One look at that blonde hair and you're lost. One glance of blue eyes and you've sunk as far as you can go. One word from pink lips and your in love. Nothing you can do nothing you can say.

Watch those hips sway and you fall. Watch the sun play off pale skin and you are stuck, immobile. Nothing you can do nothing you can say.

Smile dazzles you. Watch them breath and you think your breath has been stolen away from you. Nothing you can do nothing you can say.

Watch their tongue lick their lips drawing a sheen over them. How can you contain yourself? How can you not try and capture them with your own. Nothing you can do nothing you can say.

Their jean clad legs brush against your khaki covered ones. How can you resist grabbing their hips and pulled them into your lap, kissing the smooth skin on their neck and hearing their perfect laugh.

How can you? How can you be a reasonable human and not? How can you look perfection in their perfect blue eyes and never say what is true? How can you look at them? HOW! How is it that you can sit in this chair while they lie on your bed, on that perfect stomach and gorgeous chest?

And how in the world can you not tell them? How can your voice lie to them as you sit there? How can you betray yourself by not speaking a word?

So what if they're your best friend. Why does that stop you? Why can't you go over and tickle their ribs?

Why can't you admit to yourself that you want a boy? Why can't you James "Specs" Edwards admit that you love a boy? That boy, the one laying on your bed, now tossing a random hacky sack up and down. Why can't you admit that you want Alec "Dutchy" Duchrent?

Why danmit why?

Author's notes: Wow, me likes. I like! -dances about- Maybe Learning lab isn't so evil, I can type up my random babble here! YAY! I've actually had this in mind for a while. Thinking about how hard it must be to love someone and be afraid of rejection. Now My Dutchymuse wants me to write another one... One where he's in love with Specs and can "Shag his brains out" Must inform Dutchymuse that I am the writer and he is the muse. And also that hiding under my desk poking me with a pair of scissors will not make me do what he wants.

Cards on:

Annoying Gay Muses: I love you to death, but please refrain from jumping each other in my study hall

Disclaimer: I own nada!