tusks, which regrow if they fall out.

Ash looked weirded out as he looks to the PokéDex and the thing. "Looks a little different on the PokéDex." He said before looking to Rufflet. "Hey Rufflet, you think you can try bringing it out?"

"Ruff." Rufflet nods before flying towards Axew.

"AHH!" He suddenly heard a scream. A female scream.

"It screamed?" Ash blinked before seeing the big thing stood up revealing to be hair. It was a girl with tan skin. She had purple hair that was large in pig tails, wearing a white and pink shirt.

"Ack, hey! Shoo! Shoo! Leave me alone!" She tried shooing away Rufflet.

"What the heck? Rufflet pull back!" Ash said as Rufflet flew away.

"Hey what's the deal?!" She asks looking to them.

"Uh sorry about that, I just thought we saw a Pokémon that's all!" Ash said defending himself.

"Oh so you're saying my face looks like a Pokémon huh?" She asks. "Is there a Pokémon that looks like this in the PokéDex?!" She asks pointing to her face.

Ash sweatdropped, seeing she was really pissed at him. He sighed, not seeing he's gonna win this argument. "I'm so sorry, really I am. I just thought we saw an Axew and thought I'd have my Pokémon check the bushes. We're really sorry."

"Ruff." Rufflet bowed his head for forgiveness.

The girl looks to the two and sees they really didn't meant for they did and backed off. " did apologized and just got curious,so I guess I can forgive you." She says accepting their apology. "But confusing hair for a Pokémon isn't really what I call skill, right Axew?" She asks putting some fruit to her hair and what would you know, the Pokémon from the PokéDex appeared and takes it.


"Oh so that's where it was." Ash said. Pikachu then appear behind Ash and the girl notices it.

"Huh?! Is that a Pikachu?!" She gasped picking him up. "I don't believe it! A real life Pikachu in Unova?!" She said excitedly hugging him, making hin choke. "How can that be?!"

"Pika." Pikachu groans not liking this causing sparks to come out of his cheeks.

Ash feared for the worst. "Uh you might not do that!" But it was too late, Pikachu released Thunderbolt zapping the girl making her hair all poofy.

"So that's what a Thunderbolt from a Pikachu feels like...shocking." She said coughing up smoke before falling over.

Ash and Rufflet sweatdropped and could only laugh lightly. "I warned you.."

Shaking it off the girl stood up.

"Are you okay?" Ash asks.

"Of course. It was just one attack." She said.

"Axew." Axew shakes her hair to make it less poofy.

"So who are you?" She asks Ash.

"I'm Ash Ketchum, I'm from Pallet Town in the Kanto Region." Ash introduces himself.

"My name's Iris and this is Axew." She introduced.

"We'll you've already met Pikachu and Rufflet." Ash said.

"Pika." Pikachu held hid paw over his head saying he apologized for zapping them.

"Ruff." Rufflet says sorry as well.

"What were you doing in that tree anyway?" Ash asks.

"What else? Getting berries." Iris shrugs.

"Axew." Axew shows Ash the bag of berries they found.

Ash was about to say something when suddenly his Xtransciever started to ring. "Uh hang on. Hello?"

"Hello Ash." Prof. Juniper said appearing on screen.

"Prof. Juniper? I haven't even been gone two hours and you're calling me?" Ash asks.

"Actually Ash I'm calling to ask if you saw my Oshawott. After the new trainers showed up I haven't seen it anywhere." Prof. Juniper said.

"Hm? Oshawott is missing?" He asks surprised.

"I don't suppose you spotted him on the road somewhere?" Prof. Juniper asks.

"Sorry but no." Ash shook his head.

"Oh dear, this sounds really troublesome." She said looking worried.

"Don't worry it couldn't have gotten far. I'll look around the area." Ash said.

"Oh thank you, I'll leave it to you." Prof. Juniper said with a resting smile before she hung up.

"Sorry Iris gonna have to cut this short." Ash said.

"Is everything alright?" She asks.

"Not really, a lost Oshawott is on the run and I gotta find it." Ash said standing up.

"An Oshawott?" Iris said interested.

"Rufflet fly up and see if you can find it." Ash said.

"Ruff!" Rufflet flew off his shoulders into the sky.

"Man I really wish I knew this area." Ash said running off in search of the missing Pokemon.

Iris and Axew looked to each other, wondering what to do.

"So they need help navigating the area." Iris mumbles.

"Xew." He nodded.

"Oshawott? Oshawott?" Ash calls out.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu shouts out.

"Man what could have caused the little guy to run off?" Ash asks unaware that the missing Oshawott was watching him from nearby.

The question was just why? Was it following Ash? Ever since Oshawott saw Ash back at the Lab he has gotten the little Pokemon's interest.

Everything about Ash, from his battle with Trip to helping Pikachu got his attention.

Perhaps he was trying to..nah...possibly.


That night, Ash and Pikachu were sitting down as Rufflet flew in.

"Any luck?" Ash asks.

"Ruff." Rufflet sadly shakes his head.

"Oh man what are we gonna tell Prof. Juniper?" Ash sighs.

"Cha." Pikachu sighs, before his little tummy began to growl.

"We spent so much time searching we haven't eaten a thing all day." Ash groans holding his stomach.

Suddenly an apple dropped down into his lap.

"Huh?" Looking up he saw Iris and Axew sitting in an apple tree.

"Take it." She said. "Aren't you hungry?"

"How long have you been up there?" Ash asks.

"For about awhile." She says before eating an apple. "You guys were roaming around the route like a buch of Deerling looking for it's herde."

"Well glad we could give you a show." Ash said eating the apple.

"So, still no luck in that Oshawott hunt huh?" Iris asks.

"Sadly no and there's no way we'll find him at this hour." Ash said.

"Maybe I can help." She said getting his attention.

"Your help?" He asked.

"Yeah Axew and I know our way around forest areas like this. I bet we can find it." Iris offers.

"You'd really do that for us?" Ash said

"Call it doing a good deed. Besides you look like you're about to fall asleep." Iris said.

Ash felt his eyes were dropping abit form exhaustion. "Okay you might be onto something." Ash said.

Iris stood up in her sitting position. "How about tomorrow, we start looking for Oshawott together? What do you say?"

"Works for me Iris." Ash agrees as Pikachu and Rufflet started to eat.

"AxewXew?" Axew asks his trainer on why she's doing this.

"I really don't know, but..I can't help but feel interested about these guys." Iris says watching the 3 interact downwards. "Also, that storm last night." She says recalling yesterday's events. "It felt like..something good might've happened from it Axew."

"Xew?" He asks confused, but Iris just gives it a pet.

"Oh don't really worry about it." She smiles. "That's just my thoughts." And went back to eating while lying on the tree.

Little did they know Oshawott was sleeping against a nearby tree.

The very next morning...

Bird Pokémon were flying in the sky along with other Pokémon roaming on the ground. Ash was now accompanied by Iris as they travelled on Route 1 to look for Oshawott.

"So Iris are you a Pokémon Trainer as well?" Ash asks.

"Somewhat but I'm not interested in Gym Battles if that's what you mean." Iris said.

"Oh well that's cool, everyone has a different goal I guess." He shrugs.

"Is that why you came to Unova?" Iris asks. "To compete in the Unova League?"

"Sure am." Ash nodded. "Once this is done, I'm heading to Striaton City for my first gym badge, right?"

"Pikachu." Pikachu nodded.

"You've got quite a trip ahead and that's assuming we find Oshawott soon." Iris said.

"Just where could it be?" Ash asks turning his head around.

"We need to find areas that a Water Pokemon like Oshawott would think to go." Iris said.

"Are we near any lakes or rivers?" Ash asks.

"You know, yeah up north there's a small lake nearby." Iris said.

"Lead the way." Ash urges.

As they left, we head to the pond first.

The pond had sparkling clear waters as something was inside doing the backstroke. "Osha.." it was the Prof. Juniper's Oshawott. It was swimming with a peaceful look on its face.

From behind the bushes, Ash, Iris, Pikachu and Axew spotted him.

"Told ya." Iris said.

"Very impressive Iris. Now we just got to go over there and get him." Ash said.

"Hold on." Iris said stopping him.


"See those glistens in the water?" Iris points to the light reflecting off it. "There's a lot of Pokémon in that lake."

"That means if Oshawott dives it could be a while." Ash realized.

"Bingo." She nodded.

"Boy Iris you really know your way around the outdoors." Ash said.

"I'm not some little kid who runs blindly through the woods without thinking." Iris smirks.

Hearing that, Ash's eyes narrowed at her. "A kid?"

"Yeah you would be surprised how some people just charge in without thinking." Iris said.

"Well I'm not some kid, I know when to ask for help." Ash said.

"Okay okay geez take it easy." Iris said seeing he didn't like it.

"I was just saying." He said, when Pikachu's ears suddnely twitched.

"Pika?" He looks to the lake.

"Xew Axew." Axew said as Oshawott was doing the back stroke and ended up kicking his scallchop sending it flying over the water hitting something just below the surface of the water.

"Frill!" Bursting out of the water was a pink jellyfish Pokémon with an angry look on its face.

"Uh oh, a Frillish!" Iris gapsed.

"Frillish?" Ash takes his PokéDex out and scans it.

Unova Entry #098

Frillish, the Floating Pokémon. A Water/Ghost Type. It is carnivorous; it gently floats around in waves until it can strike its prey. It makes its victim numb with the use of its poison spikes and takes it to its deep den.

"Not good! Frillish get angry very easily!" Iris gulps.

"Pikapi!" Pikachu said about to run in.

"Pikachu no! You use your Thunderbolt and Oshawott along with whatever is in that lake gets zapped." Ash stops.

"Pi.." Pikachu had no choice but to not have a take in this battle.

'Quilava won't be much help so I guess that leaves.' Ash took a Pokéball. "Gible, I choose you!"

"Gible!" The little dragon type appeared and almost instantly a big smile appeared on Iris' face.

'Is that a real Gible?!' She thought.

(Unova Wild Battle Plays)

Oshawott staggers back in fear as the Frillish was above him.

"Frill!" Frillish screams firing Poison Sting at Oshawott who swims towards his scalchop hoping to use it.

"Gible, use Dragon Pulse!" Ash's voice shouted. Gible opens its mouth and a turquoise ball of energy appears in front of it. He then fires the ball at the poison sting, destroying it in the process.



"Oshawott over here!" Ash waves trying to get him to swim over.

Oshawott's eyes widened, seeing the boy he was following had saved him.

"Gibile use Dragon Pulse one more time!" Ash said as Gible fired at Frillish but this time it dove underwater to dodge.

"Hurry Oshawott, now's your chance!" Iris shouted.


"Osha." Oshawott looked around and found his Scallchop causing him to smile. "Oshawott!"

Frillish appeared from the water, now picking its new target on Ash and Gible. "Frill!" It now fired Water Pulse at them.

"Dodge it!" Ash said as Gible jumps into the air and avoids the water ball.

As Frillish kept up the attacks Gible did his best to dodge when suddenly Oshawott leaped in and deflected a Water Pulse with his shell saving Gible.

"Gib?" Gible said surprised.

"Oshawott?" Ash said surprised.

"Oshawott!" It smiles proudly.

"Frill" Frillish glares ready to take down what started all this.

Ash didn't knew who to command, Gible or Oshawott?

Frill!" Frillish said firing Water Pulse.

Snapping out of it he just opened his mouth. "Gible, Oshawott dodge it!"

The two Pokémon jumped out the way. Without even tying to get his PokéDex to check the moveset, Ash decided to see if it was true. "Lets try this, Oshawott use Water Gun!"

"Osha!" Oshawott fires a stream of water hitting Frillish dead center.

"Now Gible, Dragon Pulse again!" Ash pointed. While Frillish was fazed, Gible opened his mouth and fired the turquoise ball of energy towards Frillish, at a point blank range.

"Frill!" Frillish suddenly started to glow with dark energy that surrounded Gible.

"What is going on?" Ash gasps.

"That's Cursed Body. Frillish just disabled Dragon Pulse." Iris said.

"Frillish!" The wild Frillish blasts out Poison Sting, pelting Gible.

"Gible hang in there!" Ash said when Oshawott leaped in the water and swam towards Frillish with his scallchop ready to attack when a blue blade came from his shell.

"Woah what's that move?" Ash said.

"I think Oshawott's about to use Razor Shell!'" Iris said.

"Frillish!" Frillish tried to knock Oshawott backwards with Poison Sting, but Oshawott swims left and then right progressively and dodging them with ease. Ash was surprised to see he was a good swimmer.

"Osha.." The blade was finally sharpened. He reels it in and then swings it downwards to Frillish. "WOTT!"

And slices pass it, making contact.

Smashing into Frillish, it screams in pain before crashing into the water.

(Song End)

"Wow that was awesome." Ash said as Oshawott swam back to them.

"Osha." Oshawott smiles proudly.

"Gible.." Gible sits down and pants.

"Hey don't be down Gible if we used Draco Meteor that thing wouldn't have stood a chance." Ash assured.

Pikachu pats his back to cheer him up.

"Gib." Gible nods softly in acknowledgment.

"Ash, I can't believe you brought a genuine Gible with you!" Iris said eying Gible.

"You uh like Dragon Types?" Ash sweatdrops.

"How can I not?!" Iris said. "Can I hold him?" She asked.

"Wait don't get too close or he'll-" But it was too late, Gible bit Iris on the head.

The entire route heard Iris's scream as the flying Pokémon were seen flying out of the trees.

"Gible let go!" Ash yells trying to pull Gible off.

"Get it off! Get it off!" Iris exclaims.

"Axew!" Axew tried scratching Gible.

Grunting Ash yanks Gible off.

"Man those are some strong teeth." Iris groans rubbing her head.

"Yeah I don't know what goes on in that head of his." Ash said.

"Pikapikachu." Pikachu was scolding Gible for biting Iris.

"Any bite marks?" Iris groans as Ash looks.

"Nope you're safe." Ash said.

"I'm sorry, I guess my curiosity gotten the best of me." She apologized.

"Thanks for all the help Iris. I appreciate it." Ash said. "And sorry we gotten off at the wrong foot." He said.

"Well maybe I shouldn't have thrown the little kid comment back there." She admits.

"Well when you helped me find Oshawott, navigated me through the woods and instructed me on that Frillish. That was pretty cool of you." Ash said with a smile.

"Well I bet Prof. Juniper is going to be very happy to see we found her Pokemon." Iris said.

"Oh yeah that reminds me." He turns to Oshawott. "Why'd you leave the lab Oshawott?"

"Osha." Oshawott said nervously not sure how to say it.

"Well we're pretty far from Nuvema Town." Ash said. "So taking you back by foot is out of the question..hey Iris?"


"Is there a Pokémon Center nearby here?" Ash asks.

"There's a Pokémon Center at the end of the route. If we hurry we can get there before the end of the day." Iris said.

"OK. Gible Return!" Ash recalls him and picks up Oshawott. "Alright little guy, you're coming with us."

"Osha." Oshawott said realizing he was gonna have to explain soon enough.

Iris leaded them him further down the road, where there was a lone Pokémon Center was right there as they made it there while the sun was setting.

Needless to say when Ash gave Nurse Joy his Pokémon she was surprised to see Pikachu and Gible in the group.

But nonetheless, she healed all of their Pokémon. "Thank you for waiting, all of your Pokémon are in fighting fit." She said handing the 2 back their Pokémon.

"Thank you Nurse Joy." Ash said as Pikachu hops on his shoulder.

"You know this is the first I've seen someone with Pokémon not from Unova." She says.

"Well I'm from Kanto, so of course it would make sense." Ash smiles. "Plus it's also my first time in Unova Pokémon Center."

"I understand just like Kanto, if there's any problems with your Pokémon, our doors are always welcomed." Nurse Joy said with a smile.

"Will do." Ash nodded. "Oh are there any phone booths here?"

"Over there." Nurse Joy points.

"Thank you." Ash said walking over and dialing a number.

"Prof. Juniper's lab." A voice said.

"Hey can I speak with Prof. Juniper I found her Oshawott." Ash said.

"You have?! Professor!"

A few seconds later, Prof. Juniper appeared on screen.

"Ash?" She gasps as Ash held up Oshawott.

"Tada." Ash smiles.

"Oh thank goodness!" She sighed relieved.

"Sorry it took so long. Needed a little help." Ash said.

"Well thank you very much. Oshawott, you've had me worried to death!" Prof. Juniper scolded the water starter.

"Osha. Oshawott." Oshawott apologizes.

"What made you just go out in the wild to who knows where like that?" She asks.

"Osha." Oshawott looking away uncomfortably.

"Was Oshawott showing any strange behavior before this?" Ash asks.

"No, not until after today when you showed up." She said.

"Hmm.." Ash tried to think back.

When Ash first saw Oshawott he was shot down by both Trip and Hilda in favor of the other two Pokemon and during everything from Ash's battle to saving Pikachu the little water type was there to see all of it.

It hit him. "W-were you following me Oshawott?"

"Osha...Oshawott." Oshawott nods admitting to it.

"Why? Was it because you didn't get picked by Hilda or Trip?" Ash asks.

"Osha Oshawott." Osahwott shook his head causing Prof. Juniper to smile.

"Well this is a first. Ash I think Oshawott picked you to be his trainer." Prof. Juniper said getting his attention.

It nodded with a smile. "Oshawott."

"Wow, I don't know what to say. I mean I saw you beat Frillish you were amazing but whether I can keep you or not is up to Prof. Juniper technically you still belong to her." Ash said.

Oshawott looks down, disappointed. "Osha.."

"Ash the main reason I wanted Oshawott back was so he could be given to a good trainer but I think Oshawott is much happier with you. I would be a fool to separate you two." She smiles.

That lightened up his spirits. "Oshawott!"

"Really?" Ash smiles.

"Really. I'll send you Oshawott's Pokeball. Take good care of him for me Ash." Prof. Juniper said.

Ash nodded with a smile. "It's a deal."

From the transporter a Pokéball appears.

"Alright Professor I got it." Ash said grabbing it.

"Excellent, take care." She waves and cuts off the link.

Walking out, Ash saw Iris sitting with Pikachu and Axew.

"And." Iris tosses a piece of fruit up and caught it in her mouth causing both Pokemon to clap.

"Hey, guys." Ash walks over.

"Hey Ash, so how did it go?" Iris asks.

"Guess who just became Oshawott's new trainer?" Ash smiles.

"What? Oshawott chose you?" She gasps.

"Yeah turns out he wanted to be chosen by a trainer, and that didn't work out in his favor, so he went after me." Ash said.

"Wow Ash you sure are lucky." Iris said.

"I get that alot." Ash rubs his head. "Anways Oshawott." He pointed his ball to him. "Ready for a great adventure?"

"Oshawott." Oshawott smiles as Ash held out his Pokeball and a red beam shot out returning him.

This made Ash's 2nd Unova capture along with his 5th Pokémon.

"So Iris where are you heading to? I told you my goals what are yours?" Ash asks.

"I'm not sure I'm ready to share just yet." Iris said.

"Well, you want to, do you and Axew feel like traveling together?" He asked out of the open.

Iris pauses to think before shrugging. "Why not? It's better than traveling on my own."

"Good to know." Ash smirks.

After a rocky first greeting with this new girl named Iris, Ash and Pikachu now has a new traveling companion.

Leaving the Pokemon Center, Ash and Iris continued on towards Striaton City.

However, a few minutes after they walked out the two of them fell through a hole in the ground.

"Ow.." Iris groaned. "How did a pitfall suddnely got here?"

"I swear it better not be who I think it is.." Ash groaned holding his head.

"Pika.." Pikachu does as well. But instead a new voice was heard up above the hole.

"It was from a Sandile." They saw it was from a boy

"A what?" Iris asks.

"Oh thank goodness, it's not them." Ash sighs in relief.

The boy uses some rope to help the two get out of the hole. "You said a Sandile?" Ash asks taking his PokéDex out. He sees a brown and black striped crocodile looking Pokémon with a pink underbelly.

Unova Entry #057

Sandile, the Desert Croc Pokémon. A Ground/Dark Type. A dark membrane protects its eyes from the sun, and it buries itself in the sand with its eyes and nose sticking out.

"So that's what the culprit looks like." Ash said.

"Thanks for getting us out of the hole. I'm Iris and this is Ash." Iris said.

"My name's Dan and my family and I run a resort/ spa hotel that's not too far from here."

"Really, that's amazing I love spa's!" Iris said excitedly.

"They are very relaxing." Ash nods.

"That's great, but unfortunately because of the Sandile we're closed." Dan frowns.

"Say what?" Ash asks confused.

"What do you mean?" Iris said.

Taking them to the resort, Dan led them to the back.

"You see our Hot Sand Massage is our best treatment and well..." Dan gestures to a totally destroyed sand area. "It looks like this now."

"Jeez how did this happen?" Ash asks Dan.

"Well.." Dan explained that there was Sandile wearing sunglasses who appeared one day andit made the rest of the (usually peaceful) Sandile act irrationally, causing customers to run off.

"That doesn't make sense. If they were so peaceful what changed?" Iris asks.

"I don't have the slightest clue." Dan crossed his arms looking puzzled. "There's gotta be a reason for all of this."

"So how are we gonna figure this out?" Ash asks when suddenly Axew started laying in hot sand.

"Axew.." He sighed feeling the greatness of it.

"Axew, we're supposed to be finding the Sandile not laying in the sand." Iris narrows her eyes.

"I think Axew is trying to think like a Sandile." Ash chuckles.

"Pika." Pikachu giggles. Little did they know the very Sandile with sunglasses that Dan told them about was watching them.


Little did they know the very Sandile with sunglasses that Dan told them about was watching them.


"I bet that sand is pretty relaxing." Ash said when Oshawott came out of his Pokeball and joined Axew in the sand.

"Oshawott, not you too!" Iris groaned.

"Hey I didn't call you out of your ball!" Ash said.

Using Dig, the Sandile made his way down before leaping out of the sand behind them. "Dile!"

Dan turned around and gasped. "That's it! That's the head Sandile!"

"Sandile!" Rushing in Sandile bit down on Axew trapping it in his mouth.

"Axew!" Iris gasped.

"Put him down right now!" Ash said.

"Sandile!" The Sandile refused.

"Not a negotiator huh? Pikachu, use Quick Attack!" Ash said.

Pikachu dashes forward and rams into Sandile but Axew was still trapped in its iron like jaws. Acting quickly, Sandile flung sand hitting Pikachu in the face.

"Pi!" Pikachu cries out, having sand in his eyes.

"Sand Attack? Low blow. Give me back Axew!" Iris snaps.

Sandile tried escaping into the ground, but a Water Gun stops him from doing so. "Sand!" He narrowly avoided it.

"Oshawott!" It was Oshawott who did it.

"Come on Oshawott use Water Gun one more time!" Ash said as Oshwaott fires Water Gun but Sandile dodges and ends up chomping down on Oshawott as well.

"Osha!" He exclaims.

"Oshawott!" Ash gasps as Sandile made his escape with both Axew and Oshawott.

"Oh no you don't!" Ash shouted as he and Pikachu runs after it.

"Wait for me!" Iris ran after him along with Dan.

Racing to the top of a rocky hill Sandile opens his mouth and lets go of Axew and Oshawott.


"Osha.." The two groaned as they were finally released. The two suddenly looked over and saw other Pokémon were rounded up as well like them. Basically Pidove, Deerling and Patrat.

"Axew!" Turning around both Pokémon saw their trainers climbing up after them.



However before they could get in close, many wild Sandile appeared in front of them.

"Oh no you guys are not getting in the way!" Iris said as they were about to move in when suddenly a geyser shot out of the ground nearby.

"What in the?!" Ash didn't finished his surprised sentence as another popped up. And another! And another!

"Where did all these geysers come from?" Dan asks.

As the geysers keep popping up, the hot water started making river ways towards the Pokémon. "Sand! Sandile!" The lead Sandile says to all of the Pokémon as they started walking.

"What do you think he's saying?" Iris wondered.

"I think the Sandile are trying to lead all the Pokémon to safety." Ash said.

"I think Ash is probably right." Dan realizes and thought back. "When Sandile started rampaging back at the sand baths, he probably sensed the danger approaching here and wanted to lead all of the Pokémon in the area away from here."

"So that's why it made off with Axew and Oshawott." Iris figured.

"Guess he's not such a bad Pokémon after all." Ash said.

"Axew!" Iris calls out as Axew and Oshawott turn around and made their way towards their trainers.

But the Sunglasses Sandile's eyes widened and turned. "Sandile!" He yelled, making them stop as a the Earth rumbled under them.

All of them cringe in fear as geysers erupted everywhere and as boiling water poured everywhere the Pokémon that the Sandile were trying to rescue became stranded on an island.
And to make matters worse, it was beginning to crumble.

"They can't escape with all that boiling water." Iris said.

"If another geyser blows they're in trouble!" Dan said.

They felt the tremor coming slightly. "Pika!" Pikachu tried to run, but Ash hold him off.

"No Pikachu! The water is scalding hot! One touch and we're burnt!" He tells him.

"Sandile! Sandile!" The leader said as he walked over to a rock and bit down on it before the other Sandile followed his example and bit down creating a bridge.

"Woah I didn't knew Sandile could do that?" Ash said shocked looking at the Sandile leader with a smile. "Now that's being smart. Keep it up you guys!"

All of the Sandile then arched over the scalding river and onto the island, completing the bridge. "Alright, all of you climb over and quick!"

All the Pokémon looked over with scared looks on their faces not sure if they should.

"Oh no they're too scared." Dan said.

"You gotta move, or else the island is gonna crumble!" Ash shouted, urging them to cross, but they still budge. Ash had to prove it was safe to cross. "Alright, I'll show you!" He and Pikachu runs along the bridge of Sandile bridge and onto the island. "See? If I could cross that bridge you can do." He tells them. "Trust me, you all will be fine."

Slowly the Deerling and Patrat started to walk across the Sandile while the Pidove flew over them.

"OK buddy, go on ahead." Ash tells Pikachu.

"Pika." Pikachu slowly made his way across but as he did the boiling water started to crack the ground under the Sandile.

Gasping Ash catches Sandile just before the bridge fell apart.

"Oh no, now Ash is trapped!" Iris said.

Suddenly another geyser erupted behind him.

"Osha!" Oshawott gasps as the boiling water dropped towards him.

Acting quickly Oshawott fired Water Gun redirceting the water away from Ash.

"Osha!" He smiles...for a brief period of time, and then realized he was over the boiling water and fell down. "OSHA!"

"Oshawott!" Ash quickly grabbed his ball. "Return!" The red beam manages to hit Oshawott, returning him into his Pokéball. "There, that'll keep you safe." However that distracted him as he felt his grip on the Sandile loosened up. He growled trying to pull, but it lets go until a hand grabbed his, surprising him. He looks up to see it was Iris who climbed on the Sandile bridge.

"Geez Ash, I never knew you could be so reckless." She says with a relieved smile.

Ash gave the same smile back, not offended at all. "You aren't the first to say that to me." He turns to the lead Sandile. "Sandile, enough power for one more rescue?!"

"Dile." The leader said as he mustered up all his strength and the Sandile drawbridge lifted Ash and Iris to safety.

Once everyone was in accounted for, all of the Sandile unhooked from the other, making Ash and Iris fall to the ground.

"Okay that was pretty awesome." Ash smiles.

"Dile." The lead Sandile smiles accepting the compliment.

All of the geyser eruptions were finished, BUT at a cost, all of the sand areas for the sand baths were destroyed.

"So much for your famous Sand Baths." Iris said.

"It's a small loss, now our resort has an outdoor hot spring." Dan smiles.

"Hot Spring?" Ash and Iris said interested.

Back at the resort, Ash and Iris were the first customers to try the new Hot springs and boy were they enjoying them.

"Well, what do you think?" Dan's father asks.

"5 Stars." Iris sighs.

"I love this." Ash sighs.

"Axew Xew."


"Pika." All three Pokémon agree.

"This is perfect, we'll be a hit!" Dan said to his father happily.

"Hm, that reminds me I never gotten to thank Sandile." Ash recalled.

"Yeah he kinda just left with all the other Sandile after everything." Iris said.

Little did they know just on the outskirts of the Hot Springs the Sandile with sunglasses dug out of the ground and was eyeing Ash with interest.

To Be Continued...

Ash's Pokémon Team:







At Prof. Juniper's Lab: None

Iris's Pokémon Team:







I thought I said for those who are waiting for a ship, WAIT. Jesus. But it won't NOT be Iris or Serena.