Fanfic: Pathways of Time

Chapter one: The Thinker

Hey everyone it's me again. You know of all fanfictions I've always like SI's (Self Inserts) the most.

Unfortunately however the shows I'd like to see them in the most are very rare and not always that good. And with this (and others like it) I intend to hopefully change that.

Anyway. Enjoy the show.


Amy and Rory were enjoying a lovely picnic in Manhattan City Park. It was a clear day, oddly enough. Watching from a distance, they could see kids with their parents flying kites in the breeze and just having fun as families, as the clouds moved through the air.

Amy closed her eyes breathing in deeply, taking in the beauty of the moment. Looking over to Rory she could barely believe how much time had passed since their adventures with the Doctor ended.

Luckily with River's help, they were able to get settled down pretty fast and after 2 years they had a good life going for them. Rory with his already advanced knowledge of medicine was quickly made a doctor at a nearby hospital.

Sure that meant that he had his hands full a lot of the time now, but they made due with the time they had. As for herself well there wasn't much for her to do. Though she rather enjoyed her newfound career as an author, she'd written "Melody Malone" and went on to write other books based on the adventures she and Rory had with the Doctor.

Of course to avoid any timey whimey incidents she'd changed quite a few things rather drastically. Instead of an alien Time Lord flying around all time and space in a little blue box it became about a wizard with a pointy chin, a centurion and… a feisty female protagonist traveling through time and dimensions with the help of a certain watch.

With that and everything else going on their life was good. Sure it wasn't the same as it was before with the Doctor but that wasn't bad or anything. Just a different adventure.

But even then.. Amy thought to herself with a sigh, catching Rory's attention. Once you've been with the Doctor, a normal adventure seems… Dull. Looking over at his wife Rory knew instantly what was going on, "I miss him too." he said, reading her thoughts.

Looking back at Rory she was about to deny it... But Rory's face told her she'd been caught. "Ok, I was thinking about The Doctor... A little." She said not a little defensively, "But can ya really blame me?" she asked laying back on the ground feeling restless.

"No, I guess not," Rory said maturely, "But the doctor said it himself, we can't go back or it'd cause a whole… universe thing." he said waving his arms a little dramatically.

"I know, I know…" Amy said glumly, "But-"

"But you still miss him," Rory cut in, "I do too. But we have a good life here, River visits us a lot, we're pretty well off." he said taking her hand in his, "I've got the most beautiful wife in the galaxy."

Amy simply looked back at Rory with an odd face. "What? Have I got something on my face?" Rory asked a little confused at his wife's reaction before Amy shook her head.

"No Rory.. look!" She said pointing over behind Rory.

Glancing behind himself, Rory saw what Amy was talking about. A man was lying face down in the grass with smoke coming off of him. Rory, forever the nurse, quickly jumped up and ran to him. Turning him over Rory began checking for signs of life.

After seeing that he was completely fine with the exception for his clothes that looked a little destroyed he turned to Amy and asked "What happened?"

Amy responded quickly saying "He just appeared out of nowhere in a burst of energy."

Rory looked back at the unconscious body next to him and said. "Well whoever he is, he needs help, and I don't think he'll get it here."

Amy nodded to him and responded, "Well guess who's coming to dinner."

As Rory started helping her get the man up he looked at her with a smile, "Well… it could've been Daleks." He chuckled, only to get a nostalgic look from Amy. "Geronimo," she said walking towards their car basically dragging the man with Rory helping her

-- Pov: The Man

"Ughh. Where am I??" He said to himself as he woke up from his slumber.

Looking around the room he was in he found that... It looked like it was a nice room to just randomly find yourself in. Especially if you had no clue as to where you were.

The room in and of itself looked rather… normal to be honest… It had a desk off in one corner with a lamp and a type-writer next to a stack of papers piled neatly over a trash bin that was filled with crumpled up papers. Off to the side was a decent sized bookcase and on the other side of him was a decent cabinet.

Getting off the bed he first took a look at the books on the bookcase and thought. 'Whoever owns these books definitely likes the oldies. Well, at least the good ones.'

Moving over to the desk he took a look at the page still in the type-writer. "Sitting alone in the woods, frightened and scared, she was startled as a hand touched hers. 'Cynthia' The Wizards voice said. 'Cynthia… don't be afraid.' 'But sir, the crack in my wall… how's it here?'"

He couldn't read anymore since… Well, there wasn't anymore. He was intrigued by the story and was about to read the pile of papers before he smelled something. The pleasant aroma instantly made his stomach rumble reminding him of his own hunger. Grabbing his stomach he made his way through the house following the smell of whatever delectable delight was there.

Making his way downstairs he saw a red-headed woman sitting down at a dining table drinking some hot drink. Then a blonde headed lady walked in carrying a couple plates of food, which she set down on the table before sitting next to the first.

For some reason that he couldn't quite think of he thought they looked rather familiar. Though from where? He had no idea. Stealthily making his way forward he saw that they were in the middle of a conversation, listening with all the concentration he could muster he could overhear some of what they were saying.

"So?" The red-headed woman asked, "Who is he?" her voice rang through his head the familiarity of it causing a stupor of thought.

The blonde one only shrugged her shoulders, before she put her cup down on the table and responded. "I've had a thought, but I think I'll wait till the old man's back. Just not to repeat myself."

By this point, he could tell he was missing something really obvious. Both the appearance and the voices of these two women were ringing all kinds of bells in his head but he just couldn't seem to put two and two together. Just then he heard another voice…

"Umm… Hello." it said haltingly, "strange person in my house…" Turning around quickly he saw a rather lanky brown-haired man with a slightly shaggy chin.

"Uh, my name's Rory. Hello." he said again awkwardly, "Um… Yeah, can I get you anything? A cup of tea… or a… coffee?"

Because of how close he was he could clearly tell who it was. He was always a rather big fan of Doctor Who, the TV show. And right now he was in front of Rory. The centurion… The boy who waited, one half of his favorite duo couple in the entirety of Doctor Who couples.

Just as his mind managed to catch up to him, he noticed that the two other ladies had stopped talking. Looking at them he realized now why they had looked and sounded so familiar… and he felt rather foolish that he didn't realize it sooner. The two ladies that had been talking together were none other than River Song and Amy Pond and they both were staring at him oddly, Amy much more warily than River.

"Finally decided to join the land of the living then did you?" River asked with a smirk.

Looking back and forth between the three of them begins to ramble slightly. "Umm… hello. I'm dreaming. I have to be… or maybe I'm just in a coma... Yeah, that's it… uhh right?" Rory's cough caught his attention.

Looking over Rory said "Ahh actually if you were in a coma you wouldn't be, you know… dreaming… cause your mind wouldn't be working." he said matter of factly, "Unless there's some kind of alien using comatose patients again… hope not."

River rolled her eyes, ignoring Rory as she asked. "What's your name? Just shake your head if you don't know." After a quick shake of his head, she said. "Didn't think you would." she said knowingly, "But you do know who we are right?" After an affirmative nod of his head, she smiled.

After looking around again real quickly he looked back at River remembering what she had said before and with a halting voice, he asked. "But you do? You know who I am?" And as soon as he said that Amy's eyes immediately soften as she realizes a little more of his situation.

River's smirk fell slightly before she said. "I do now. But you must be hungry. We can talk after breakfast." before she walked away again towards the dining room.

"But.." He began to say before his stomach once again rumbled, cutting him off. Blushing slightly he simply followed River into the dining room and sat down in front of a plate of eggs, bacon with a glass of orange juice. Amy and Rory looked at each other before relenting and took their own seats, Rory sitting next to him and Amy next to River.

Although the area seemed calm he was anything but, He couldn't remember his own name and yet he could remember everything about his life… about his family, friends, and everything. Even a strange… he wasn't even sure what to call it… a dream, a memory… but it was just in his head and he couldn't quite get it out… though he couldn't quite remember it either. Just… that it was very white… very dark… and there was someone else there. A friend.

Just then a voice rang through his head, interrupting his thoughts. "Are you going to eat your food or just stare at it? It's not poisoned or anything."

Looking up he saw River looking at him with the same smirk on her face, while Amy was just looking at him with a speculative look on her face. Then looking back down he realized that he hadn't even touched his food. Picking up his utensils he began to eat.

After everyone had finished Amy started to move the plates to the kitchen starting with hers and Rivers. Seeing that he thought since they were kind enough to share their food with someone they barely knew… well except for River who for some reason knew who he was… that he should do something in return.

So standing up he grabbed his and Rory's plates and glasses and followed Amy into the kitchen. When he got there Amy was already cleaning the dishes. Feeling slightly awkward he asked, "Can I help?" wincing slightly as she flinched before she looked back at him.

Looking back and forth between him and the plates in his hand. Calming down a little Amy nodded slightly and he walked forward, put the plates down, grabbed a rag, and started to clean the dishes with Amy drying them off and putting them away.

After they finished the two of them joined Rory and River in the dining room again with Rory looking… relaxed. When they had both sat down he looked at River and asked in a voice as calm and sure as he could manage. "Who am I? You do know don't you?"

River looked at him more seriously and… after sighing she said, "You're the Tinker." making him feel slightly confused as he heard Rory take in a quick breath.

He looked over at Rory and Amy saw that while Rory looked surprised, Amy simply nodded her head. He then looked back to River and asked in a confused voice. 'The Tinker' what kind of name is that? Like the pixie?"

River simply gained a rather familiar smirk and said in a tone he had heard many times in the show but never truly understood the frustrating nature of the word that drew 11th Doctor crazy. Just a single word. She said, "Spoilers."

With that word he just sighed and said flatly. "I'm going to learn to hate that word aren't I?" To which River responded with a look which to him just screamed 'What do you think?'.

He then shook his head. "Well is there anything that you can tell me that wouldn't be a spoiler?" He asked emphasizing the word 'wouldn't'.

River only stands there and says "Yes… but it's nothing important."

"Really?" he asked sarcastically, "I think it'd be pretty important!" he groaned slightly but then he lowered his head in understanding.

Just then River stood and said "However there is something that we need to do before we can keep going." making him look at her confused. "Really? What's that?" He asked.

River smirked at him again before raising the time vortex manipulator on her wrist and saying. "We've gotta get you ready."

To which Tinker only pointed at the manipulator and asked. "And how exactly is that supposed to help?" River didn't respond to that and only reached out her hand.

After a deep breath, Tinker stands there and said "Geronimo." Instantly making Amy and River smile as he took Rivers hand.

Pulling him in close she quickly pushes a few buttons on the manipulator and before she pushes the button to go Tinker looks to Amy and Rory and said. "Thank you… for everything." Before he and River disappear in a flash of time energy.

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' The Tardis

Tinker stumbled slightly as he and River popped up to where River took them to. "Time Vortex Manipulator. Cheap and nasty time travel. I've been trying to quit" River said as Tinker takes a moment to get himself together.

Looking around he found himself in the one place that any Doctor Who fan would love to find themselves in. The Tardis. The vehicle the Doctor uses to go to and from all of his adventures. It looked like it was the 11th Doctor's Tardis. Tinker looked around slowly, trying to somehow take all of it in.

Eventually, however, River cleared her throat. Looking over he saw an amused look on her face like she was taking care of a younger sibling, as she was now standing at the controls of the Tardis.

Pulling down a switch and pressing a few buttons River dusted off her hands and walked behind Tinker. Hearing something lowering down he looked behind him and saw… "Is that the chameleon circuit?"

"Well well well, you certainly know your stuff, don't you. Now go on… put it on." River says to which Tinker just looks at her startled and confused.

"Wait a moment… what?" He asked.

River looks at him. "You said you knew me. Now… Do you trust me?" She asks.

Tinker looked at River for a long time thinking about that question. In the Tv show, River did a lot of stuff that wasn't exactly the best. But taking into account her childhood… well, she wasn't actually that bad. And… she had never lied directly to the Doctor's face… well, not about anything huge anyway.

A moment later Tinker nodded his head and after a deep breath, he walked towards the chameleon circuit. River smiles a genuine smile at that and whispers under her breath. "Thank you." Walking over to the Circuit as well she messed with some of the settings on it.

As she worked that Tinker asked. "So what exactly are you going to turn me into?"

When River finished with the circuit she moved towards the console and said, "You'll find out real soon. But don't worry. I think you'll like it a lot." With that she pulled down the last switch. Tinker then felt a jolt of energy throughout his body raging like a fire of a thousand suns.

A few moments later however it stopped and the Tinker immediately noticed something different. Bringing his hand up to his chest he placed it on one side and then the other and… he had two hearts.

"A-A TIME LORD?!" he nearly shouted, "You turned me into a Time Lord!?" He asked, not sure how he should be feeling about that.

"Why?" He asked again. River looked down as if she was pondering, she pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to him.

Looking at it he read. "My younger self will one day appear with Amy and Rory after they're sent back in time. I need all of your help to get him on the right track. You'll understand what you need to do when you meet him. And afterward, get him back to Amy and Rory. They'll know what to do next. -- The Tinker."

"My future self sent you this message?" Tinker asked, still looking at the letter. River only nodded silently. Tinker tried to think out how it could have happened but every time he tried it only gave him a great big headache. As if reading his mind River said "Don't try and work it out. It's just one of those things that the Doctor would explain as 'Timey Whimey stuff'."

Tinker sighed and said. "Yeah, I know." Then looking up from the letter he asked. "So I guess we're going back to Amy and Rory? We might want to get back before the Doctor gets here and sees us."

River then raised an eyebrow and said with a tone. "Oh, please. You know how well I know my husband. He won't be here for a while."

That made Tinker pay newfound attention to River. "Just how well do we know each other River?" River made a weird face at that, It looked like she was happy… yet sad at the same time. He had seen that face before in the show the same face River had when the 10th Doctor met her… when he had no idea who she was.

"That well huh…" He said all of a sudden feeling a little bad for River. But he still had a few more questions to ask. "You know where I'm from right?" Which she answered with a nod. "And you know why I'm here?" Once again answered with a nod. "Can you, or will you tell me why?"

That question she answered vocally. "No… not because I don't want to, but because you'll find that out on your own soon enough… and without any help from me."

"Well, I guess that's enough for me." Tinker said. After a moment of thinking, he asked. "River… do you know everything about me??" River looked at him for a while before nodding her head. "Yes. You told me a while ago." She said, to which Tinker simply nodded and said in response. "Alrighty then. That's it for me. Can't have everything be too easy huh? Not that I'd want it to be. Be a bit too boring that way. Well then…" he chirped. "Let's head back then."

River looked at him for another moment before nodding again. Tinker put his hand on her shoulder. Before they left Tinker whispered. "Thanks, River… for everything."

And after a few button presses River whispered back "Your welcome Tink." before she pushed the final button where he found himself and River back in Amy and Rory's dining room. "Well hey would ya look at that… I'm gettin' used to it already." Tinker huffed out still feeling a little disoriented as he leaned onto one of their chairs.

River only sat there and shook her head slightly, smiling an amused little smile. Just then Amy and Rory walked in. Amy looked at them both and raised her eyebrows. "Back already yeah??"

And Rory took a look at Tinker and patted him on the shoulder. "I feel you. Jumpin' back and forth can... uhh, put a load on someone. But uhh… you'll, you'll get used to it." He said somewhat awkwardly with a smile on his face.

Tinker looked back at him, groaned a little, and said "Well I certainly hope so. It's very similar to motion sickness. Not fun." Rory made a slight face at that and responded saying "I bet… but uhh for the sake of the rest of us keeping our breakfast… umm, try not to vomit." He asked making Tinker chuckle and said in a joking manner. "I'll do my best."

"OH, that's right! I'll be right back." Amy said all of a sudden before she turned and ran through the house leaving the three of them alone.

Tinker blinked and asked the other two quietly. "Umm anyone knows what that was all about?"

Both River and Rory shake their heads. But before they could say anything else Amy came running back in with a box. "Well if you really are Tink then I believe this is for you." She said with a big smile on her face.

Tinker looks at Amy a little distraught. "'Tink'? You really gotta call me Tink? As if Tinker wasn't bad enough?" He said watching as River hid her smile and Amy's got bigger. "You'll get used to it trust me. Now, are you gonna open your present or what?" She said drawing his attention towards the box.

The box itself didn't really look to be anything special, to be honest, but seeing how excited Amy was… although River and Rory looked just as confused as he felt… he opened the box to find… "A, a Vortex Manipulator!" he stuttered out, too shocked to say much more.

"Yep! It's from your future self. She gave it to us before we-", "Spoilers Mum." River said cutting off Amy but luckily Tinker was still too shocked to hear what she said more than that the Vortex Manipulator came from his future self.

"Oops… right." Amy said with a sheepish smile on her face. Then clearing her throat she started again. "Well anyway, you told us in a letter that we would run into someone who would need the watch that we would run into. And that when that person was ready to go on his way to put on the watch and 'Press the big friendly button'. Not sure what that phrase meant but figured you would."

Looking at the Manipulator Tinker nodded and said. "Yeah, I know what it means. But whether I'm ready or not is another question."

Just then River piped up. "Well only if your planning on starting your adventure in those clothes." Gesturing to the clothes Tinker was wearing.

Confused Tinker looks over to River who looks pointedly at him. Then looking down he finally realizes what she was talking about. He was wearing his old clothes that by now were ripped, torn, and even burned in some places possibly due to his first trip here. "Oh… right. Probably not the best idea to head out like this." He said thinking that if he went anywhere like this people might think he was a hobo at best… or at worst an arsonist.

Rory decided at this point to speak. "Well, I could always lend you some of my clothes to use." However just as Tinker was about to thank Rory for the offer Amy spoke up as well and said. "Umm, it might be best if Tink here got some new outerwear. No offense Rory but your clothes might not be the best for a long adventure either."

At that Rory grimaces but inwardly admits that… she might have a point. "Alright then!" River chirped. "Who's ready for a makeover?" She said slyly looking over to Tinker who gulped nervously.

"You sure I can't just go with Rory's clothes?" He asked not liking the look on River's face. River then gains a devilish look on her face increasing his bad feeling. "Not a chance."

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' After

"There we go. Now you look much more prepared for your journey." River said with a satisfied smile on her face. They had all returned from the store and Tinker was exhausted, annoyed, and yet somehow pleased at the same time.

"Did my future self hurt you or something River?" He asked tiredly. To which River only smiles. "No. Why do you ask?" She asked in return still with that same satisfied smile. They had spent hours going through clothes stores all over town. Tinker had actually lost count of how many outfits River had him try on before finally settling with what he had now.

"No reason." He said in response deciding it wasn't worth it to ask anymore. Looking down at what River had decided on he had to admit… it looked good. He had ended up wearing a brown bombers jacket, with a buttoned-up shirt apart from the top button, a pair of normal jeans, and a pair of loafer sneakers.

But there was one accessory that she insisted on him wearing… aviator goggles. He had no idea why but the moment she saw the goggles she had him put them on. And with that, he decided to just roll with it. Because it's River. Not to mention they looked cool and served as great sunglasses soo in the end he didn't care enough to really protest any.

"Alright." Tinker started after a deep breath. "Well now I do think I'm ready for my journey." He said

To which Rory asked. "You're not gonna wait any?"

Looking over to him he asked back softly. "Wait for what? If I were to wait for any amount of time that just gives me more time to try and think myself out of it altogether." He said with a laugh.

Then, shaking his head he continued saying. "No. It's best if I just jump in headfirst. It'll be hard but I already know I have to do it."

"And who said you have to?" River asked, curiously. This time Tinker looked over to her with a raised eyebrow.

She in response raised her hands defensively and said. "Hey, I'm just asking. I mean if you wanted to, you could just stay. In peace. Who said you have to go?" She asks again.

"I did. I said it. With this," He responded by holding up the Vortex Manipulator. "and with those." he added looking at the two notes on the table.

"You're going to willingly jump into a world of unbelievable danger just like that? Why?" Rory asked with both Amy and River looking inquisitive as well.

To that question Tinker simply replied. "I've already done it. And I've apparently turned out just fine. Besides…" He adds, strapping on the Manipulator. "I've never been one to run from the future."

Then turning towards them completely Tinker held his wrist up with his new Manipulator strapped on and said. "Wish me luck." Before pressing the red button and instantly being teleported away in a flash of time energy.

With now just the three of them left in the room, they stood in silence before Rory broke it saying. "So that was his first step. I have to admit… I did not expect any of that."

River shook her head in disagreement. "I did." She said having felt her respect for Tinker increase seeing how he had begun.

"Well, at least we know one thing," Amy said with a smile on her face. "What's that?" Rory asked looking over at her.

"Tinker has always liked the simple answers." She responded, gaining a chuckle from River. "Yes. He most certainly has."

End Prologue.

Well, this was the prologue of "Pathways of Time". I really hope you all enjoyed it. I for one have always loved Doctor Who and always wanted to do a story on it. I don't know how much I'll be able to work on these stories of mine since I'm also working on another story with a friend of mine and well a bunch of stuff with my family.

But I will do my best. Of course, this is with the fact that I'll be uploading a couple chapters of this story. As always, reviews and comments are welcome and appreciated.