Those who live

2415, Iconia Sector

This sector of space that the Alliance Forces Ship K'Valk's Honor patrolled was very quiet. Very few dared to venture here for long except the duly designated patrol ships who plied space around this planetary system. Not to harm anyone if they could help it but to ward, to try and keep the foolish or idiotic from trying to get themselves killed. Everyone knew such was a fool's errand because no one could possibly stop stupidity, but the Alliance had to at least show that they were trying to keep people away.

The alternative was far, far worse than even a few thousand destroyed ships.

The annihilated world that dominated the sector in question was called 'Iconia' and no one could have possibly missed the galaxy spanning conflagration that had erupted when the mistresses of said world had returned from their long exile. They had not returned in peace. Every single race in this galaxy had suffered at their hands. Some enslaved, some manipulated, some annihilated. The Iconian War had torn so many things apart, had driven ancient enemies into each other's arms as desperate allies and in the end? No one had truly won. Not the Iconians or their foes. So many worlds devastated, so many fleets utterly gone, so much devastation and so many lives lost for what was, to all intents and purposes, no gain at all. To anyone with any shred of empathy, the feeling was the same.



The voice of his Chief Medical Officer pulled Captain R'Rollow out of his musing and he looked up from his desk to see the Gorn in question standing in the doorway, a worried look on his reptilian snout. The 'K'Valk's Honor' was a bit of an experiment. She had a mixed crew. Some Federation, some Klingon Defense Force, some Romulan Republic. Prior to the Iconian war, such would have been unthinkable, but after? No one with any brains was going to push the Alliance too far. Especially not this ship with so many battle hardened survivors aboard!

Speaking off:

The captain looked at his CMO and fought to keep a hint of wariness off his face. Gorn were not easy to understand by mammalian races. No one outside of specialized exo-biologists and exo-anthropologists would ever likely understand the Gorn. Even their 'allies' in the Klingon Defense Force often did not understand them. That was understandable, actually. Few outside of very select circles would ever have all of the information. After almost a year of serving with this one, R'Rollow thought he did most of the time, but even he wasn't entirely sure. They were not like most races of the galaxy. They were reptiloid, not mammalian. They didn't think like humans, Klingons, Romulans or even Catians like the captain. And then, there was their anger. Like many of the upper ranks in the Alliance, the captain did know exactly why the Gorn had so much anger. Being conquered by the KDF had been bad enough. Finding out that their society had been infiltrated, taken over and nearly destroyed by a race of shapeshifters called the Undine had been far worse. Small wonder they had trust issues but Captain R'Rollow had earned this one's trust. It hadn't been easy. Especially since the Gorn in question had once been a Borg drone! But that wasn't the only reason they trusted one another. Some reasons no one would ever know if either had anything to say about it.

The uniform still felt odd, but he knew that others in his crew felt the exact same way. No armor and the wrong colors, but all the same. All unified in their need to do the right thing as opposed to the quick or easy thing. Honor could bite and it had, all of the crew aboard had seen and felt such. But they went on and they served. It was enough.

"Healer S'saak?" The captain gave himself a shake, knowing his golden fur was likely faded with fatigue. It had been a long shift. He did not take his hand from the phaser he had laid on the desk. Unthinkable on a Federation ship, but when dealing with KDF or former KDF it was always better to be safe than sorry. Or one might be dead. "Problem?"

"I just got off shift, sir." The Gorn said slowly. His uniform, as always, was immaculate. The only difference between the captain's and the healer's aside from the color of the shoulder patch was that like most Gorn, he did not wear boots. He didn't need them. "Um, Alliance protocol is not entirely clear on a few things." The captain just looked at him and the Gorn slowly shook his head. "Even now, this is not easy for me. Alliance is not KDF. I knew how to act among them." He frowned and his next words were soft, more to himself than to the captain. "What was it Captain Halley MacDonald said to say…?" He mused and then nodded. "Ah yes. 'Permission to speak freely, sir'?"

"Granted." The captain did not rise as the Gorn stepped into his office. Decorum and all of that. Said office was far larger than the one on his previous command but it still felt cramped with the huge lizard being in it. "Captain Halley MacDonald of the Leyte? You talked with her?"

Halley MacDonald commanded one of the new Khitomer class cruisers. She was Starfleet and only the fourth Starfleet Captain to get a new command of her own in the Alliance. Not even R'Rollow had a new ship. Not that he would give up his! She had beat out a lot of captains to get that posting. She was a solid and dependable Starfleet officer and one for who Captain R'Rollow had nothing but respect. Her fascination with history was a bit much at times, but she was a good soul and good comrade. She was a little weird, but hey, no one was perfect. She was one of the best engineers he had ever met. Now, if only she let her crew wear modern uniforms more often...

"I did. You know that she and her Chief Medical Officer asked to consult with us about that nasty cross species virus." The Captain nodded. That had been a close one and even now, a week later, everyone was on pins and needles worrying about flareups. Even in this day and age, so many people took health for granted when simple precautions saved far more lives than high tech. "After our consultation, the discussion turned to other matters as well. She is easy to talk to. She told me what to say if I found myself so conflicted as I am now. I do not like this, Captain." The Gorn said slowly, his tone very quiet as he moved to the wall and stood there. It was both an instinctive defensive move on the part of one who had served in the KDF and a means of putting smaller (and squishier) beings at ease. It worked. Sort of. "I wish to talk about what the Denali is bringing here. This is a bad idea, Sir."

"I know. I wholeheartedly agree." The captain said just as quietly. Did he ever understand! "We talked about this. I didn't like it much when I got the orders which is why I went to such lengths to verify them. I don't like it any more than you do. But the orders come from the top and we have verified them. Alliance HQ does not like mysteries any more than Starfleet Command. Romulan Republic Command or the Klingon High Command do. Especially mysteries that walk up to a recruiter at the gates and ask to be admitted into Starfleet Academy." He gave an exaggerated shudder. "At least she didn't try to do that on Qo'nos."

"She would have been shot before she could open her mouth." The Gorn said flatly. "The Iconians put a lot of ground troops on planet and say what you will about Klingons, they do not forget such things." His kind knew that better than most.

"No, they don't." Captain R'Rollow agreed. "Their memory of slights is not always easy to live with, but compared to some things I have seen? Totally understandable." The Gorn nodded, but his face was still worried. "That is not what is bothering you, is it, Ssaak?"

"No." The huge lizard being admitted. "The Iconians told us not to approach the planet. To stay away from the sphere. Not to bother them. T'Ket's vendetta aside, they have stood by what they said they would do. They have remained apart. There have been no instances of any Iconian activity but T'ket's fleet away from this system and the Dyson sphere here. They said not to come here. Not to send anyone here. To leave them to grieve. And now…" He broke off and looked away as the captain made a soft noise of agreement.

"Now, we are ordered to bother them. I agree it is a bad idea. That said? We have our orders and I will obey. We are to deliver her and be as non-confrontational as possible. No one is approaching the sphere but me and her." The captain said flatly and the Gorn stared at him. "I am taking a shuttle pod, not a shuttle. No weapons. Not even a sidearm."

"Sir…" The Gorn seemed at a loss for words.

"If she is what she seems to think she is…" The captain felt his words out with care. "Then we need to get her to them. She is in danger out here. Many have threatened her. Starfleet thought we could protect her. We were wrong. She was seriously injured on Earth two months ago in the middle of the Academy." The Gorn stared at him, his sole flesh and blood eye widening. "And no, no one but Starfleet is supposed to know. Security caught the culprits and hushed it up. Starfleet briefed the other powers when she graduated last week. The assault was passed off as a random act of violence perpetrated by malcontents but it is far worse than that. The culprits were caught and interrogated. It was revenge. Both of the humans in question lost family when the Iconians attacked Earth. They are hardly the only ones who tried, just the only ones who got close enough to strike. Starfleet HQ sent a classified intelligence brief for me. They are sending a couple of agents to watch whatever happens." He made a face. "I am sure the other powers are too."

"Oh dear." The Gorn said slowly. It was odd. He was easily the scariest looking being that the captain had ever served with, but the hard and scaly exterior hid a heart that was kind and gentle. Such did not survive in the KDF so he had learned to hide it, but here? He could be who he was. No one on this ship would betray the healer. Not a chance! Any who tried would get torn apart on the spot if they were lucky! "How badly was she injured?"

"Badly. If she had been human, the thaleron device would have killed her." The Captain said quietly and the Gorn stiffened further. "She threw herself on said device just after it was transported into her dorm room. Somehow, in doing so, she activated a shield that she apparently had no idea she could make. The shield was powerful, but so was the device that was intended to kill her. She survived, but was badly injured by the blast. In doing what she did, she saved several of her dorm mates' lives. Whatever anyone else may think of her, her classmates all call her a hero."

"That does sound heroic. Selfless and noble to take injury for others." The Gorn's sole flesh and blood eye was hooded in thought. "And she still graduated?"

"She did. She came in at the top third of her class in exobiology and history. The top 5% Academy wide in ground and space tactics." The captain behind the desk smiled a bit sadly. "She did three exams from her hospital bed and her scores were phenomenal. If she wasn't who she seems to think she is… Any of us, Starfleet or Alliance would be jumping to take her. As it is? No one is going to take the chance. Not if she is affiliated with Iconians in any way." His smile turned into a frown. "We are still prejudiced, every last one of us."

"We did just fight a war for our very survival, Captain. Five years is not a long time for memories to fade. That said? Life is not fair." The Gorn mused slowly. Then he heaved a very recognizable sigh. He had been hanging around humans quite a bit over the last few years since the Iconian War had ended. "I will need to examine her."

"Doc." The captain went still at the Gorn's sudden firmness. When the massive lizard being got stubborn about healing, sane people moved. The captain had learned. Everyone had.

"Whoever or whatever she thinks she is, she is not Iconian." The Gorn said flatly. "That is abundantly clear from the scans you showed us. If she was injured that badly, even Federation tech will leave detectable scars and if she is somehow connected to the Iconians? They may take offense. That is the last thing anyone wants right now." The captain frowned deeper and then nodded, manifestly against his will. "We need to do everything we can to make sure that every form is followed. From what has been said and what has not been said, this was her choice?" He inquired carefully.

"She had few other options. Starfleet won't touch her. She was denied any kind of posting. She wouldn't be safe anywhere else." The captain said quietly. "As you say, not fair, but totally understandable after what the Iconians did. The Academy had some leeway, but after? No one would take her. Even with her phenomenal scores, no wanted her. Hell, even Picard deferred."

"Picard deferred?" Ssaak shook his head. "Ouch." If the legendary captain/admiral/whatever he was now Jean Luc Picard didn't want anything to do with her, she was screwed.

"No one is sure what happened. Apparently, he talked to her and then he referred her to the Alliance. To us." The Catian made a disgusted noise. Half snarl, half groan. "Remind me to find a way to express my displeasure at that in some properly formal and utterly polite way. I do not want to insult him, but at the same time, I really, really do. I do not like such hot items dropped in my lap with no warning."

"You won't need any help with that, Captain." The Gorn snorted. "You are far more diplomatic than most I have served with."

"I am not sure if that is a compliment or not." Captain R'rollow said with a smile as the Gorn smirked at him. The the Gorn frowned. The captain did not move or react as the massive lizard slowly shook his head.

"It is getting worse, isn't it?" The not so frightening monster said softly. The captain did not react and the lizard sighed again. "Captain…"

"No." The Catain's word was calm and clear, but the sheer dogged stubbornness in it made the Gorn go still just as the captain had. The Gorn was stubborn in matters of healing, the captain was just as stubborn or more so on other things.

"Captain, they offered." The Gorn said softly and froze solid as the captain all but erupted from his seat. At least the feline being didn't have a weapon in hand, but Catain claws were not toys and his were extending. Even Gorn had learned the hard way that Catain claws could cut scale. No one with any brains took such edged weapons lightly, even in such a high tech age. The Gorn did not move as the captain snarled at him, a sound that was pure 'angry predator'. "You told me not to say anything, I didn't. They came to me."

"No." The captain snapped through bared teeth. "If I have to beat it into their heads and yours, I will." Not a threat, a promise. "That is final. The answer is 'No'."

"You didn't do it, you silly Catian!" The Gorn was getting angry now too, but for a different reason. He knew the captain wouldn't really eviscerate him here and now like some KDF captain might have in such a rage. But he admired this Federation officer. Add to that? This was his calling. Healing. "You are not responsible."

"I knew something was wrong and I had no idea what." Captain R'Rollow fought himself and took a step back, his fur smoothing a bit. "I didn't ask and how many paid for it?"

"You are not responsible for what happened! What others of your people did!" The Gorn snapped, his own ire up. His captain was being an idiot again. Some things never changed. "Do not make me get the Wing Commander in here to kick your furry butt." He paused and then smirked. "You know she would enjoy doing it again."

"Yes, she would, wouldn't she?" Just like that, the anger faded and R'Rollow just stood, a small smile crossing his face as he relaxed. Now, there was only sadness. "I can't. Ssaak. I can't. After what some of my people did, we are all ashamed. How many perished in that horrible place? And for what?"

"Hope, captain. They died for hope. You need to talk to her, to them." Sssak said quietly. "If… If an end is your choice, then I truly have no right to deny you an honorable end much as it galls me. But they understand, Captain. Hence why I am here, not one of them. I headed the Wing Commander off. She was and is a bit miffed as humans say. She thinks you are being stupid."

"Maybe I am." The Captain sat down heavily and shook his head. "But I can't, Healer. I just can't ask that of them. Not after seeing… What was found in there… I can't. Even in war, there are supposed to be rules. Even Klingons have rules! That broke all the rules."

"I know." The Gorn sighed very deeply. "For what is worth, Captain, I do understand your reluctance. But it is not needed. You are not responsible."

"I feel responsible. We all do. All that I knew was that there were a bunch of kits who were dying to a disease that had no cure. Then, suddenly they were not dying. We were happy. All of us." Captain R'Rollow said sadly. "No one said why or how they were cured. We should have asked. Maybe… maybe if we had…" Both jerked as an alert klaxon sounded and then the captain slapped his combadge. "Bridge! Report!"

"The Denali reports that they are under attack, sir. The message cut off." The voice of his Second Officer came back, clipped and precise as always. "I have ordered battle readiness and all stations are reporting in."

"On my way. Get the crews to their ships. I want all squadrons at ready five." By the time the captain spun to his feet, the Gorn was gone. He would make his own way to Sick Bay and anyone who got in his way would wind up there. The captain darted for the turbolift. As he entered it, he heard the singing start over the intercom and smiled.

"'Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam'" The Catain's smile was a grim thing as the Alliance captain of the former KDF battle carrier rang with the sounds of her crew getting ready for what they did. War.

'It is a good day to die!'