Part I
The moon rose high in the sky with jewel like stars twinkling about it. Far below in the forest everything was quite except for the wind whistling through the trees. Then heavy panting broke the perfect silence of the forest. A female gummi with golden yellow fur and hair wearing a white dress ran through the forest clutching a small bundle close to her. She ran never slowing down until she reached the edge of the forest there she placed the bundle down in a bush and whispered "Goodbye my son Cammi, may someone find you and keep you safe from the evil that seeks you" then she kissed the cub head and placed a note in his blanket and ran off again.
The sun slowly crept over the tops of the mountains in the distance it was morning. Out on the plain just outside the forest a thick blue fog drifted about in the atmosphere then eventually took the form of a castle, Gummadoon.
The hard, solid doors to its entrance opened and three knights rode out. At the head rode Sir Plucky followed by Sir Gumlittle and Sir Blastus they were riding out to check the area making sure no humans were around. They entered by the side of the forest and began riding around but after searching nearly the whole forest and finding no one they headed back to Gummadoon. They came to the edge of the forest and below them lay Gummadoon. A slight rustle caught their attention and Sir Plucky rode over to investigate it. Using his staff he pushed away some of the branches to reveal a small, brown cub wrapped in a cream blanket staring up at him.
"What is it?" said Sir Gumlittle.
Sir Plucky got off his unicorn and picked up the small cub, which gurgled at him as he cradled the cub close to him.
He noticed that when he moved the cub closer to him a note fell out onto the ground. He bent down and picked it up and read "To who ever finds my cub"
Sir Plucky looked down at the cub squirming around in his arms and saw that it was smiling back at him. He walked back over to his unicorn and mounted it then turned to Sir Blastus and Sir Gumlittle and showed them the cub in his arms.
"Où is it's mother?"
"I don't know, but she left this note" said Sir Plucky handing the note to Sir Blastus.
Sir Blastus took the note, which read:
To whoever finds my son, Cammi.
I can no longer protect him from the evil that seeks him. To find out what evil seeks him look for the name Tarquan. Using myself as a decoy I can lure the evil away from him. All I ask is you can keep him safe until I return for him.
His loving mother Meloni
"Qui shall we do with him?" said Sir Blastus
"Take him back to Gummadoon," said Sir Plucky looking down at the cub again.
The cub yawned and squirmed closer and fell asleep.
The knights rode the short distance to Gummadoon and headed straight to the Councillors Tower. Upon entering they found Councillor's Wooddale and Berrybaum in conversation at the other end of the hall. They approached them Sir Plucky still holding the cub, which was now sucking on its thumb. The councillor's turned round when they saw the knights, but looked rather confused when they saw Sir Plucky carrying a cub.
"We found this cub alone in the forest with this note" explained Sir Plucky.
Councillor Berrybaum took the note and read it aloud then looked at the cub in Sir Plucky's arms.
"Is it injured?" said Councillor Wooddale.
"We didn't look, but it doesn't appear to be" said Sir Gumlittle.
Councillor Wooddale took the cub from Sir Plucky to get a better look at it, but the cub stirred and began to cry.
"What's the matter with him?" said Sir Gumlittle.
"I don't know," said Councillor Wooddale handing the cub back to Sir Plucky.
As soon as the cub landed back in Sir Plucky's arms it ceased crying and began giggling.
"Awww, La cub likes you Sir Plucky," said Sir Blastus.
The cub turned round onto its front and stared at Sir Blastus and smiled when he looked at him. Then stretched out its arms and grabbed hold of his fingers and began laughing.
"Then since it likes you and is only quiet for you it is your responsibility to look after it?" said Councillor Berrybaum.
"WHAT?!" said the knights in unison.
Please tell me what you think of this.