Aang looked over the edge of the cliff he stood on, surveying the open expanse of water below him. After his defeat of the fire nation invasion, he had elected to travel alone to master the elements. A year into his journey Suki, a Kyoshi Warrior from the island named after his predecessor, had wanted to join him. Now, it was six years after he had been told of his destiny as the Avatar, and he felt more alone than ever before.

In the distance, he could hear Suki hanging the curtains to the slabs of earth he had bent up as tents for them, and then starting a fire beneath the water in the pot. He looked up, seeing the stars above, each one alone in the night sky.

Energy he was made to harness, he thought. His very being was unlike anyone else on the planet, and that made him completely, utterly alone, amongst the millions of people in the world. Even the one person he might have wanted to get to know better seemed to be afraid of getting close to him. It could never work.

"Hey," he heard from behind him, as Suki walked up to stand next to him. "The stars sure are beautiful, huh?" she said.

"Mhmm," Aang murmured, staring at the horizon. They stood in silence for a few moments before Suki spoke again.

"What are you thinking about?"

"How I am completely unlike anyone else on this planet, and how alone that makes me," he mumbled in reply.

"Aang," she whispered, touching his shoulder. "I know you might not feel like there is anyone who can really understand the weight that sits on your shoulders, but if you want to talk to me, I'm here to listen."

"Thank you for the offer," he said gently, turning to walk back to the campsite, "But I know my destiny. I will be fine."

Suki stood there, watching him go. Anguish gripped her at his platitudes; he clearly wasn't ok, but she didn't know how to help him. Even when she had first met him, years ago on Kyoshi Island, looking for an earthbending master, he was just as closed off to the people around him. Perhaps it was a consequence of being singled out and separated from anyone his age. Gyatso had said during their visit that around others he seemed to be the same cheerful person as before, but that it was a mask. It had begun after he was told of his Avatarhood much younger than usual, which alienated him from his peers. Then, after his victory over the Fire Nation invasion, he had closed off himself to everyone around him.

She wanted desperately to run to him and hold him close, to kiss him and never let go. But he was the Avatar and she was an Earth Kingdom peasant from a poor island, even if it were named after a past Avatar. It could never work.

You'll never know if you don't say anything, that nagging voice in the back of her head said.

Yea, but if he rejects me, then I likely won't be able to stay with him. And I don't want to give him up.

Oh, you'll get over it, the voice replied. Just tell him, and if it doesn't work, then go your separate ways, you'll find someone else eventually.

Squaring her shoulders, Suki made her way back to the campsite. She rapped her knuckles against the piece of rock that served as the tent's sides, hoping Aang was still awake.

"Come in," she heard him say, and pushed aside the tent flap to find Aang meditating facing the opposite wall. "Do you need something Suki?"

"Yes," she replied. "I need to tell you something important. And I know that you may ask me to leave after you hear it, so if that is the case, I would ask you to drop me off at the nearest major city if you decide so."

That certainly got Aang's attention. He spun the patch of earth he stood upon in a circle so that he was facing her and opened his eyes. "You have my attention. What is it?"

"Aang, I know that you think that you are disconnected from the people around you, that your Avatarhood means that no one can ever get close to you. I've gotten to know you, the quiet, witty, airbender who also happens to be the Avatar. I've seen you when you think no one is looking, and the weight that seems to bear down on your shoulders, squeezing the life out of you. I want you to know that there are people, me especially, who care deeply about you, even if you don't realize it. I… I love you, Aang."

Throughout this, Aang bowed his head, his eyes full of unshed tears. His voice caught in his throat at her declaration, a lump blocking him from saying anything. He looked up to see Suki with her head bowed, clearly unsure of what his reaction would be. Swiping at his eyes to dispel the tears, Aang shuffled forward to pull Suki into a hug. "Thank you Suki," he murmured. "Thank you for being here to remind me of those things. I've wanted for so long to tell you how I feel, but I never thought you would return my feelings, so I hid them rather than face the possibility of losing you. I love you too."

She looked up, her eyes full of tears but shining with happiness. She gently pushed him back to a sitting position, and climbed onto his lap, her legs on either side of his, pulling him to her again, resting her head on his shoulder. Raising her head, she traced her finger along his jaw, working her way toward his lips. As he did this, Aang's warm hands rubbed up and down her back, holding her close. Reaching his lips, she looked at him for permission, and then she was kissing him, and all they could think about was the incredible feeling of the others lips on their own, the feel of their bodies against each other, her soft hair in his hands, his powerful back against her roaming hands.

Breaking the kiss, Suki pressed her head to the crook of his neck, panting. "Spirits, Aang, that was…" she trailed off, "an incredible first kiss."

A blush crept across Aang's cheeks as he held Suki. "Thank you," he murmured in her hear, "for that. I've never done that before, but I think I might want to a lot more if it's you I'm kissing."

His gently hand guided her jaw back up, and then he was kissing her again, their minds empty of all other thought except the other's lips on theirs. Gradually, they each became aware of the effects they were having on the other, pressed together with Suki on Aang's lap.

His hands trailed down her hips as he pulled back for a moment, both panting for breath. "I wanted to tell you how I felt sooner, and maybe we would have done this sooner, but I'd thought that you were interested in Sokka when we saw the Southern Water Tribe delegation at the north pole," he said quietly.

"Oh, Aang," she murmured. "I was just trying to be polite and not have to tell him to leave me alone. I'm sorry I gave you the wrong impression. I haven't thought a moment about them since we last saw them, and I know I'll never feel for him what I feel for you."

Aang exhaled in relief at hearing her say that. He placed a gentle kiss on her pale neck, then another, working his way from her jaw down to her shoulder. She sighed, relaxing further into his embrace. As he reached the collar of her blouse, she pulled back.

"I'm sorry," Aang managed to get out before she smiled at him and pressed her finger to his lips.

"Don't apologize, I just need to get this thing off," Suki replied, unbuttoning the collar of the blouse before pulling it over her head, exposing the beautiful curve of her shoulder, the dip of her waist, the soft expanse of her tummy. Aang swallowed, his breath catching in his throat.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured. She smiled at him, and leaned forward again to kiss him, her hands coming up to grasp at the back of his head, holding him to her. Aang brought his hands to her back, rubbing up and down her smooth, warm skin. When he encountered the strap of her bra, he pulled back for a moment, his gaze questioning. Suki giggled for a moment, then nodded, pulling him back into a kiss. His hands fumbled for a moment to undo the clasp before he figured it out, and felt the material go slack against his own chest. Now, the only thing holding it there was their bodies, pressed closely together.

Suki broke the kiss for a moment and leaned back, shrugging the straps off her shoulders. She waited for a moment to make sure she had his attention, before slowly letting the fabric fall away, flinging it to the side. Aang seemed unsure of what to do, so she reached for his hands where they had settled on her hips and brought them up to her chest, gently massaging herself. She let out a quiet moan when Aang continued without her guiding him, and yet another when he brought his fingers up to roll her nipples between his fingers.

Bringing her hands up, Suki stilled the motion of Aang's hands, and leaned in to give him a quick kiss. "Aang, we don't have to do any more of this if you aren't comfortable with it," she said.

He merely smiled at her and brought his hands up to cup her jaw, kissing her passionately. "That a good enough answer for you?" he asked.

In response, Suki brought her arms down to the bottom of his tunic top, pulling it from his pant waist, slipping her hands underneath the top to rub up and down his chest and stomach, lifting the hem. She turned her gaze to Aang, motioning for him to help her, and pulled the garment over his head and tossed it to the side.

Suki brought her hands up to loop them around Aang's neck, pressing her body against his as she kissed him, their bare chests against one another. She moaned into the kiss from the feeling of it, grinding her hips against his in her need. Aang moved his hands down to her hips, pulling her flush against him, gasping at the sensations. After a minute, they pulled back, panting for breath. "Aang," she breathed out, "stay right there."

Suki stood up, and as she stood over Aang's lap she shimmied her shirt off her hips, leaving her standing in only her panties. Aang looked at her most intimate place, just in front of his head, and saw the fabric was soaked. "Are you ok?" he asked, his voice concerned.

"Why wouldn't I be?" she returned, confused.

"It's just, there's a wet spot on your underwear. Did you need to use the bathroom?" he replied, mortified.

She laughed, her voice full of amusement. "Oh Aang, that's what happens when a woman is gets excited by this sort of thing. You get an erection, and I get wet down there. Perfectly normal." With that, she hooked her fingers into the waistband of her panties and pushed them down her hips. The gusset clung to her, but eventually was pulled down to reveal her to Aang. Her lips were small and neat, and a patch of brown hair sat on her mound. Turning, her beautiful butt was facing Aang for a moment before she sat back down on his lap, her legs on either side of his and her back pressed against his chest. Reaching down, she grasped for his hands, letting out a frustrated growl when she couldn't reach them. "C'mon Aang, give me your hands"

Chuckling, Aang brought his hands up to rest on her thighs, rubbing up and down them, teasing small circles on her hips before moving to stroke down her thighs again. Suki moaned, grabbing his hands to stop him for a moment. She brought his left hand up to her chest, while his right was moved down to her most intimate area. "Now," she whispered, her head tilted back to lean against Aang's shoulder, "I'm gonna show you what to do. Just follow along."

With that, she began to move his hand along her lower lips, moaning at the contact. Aang pressed a kiss on her neck as she did so, then a trail of them down the column of her neck. "Now, take a finger and press it inside me," she said, moaning at the sensation of the kisses. Aang fumbled for a moment, unsure what to do, until she reached down to guide his middle fingers to her entrance. "One for now, you can add your ring finger later. Now, move your palm up here to the top, and…" her voice trailed off with a deep, gutteral moan as Aang used his palm to stimulate the little bundle of nerves he found sitting at the top of her slit. Suddenly, Aang added a second finger, and then his hand seemed to be stroking all along her walls, far more than his fingers could possibly touch. "Spirits, what is that," she moaned.

"Waterbending," he whispered, placing gentle kisses around the rim of her ear, nipping her earlobe with his teeth. His fingers continued to stroke her insides as his palm rubbed gently against her button, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her. His other hand hadn't been idle and was gently massaging her breasts as he stroked her nipples, alternating between the two. Suddenly, she peaked, writhing in his arms. He ceased his ministrations for a moment to hold her close, gently restraining her as she shuddered and cried out in his arms. When she had come down from her high, his hands moved back and began touching her again.

"Aang," she groaned out, throwing her head back. She moaned, her body like a live wire with the sensations coursing through her. "Aren't you gonna let me return the…" her voice trailed off with a keening moan as she began to peak again, and with a shuddering cry she came undone in his hands once more. He let her rest again, holding her close to his chest, his arm securely around her waist and under her chest, pressing her to him. She panted, her head lolling to the side to rest against Aang's neck. Slowly, she leaned up to kiss him, her breathing slowing as she recovered. "Spirits, Aang, that was amazing," she murmured. "You didn't have to do it so many times though.

Aang smiled mischievously, once more bringing his hands back into position. "Well, I hope you're ready again."

Together, his hands began to move once more. She shifted in his lap, moaning wantonly at the sensations his hands were causing. Her body shook and she cried out in bliss when he brought her to the peak once more. Afterwards, he gathered her in his arms, gently laying her on the bed roll next to him. Suki smiled up at him, her gorgeous blue eyes so full of love. Her arms reached out for him, pulling at his forearm until, with her gentle whisper of "Lay down," he reclined on the ground next to her. She turned into his side, resting her head on his shoulder and her leg over and between his. "I love you Aang," she murmured.

"Do you want to sleep now," he asked quietly.

"Not yet," she replied in a whisper. "I just need to rest first. You wore me out."

The two laid there for several minutes while Suki recovered from Aang's ministrations, her breathing slowly returning to normal. Reaching down, she grasped his length, gently stroking him a few times.

Suki sat up, then threw her leg over Aang, settling her hips over his. She lowered herself until he was nestled between her lips and began to rub herself back and forth over him. Aang's hands moved to the swell of her hips, and her own hands found purchase on his stomach as she gently slid herself back and forth, stimulating her nub on his shaft. After a minute, she raised her hips, reaching below her to grasp Aang and aim him toward her entrance, then began to slowly sink down onto him, basking in the feeling of warmth that spread throughout her body as he slid into her. Aang groaned beneath her, his hands tightening their grip on her hips, as she slowly slid down his length.

She stopped, feeling Aang at her maidenhead. Then, with a determined push, she sank down fully onto him. The pain lasted only a moment, and shortly after the waves of pleasure began to consume her. She rocked against Aang's hips, relishing in the feel of him filling her up, his length rubbing against her insides. Below her, Aang groaned at the sensations, holding himself back until Suki had her release as well. His hand left her hip and moved down to press his thumb against her nub, rubbing insistently. Above him, Suki cried out, her body shaking, as he brought her over the edge. He removed his hand and gently held her hips as she rode out her climax, feeling her walls pulse and writhe around him, struggling not to let his own release go.

As the aftershocks of Suki's climax faded, Aang sat up, still buried in her, and wrapped his arms around her back, holding her to him. Conjoined at the hips, he could feel her nub against his body, pressed together as they were. His hands threaded into her hair to guide her lips to his and he kissed her, flexing his glutes to gently rock beneath her. Suki moaned into the kiss, her arms looping around his neck to hold him close. She rocked back and forth on his lap, pressing herself down onto him, adoring in the feeling of him being inside her. As they moved, her chest rubbed against Aang, stimulating her further. They continued to hold one another close, rocking against the other, heads in the crook of the others neck, gasping for breath until they both found their release. Aang moaned deeply as he kissed Suki, feeling his essence spill into her, his mind going blissfully blank.

The pair sat still for a moment, still connected, their breathing slowing down as they recovered from the intensity of their coupling. Suki gently pushed Aang back to lay on the ground and moved to lay beside him.

"Wait," Aang said. "Do we need to do something, to stop you from getting pregnant?"

Suki stared at Aang, dumbfounded at her forgetting something like that, while Aang gazed back in horror at what they might have done. Suddenly, he seemed to have an idea.

"Hold still," he told her, his face a picture of concentration. His hand twisted, his fingers spiraling downward. Suki felt something move, and suddenly a stream of his essence left her, flowing into a hole he bent in the earth which then closed behind it. She grinned at him, while he looked rather pleased with himself. "Is that all of it," she questioned.

"Yep," he replied, a carefree smile on his face. "It feels different than water, but luckily I can still bend it. And because it feels so different, I can tell that I got it all. I heard the theory behind the idea from Kuruk," he said with a wink.

She giggled, then started to laugh at the idea Aang's past self having used that very technique to prevent any little accidents from happening. Aang joined in shortly after, and the two laughed until they couldn't anymore. "C'mon Aang," she said, getting up from their spot on the ground, "we need to clean up."

Suki scampered out of the tent, and toward her own, Aang following behind.

"What are you doing?" he asked as she pushed aside the flap of her tent.

"Moving my stuff into yours," he heard her say, then she stuck her head back out. "If that's alright?"

"Of course it is," Aang replied. "In fact…" he trailed off, taking a bending stance. With a twisting motion, the rock that had made up the sides of the tent melded back into the earth below it, the cloth of the entrance fluttering back to the ground in its absence. Bending a current under Suki's few possessions, Aang spirited them back into his tent as Suki folded the tent fabric up. "How convenient," she said, winking at him. "Now, how about you make us a tub of sorts here."

Aang sunk into his stance, his arms braced at his sides. With a motion, he pushed his arms outward, the dirt beneath their feet separating and a circular depression forming in the rock below deep enough to sit in with your head still above the line of the surface, the edges of which extended upward to hold the dirt at bay. Another circular depression formed in the center of that, a foot or so from the walls of the first, sinking into the earth. Suddenly, a stream of water came rising over the cliff edge and toward the makeshift tub, filling it to just below the edge. Lastly, he heated it to a comfortably warm temperate, then hopped in, gesturing for Suki to follow him.

Together, relaxed in the warm water, letting the heat soothe their bodies and wash away the sweat.

"Aang," Suki said quietly, breaking the silence. "Where do we go from here?"

"Well," he replied, "I think we head to Ba Sing Se to inform the Earth King of the meeting that will be taking place. Then,"

"No, I mean with us, Aang," Suki interrupted. "What are we now? Am I still just your traveling companion and helper, or are we more."

"What we just shared was something incredibly special to me, Suki. You're it for me, if you'll have me. I don't need anyone else," he said.

She visibly relaxed at his words. "I may be from Kyoshi island, but I'm still an Earth Kingdom peasant and you're the Avatar. What are we going to do about that?"

"Nothing," Aang replied simply. "You're who I want, and the world is just going to have to deal with that."

Hopping out of the pool, Aang bent the water off them, and returned the water to the ocean and the ground back to its original state. Together, they made their way back into their tent, Aang laying down on the bed roll with Suki curling into his side, her head on his chest and her leg over his. They drifted off to sleep, content in knowing that they were with the person they loved.