Lisa POV

All I could see right now is darkness, and nothing else. All I could remember is how to die, which is a ridiculous way to go out ever. I was just walking home after staying after-school to help with making decorations for our school's Winter Formal, where I had to make tons of snowflakes and snowmen. When I was done, I went outside; the rain was pouring down hard and thunder booming in the sky. I couldn't call my dad or my mom because they are both far away and busy with work, plus I don't have a car, so I decided to suck it up and walk my way home, getting soaking wet.

I was halfway home and then, BOOM! Lighting strikes on my head, I felt the worst pain for a split-second, and I died on the sidewalk with a car stopping, probably checking if I was okay or not. That's how I went out and all I could say it sucks I die at sixteen I didn't get to explore the world, go to prom, college, hell I didn't have sex yet. Now I'm looking at nothing darkness for the last possible minutes or hours that I die. I just hope my parents and brother will be okay now that I'm gone and don't blame themselves for my death. After a few moments, I thought of what it was like in the afterlife. A bright light blinded my eyes, and when I could see again, I saw white clouds and a blue sky.

I'm going to heaven, and I'm going to meet God, then a voice calls out to me that ironically sounded like Morgan freeman.

"Hello Lisa Anderson," said the voice

"Are you god?" I said

"Yes, my child I am God,

"Got so many questions I went to ask,"

"I'm afraid we got no time for those type of question Lisa to see there has been a mistake,"

"What mistake?"

"You wasn't supposed to die at this time of life,"


"So, you're telling me that you messed up, and I shouldn't have died in the first place?"


"Okay, so what happens to me now?"

"There are two options I decide for your fate,"

"Which are?"

"One you get back to old life but be brain dead from the lighting strike,"

"Not a good option, what's the other?"

"You reborn into a new universe that you quite find familiar with and live with a new life. I'll give you all the time in the world for this decision," then God stops talking, and I think left.

So two choices are brain dead but with my family or reborn into a new life, possibly never seeing my friends and family again. These options are tough to make, and I couldn't live being brain dead, and my family or friend coming to my hospital bed to check up on me. It would be better if they move on with their lives, so I decide my choice.

"God," I said

"Yes Lisa," said God

"I made my decision,"

"And which is?"

"I want to be reborn,"

"Are you good with this choice,"

"Yes, I am,"

"Very well like I say you may be familiar with this universe and good luck Morticia,"

"Wait, what did you call me?"

Just like that, God was again not answering so was the clouds and the sky for a moment later, I began to wake up in a hospital room with IV on my left arm, and a blonde nurse looked surprised seeing me awake.

"Doctor Gallier has wakened up," said the nurse getting out of the room and then bringing an African American doctor whom I presume is

"Nurse May called Mr. or Mrs. Smith to tell them that their daughter had woken up," said, and the nurse left again. Then he looked at me, "How are you feeling, Morticia?"

"Um fine," weird he says the same name God calls me it almost sounds like Morty that does this mean no it can't be

"You must have lady luck on your side after the accident,"

"What Accident?"

"I think it's best your family tell you what happen to you I'm sure they would be glad that your woke I'll be right back in a short while,"

"Wait, can I get a mirror," I want to look at my reborn self.

"Sure," went into the bathroom in the room and came out with a hand-size mirror and handed it to me before leaving.

When I look at myself, I couldn't believe that I look like a female version of Morty, but with long brown hair, I realize where I am from what God told me and what the nurse and doctor say. I'm in Rick and Morty. I couldn't go through the idea that I got reborn into a cartoon show, especially the one where my friends and I watched together when we got together in one of our houses. I wonder what happened to Morticia or me; in this case, I ended up in the hospital. It must be pretty serious. But for now, I can save that question when Smith comes to the hospital when they get the call that I wake up. I watch at least almost every episode except the last five episodes of season four, and I don't know if I'm in the universe where the Smith's have a Morticia instead of Morty or maybe where twins I just wait to see the Smith family and will Rick be here.

For about three hours, I was waiting for the Smith family to come, and I started to watch TV and to try not to get bored, and I kept thinking to myself. Like I have to start High School as a freshman again since I'm the same age as Morty. Then, I thought that I had to come out of the closet again. The first time was awkward enough, but I don't know how the smith family would take this info. Heck, Morticia could have been straight. Before I could think the door again opened where I saw the Smith family come into my room, they looked thrilled to see me awake.

In the room with me is Jerry, Beth, Summer, and Morty. I guess I was right in my third guess, but no Rick. I think he didn't show up in the Smith household or some other dimension. Morty and Summer come up to my bedside and hug me.

"I'm so happy that you alive Morticia," said Morty

"Same," said Summer then the two stop hugging me

"I'm glad to see you guys again," I said

"We are too honey, how are you feeling," said Beth

"Okay, I guess what happened, and how did I end up in the hospital?"

"You don't remember?" said Jerry


"The doctor did say that she may have issues," said Beth

"Can someone tell me please,"

"Morticia you got hit by a drunk driver," said Summer

"And how long I spent in the hospital?"

"About a month," said Morty

"Wow, that's a long time,"

"Yeah, it is we thought you never wake up,"

"So when do I get out of here?"

"In a few days doctor are going do a few check-ups, and you'll be good to go kiddo," said Jerry ruffling my hair

"And we'll be there to help you with anything you need," said Beth

"Thanks, mom," I have to get used to calling Beth, mom, so might well start now.

With that, today is my first day in the world of Rick and Morty. I don't want to ruin the show, so I can't slip up beside it might be fun or dangerous when Rick comes into the picture. Oh boy, this is going to be my life for now on.